Islam and Feminism - Dr. Bilal Philips

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[Music] what salat wa salam ala rasoolillah kareem one ally was hobby womanist and Nevison that he in a ohmic Dean all praise is due to Allah and may Allah s peace and blessings be on the last messenger of allah and on all those who follow the path of righteousness until the last day my topic as you have already heard is feminism from an Islamic perspective or Islam and feminism and this term feminism we hear regularly in the newspapers on television in the media magazines etc it has become one of the hot topics of our time it's a topic which came up in the twentieth century and it has carried on into the 21st century and it's a topic which represents in the hands of some an attack on Islam or the basis from which Islam would be attacked however feminism in its origin was not against Islamic teachings it is what feminism has become in our times where we find it challenging and seeking to displace Islamic teachings in the Muslim Ummah the female element of the Muslim Ummah so for us to understand this topic let me first give you a definition the definition found commonly is that feminism is the belief in the social economic and political equality of the sexes the social economic and political equality of the sexes this is the essence of what women Western women in particular were fighting for for the last three to five hundred years the social equality which had to do with family and how family operated economic which had to do in the workplace wages an equality of pay for the quality of work and in the political sphere it was focused on voting because up until 1920 in the u.s. there wasn't an opportunity for most Americans American females to vote voting was the right only of males but by 1920 1918 in the UK women were given the right to vote and with that right they progressed with the civil rights issues of the 20th century where black Americans sought their rights which were supposed to have been given to them and the women's movements women's rights movements they followed up behind the civil rights movements in the US now when we look at the issues of feminism we have to understand that feminism in the West is quite different from what many of you might think feminism is as Muslims because the background the history which produced feminism in the in the West is different from the background for Muslims because if we consider that 1400 years ago in the 7th century prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had stated in his farewell address hotma - Luda he had said there in the foot bath here are you anus allah in arabic whom whyatt o people your lord is one were in a bakhoum wanted and your father is one Allah Allah Liara be another Raja million by Allah there is no superiority of an Arab over a non-arab voila Lia jamia Nana arabiya nor for a non Arab over an Arab well Ali Osman Ahmed Alaa as well and there is none for whites over blacks well Ali a sweater a de Mer Norley for blocks over whites in LA with taqwa except based on the fear of Allah this statement 1400 years ago is a statement of civil rights a statement of equality which was only reached by Western civilisation in the 19th and 20th centuries so we have a different background our laws are divinely revealed laws revealed by the creator of this world and everything in it their laws while initially based on the Bible and the Bible is corrupted it is not the pure revelation from Allah so it has in it many many statements which go against the teachings of God but it does have a moral core which is preserved in Islam in its purity so with that corruption then it was not surprising that in the West slavery was promoted people of color were looked at as inferior to Europeans and even in the most highly regarded document of America's existence the American Constitution in it that this is written in the 18th century by the leading thinkers the most enlightened leaders who put together this document known as the American Constitution in it in article 1 section 2 called the three-fifths compromise it enshrines there the concept that people of color black people were equivalent to 3/5 of a white person this is in the American Constitution this is in the 18th century and this was not repealed in the full sense until the 1960s with the civil rights movement when finally laws were made to ensure no discrimination over race and added to that was also no discrimination for the sexes so there's a different background here because the laws in Islam were revealed by God those laws will not be evolving they will not need to be changed not to say that in some parts of the Muslim world where culture has overcome the teachings of Islam that women may not have to fight for rights which were already given to them in Islam so this is the perspective we are talking about then the rights which Western women fought over in the early 20th century like owning property this was already established in the Quran and the Sunna 1,400 years ago that khutba or speech which prophet muhammad saw salem gave as his farewell speech 1400 years ago you will not find in any civilization from the seventh century all the way up until the 20th century were a clear statement of equality and opposition to nationalism and tribalism is there you will not find it no matter how hard you search in all of the European countries countries of the Far East near East it's not there and the reason why it was there at the time when nowhere else in the world was this said is because it is revelation from Allah subhana WA Ta'ala that's why it could be found 1,400 years ago when nobody in the rest of the world was thinking about this it was not comprehensible people were caught up in tribalism in racialism nationalism etc etc so when we look at the issues of feminism we have to look at them from this perspective that Islam has already given us the foundations for women's rights they're all their women's rights which benefit them they're all there there are some rights which Western feminism has introduced which are anti family which are really anti femininity which promote lesbianism and other deviant behaviors and practices this has become chartered in the UN in their women's conferences these are being promoted so when we look at mainstream feminism from the West most of what is sought by them is supported by Islam Equal Pay Act in 1963 they passed that Islam is all for that whether it's males amongst males white and black or males and females if both have done the same work they deserve to get the same pay so this is quite legitimate also restricting jobs in the West women were not allowed into certain professions so Islam that door is open they are not restricted from where and when and how they would work in the society if it's beneficial to the society Islam is in favor of it it doesn't oppose women entering into various fields of work which maybe even well-known or commonly held by males is Lomb doesn't say simply because males are normally in these fields you can't what you find is that it was not until the 1965 Race Relations Act that followed also by the Civil Rights Act that women were now given the opportunity to take jobs as airplane pilots in construction workers soldiers bankers bus drivers they could do take all these jobs this was a revolution in the 60s but really Islam never prohibited women from taking these professions the bus driver is you might say but what about Saudi Arabia women are not allowed to drive there well you know that some changes have taken place recently but that's not Islamic Islam's ruling on women driving that's just Saudi Arabian culture that's all that is Saudi Arabian culture is not Islamic culture is Lama Klaw and how you know in general what is Islamic law and what is Islamic culture is that culture is found in some places and not found in others whereas law is going to be everywhere like praying five times a day it's everywhere in the Muslim world we don't have any country which says pray three times a day fasting in Ramadan is law everywhere you go in the Muslim world Muslims fast they fast in the month of Ramadan they fast for 30 days or 29 days no where do you find them fasting in shop man instead of Ramadan no where so you know this is Islam but when you find things in one place practice for example here in Nigeria but you go elsewhere you don't find it then this is one of the signs that this is cultural it's cultural it's not really from Islam so important for us to understand the distinction between the two so as I said much of what the early feminist movement in the West sort Islam had either already provided or the opportunity to find it was there in Islam so when we look into certain practices for example we said the right to own property women in Islam had the right to own property 1,400 years ago the right to education which is one of the things that the feminist movement fought for in the 19th century the right to education we know that aisha radiallahu anhu was one of the leading teachers after and in the time of Prophet Muhammad SAW Allah we know that herself and umm Salama they taught the generation to come the Deen maybe 1/4 of the Sharia was taught by them so they had that position 1400 years ago no problem whereas in the West women were denied education they were not allowed to go and study back in the Middle Ages they were even debating where the women had souls whether women had souls because they were generally whole in the opinion that women were just created for the pleasure of men and even the most enlightened thinkers of the Renaissance period and the Enlightenment period they made horrendous statements about women that they are frivolous they're not they're silly they're not to be consulted like these kinds of statements so that's the tradition that feminism in the West is coming out of actually even in during the the 18th century into the 19th century early 19th century in Germany men had the right to sell their wives in Germany men had the right to sell their wives to somebody else I mean this is something unthinkable in Islam that a man would have the right to sell his wife to somebody else but that's what existed and that's the view that they had of women so you can understand that as women woke up in the West with the various civil rights movements that were developing in France in in Germany and England etc that they sought for those rights they fought for those rights so as I said what we have to keep in mind is when we look at issues feminist issues we have to keep in mind that our background is different from theirs and when the countries of Europe the West became secular countries secular democratic countries then even the moral principles which govern the society were lost the moral principles which govern the society were lost because morality now was decided by the majority morality was decided by the majority of the citizens so what was forbidden considered evil etc ten years before 50 years before what was now considered good and fine and what was considered good and fine before was now considered evil and that's how the situation changes in the West so you will find new issues coming in the feminist movement which go against the understandings of the early feminists of the 20th century so just as an example we can look at the issue of what is called marital rape marital rape in the 90s 1993 it was made a crime punishable with Jail in the US and it spread across a number of countries in the world marital rape now the reality is that according to Sharia there is no such thing there is no such thing as marital rape because when a husband and wife marry in Islam there are rights which have been specified for the male and rights which have been specified for the female and amongst the rights of the male is that if he calls his wife to have relations with him she's supposed to come as she marries under that basis so the idea that she is going to say no and he forces himself on her and that now becomes a crime punishable with 12 years in jail 12 years in jail we can say well maybe you know he shouldn't have forced himself if the force is coercion non-physical then still should he be charged if it's physical he is bitter of a broken arm or whatever okay we have an issue this is now violence and the punishment is not for marital rape but for violence for for harming his wife that's the point in Islamic law but not rape in marriage and in fact those the West has taken it on and now it's become quite a standard some of the biggest countries in the world China there is no marital rape India there's no marital rape here Nigeria there is no marital rape biggest country here in in Africa second-biggest Ethiopia Muslim population wise general population wise no marital rape and a number of other countries around the world Indonesia 300 million people no marital rape so this is something limited to a particular part of the world with their view in terms of the male-female relationship so what has happened is that feminism went from practical institutional efforts to ensure women their fair just and equal rights in two areas now which went beyond the boundaries of what was just fair and just it now shifted into radical feminism which identified men as being the enemy they talk about the patriarchal society that the only way women are going to be truly free is if they divorce themselves from men practically they especially now with technology women can have a baby without the direct intervention of a man they have sperm banks where you just make the arrangements you get it then you can have a child so they say we don't need men of course they still need the men to provide the sperm so it's not that you don't need men right but the point is that even marriage now was being looked at as being a place of oppression of women because the idea that the man you know is the head of the family and all this no they looked at that as being oppression so they have launched an attack on the family itself and this is what has now dominated the women's conferences that are connected with the UN etc the American and European feminists you know they have dominated the discussion their main focus is on FGM female genital mutilation the veil hijab we need to liberate our third-world sisters from the oppression of male-dominated society so that is their view while women from the third world are concerned about things practical things connect in their countries which have to do with national debt and health care and all these other kinds of things their main concern is contraception sterility you know sterilizing the third-world women so they don't have too many babies you know they say too many babies is affecting your economy etc so we need to cut down the number of babies who so that the resources you know last so that the West can continue to benefit from those sources so this is their approach this is their focus this is their idea so we have to be very careful when we connect ourselves with the feminist movement from the West what most of the various groups are calling for go against the teachings of Islam now there are a number of issues I have listed about 17 of them which represents the areas where the West being led by Western feminists attack on Islam the time doesn't permit me to go into all of them you know I can list them here polygamy which was talked about earlier by my brother arranged marriages which are forced marriages guardianship you know wilayah do you have to have a wali when you get married and this child marriages what they call child marriages marrying non-muslims this is all women's issues divorce it's easy man's rights he has the right women don't seem to have the right you know marital rape the whispers we spoke about as well as issues of alimony abortion contraception the veil inheritance two witnesses separate education these are all topics which the West attacked the Muslim world on in the name of feminism what I would suggest to you because time doesn't permit me to tackle all of this what I would suggest to you is that these have been tackled already in a course called contemporary issues which is available at my university website Islamic online university this force in the free diploma doesn't cost you anything go there and take this course they give you a certificate at the end of the course these issues which are hot issues of our time which have to do with you as women please take this course take the benefit from it it will help you in dealing with these various issues which are being raised constantly in the media etc in the name of feminism so inshallah this presentation Islam and feminism is really about distinguishing between what we may call Islamic feminism and Muslim feminism cultural Muslim feminism Islamic feminism is where a Muslim woman who knows her rights in Islam insists on her rights to get those rights where those rights are not being given as they should for example female divorce kala kalah where a woman has the right to initiate divorce in most Muslim countries it's very difficult even though it may be on the law books because it's in all of the schools of law Islamic law Sharia the math office it's there and everyone of them but because of decisions made at a point in history where the scholarship Islamic scholarship was at its low this right to a large degree is denied Muslim women today if they try to get it it's so much going around and here there up down left right put this paper and get that stamped and all kinds of things till the end you say ah it's not even worth it this is unfortunate because in the time of the Prophet SAW solemn when a woman came to the Prophet Solomon said listen I want a divorce while my husband and people say well he what we have to have a good reason she said I don't like him in fact I find him ugly okay I find him to be the ugliest of men and it is affecting my Iman the Prophet SAW said Allah informed the man and the divorce took place by follow of course he asked her are you ready to give back the dowry which he gave you the Maharshi said I'll give him back double he said no need no need just give him back what he gave you so this is a right which women have the right to push for that divorce should be initiated or initiate able from women it should not only be in the hand of the man and most women don't know that it's also possible in your marriage contract to put it as a condition that I have the similar right to divorce as my husband so even without going the Hula route you can pronounce divorce as the husband pronounces divorce you can seek it in your contract most women don't know this what really so this is a this is a part of Islamic law but people are not informed that so you don't know so you are put in the position you know in many cases where it is extremely difficult for you to get out of you know marriages which are harmful even harmful to yourself so Islamic feminism stays within the bounds of the Sharia it doesn't seek what is contradictory or violating those principles so if a woman for example she can't conceive in her own room in the West it's possible for her to either combine ovum from her womb from her fallopian tubes combined with the sperm of her husband or the sperm of anybody else from a sperm bank and that combination put in the womb of another woman who becomes a surrogate mother and she has a child from the Islamic perspective this is not permissible the only in vitro fertilization IVF acceptable format acceptable is where the ovum of the woman is combined with the sperm of her husband and it is placed in her womb that's it if she can't bear a child in her womb then she's patient adopt a Muslim child that's possible to adopt that Muslim child the problems are seldom had said that myself and the orphan are like this on the day of judgment so find an orphan child and adopt them but any other combination Islamically is not allowed is not acceptable that child that grows child of yours that grows in the womb of another woman she's being nurtured by that woman by all the things that are connected to it that child is not really earth anymore it's not really your child and if you combine it with the sperm of another man this is Ken how is your husband going to claim this is your child his child can't so it's very clear in this matter though Prophet Muhammad SAW Allah did not speak on it directly the Sharia has principles which ensure that only one form of IVF in vitro fertilization is acceptable from the Sharia perspective so we need to know our limits and when Allah smart Allah had said vaca dalek Ajanaku moombahton wisata that in this way we have made you you Muslim females we have made you a moderate middle nation not going to one extreme or to another extreme just in your practices righteous in your beliefs it's a cool new Shahada and asked to be a witness to the rest of humankind because they're changing modifying going up and down left and right all over the place you become the witness for humankind of what a woman should be what is the proper perspective of a woman in these times fulfilling her rights and fulfilling her duties so Allah has made us in that way so we should stay within the Sharia limits and avoid the extreme views of those who may be Muslims in name and culture but who don't have any problem with breaking the Sharia because as far as they're concerned Muhammad SAW salaam was a male a patriarch and as such he represents a part of the enemy that's what it has come to he represents a part of the enemy and as a result in Turkey and in Tunisia they made polygamy illegal polygamy was made illegal when Allah so Allah made it permissible and the Prophet SAW salaam reaffirmed it they have gone and made it illegal in the country and they are seeking other laws to ban different Islamic practices with related relationship to women so the West basically feminism functions according to the whims of the extreme movement today there are some among them who are not to those extremes they do recognize the role of women and family and all this you know but there are minority the majority now who call themselves feminists are people who are anti family they're anti family of course you have the issue you're out working your husbands aren't working but you have to come back home and cook the food wash the dishes everything else he comes back home and rests well if your husband is having you work then he has to share in the housework you know if you choose to go out and work he says I'm not stopping you but don't let you're going out to work reduce your housework so you're not taking care of the whole because it's not necessary for you I have the means to look after both of us so it's not necessary but if you want to I don't object however not that the expense of taking care of the home taking care of the children in the home so that's the arrangement which can be worked out and you make that arrangement accordingly but if he's telling you no go on work because I don't have enough to take care of both of us we need a second income and this is in many cases like that today these times we need that second income then okay if I'm going out to work you tell him play you know don't expect me to come home after working you know 9:00 to 5:00 just like you and then the first thing I come home after he rushed into the kitchen and cooking this and that and you know no no that's not fair it's not just you know yes primarily that is your role but once you have the man has required the woman to shift out of her primary role and their primary role now becomes secondary her primary role now becomes the earning of income and the husband is benefiting from it then he has to make arrangements to have a maid or whatever else in the home to take care of that housework that's fair that's just that's not Western feminists it is just functional for us to be able to function in a fair way in a just way then that makes sense for us to be able to do that so again just closing because this is really as I said only an introduction to this topic insha'Allah we plan to offer a course in gender studies professor Binta from B UK she has the center hamdullah there in condo which is which focused on gender studies she is going to be working with my University the Islamic online university as well as professor Zenith Cofer from the International Islamic University in Malaysia the two of them are putting together a curriculum for certificate diploma and degree courses in gender studies because we do need to have women were thoroughly grounded in this field to be able to speak on behalf of Muslim women I shouldn't be the one up here speaking this is your issue primarily and I'm sure among you there are those who can express this far more eloquently than I do I'm just a substitute but we need to see more and more women step up and take this on and become spokespeople because when the West sees this they say see the man this is a woman's issue and it's men telling the woman it needs to be women telling the women women discussing with the women so I encourage you to join the Islamic online University and access the knowledge that is available because your future is going to depend on your current knowledge you need to have a thorough knowledge about the Deen first and foremost when the Prophet SAW Selim had said palpable Allah me Frieda Allah Allah Muslim seeking knowledge is a religious obligation on every Muslim that's male and female equally an obligation on both according to their ability so this is a responsibility for the sisters of Jena for you to achieve that goal of Jenna you must have correct is lama k-- knowledge it is what will guide you with the skills that you already have to be in true service to the vermont to truly be sisters of jenna to help other sisters get to jenna and for you to get to jenna yourselves so please sisters make that commitment today it is something which each and every one of you can do studying online doesn't require you to stop doing what you're doing and starting something else studying online means right at home while you're doing housework etc or even when you're working outside of the home in your spare time studying improving on your knowledge inshallah sharing that knowledge and inshallah we will have a brighter future for the Muslims especially the Muslim sisters of Nigeria in the years to come barakallahu akan Salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh the question just to rephrase it that a woman was raped and she found herself pregnant she didn't want to deliver the child is that correct okay according to Islamic law if she has reached the end of the fourth month and that is the point at which the soul is breathed into the fetus now the fetus becomes a human being in the full sense if it's reached that point then she should not abort if it's before that point then it is permissible for her based on her being raped to abort the child but it would be recommended for her to carry the child to term and give the child away rather than abort so abortion has been ruled permissible by many scholars on this matter like in Bosnia back in the early 90s when they were Muslim women were raped by the Serbians many of them they did it deliberately they became pregnant and this was a trial for them because they would not be accepted even by their own society because of that scholars ruled that it is permissible in those early stages to abort okay that's the first part the second question second question is about are you married in Islam yes I just want you to talk about it these are health implications you have young girls I didn't guess that early marriage yeah early marriage is recommended by the Prophet SAW salam ya instructed both males and females youth that they should marry early obviously in these times you need the support of your parents you know because if you are still under the guardianship of your parents are still in school they're paying for you at cetera then their support would have to be there for you to be able to get married early because of the health implications of my of a young girl getting married and conceiving that's why I asked what ruling would that be because of the earth implications most times that we have now the trend is common you have a young girl conceived she's pregnant she can't conceive she dies so what ruling at what age do you would you say children of nowadays should marriage be married off that way we can't fix numbers this may vary from from one female to the next you know if the society sees that there's harm in early marriage before a certain point they can fix an age this society can do it but you know as a scholar making a fatwa we can't put a number on it that can be decided by the community because they will know what represents the age at which that it would be detrimental to that young lady to get married at some enemies of a surety remove I'm from a cognitive sog branch my question is though was the Islamic ruling of female circumcision is this Sunnah or not thank you female circumcision female circumcision is permissible if it is done very lightly the way to determine what is light and what is not that the impact of that cutting is no more than the impact of male circumcision so they're not cutting any parts of the woman which deny her the full pleasure from sexual relations so as long as it's kept down to that minimum because the prophet saw Salim was informed about a woman in Medina who was doing that and he told her to make it very light hopefully make it very very light so how do you define what is life as I said we know in the case of the male when circumcision is done this doesn't affect [Music] now this Rennell yeah that's what doesn't affect him what is similar for a woman which doesn't affect her would be permissible anything that is going to affect her ability to enjoy the sexual act we say is Islamically not acceptable then it becomes what we call female genital mutilation my question is it allowed for woman to donate our ovaries to another woman who is seeking for the fruit of the womb like I have no it's not permissible this is the case that we spoke about earlier where we're talking about surrogate motherhood the only acceptable form is the womb is the ovum of the woman combined with the sperm of her husband and placed in her room if it's placed in somebody else's room or it's sperm of other than her husband or ovum of other than herself it's not acceptable islamically okay the medical condition is that the lady is not producing eggs and she wants to give our eggs so that not allowed because that those the eggs that her sister gives which is fertilized by her husband isn't and producing a child that child is not her child even if it the child is raised in her own room it's still not your child so now I look around I'm Sofia with the farm of Palestine my question is what does Islam see is about around six what does the Quran say about oral sex it says far too hard Sock'em and nashit you can come to your wives wives to their husbands as they wish waiting is your common Islam is the courts wedding court wedding which is in an Islamic Court is an Islamic marriage a court wedding done in a non-muslim court following non-muslim procedures is not considered to be marriage from the Sharia perspective we talked about you talked about it's just human cannot be a child [Music] this will I cannot hear you Savannah Harbor County I'm saying that you talked about adopting a child in a special way a woman cannot be a woman but from my understanding the first name is I know is that the child he adopts a child cannot be a the name of the adopted father or if man that taught her true that's one then sue is that if it's a girl in fact either way if they go the father cannot be managed by muharram to her that's adopted father no that will depend on the age of the child if she is adopted at a time when she was still breastfeeding and the mother was able to or the sister who adopted her was able to feed her her breast milk then she would become a suckling daughter maybe she wasn't present that breastfed her so if she did not breastfeed her that means that the man can't be in Muharram Suha and if he's a boy mother can also be in Muharram nothing he cannot be a Muharram to the mother I don't know if you get yeah I understand I understand but it what is gonna mean is that when they reach puberty then they have to observe the requirements of a job simple as that I mean the prophet saww Selim he made an exception where he had the woman give her milk to an adult male that was in the house but that's an exception for that individual is not taken as a general rule for the umma so they just observe hey job when that young man which is puberty then the mother has to or the adopting mother mother has to make sure she has his job in front of him and similarly the girl she has to wear hijab in front of her adoptive father please there is a question about Ramadan pregnant women yeah first some people can't fasts and even after giving birth here no Cindy can't still fasts God does Phidias suffices thus during Ramadan you feed a person Friday because before the order of model comes in you still nothing probably yoga cannot take it again the person you've added and it's not working he just okay the Sahaba had ruled that a woman who is breastfeeding or woman who is pregnant would be excused from fasting and that she would not have to make up those days or to feed up a poor person but it was recommended to feed a poor person for each day Salah my limits never cuts aleikum I was killing her before a woman not to walk irrespective of whether the other one goes man the advanced income will be okay for the family for a month easy compulsive or you might not work okay I repeat what was explained to me is it okay for a husband to deny the wife right to work right to go out and work even though he is unable to take care of both of them yes well if not being able to take care means not being able to put food on the table then definitely this is not correct he should take her help this is the time of difficulty and it's only a temporary arrangement he should take her health you know otherwise it's going to cause harm to both of them to children if their children involved etcetera so it's not it's not really a wise decision for him to do this is where you get family involved you know your father speaks to him his father speaks to him and advises him and hopefully inshallah he will accept their advice and permit you could permit the woman to work the plan is also tired of the marriage but they are the husband is refusing to collect back the right price what should she do in a situation like that okay let me repeat the question if this is what you are asking that if my woman seeks 206 divorce by returning the dowry because that's normally what is required returned the dowry to her husband he doesn't agree to accept it what should she do well the court should should can and should intervene to see that he does receive the money and let her go he cannot prevent her from leaving by not accepting the money so if the court takes it and he says I don't want it then it can be given away in charity and she can go is that the last question sir [Music] Montalban my question I just the act but second question is in the situation whereby the sister is oppressed and she wants to leave but she not granted divorce by the husband just like we just cited both from what from the past lectures who've had that the mom of area or scholars around should be invited for the situation whereby they are not available maybe where they live they are available what should be the ground of the sister does the work question the second question is no no just let me deal with the first question okay in the case of fuller where a woman wants to return the dowry there is no court or scholars available judge is available to handle the case then she has to go to another part of the country where there are scholars because you do have Sharia Courts here in some states etcetera then she has to go and do it through them yes sir coach question is in this environment most of us we cannot find somebody to feed during the month of Ramadan for Vista that pregnant or breastfeeding soif most evenings we cannot easily find somebody to feed what would be the situation in the case because after like three years before they could fast they'd be pregnant and proceeding at the same time so what would they do if you can't find somebody to feed in your area I'm sure there are people who can be fed in other areas you know so I don't think that's really a problem there are poor people everywhere so you just need to go find them right okay sorry please I think that's the end of the questions sorry about that the people that asked questions please come down those are asked we have at ABC we have bashira we have Rama we have Sofia we have Zeynep have sir Nima and I think there are who's that we could not get your names now I need not see your name well everyone knows quiet so you come down for those who asked questions ramaa getting books book on cutter right now this is a book on cutter which is part of the course for Islamic studies in this lama carmine university oracle of eco we still had four people please come and get it before who asked questions still - one more person leave okay suddenly I picked up a baby about three years ago should be three years now and I was a bundle name my house we picked the baby to the police station that was after taking the charge with the hospital for everything and report and since that we just beat her in legal step with my beat but we went around saying maybe somebody abandoned baby or forgot something walked now nobody has come up so or not to the beach click the child and is growing up and because of the stigma no that is not my and ID breastfeed taking him to the school as ribbon-like sinem we shined with all from for a while now but he has to go to school I mean because it seems my children going to squatting or say I want to go with no you should know he can't wear your surname the problem is just a Sony surname you can call him up the law okay there was just one last question brought up how long after separation when a man and woman have been separated how long if they are separated how long would it take for the marriage to be considered over some people say if it's four months but actually what would need to be done if the separation both are present then it should be turned into a divorce the woman can apply to the court to seek divorce because it shouldn't really remain a separation if he has gone to another country you haven't heard from him etc then this can be reported to the court and you can be considered abandoned as an abandoned woman the court can issue divorce for you or what they call annulment of your marriage ha
Channel: Bilal Philips
Views: 5,227
Rating: 4.9344263 out of 5
Keywords: Khutbah, english sermon, islamic lecture, muslim scholar, Dr. Abu Ameena Bilal Philips, shaykh
Id: TCgs8fJNypM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 33sec (4473 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 07 2020
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