Isaiah 24 - The Cleaning of the Earth

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isaiah 24 tonight we are beginning a new subsection in isaiah isaiah 13 through 23 went around israel's neighbors and prophesied against them and about their destruction as isaiah was warning those in judah not to trust in their neighbors but in the living god to protect them from the mighty assyrian empire which was quickly sweeping over the area during the time isaiah 24 we're going to shift a little bit just slightly not too much or just slightly to a time of refreshing and restitution look at acts chapter 3. and we've read this passage quite a few times in acts chapter 3 should be familiar to you who rightly divide because this is where peter speaks about things that were spoken by the prophets since the world began and he mentions two times here two different times and if you're dispensational and you're trying to discern times or find times out here's two times here and peter it may be the first time you heard of them from peter and yet we'll study in isaiah in the next 10 chapters or so that isaiah among other prophets has spoken about them as peter mentioned acts chapter 3 verse 19 says repent ye therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the lord what is the times refreshing isaiah chapters 28 through 35 is going to speak about this in fact it uses the word refreshing in those chapters and talks about what that's going to be and then you continue reading in verse 20 and he shall send jesus christ which before was preached unto you whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things so restitution from the word restore right the time of the restoration or restitution of all things which god has spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began isaiah being the the king of prophets back here the royal prophet as some call him speaks a lot about these times and this is the section we're studying now isaiah 24-35 and the first section 24-27 will speak primarily about the restoration or these times of restitution of god's kingdom so tonight we'll talk about the clearing off of the palate wiping the slate clean and then the next couple chapters will be this praise and exaltation of god and his kingdom on the earth and what that looks like in the fall of satan and the rise of christ and his kingdom that's the restoration of all things isaiah 25 through 35 we'll turn a little more sour and dark but that's because it's talking about refreshing so it's going to talk about the sins of israel and how they need to be changed to be better and that's why peter warned them uh to repent uh before the times are refreshing because if they don't repent of their sins before that time occurs when he appears they're going to be judged for those sins and so we'll talk about that refreshing there as well how israel needs refreshed as a people so anyway this is the section that we're in uh look at isaiah 24 verse 24. the very there is no 24 24 24 23 excuse me yeah 24 is the last part of 23. if there was a 24 it'd be there uh this is in this section here we see in this verse the moon shall be confounded the sun is shamed when the lord of hosts shall reign in mount zion and in jerusalem and before his ancients gloriously this is the context of isaiah 24. it's speaking about the restoration of god's kingdom on the earth when the lord of hosts reigns in mount zion uh and before his ancients gloriously the same thing we read about in isaiah 2 that first section isaiah 2 and has been kind of mentioned briefly throughout the the chapters previously but hasn't really been explained in detail in the next few chapters we'll we'll give more information about that okay and this is the end of this chapter here uh this section isaiah 24 specifically explains and speaks plainly very plainly more than maybe we've seen before at isaiah about the subject of the book of revelation now some of you have commented how you appreciate it and enjoy the fact that as we're studying through isaiah we're seeing these connections all the time with the book of revelation because that's the fulfillment of these things uh this chapter just plainly blatantly speaks about it so much so that one commentator said not a single word in this chapter has been fulfilled yet uh i don't know if i'd go that far but that could be very much true there's an application definitely for the subject through this chapter of revelation very clearly stated and one way we we see that is because it's talking about the the utter destruction and judgment of the entire earth not just a people and protection from the assyrians and those people and that day but the whole earth will be destroyed then the whole earth is where the lord's going to reign well that's going to be a future fulfillment that hasn't happened yet this season this whole chapter speaks about that one way we can tell that it's speaking about the restoration of god's kingdom and by the way the restoration of his kingdom on the earth is significant there are people who teach that the kingdom of god is a spiritual heavenly other dimensional type of thing right the bible speaks about the kingdom of god on earth being promised to israel and his people as a reality it will occur and so when peter talks about he'll appear and return to the earth that's significant isaiah in this chapter uses the word earth 15 times so lest you think this reign of the lord of hosts and the judging of the people on the earth and the restoration of the kingdom is some sort of spiritualized prophecy he uses the word earth 15 times just to make it clear that he's not talking about heaven here interestingly there is a verse or two that talks about the spiritual powers in heavenly places and we'll talk about that briefly but the subject is is the earth okay look at verse one uh behold the lord makes the earth empty right verse three says the land shall be utterly empty the land land earth right uh verse four the earth mourns verse 5 the earth is defiled under the inhabitants okay verse 6 says at the end the inhabitants of the earth are burned in verse 11 it says there's crying for for for wine in the streets and all joy is dark and mirth all land is uh the mirth of the land is gone so you hear the word land there again in verse 12 and this city is a city the city on the earth is going to be desolate in verse 16 from the uttermost part of the earth we have heard songs okay down in verse 17. fear in the pit and the snare are upon the inhabitant of the earth uh 18 it shall come to pass that hugh flees into the pit at the very end of the chapter there says the foundations of the earth do shake verse 19 the earth is utterly broken down the earth is clean dissolved the earth has moved to seedly the earth shall reel to and fro over and over again the earth is mentioned okay in verse 23 what we saw before it talks about jerusalem which is on the earth right and zion in mount zion there so i bring that up because as pre-millennial bible literalists as dispensationalists we believe in the literal physical kingdom of god on the earth and this is one of those chapters you can show people that how you interpret that it says earth everywhere and you got to change that ew bolinger in his notes on this chapter he does a lot of outlining to the bible and in this chapter it's useful for this point and then it's very clear the outline of the chapter speaks about the land and the people and alternation of the land in one verse the people the next verse the land and then the people the land and the people the land and the people connecting the land and the people and so unless people want to extricate the people from the land and put them in some spiritual sphere um there's a promise that god made about the earth he intends to restore the earth to his original purpose and isaiah 24 is talking about that okay so this is the context of what we're studying let's get into what the content is isaiah 24 says behold look the lord makes the earth empty it makes it waste and turns it upside down and scatters abroad the inhabitants thereof so we have the picture here of the lord emptying the earth like a bucket right this is the image it's like as if the earth and all the inhabitants are in this bucket and the lord just pours it out see how he turns it upside down he scatters what was inside it he makes it waste it might have had some structure before now it doesn't uh you were building a sand castle he just poured it all out it's nothing now it's all destroyed uh he makes it empty the bucket's empty right there's nothing else see why was he doing this well he'll explain why in a bit it's judgment but what's the greater goal is god just to judge and that's all that he does no the greater goal is the restoration he has to before he sets up his kingdom he has to wipe the slate clean right in isaiah 24 19 we read it before briefly it says the earth is clean dissolved right and that's good for righteousness and justice but it's also going to be good to establish his kingdom okay clean slate the restoration of this kingdom and so judgment's going to come as what verse 1 is talking about in verse 2 says it shall be as with the people so with the priest as with the servant so with his master as with the maid so with her mistress as with the buyers as with the seller so with the seller as the lender so with the borrower as with the taker of usury so with the giver of usury to him obviously they're in pairs here talking about those who may have a higher status and those have a lower status the people and the priest right you have the servant and the master you have the maid and her mistress you have these different statuses uh the wealthy and the non-wealthy right the high and the low and what it's saying here is that there's no respect to persons in that day who you are and your status and society your riches profit not the day of wrath as solomon wrote in proverbs right and so it'll affect everybody there's no respect to persons since it affects everybody we're talking about the earth the whole earth here includes both jew and gentile right now that's interesting because we're speaking about this this this worldwide judgment and seeing here there's no respect to persons these are truths you find in paul's epistles and so this is another one of instances where you can see uh what is mystery what isn't mystery paul speaks in romans 1 2 and 3 about there's no jew or gentile right there's no difference between them as far as their sinfulness right there's none righteous whether jew or gentile there's we've concluded they're all under sin is what paul does in romans 2 he goes to israel's history and says see you guys had the law but he didn't keep it in romans 1 he condemns the the gentiles and those from creation from for the sins that they committed and so you can read paul roman one through three and you say well this doesn't sound like new information you're right a lot of that isn't paul says that christ will judge men according to his gospel in romans chapter 2. people read that and they say wait a minute he's going to judge all men in the end according to his gospel if his gospel is a secret and all men didn't live under the mystery then is that fair well he's talking there about no respect to persons it's about this sort of thing right here when christ empties the earth it's going to be no respect to persons there's no israel in verse 2 because all of them are judged you see jew and gentile that's what paul's saying and of course paul brings that out because what's important about this this dispensation today is that there be no jew or gentile so that we can have this body of christ and so that's the relationship there but that there's no jordan gentile in god's judgment or in god's respect of persons in ultimate justice you can find out the prophets can't you and paul quoted prophets to teach that and that was one way he connected what he was revealed by christ to the scripture so he can go to the synagogue and say look what i'm teaching is from the scripture that there's no difference between jew and gentile we're all sinners and now i'm telling you but now this thing christ has revealed to me right so that's important to realize that the verse is like this in isaiah 24 it says in verse 2 or verse 3 rather the land shall be utterly emptied and utterly spoiled for the lord hath spoken his word we saw the earth empty in verse 1 here that uses the word utterly another word that defines the context for us because it's not talking here about a partial emptying or a partial spoiling or it'll take some of you away or for a time it uses the word utterly okay and utterly is defined as in the dictionary webster's 1828 is the full extent utmost complete total final that's what utterly means there's no more left it's the utmost right and so in matthew or in jeremiah chapter 30 verse 7 some of you have read jeremiah when it speaks about the time of jacob's trouble okay you know that passes in jeremiah chapter 30 verse seven and and that time of jacob's trouble is at the same time here let me just read the passage to you jeremiah 30 verse 7 says alas for that day is great so that none is like it it is even the time of jacob's trouble but he shall be saved out of it so you see what it said the day is great there is none like it so there's no day as great as that one when it comes to trouble in in for jacob and for the world that's what isaiah 24 verse 4 or 3 is saying jesus said the same thing matthew 24 when he said there will be a time of tribulation that the world's never seen well that's the greatest tribulation right which is the time when he utterly destroys the earth right so that's what we're talking about here it's not just part it's utter now again people read this in the context of isaiah's history and they say well this must be talking about the assyrians or maybe the babylonians when they come and destroy jerusalem so israel is taken out of the land and they're utterly destroyed but they return and jeremiah remained there in the land and so maybe they're talking about that and that's true but that's not the final and complete judgment you know there's talk about the whole earth yeah and so the judgment was upon jerusalem and that's also prophesied in isaiah this time with the whole earth being spoiled and destroyed so you see it doesn't always match just like we spoke about before prophecy has that near far fulfillment where it can speak about something present at the time of isaiah but it can also speak about that fulfillment in the future by the language it uses you say what can be interpreted as hyperbole actually could be uh fulfilled literally you see and that's that's the difference there so we spoke at that about that that before isaiah 24 verse 4 the earth mourns and fades away the world languishes and fades away and the haughty people of the earth do languish okay we get it they're languishing you use the word language before this is what's happening to some of your gardens possibly at this time of year that you've forgotten to keep them up forgotten to pick them when they need to be picked and got overgrown squashes and tomatoes or whatever and they're just languishing you know they're out there going bad and rotten and uh it's not being kept up this is what's happening to the earth here it's morning it's fading away languishing and the people themselves of the earth are languishing which means they're fading away and going away now you say why is that verse five gives you the why because the people of the earth are hottie yeah yeah yeah the whole earth is that sort of thing uh verse 5 says the earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof because you see that because so the earth is spoiled the earth is uh mourning the earth is fading away the earth is also defiled so it's not just that it's going away and it's spoiled it's emptied there's a reason why this is happening and that's because it's corrupted it's defiled under the inhabitants thereof it was defiled not by itself but because of the people who lived there which should remind you very clearly of genesis chapter 3 right remember jesus chapter 3 what was the curse that was given adam when he sinned says the earth will be cursed for your sake the world was cursed because of adam not just the people in the world which is true five verse 12 says by one man center and death by sin which is not a unique paul line truth that's found in the old testament right but also the earth itself remember thorns and thistles would come out and that sort of thing you have to work through this hand so the earth itself is defiled ever since sin entered by one man the earth itself has been defiled so you see the scope here isaiah 24 this is going back from genesis to revelation this is earth prophecy from beginning to end you won't find a bit of mystery in here okay but you will find prophecy expanding the whole book of the about the earth so it says in verse 5 the earth is defiled because the inhabitants under the hamas thereof because for three things they have transgressed the laws they have changed the ordinances they've broken the everlasting covenant why is the earth defile they transgress laws you can make it the laws of moses that would make sense but the laws of moses didn't apply to everyone on the earth right uh there's the laws of noah you heard of those jews know about those there's no air claws back there in genesis chapter nine uh which are uh applicable to all the living creatures that came from noah which will be gentiles right not as expansive as the jewish law but still rules nonetheless remember about that if you take man's blood then by man's blood it'll be shed things like that then you have just the general idea of well there's god and you got to do right and if you don't do right what you sow so it could be that sort of spiritual type of law in any event however you read it we're talking about the earth here and they've transgressed laws which paul proves the old testament proves that all are guilty of breaking laws whether than their conscience or whether the laws that were given to israel it also says they've changed the ordinances which is interesting ordinances rules of order right they changed them well who in their right mind would change the way you're supposed to do something everybody because they think it's just the end goal and not the means that matter they think as long as i'm mentioning jesus name or talking about god that's what matters and not the way we worship not the way that we serve him that matters too you can't change the ordinance and just because you're doing it for the lord think you're doing it right you see and this is this was a problem back in the old testament it was a problem back in the garden they wanted to have knowledge god wanted them to have knowledge but they weren't doing it right they ate the tree and that's where they shouldn't have gotten the knowledge from and so you have in isaiah 24 this changing of the ordinances then there's the breaking of the everlasting covenant the transgress laws changing lawrence's breaking the everlasting covenant now you may not have ever heard of this one before it's an interesting study to study the everlasting covenant in your bible or covenants in your bible because there's more than just one that is everlasting in the scripture some of them don't last forever moses's covenant for example was temporary it goes away in fact that may be an exception to the rule about god's covenants there's a lot more covenants that god makes with israel with people that don't ever stop because they're promises uh the mosaic covenant this if-then conditional covenant would go away and god himself said i would replace that with a better covenant that's what hebrews is all about and uh and while all the prophets speak about as well i'll i'll just cover a few passages here and and let you study some of the rest of them unless i get excited look at genesis chapter nine genesis chapter nine what is this everlasting covenant now remember in the context here if you make it israel it may be easy to think about they're breaking the covenant god gave moses yeah that makes sense but that wasn't everlasting so what what other covenants are there lots of others in genesis 9 is one i alluded to it before this is after the flood with noah all of us come from noah right and his three sons and three wives right we also come from adam but in genesis 9 down in verse 16. the bow shall be in the cloud this is the rainbow and i will look upon it that i may remember the everlasting covenant between god and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth that would include you right so that's every living creature on the earth now isaiah 24 is talking about the earth and everything on the earth could it be this could be very well what is this covenant however he's remembering it well what is it that you have to you have to read earlier in the passage for that uh up in verse 8 god spake with noah and his sons saying behold i establish my covenant with you and with your seed after you with every living creature that is with you into of the foul the cattle and every beast of the earth is with everything not just people and from all that go out of the ark to every beast of the earth and i will establish my covenant with you neither shall all flesh be cut off anymore by the waters of a flood neither shall there anymore be a flood to destroy the earth and the token of that covenant was the rainbow right so he will no longer destroy the creatures of the earth with the flood and he won't there will be smaller floods but not a worldwide destruction with flood however there will be a worldwide destruction not by flood okay by fire but again you read this you say well how in the world can we break that covenant god made the covenant how are we going to break this one i mean only god can break that right because he said i won't do it with the floods unless he floods us all out again how can that be broken and what does noah have to do here well you read up even further in isaiah or genesis chapter 9 and he talks about putting the fear and dread of of man upon every beast of the earth in verse two which was a change from before the flood right before the flood the animals apparently didn't have this fear and dread of man uh now they did and now they still do okay every upon every fowl of the air upon all that moveth upon the earth put all the fishes of the sea into your hand they are delivered every moving thing that lives shall be meat for you you can eat them so the diet changes even as the green herb have i given you all things but flesh with the life thereof which is the blood thereof shall you not eat and surely your blood of your the blood of your lives will i require at the hand of every beast will i require it and at the hand of man you ever read through that and say why i get the idea that if you shed blood then you know you have judges that are could be right to take your blood this is at the hand of every beast you see that god's saying at the hand of every man and every beast i will require your blood it's interesting when you read that and then you also read verses like amos chapter 5 or we've studied isaiah already in a few passages where god uses the animals as part of his judgment in revelation in the curses of leviticus and in revelation god uses animals to judge and kill men because of their transgressions and their sins and this goes back to genesis chapter nine which is at the hand of every beast and every man i will require this and so you take the blood by man's hand or by animals god is able to judge but it says at the hand of every man at the hand of every man's brother will i require the life of man who so sheds man's blood by man shall his blood be shed from the image of god made a man so you have this this rule here about not shedding man's blood you can transgress that one right in fact the everlasting covenant and we'll get a few more passages here to show you the the intent of these things has to do is defined in the scripture as a covenant of peace on the earth forever that's generally what these everlasting covenants concern god instituting peace on the earth forever right so the earth is involved in the everlasting covenant the land is going to be here forever which scientists today tell us it's not going to happen they're wrong okay uh they think you're wrong and that's fine we think they're wrong so you know that's how it is the bible tells us that the earth is everlasting god made everlasting covenant with it also the bible teaches everlasting peace and remember the angels when jesus was born said peace on earth good will to men well that didn't happen before that was speaking about the prophecy that will be fulfilled by christ when he returns in the future peace on earth could work for men everlasting peace right a kingdom of peace the prince of peace and so this idea of instituting peace on the earth is what god always had intended what sin and man broke in the garden right and why he had to flood the earth because there wasn't peace right and then he promised with noah saying look you better keep peace right and i won't i'm not gonna flood you out again i'll give you that covenant you better keep peace and if they didn't what happened there would be wrath and of course we know the end of the story that man hasn't kept peace since noah either there hasn't been peace god's covenant his his deal his his program has been to institute peace let's look at genesis 17. move to the right a bit here genesis 17 verse 7. like i said you can do a whole lust on this everlasting covenant business i encourage you to do a study on of your own on it genesis 17 7. say how do i do that well look up the word everlasting in your concordance that's a good place to start god tells abraham or abram i will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant to be a god unto thee unto thy seed after thee i will give unto thee and to thy seed after thee the land wherein thou art a stranger all the land of canaan for an everlasting possession and it will be their god so he's connecting the land the earth to this everlasting nature of the covenant and of course we know the covenant here has to do with the circumcision what's this covenant that they need to keep verse 10 every man child among you shall be circumcised well what's wrong with i mean what what's the circumcision all about you you read in paul in romans chapter 4 or genesis 15 the circumcision was a token of the righteous that comes by faith well that a lot of people are broken right so if circumcision is a token of abram's faith and his son's faith in the promise god gave them to be a nation and have a seed right then not having faith would mean you're not qualified for the circumcision or having a circumcision without faith means you're not qualified for the circumcision right so here's an everlasting covenant that many people can break not having faith and what god says yeah that's pretty much the whole bit right you don't have faith you don't believe you get judged for your sins and otherwise so just 17 verse 13 says he that is born in thy house and that is bought with thy money must needs be circumcised and my covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant verse 19 god said sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed and thou shalt call his name isaac and i will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant and with his seed after him it was given to abraham it's given to isaac it's gonna be given to jacob as well okay look at uh leviticus chapter 24 verse 8. you know let's skip that one let's go to um isaiah 55 verse 3 for the sake of time here it's neat some of these passages to talk about these everlasting covenants we people think about the old testament as something that's old has gone away and there's nothing in it that lasts it's all replaced with the news so you know the gideons give you the new testament and the psalms you gotta sing something right that's what they say and so they give you that new testament and as at the old there's nothing that that maintains and that's not true at all okay most of the old testament needs to be fulfilled or talks about something that will be everlasting right uh when the old testament meaning moses's law has been replaced by the better new covenant which doesn't even apply to you anyway that's just one part of the entire old testament book isaiah 55 look here about an everlasting covenant given to david 55 3 incline your ear and come unto me here and your soul shall live i will make an everlasting covenant with you even the sure mercies of david if you don't know what the sure mercies of david are you have to go back to second samuel chapter seven in second samuel seven god promises david that a seed his house would sit on the throne of israel how long forever that's everlasting right he says it twice in the in the covenant he gives to david that forever he will reign right so the house of david has this secure assured position which means unlike saul the king before david if david messed up he couldn't lose the rain over the throne of israel because god promised forever right it was a promise without condition everlasting and so solomon his son became king right and even when solomon failed solomon's progeny continued on the line and in prophecy it says the house of david will return and will reign over jerusalem jesus christ being a son of david right and so even everlasting covenant here um in isaiah 55 verse 3 referring to the land referring to israel and their king referring to the everlasting nature of god's promises to abraham through them right now i talk about abraham and israel and david and their land but what was the point remember of god establishing israel and god promising abraham to have a special nation what was the point of that he liked them better right no it was because they were better than everyone else right no it was because the rest of us were just all sinners and these people he could do something with no right he did it in order to prove many things uh uh one of which that even with his help you know humanity is worthless which is why he was going to provide the holy spirit and his grace to save them as well but more importantly it was part of his purpose to institute his kingdom over the earth which we spoke about many times it was his dominion on the earth his dominion of what peace righteousness joy israel was supposed to institute god's kingdom and those principles right that were in the law right they were supposed to do that did they ever do this maybe once or twice you can see a little glimmer with solomon you know maybe but not much hezekiah a little bit josiah a little bit you know not not much you definitely don't see it everlasting and that's what christ the messiah is going to do so you see back here in the old testament speaking about israel even though israel the church are different and that's very true the means through which god gives his blessings through the body of christ the new creature or through israel is different needs to be rightly divided god intends for the universe to have peace forever on the earth through israel through heavenly places in the body of christ all under the heads of jesus christ right and so this prophecy speaking about the earth and judgment destroying the whole earth and talking about how it broke the everlasting covenant what is that the earth is not maintaining god's order a peace and righteousness right like this isn't happening which is why he's just to judge the whole earth just like back in the flood okay so anyway this versus more verses we haven't covered yet you can you can read some more of those about these everlasting covenants in the bible um it's very interesting to read some of this let's look at one more isaiah 61 verse 8 since you're in the neighborhood isaiah 61 verse i the lord love judgment i hate robbery for burnt offerings and i will direct their work and truth and i will make an everlasting covenant with them and their seed shall be known among the gentiles and their offspring among the people all that seed them shall acknowledge them that they are the seed which the lord hath blessed i will greatly rejoice in the lord my soul shall be joyful in the lord and it goes on to talk about the rising of israel and the blessing of the nations through israel because he made an everlasting covenant with him that's god's kingdom the blessing of the earth through the channel of israel right go back to isaiah 24. some fun stuff in this chapter isaiah 24 down at verse 5. they broke the covenant they change the ordinances they transgress the laws therefore verse 6 says hath the curse devoured the earth going back genesis 3 right the curse there the curse under moses covenant the curse under every covenant that they've broken it devours the earth uh this reminds you as well as romans 3 there's just none righteous right we've all all been cursed there's none good uh they that dwell therein are desolate therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned and few men left they're desolate what does desolate mean we'll get to that description in verses 7 through 12. but first i want to deal with this issue of the inhabitants of the earth being burned and few men being left these aren't new topics in the book of isaiah if you remember we studied before this idea of purging in second peter chapter 3 verse 7 peter talks about the heavens and the earth are waiting to be burned up with fire that fiery trial and everything else right and so even though he has promised not to flood the earth in destruction he will burn the earth and destruction as second peter 3 verse 7 says and so this burning here peter wrote about that you may be more familiar with peter but peter wasn't the first person to talk about the earth being burned up isaiah was right back here in the old testament it was so it's interesting to see some of these seeds of those new testament writings the more and more you study the old testament the more of the new testament you see isn't that new but it gives you discerning discernment to know what is and to better appreciate what is the things that god has revealed there and what he makes more clear this helps with the revelation as well the second part of this is the few men left if you have a group of people and many of them go away those that are left are those that remain that's what you call a remnant right we talk about a remnant in the new testament and christians look at you when you talk about the remnant in the new testament well what in the world are you talking about or they'll make you the remnant which is fascinating covenant theologians make the church the remnant this remnant of the old testament see this is the church the body of christ which fascinates me because the church is not something that remains of anything right i mean what was the big thing that the church is a small remnant of israel is the church church is probably bigger than israel i would think but apart from that we have nothing to do with israel so we don't we're not we don't remain from taking away of israel you don't take away israel and get the church right the church was created as a new creature through one man jesus christ he gave a revelation the apostle paul which other people became members of this body right of jesus christ and so it's something from nothing that is being created and built in fact you can't remove anything from the body of christ right how do you remove a member from the body of christ you can't so how can the body of christ ever be a remnant it's impossible it's all it can do is grow it started from nothing and grows which is very interesting okay but the the nation of israel that's different even people born in the flesh jews in the flesh under earthly covenants earthly dispensations right not heavenly revelations and it's a people that god has to filter down is to say well there's some that believe in some that don't believe in israel right there's some deserved judgment there's some that remain there's fewer and fewer and fewer prophetically it boils down to one man and that's jesus christ the messiah in israel right but even still it's a remnant right and so anyway the few that remain here speaking about that and so you apply this to perhaps when jesus did come and what he did is came to israel and he came to divide israel and he came to get the few you know to choose the few uh to get that elect and and so in isaiah chapter four remember back there isaiah four this was months ago i remember i believe it was in my living room we taught this when the building fire happened isaiah 4 verse 3 shall come to pass that he that is left in zion and he that remains in jerusalem see the remains the remnant in jerusalem shall be called holy even everyone that has written among the living in jerusalem when the lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of zion and shall have purged the blood of jerusalem from the midst thereof by what the spirit of judgment and the spirit of burning isaiah 4 talks about a fiery burning and purging and judgment of god's people jerusalem specifically and what remains will be the pure cleanse silver and gold of god's people that's one that's how that's formed there okay let's go back to isaiah 24. but the whole earth is going to have a remnant now i mentioned israel's remnant in jerusalem but we're talking about the earth isaiah 24. and this is something that we need to acknowledge as well because we're not talking about israel specifically but the earth is somewhat few being left in this worldwide judgment no doubt the remnant of israel is part of that there's also a remnant of the nations you make it more complicated just multiple remnants yeah because he doesn't destroy everybody on the planet right there's a remnant of israel and those are going to be the priests of the lord there's a remnant of the nations from which god will determine the nations that go into his kingdom have you ever had the question of where do the gentiles come from the millennium in god's kingdom it's because they don't all get killed off in the tribulation and the judgment they still go through judgment right but they're there at the end so it's talking about a few men being left which includes both israel and the nations being few the church of the body of christ of course is neither jew nor gentile so you see again we're not a remnant verse 7 through 12 is a unit that just describes what it means that that the the people are desolate when it says they that dwell therein and the earth are desolate what's that look like the new wine mourns the vine languishes the merry-hearted do sigh the mirth of tabat ceases the noise of them that rejoices ends the joy of the harp ceases the tabats or the drums and the harps of the guitars right so no music right it says they shall not drink wine with a song strong drink shall be bitter to them that drink it it's interesting when hard times occur to a culture and society perhaps uh similar to what we experienced earlier in the year right people get real distraught joy seems to leave the streets in case of shutdowns people leave the streets uh and it's neat to see human nature as god has created it uh try to respond to uplift people's spirits and we even though there were a lot of musicians concerts and tours were canceled other people were creating music amidst the pandemic and shut down to encourage people there's music of the pandemic and shut down right and they're trying to do this and i think it was interesting illustration because this verse is saying that it'll be so bad this time that that won't happen so yeah it shuts down things but it's not going to happen that way man won't be able to lift himself up it'll be that bad you say and in fact interestingly too in verse 2 it talks about though there's no respect to persons people were talking about this here and the crisis uh being the end of the world and one way you know that's not the case is that it affected people disproportionately the shutdowns and the maskings and all that sort of thing uh where typically they did the studies on this earlier on back in march and april affected low-wage blue-collar workers as far as the disease more frequently than those that had money because you can only continue to work from home if your job allows you to do that you see so if you are a lower skill lower wage blue collar certain jobs you have to go to work no matter what or else you don't get paid and you're really suffering right and so there's there's a difference between the rich and the poor and different people and positions of society in this day no difference right there's not something you can pay for you can't buy a better filtration system you can't buy you know zoom there's nothing that the type of judgment's happening here poor rich and poor weak and strong blue collar pink collar don't matter you know all of you will be judged and face judgment and will face the same suffering the same lack of merriment right so you see that's the difference that's what the end of the world looks like we just see a glimpse perhaps in struggles that we go through now but this is severe great tribulation so down in isaiah 24 and verse 9 they shall not drink wine with a song strong drink shall be bitter to them to drink it the city of confusion is broken down every house is shut up that no man may come in there is a crying for wine in the streets all joy is darkened the mirth of the land is gone and the city is left desolation and the gate is smitten with destruction and you can see really how people who fail to write the divide will take passages like that say that describes you know portland over there that describes today well it doesn't describe the whole earth folks okay there's always places that sound like this there's always times in your life that sound like this so i can always if i was dishonest read passages like this and say some of you are facing this right now and that'd be wrong even though you don't you're mourning and you don't have the joy but this passage is talking about the judgment of the earth the whole earth all the people will face that okay that's how you rightly divide that what's it mean to be desolate no more joy or gladness the definition in the dictionary is a place deprived of inhabitants or otherwise wasted ravaged and ruined the definition in the dictionary says gloomy sad and destitute so it needs to be desolate and so that's what it's describing the whole world being all right you can only spiritualize this to apply it to the problems that currently exist as great and severe as they are we have serious problems in the world very serious problems but what it's talking about here is even worse right and part of that is because of the judgment god gives to this planet when he overturns it okay it's very easy to overturn society even by other by by disease by a virus by a recession but when god actually wants to do it it'll be effective and it'll be complete it'll be utter desolation in verse 13 then when thus it shall be in the midst of the land among the people there shall be as the shaking of an olive tree olive trees that's interesting there's other places i find olive trees in the bible but um olive trees now the gleaning of grapes when the vintage is done now we've seen this this visual before in isaiah's prophecies when you shake the olive tree you're trying to harvest the olives and there's some at the top you just can't shake down when you're gleaning the grapes there's some that you're supposed to leave for the gleaners right so again it's talking about a remnant here the things that remain and so it says when this time of desolation occurs in the midst of the land among the people there shall be as the shaking of an olive tree the gleaning of grapes among the event when the vintage is done there'll be a remnant there'll be some that remain right and what's interesting even though there's a lack of joy and mirth around the world this remnant there'll be like a song over the hills right there'll be this remnant that will be singing now just keep on saying the earth there's no song on singing but this remnant is singing but for what they're not singing to to try to get through the misery they're singing precisely because of what is happening which is very fascinating like they're singing and rejoicing because of what's happening why would they be doing that by the way it sounds very familiar doesn't it romans 5 verse 2 almost about us glory and tribulations the glory and tribulations idea is something that god has encouraged his people to do throughout scriptures i mean think about the guys in the fire or daniel the lions did i mean come on throughout scripture god has given means for people of faith to trust him through sufferings and tribulation the means is different though how we glory and tribulation has changed because we stand by grace through faith in the finished work of jesus christ so that is our source of rejoicing right it's a very different thing than what they were told before but anyway we have this remnant here and it says in verse 14 they shall lift up their voice and they shall sing for the majesty of the lord they shall cry aloud from the sea side note some of you may be familiar with the black anthem the black national anthem uh which is lift up their voice and sing come from isaiah 24 14 left up their voice and sing till earth and heaven ring right this comes from this passage right here um because it's speaking about times of struggle and people singing amidst it and so the author through the isaiah language in the in his poem there but they shall lift up their voice and they shall sing for the majesty of the lord they shall cry aloud from the sea let's let's look at isaiah chapter 6 isaiah 6 i can't go through all the passages that isaiah has already mentioned about the remnant hopefully be making your list of of those the remnant is a very popular theme among the prophets and isaiah mentions them almost every other chapter if not more frequently but isaiah 6 people tend to uh this passage tends to get hidden behind the glory of seeing the lord in the seraphim and everything earlier in the chapter but isaiah 6 down in verse 9 go and tell this people he says to isaiah hear ye indeed but understand not see indeed but perceive not so go and tell them not to understand make the heart of this people fat make their ears heavy shut their eyes lest they see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their heart and convert and be healed go and prevent them from being saved is what he's saying this is a judgment remember in verse 11 then said i lord how long and what's he say until the cities be wasted without inhabitant and the houses without men and the land be utterly desolate now what are we reading about isaiah 24 utter desolation yep we mentioned it before in isaiah 6. we're seeing it more in detail in isaiah 24. in verse 12 the lord have removed men far away there be a great forsaking in the midst of the land but yet in it shall be a tenth and it shall return it shall be eaten as a teal tree and as an oak whose substance is in them and they when they cast their leaves so the holy seed shall be the substance thereof that's the remnant we talked about that before remember that that's the remnant there well isaiah goes to make people not understand and while he makes the the city utterly desolate there's a remnant just like isaiah 24. there's going to be a remnant okay isaiah 17 6 he mentions the remnant we've studied this before it says 17-6 yet gleaning grape shall be left in it as the shaking of an olive tree two or three berries in the top of the uppermost bowel four or five and the outmost fruitful branches thereof say the lord god of israel talking about the remnant in isaiah 17 verse 6. there'll be some left from this judgment okay talk about that damascus judgment there so we've seen this come up before we've even seen in acts chapter 2 future from isaiah of course when peter stands up at pentecost filled with the holy spirit and starts preaching the last days and you hear his message and it's not necessarily a message of good news for society it's good in that he's preaching the messiah right but he's saying these are the last days and he says there'll be you know fire and smoke and blood and you know there's going to be judgment that's what he's saying that's why he says repent and trust jesus whom we've identified as the messiah to save you but you talk about blood fire and smoke then isaiah acts chapter two rather at the end of the of the the passage after a sermon and after thousands that have repented and believed even though his message is blood fire judgment at the end they're praising god and they're going from house to house having all things in common not about the church today but you see the thing there why are these people praising god and enjoying their fellowship when the message is here comes judgment because the message is the kingdom is at hand it's the last days right so for those who had ears to hear those who knew and were taught of the kingdom knew that after judgment comes the glory and so in isaiah 24 when god judges the whole earth if you were the believing remnant you're going kingdom's coming you're going good sin is being judged so you may remember back in march i mentioned something like this and it got some looks you know there was i don't know if it's still a thing there used to be a the twitter hashtag pranavirus blessings aaron mentioned that to me but before i knew about coronavirus blessings covenant blessings and on twitter um i was thinking myself and i saw the headlines saying you know all bars should close and i'm going whoa bars are closed you know well schools were too and everything else but you know bars are closed you know they're not they're not you know producing the movies anymore hollywood shut down you're going all right you know no bad movies anymore you know for a while and so you start seeing that and every once again this is horrible it's a tragedy society is being is falling down and you're going it's all bad it's all bad there's some good parts to that you know there's some good parts to it and this is a smaller illustration of what will happen when god judges the world for sin the righteous will say good about time right we get things set right and they'll be praising god for his majesty because they'll know that he's doing it it's not just a circumstantial event as i was referring to but it's something that god's actually doing and they'll know it's the lord and they'll say good he's coming and he's judging it's a righteous judgment and so they'll know they're protected from it because they're part of his covenant people and that the world will be judged for their sin so it's interesting these passages here talking about the singing and rejoicing and praising amidst this this desolation and judgment of the earth okay one question you might ask which i won't get into for the sake of time tonight is what are they singing and that is a fun study to read about the songs that they will sing in the tribulation you can go to revelation and see that there's songs that they're singing in revelation 14 3 a song that no one else can learn but these 144 000 jews of the earth there's the song of moses in revelation 15 verse 3 which is actually in deuteronomy and they're singing the song of moses right just two chapters from now we will cover isaiah 26 1 in that day shall this song be sung in the land of judah that's a pretty good song to say they're going to sing right there so they're not just singing random songs here we can find out what they're going to be singing what they're going to be saying so that's going to be a fun thing isaiah 26 to go through that so the earth is desolate because of their breaking of god's laws and covenants and ordinances and yet there's a remnant here in verse 14 that will lift up their voice and sing for the majesty of the lord over in isaiah chapter 2 verse 19 and 20. remember back then when i talked about the shaking of the earth men will run for the hills and the holes and it says they'll be fearful for the majesty of the lord because at that time he'll manifest his majesty and that judgment shake the earth and they'll run for the hills that's what we read in isaiah 2 isaiah 24 we see while people running for the hills there are some people who are singing and praising god for his majesty being declared so there's those that are running in fear then there are those who are going this is it that's the lord's majesty right so it's neat to put those pieces together uh isaiah isaiah 26 let's look at isaiah 24 verse 15 wherefore the instruction is glorify ye the lord and the fires even the name of the lord god of israel and the isles of the sea and that's the instruction even during isaiah's day because those who lift up their voice and sing because of god's majesty because of his righteous judgments you need to glorify god even when things are burning because god is faithful god is true he has an everlasting covenant he's going to keep his his word right and that's what they would have known verse 16 from the uttermost part of the earth have we heard songs even glory to the righteous and that's part of the song they're singing but i said my leanness my leanness woe unto me the treacherous dealers have dealt treacherously yet the treacherous dealers have dealt very treacherously we saw that before in the prophecy against babylon of the nations we're talking here about his his response to the wickedness that is in society and the culture in the world and the earth okay in that day and so while they're singing god here is saying through isaiah that there's some woes that need to happen there's some destruction that's going to happen because of their treachery and verses 16 down through 20 through the rest of the chapter it's going to talk about very vividly the great tribulation sometimes about revelation very specifically we've already been in the context for quite a few verses but here it gets very specific about this in verse 17 fear and the pit and the snare are upon thee o inhabitant of the earth they're upon me it's no coincidence luke 21 when jesus talks about uh future judgment on the earth he talks about that it'll overtake men like a snare in revelation you got the opening of the seals and the trumpets and the vials and just again and again and again you've got trouble and tribulation and wrath and judgment and wherever men go on the earth they're going to be faced with those sorts of troubles and judgment okay and so it says fear in the pit and the snare upon the inhabitant of the earth it says in verse 18 shall come to pass that he who fleeth from the noise of the fear shall fall into the pit and he that comes up out of the midst of the pit shall be taken in the snare for the windows from on high are open and the foundations of the earth do shake you can read that to say well it doesn't matter where men go or they try to hide or they try to run they're going to be taken in a snare um amos talks about that in name of chapter 5. he says why do you think the day of the lord's a good thing it's going to be bad you're going to flee from the line you're going to run into a bear okay you're going to try to go inside and you're going to get bit by a snake i mean just doesn't matter where you go you're going to you're going to get caught right you can also read it this way when it says that they'll be one who who fears and fleetheth from the noise shall go into the pit the noise is going to be the coming of the lord in his judgment if you're going to flee from that then you go into the pit the pit that jesus spoke about as hell okay the pit that in revelation talks about those will be thrown into who take the mark of the beast are you trying to flee from the judgment looking for safety and security did you get that mark right going to the pit that's what revelation says those who take the mark they get judged right it says here there'll be one that comes out of the pit i mean one comes out of the pit interesting look at revelation chapter 18. revelation 18. you might keep one hand in revelation from here on out revelation 18 verse 8. this isn't what i want it's 18. i might have the wrong reference here is it 17 8 thanks sounds right that's it 17 is talking about these this vision of mystery babylon the great and these things happening it says in verse 8 the beast that thou sawest was was and is not okay he was he was there he died right and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit and go into perdition that is second the salon in chapter two when that son of man is the son of perdition but it says may dwell on the earth shall wonder whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world when they behold the beast that was and is not and yet is there'll be a resurrection or a a beast that ascends out of the pit after he dies right and then he will follow him a false resurrection right meaning not pointing to the to christ right so isaiah 24 is alluding to those who run from the wrath get thrown to the pit right and then it's talking about one who arises from the pit and when he arises from the pit isaiah 24 says what this is in verse 18 that he'll be taken in a snare so even when he arises from the pit he'll be captured so even though he comes out of that pit he's going to go down again into the lake of fire that's what happens that beast gets thrown into the lake of fire in the end of revelation so it says why is this happening where everyone's getting thrown into the pit and everyone's running for fear it says for the windows from on high are open the windows of heaven are open which typically only here in church regarding tithing and the windows of heaven being opened in malachi 3. but in revelation the windows of heaven are open and when the clouds roll back like a scroll what happens wrath gets poured out the judgment of god comes down that's why these things are occurring and it says in the foundations the earth do shake the foundations of it right like literally the fount the earth is shaking but also you can speak metaphorically about the the system of this world right is being broken and shaken up as isaiah 24 says being turned upside down the high places are made low and the low things are going to be made high by christ and so you have these signs of the times here the times of the tribulation the times the end of fear being upon all men earthquakes and judgment look at revelation chapter 6. revelation 6 in verse 12. this is the sixth seal being opened and he says i beheld when he had opened the sixth seal and lo there was a great earthquake and the sun became as sackcloth black a sackcloth of hair and the moon became as blood and the stars of heaven fell into the earth even as a fig tree cast around timely figs when she is shaken of a mighty wind the heaven departed as a scroll when it was rolled together and every mountain island removed out of their place the windows of heaven are open right and the kings of the earth and the great men and the rich men and the chief captains and the mighty men and every bond man every free man doesn't matter which kind of man you are here nope doesn't matter at all they hid themselves in the dens and the rocks of the mountains that's what isaiah 2 said they're running they're fleeing out of fear and they said to the mountains and the rocks fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sits on the throne and from the wrath of the lamb for the great day of his wrath is come and who shall be able to stand the answer is very few none will stand before him very few will survive right so isaiah 24 talks about the windows of heaven being open the foundations of the earth do shake there are at least three major earthquakes in revelation earthquakes are mentioned five times a couple of them i think are duplicates but there are at least three major earthquakes um one of them is before the angels start sounding their trumpets there's an earthquake in revelation eight verse three and five there then at the seventh trumpet there's an earthquake before the vials happen and then the seventh vial the final one is the greatest earthquake uh and that's the earthquake that shakes the earth greater than the rest so there's lots of earthquakes in the time of the revelation there that in that day it's gonna be the earth actually being shaken and when the earth is shaking that way people get shaken i don't know if you've ever been through an earthquake but it is an ordeal and you start to to feel and you get few of them in indiana but we have gotten a couple before small ones and things just start shaking and you think well maybe it's just the bed that's shaking no it's the whole house that's shaking it's the whole earth you feel unstable yeah you can't stand anywhere safe from the earthquake the whole thing is shaking in isaiah 24 it talks about earthquakes the foundation is shaken verse 19 says that the earth the earth is utterly broken down the earth is clean dissolved the earth is moved exceedingly that great earthquake in revelation uh chapter 16 over there right how is the earth going to be clean dissolved how are the walls going to fall down to be utterly broken earthquake after earthquake after earthquake you know there's going to be meteors from the sky called warmwood it's going to be poisoning the waters there's going to be pits opening up there's going to be celestial signs things are going to be changing in the makeup of the planet right in order to clean the slate to knock things down to burn them up to start new right and that's what's gonna happen the restoration of things so this utterly brokenness you i listed some verses there on your outline that you can read if you'd like talking about how god will shake the heaven and the earth remember that language i've shaken the earth there'll be a day where i shake the heaven and the earth and it's like everything's gonna be shaken that's what isaiah 24 is talking about the foundations of the earth are shaking god's trying to restore everything and uh the heaven's gonna shake it's gonna knock people and powers out of there he's gonna come to the earth and shake it knock the powers out of there everything's gonna come down right so uh the post-millennial idea that we as the church need to try to establish god's kingdom is missing this whole point that god's going to shake things up himself he's going to destroy everything so if we're building something up now and god's going to destroy it all then what is that what's that make us the builder the stupid maybe the builders of the things of this world that god's going to destroy right we've got to recognize what god is doing so we can properly redeem out the time that we have to build things that will last right and so we we build those things in the body of christ and that's that is the building god is creating today isaiah 24 verse 20 says the earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard a drunkard reels to and fro as if he's walking in an earthquake right he's he can't keep his balance well if you're not drunk how is it you can't keep your balance because the floor is moving right so you're reeling to and fro like a drunkard and shall be removed like a cottage so you got an earthquake we have developed systems in which big buildings can last a little while on a certain level of earthquake uh but if you've got a small college little little toothpick building you know not gonna last you know it's gonna fall down and so it says here the whole earth is gonna be like this the earth reels to and from the earth is like a cottage that's how simple it's going to fall down and so we have great civil engineers that create buildings and things to make sure they stay stay up in the winds and the earthquakes it's going to bypass the limits of those tinsel strengths you know it's going to fall down very easily in verse 20 here and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it and it shall fall and not rise again you see in that not rise again language the utterness the utterable destruction here this is not like it's going to be knocked down and then it'll rebuild this is the final thing it's going to be knocked down never to rise again which is like the opposite of resurrection you know it's like never going to rise again because what will be built is christ's kingdom right remember that daniel talks about that stone that will come to destroy the kingdoms and those kingdoms will never come again because that king that the rock will establish a kingdom forever don't ever be knocked down and this is the this is what's talking about here uh the the transgression there shall be heavy upon it in fact daniel also prophesies in daniel 9 talking about his 70 weeks remember daniel's 70 weeks that there'll be 70 weeks determined and there's a list of things that need to happen by the end of those 70 weeks and one of the things is to fulfill the transgressions right the transgressions we filled up right that's when it's done okay that's one of the things so it says here the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it that means this is the final blow the final judgment okay jesus spoke about this in matthew 23 35 he spoke to the generation that he was speaking about saying all the blood from abel to zechariah will be on your hands all the transgressions will be right here in this generation you'll get all the judgment right and he's talking about this generation right here that gets the heavy burden of the transgression the judgment you know everyone before that has died those living then they're alive during god's judgment that's bad see the heavy burden of that and so that's what isaiah is prophesying people before them contributed to it but they're there at the end okay isaiah 20 24 21 it shall come to pass in that day thank god for using language like this in that day it shall come to pass talking about in verse 23 then when these time words are very helpful to know when these things are occurring in verse 21 it's going to pass in that day that the lord shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high they say oh okay he's going to punish kings and princes and things well yes but not of this earth it's about the earth the whole time and here within the last three verses he mentioned something from heaven that sounds familiar the whole bible speaks out the earth until the last kind of portion there's 13 epistles let's see about this heavenly thing this is not the mystery of course but it is interesting that here in these last days in that time it's going to pass that he will punish the host of the high ones that are on high more paul says in ephesians 6 we wrestle not against principalities and powers in this world with spiritual wickedness in high places you see the wickedness goes beyond this earth it goes to heaven and the host that exists there that are wicked and god is going isn't only going to judge the earth when he judges all the earth he's also going to judge heaven in isaiah 24. this is another reason why it's at the end this is not some babylonian judgment here this one he judges heaven and earth he shakes the whole bit okay now look at revelation revelation chapter 10. revelation 10 verse 7. when do the high ones get punished when will the wicked get their comeuppance when will justice be delivered how long as the saints prayed in the fifth seal how long lord till you judge the earth right apparently after the sixth seal is how long oh 10 verse 7 says in the days of the voice of the seventh angel when he shall begin to sound that's the sound of trumpet right the mystery of god should be finished as he had declared to his servants the prophets mystery of god is that the mystery of christ no they're different the mystery of christ concerns the body of christ the new creature the mystery of god was spoken of by the prophets the mystery of god is wrapped up in the question that people have been asking since the beginning of i don't know adam's children why does god allow bad things to happen that's the great mystery right great mystery is if god's so good and righteous why does he allow this evil the answer of course is grace that's always the answer because he's trying to save us right because as soon as he stops allowing the evil to happen it's when it's no longer a mystery of why god allows the evil heaven you'll know that he is judging every evil he is judging every wrong and he'll destroy the whole earth no one's gonna ask him that day why is god allow evil to happen he's not right no more mystery of god right the prophecies will be fulfilled the prophecies all point to the end of the world meaning the end of the world system the end of the wicked world the end of the sinful world and the establishment of god's righteous kingdom forever and so that point that that picture that that event is when god comes back in his wrath and justice to punish all the sinners and establishes his righteous throne kingdom forever why has got allowed bad things to happen well he's allowing it now to try to save you by his grace but he's not going to allow it forever and the bible tells you he's going to judge in this in revelation 10 it's talking about that day okay it says when the seventh angel begins to sound the mystery of god should be finished right what happens after the seventh angel sounds i wonder look at revelation 11 verse 15. revelation verse 15. and the seventh angel sounded whoo that's interesting maybe we should back up a little bit here because we've been talking about people being afraid and people singing and remnants and all that let's look back up in verse revelation 11 down in verse uh nine wow can't read the whole chapter here this is where you have the two witnesses in the city right and they're trying to minister to this wicked city and they eventually kill them and verse 8 says their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city which spiritually is called solomon egypt it's jerusalem right where our lord was crucified and they have the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and a half and shall not suffer their dead bodies be put in graves they're going to make a mockery of it and they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them and make mary and shall send gifts one to another because these two prophets tormented them that dwelled in the earth after three days and a half the spirit of life from god enters into them they stand upon their feet and great fear fell upon all of them which saw them and they heard a great voice from heaven saying to them come up hither this is a rapture come up hither what do they do they ascend up to heaven in a cloud there's more than one so-called rapture the word rapture's not in your bible of course but people take being taken up to heaven it's happened before enoch elijah right these guys which maybe elijah and moses again and they're send it up into clouds and their enemies beheld them in the same hour was there a great earthquake the earth shook and the tenth part of the city fell not all the city the tenth part of the city and the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand and the remnant were affrighted and gave glory to god that sounds familiar while the city's being destroyed there's a remnant giving glory to god hmm interesting the second woe was passed behold the third will comes quickly and the seventh angel sounds now this is where the mystery of god is finished the seventh angel sounds and there were great voices in heaven saying the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our lord and of his christ and he shall reign forever and ever which is what we saw in isaiah 24 at the very end right he reigns forever and ever and the four and 20 elders sat before god and their seats fell on their faces worshiped god and they say oh lord god almighty which art and west and heart to come and they're praising him there verse 18 says the nations were angry and thy wrath has come and the time of the dead that they should be judged that thou should give reward of the servants the prophets and to the saints and to them that fear thy name small and great and should destroy them which destroy the earth why is the earth destroyed in isaiah 24 because of the sinners the transgressions the breaking of the covenants right revelation 11 verse 18 is when now it's time for that to be judged revelation 10 said that's when the mystery of god's finished right it'll be done judgment happens it's done right that's what's going on that seventh angel sounds because after the seven angel sounds the seven vials get poured out and that's the wrath of god wrath wrath wrath wrath wrath christ kingdom you see it's done right it's the time now god's no longer withholding wrath he's saying pour him out right that's what's going on and so look at revelation chapter 12 verse 7. remember isaiah 24 it says he'll punish those in high places revelation 12 7. there was a war in heaven part of this wrath was there's a war in heaven michael and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon fought in his angels and prevailed not neither was their place found anymore in heaven there was a war in heaven and god wins and kicks them out and the great dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and satan which deceives the whole world he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with them is there any more devil in his angels in heaven nope what's he doing here punishing the hosts on high i think so there's no more prince of the power of the air in heaven he's on the earth too bad for the earth but good for heaven you know so he punishes the hosts in heaven and that's what isaiah 24 says in verse 21 he punishes the host of the high ones that are on high and then secondly the kings of the earth upon the earth so after he has the war in heaven revelation 12 they go down to the earth and got a war there right all part of god's finishing up what he always prophesied would occur which is judgment on all wickedness right and his righteousness forever and so that's what we're seeing there look at revelation chapter 19 while i read isaiah 24 and verse 22 it says they shall be gathered together as prisoners are gathered in the pit and shall be shut up in the prison and after many days shall they be visited so after this punishment of heaven and earth christ returns in revelation right it says that we should gather together as prisoners are gathered in a pit and they should be shut up in this pit and then after many days we visited again who's being shut up in the pit and why do they have to wait in this prison for many days you read the book of revelation and what's happening look at revelation chapter 19 verse 19. this is the king of kings the lord of lords coming back from heaven on his white steed right with his sword and revelation 19 19 says i saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse and against his army and the beast was taken and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him uh with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast and them that had worshipped his image these both were cast alive in a lake of fire burning with brimstone you see on the remnant we're slain with a sword where do they go hell right they die and go to hell so it says in isaiah 24 they're gathered up in a pit like in a prison they'll be there for some days until they're visited again let me visit it again look at revelation chapter 20 in verse 2 he lays hold on the dragon that old serpent which is the devil and satan just in case you don't know who he's talking about and he bound him a thousand years there's a few days and cast him into the bottomless pit oh there's a pit and he shut him up and set a seal upon him that he should deceive the nations no more till the thousand years should be fulfilled so we got something in a pit that's there for in prison for a time until he's visited again look at revelation 20 down in verse 14 at the end of the thousand years you don't know how long those days are isaiah 24. revelation tells you a thousand years right that's a pretty good piece of information there you're reading the prophets you're going when is that and how long is it going to be and who is this he's talking about right just like the ethiopian eunuch read revelation you're going i know who he's talking about i know when it's going to be i know how long it's going to be revelation is helpful when you're reading prophecy first you hear revelation first you don't know what in the world you're doing you don't know why this is happening you don't know everything in revelation was spoken of before you understand that's why those things happen in revelation the way they do revelation 20 verse 14 it says death and hell were cast i i read too far verse 12 he says i saw the dead small and great stand before god and the books were opened and another book was opened which is the book of life and the dead were judged out of those things were written in the books according to their works the sea gave up their dead which were in it the death death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them and they were judged every man according to their works these were dead people in hell in prison until the end of the thousand years where god takes these people out of prison stands before his judgment throne and then casts death and held a lake of fire and then judges the rest of them and if they don't meet the judgment throws them into lake of fire so people gather together in a pit they're there for a little bit then they're visited again not gonna be a good visitation right isaiah 24 15 or 23 says then the moon shall be confounded and the sun ashamed the moon confounded it's gonna be it's not gonna know where it's light's coming from the moon gets a slight from the sun okay um it's not gonna know at that point because there's going to be a s-o-n right and the sun is ashamed which means that it's hiding right you can't see it why not when the lord of hosts shall reign in the mount of zion in jerusalem before his ancients gloriously in revelation you've read before right look at isaiah 66 and then we'll turn to revelation and finish but isaiah 66 verse 19 and 20. i will set a sign among them oh this is what i want let's go to revelation we'll go to revelation relation 19 revelation 22 5 is what i want you can do a study of the sun and the moon which we have done before looking up some of these passages and jesus talks about the sun going dark and the moon turning to blood uh revelation at the very end of the thousand years here and into eternity speaks about this kingdom on the earth where there is no need any longer or the sun there shall be no night there they need no candle neither light of the sun for the lord god gives them light and they shall reign forever and ever isaiah 24 ends with the lord of hosts reigning in mount zion in jerusalem forever and ever before his ancients gloriously before his ancients that's interesting who are these ancient ones we could have a lot of resurrections there you may have some ancients of israel it could be the ancients of the angels who have been around for quite a while either way he's reigning on the earth right that's revelation 22 is about so you see how just how plainly isaiah 24 speaks about the events in revelation at the end of the days there we're going to pick it up next chapter since the lord is reigning we're going to see the songs and the descriptions of his reign in the next chapter and the praise of that okay any questions about what's going on in isaiah 24
Channel: Grace Ambassadors
Views: 1,370
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Id: Y1MzU6azCnk
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Length: 78min 12sec (4692 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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