ISA Scooter World Final 2019: Defying Gravity with Insane Airs and Flips

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what what I do booter crew it is your boy finance be here back with another livestream today we are reacting to the Barcelona 2019 world rollergames men's final division here with me my co-pilot we have caleb brett youtube personality and good friend of mine over from perth australia caleb say what's up what is good everybody welcome to the stream with me and Brad I'm happy to be and I'm happy for Brad to be having me on and I'm kina watch this competition this competition is going to be wild wild I say I've got to put my money on Cody Flom today honestly I just I can't see it going any other way just all-around so good man everything about him his style his tricks he can just do everything Chris Farris is also very talented run was on the screen right now that's what I'm talking about like it's it's gonna be so so hard to call it I remember being there last year right in amongst the action and even then nobody knew who was gonna win there was so many upsets during qualifications Jordan Clark your previous world champion he didn't even make the finals he didn't insane so looking at the qualification standings you have Chris Farris qualified in first place followed by apex riders Angus Hughes and Dane Forbes the youngest competitor David sinker qualified in fourth what does that tell you he is crazy man actually the story clip of David sink every recently doing a capron late whipped a bar over a box and like in a line of a variety of tricks but that was his first trick of a massive line as the consistency and the tricks down pack so I think you definitely do very well today hopefully let's keep our fingers crossed for him Dylan Morrison qualified in fifth place with Jordan Hall as his fifth equal Billy Watson 7th followed by Dakota Flom aka code I'm not sure why his name is Dakota Flom on this on the spreadsheet here but supposedly Cody is apparently a shortened term for the name Dakota I did not know that man I had no idea either I was very confused when I saw this actually a crazy lineup today well actually they're like and the lineup is fresh yeah yeah it's fresh - it's so fresh there's so many fresh faces here look at that man John McCain charm and Jamie hi Jamie hole Richardson link occurred Flom Billy watts Jordan Hall Morrison David sink hair Dane Forbes Angus Hughes like look at that line up that is just like the top tier scooter Oh increase fares as welcomes yeah yeah this is top tier scooter riders right here the best of the best are about to battle it out for the 2019 world rollergames Barcelona extreme finals and I am I am dude I am melting with excitement right now I'm so hard I get hard for this every single year for one event every that is just so sick to watch so I'm predictable yeah this is the one time any of these dudes it could go any way that's what I'm saying it could go any way at this point chat I know you guys were excited I'm excited Caleb's excited can we get some flames in the chat guys light it up make this a great great event I'm just so giddy I can't wait for this decide these guys are gonna be pushing this sport so here we have like I said just before Jayden shaman all right yeah all right also Jamie hole right there I'm getting goose bumps for watching this yeah yeah I have chills I have mad chills right now we got a Lincoln right here that was my old teammate I used to ride before a district myself and that kid is a weapon any of these guys could pull out just the most cooked trick at any moment and you just wouldn't even know many is competing for many years as well a lot of returning faces who are just insane that's the standard just keeps growing like for these riders you know that honestly crazy how much this thing's of these riders do guys is just insane thank you we have two Czech Republic riders in here I think that's the first time that's ever happened yeah 100% and one of them is in fourth place right now there's a lot of apex in this final I've just I've just realized you've got Dane you've got Angus and Jamie Howe all apex riders all featured in the top 12 here so you can see that their team really has the caliber definitely know how to pick up the he's a great dude I know I'm so blown away I'm taken aback I'm very excited this the first time this has ever been done indoor in a proper stadium or anything like that so it's lit dude it is lit literally it's lit like there's like professional lighting everywhere like it's actually 100% I'm so glad to see it like this man like every other year I mean they've had that awesome stadium policy in but it's like you know you guys if you guys are seen in a proper stadium with just how professional it looks right now like this livestream is a minke like whoever is running this livestream I'm really really glad to see it looking like this yeah it's pretty paying it's pretty paying I'm like it unlike abyss it's interesting I mean I think they had definitely had a little bit of compromise when it comes to the crowd because the crowd was way more lit at the outdoor venue and I think maybe tickets might have been more expensive for this event because it's a different host looking at the contest quality right now it looks like the timer is set to 60 seconds per run we know that they're gonna have two runs each and dropping in for his first run is gianmarco Gattis right now the first run of 2019 world rollergames 360 quad whip to barspin coming straight through to the box jump he'll finger rewind a late whip transferring for days gianmarco spending a lot of this year being injured if I remember correctly and yeah it's great to see him back on the on the boot finally he's recovered very very well as soon as as soon as actually as usual if you fully tamaki you'll know exactly I feel that I feel that nothing on that wall it's a young competitors Wow Wow he has not slipped afoot thus far he's good is lucky it was off to the buzzer so the stack won't count towards his final score going over to a 5:40 player so we're going in Reverse qualification order Jaden Shulman will be up next followed by Jamie Howe the machine that spine is just massive I can't wait to see Richardson Lincoln do tricks over the massive gap this guy is well absolutely insane Jane Charmin Ben Sherman kills it I remember meeting this kid a couple of years ago at one of my meet and greets with him and his dad and the dude and his father are both super polite people and the guy shreds he's such a young competitor here and he's really going to show his true colors right now Stan Lee flip triple backwards for the whip Buttercup heir to a 540 Flair that's even he's 5 flaring like it's nothing LeBron's double finger or double sign straight over to a butter never have that whip free one rayvon over the spine into the used section right now got a flair double whip on that really mellow corner look at this kid killing it according to all the riders with a really mellow one so it's hard to do do some Flair tricks whip front scoot whip coming over into the I guess you could say Street section I wonder how much grinding we're gonna see today I think it's really awesome to see like a whole bunch of new competitors at this competition I think that like it's so important for all those good riders at home and wherever you are to like realize that like all these what I'm wondering is are they doing scores as they go guys train this hard if you put in the work and getting them at right mental state this could be you like don't ever forget that first two competitors really setting the bar here then shaman 81-point 8 Rank 2 this is the second run and we're already scoring in the 80s dudes I'm pretty sure he's one of the younger competitors that's what I'm saying he's really showing it from who's boss Jamie hull in for his first run barspin double whip over the spine double backflip double Tower as his second trick you are joking finger wet finger plate whip on the small spine coming through into the quarter pipe brick --less that was a prickly road actually reckless road Oh double flare I swear his voice got caught in his t-shirt there he said nah I'm not failing he's gonna have to clutch it for the second run you know depth foots Fullwood finger late whip - oh my he's callin they very solid yeah they just know like if if they'd a foot they're all bare to come first that's what they all want that's what they're all shooting for and if they don't get it I'm sure anything else will do look at this double flare watch it get caught in his t-shirt quickly pulls it out doesn't let him put him off next up Richards linka followed by Cody Flom and then Billy watts will be after we got Richard Zelinka right here he is from Prague and he has been he see the judges panel Hannah Terry price the head judge in the middle set with Lewis Crampton to his left eye in there as well Ben J was this was right Richard Zelinka he actually had quite a big stack on the pot right now so I'm interested to see what he is going to do in his run if he's going to try and redeem himself you can catch that snack on scoot review yes sir it was tricky hit the back lip on the down rail their fat backside transfers coming into the box shot with plenty of speed 360 whip bossman up the big step up box Ellie you twit front scooter into the big spine whip turn down a little bit of originality going in there 360 bar to down hill over the box big fat transfer is he gonna hit the gap back lip on the sea ledge fat backside wall ride you can see this guy's really bringing the street elements into this feeble - whip on the sea ledge flare whip the transfer 540 flare textbook 15 seconds roughly on the clock here he did speed he needs speed he did not have enough speed there no Richardson link going down concealed stamina yeah absolutely insane that was really nice to watch is that diversity is very good at the pirate trick is very good at Rails ledges that's what I'm saying I feel like a lot of people will be laying down the safety lining right here just maybe get top threes if they can Richard was just unfortunate to go down on the last trick there but you can see he had a little bit of a wobbly entry just there women on his face yeah it's gnarly I probably couldn't even make the gap to be fair I could yeah I know you want that man the man the myth the legend got the big wheels for the speed as you can see as rich he's pretty gassed a little disappointed but still stoked to me I hear he's always got a smile on his face yeah I know he's doing this for his family and is his little sister so I know they're at home watching and they're so proud definitely Reverend responses as well s1 skate Pro and district of course it's such a cool-looking venue luck that is just insane 77.4 is his first score sitting him in third place next up Dakota Flom aka Cody Flom so his real name is Dakota it is complain who knew this chat let us know did you know this oh my god what even was that first trick I didn't even see that was dead grab double whip or something like that strain to a 540 does coming into the spine 360 and we're down here on the spine textbook he front flips the transfer Cody flop is killing it right now in wood Buttercup coming back across with the kick list late whip on the transfer he's gaining some more speed inward from the corner to bank coming into the volcano's triple whip backing it up triple he'll 25 seconds remaining on the clock his stamina will be kicking right now whip boss spin bossman rewind no pushes oh that was the nicest he'll finger arrow I've ever seen flail oh my god textbook once again he hits the rail backside boardslide five seconds he's got time for one more trick potentially straight Flair a perfect run from Cody here let's see what his score is gonna be he thinking 90s or high eighties I'm thinking high 80s low 90s or than was perfect I'm thinking high 80s for sure that was just so clean the spine trick I want to see that on the replay oh yeah yeah that was the untwisting broad twist thing he does not even know what it is see this go let's see it come on judges show me the money Oh seventy nine point six putting him in third place still salty so as a second run that's his safety run once I thought we're gonna see some throw bars here are we gonna see another double flip 360 finger by stacking unfortunately on the first trick here is not going to be feeling good about that is gonna reset here I believe maybe or head to another section he's gonna throw something for the crowd right here Wow 360 back flip again zap in the foot unfortunately he's always get a second run to recover that's what I'm saying this game for a long time he knows how he knows how this stuff works for sure really basically throw in that run he'll come back in the second for another no doubt about it unfortunately you know it could be anything it could come down to nerves it could come down to the pressure in the room it could come down to your mood your feeling your wellness on the day anything can happen in a contest you never know it's unpredictable this is intense next up Jordan Hall followed by Dylan Morrison and David sink for just over halfway here through the first runs making a quarter of the way through the entire broadcast so guys don't go anyway there's plenty of action left shout out you guys are killing it over a thousand viewers here live watching on YouTube you guys are amazing thank you guys so much for tuning in and supporting the scooter industry 720 double bar over the fat spine front flip Niklas rewind from Jordan Hall here a spin front slide air landing a whole lot of at the top another front over the Box jump butter cup air triple tail whip as you guys can see he is switching the feet around riding a bit and by dextrous here that tap stall let me see some flame in the chat for Jordan Hall he is murdering it right now this is a very original and interesting run we are seeing here 25 seconds left on the clock for Jordan Hall he is currently killing it just step in the foot there I must have jinxed him no spoilers first second run he said he's calling it there but a very good run that kick let's inward hopefully we see that on the replay there that was nothing 720 double bond a fat spine straight to a front flip kick loose he's the one of the only riders in the world I see doing but can literally that's what I'm saying that's what I'm saying waiting on his score right now I'm thinking maybe low 70s high 60s it didn't go to the hand of the buzzer so yeah it will be high 60s sixty eight point eight ranking him in fifth place at this time Dylan Morrison from Australia guys light up the chat what's he got over this spine he's doing it quad whip ready 360 leg grandpa Buttercup oh my goodness that is crazy right double whip pushing against him speed double whip feeble clean as far flair 30 seconds remaining about halfway through his run here the Flair whip transfer hitting the frontside boardslide on the gap to Braille solid run so far back from Morrison 20 seconds remaining he's hitting the transfer getting a bit of a lip there coming back through to the fats fine Oh hitting the transfer back with boss spin over the transfer 540 ere a bunch of height there a perfect run for Morrison so far Wow a great oh my goodness dude perfect gonna so that's one of the best runs of seen Morrison throw down at Wells you know why or guys that is amazing like a double whip too feeble I like that and the nosey out kind of a fat transfer - he had two really interesting transfers here and the second trick the box-room trick is unmatchable nobody is doing such a maneuver that was insane I'm thinking high 80s here 90.4 ranking him in first place could this be more sincere glory that's what sets Dylan apart from the rest is that he has that original og thought and the mindset to take interesting lines in the contest that other people aren't doing and that's what is going to increase his score here well-deserved scoring for Dylan Morrison there David sinker oh my gosh that is that untwist cape and light would probably be over the box getting a heavy for the step-up going straight into a 360 by a spin look that was a flare double whip but I actually couldn't quite say I think I was a flare double with trying to an uncle's kick low slight whip this is how a young editor at such a young age - Wow he'll finger ki CLIs cyclist as all the people would call it the suit is killing it with 20 seconds remaining on the clock right a mac super consistent back-to-back tricks so far by Flair this guy has come a long way from the great Academy he's not stacked a trick yet with five seconds left off spitting in tripling out and that time he is so stoked I am stoked for him that was a sensational run guys oh my gosh full sandy I think that's gonna be mid-80s for sure it's got to be was that a rewind did I did I see that wrong I did not quite catch a banner Christ let us know in the chat what was the first Flair combo before the the Capron the brighter max you don't see people just doing that you know we haven't seen before super hydrants the call because it happening so fast around the mid-80s 82 putting him in third place he's gonna be so stoked with that next up there we're gonna have dane falls out of australia what do you think is gonna be doing okay absolutely insane guys I was until I watched him yesterday koala fires and Wow yep absolutely Wow Dan Forbes drops cooked insta Clips I'll tell you that much one of the best riders in Australia for sure coming up right now I'm saying he and Angus Hughes this is your third place qualify right here dane forbes representing apex into the double-kick list on the box jump thing going triple Stanley foot to bride that Superman on the spine jump there straight to the hip with a toboggan grab air big flare invert don't see too many inverse throwing down these days 25 seconds remaining on the clock in word was that figure eight yes that's the one that's the one oh my goodness no I mean either it's not gonna let him phase in though he's gonna continue his run ten seconds left on the clock what from quarterback and the end without of the volcano had he have landed the figure eight I think that might have been a high 80s ish one the Stanley flip Bry Wow I got to see that on the replay oh my gosh Wow to think to think of it like the best one of the best tricks in contest maybe two three years ago was something like 360 triple whip tebah that was like go to trick you would see it well now we're seeing Stanley flip combinations from different riders in multiple runs he had Stanley flip trip away from Jane Xiamen a young you have Stanley fry flip from Dane Forks here the level of writing right now in scootering is absolutely cooked Thank You 77 it's literally blowing my mind it's blowing my mind every single run how do you judge this contest second-place qualify Angus Hughes right here Apex prosecutors dropping in for his first run of the day 360 whip baba on the step-up whip to kick Bry whip whip whip front scooter whip coming back to what the spine right now what's he go with double heel to whip another Stanley foot to finger to finger whip combo there's a buttercup he's halfway through his run here 540 alley-oop flag little shake of the head there he knows that that wasn't quite what he wanted but he did hold it 20 seconds as he rolls towards the quarter flare whip sorry it was Baal whip I believe nan seconds left on the clock feeble to Boston in hitting the C ledge with the mono final trick right in front oh wow that was still a very good run I was insane the Australians are honestly bringing it today for sure all these are bringing out all the bangles I think he might have wanted more on the on the second like the second half of the run there it kind of it definitely like dimmed out to the end maybe when he shook his head here he thought I might reserve a couple of tricks I'm thinking of right now we'll have to see in his second run Ling is definitely playing it safe he wanted to get a solid run down and he's gonna definitely bring it his second run some fixer maybe gonna add at least a couple of more bangers in there could be happy with that run though he's such a great person he's so good to all the kids around him and he's just he's just as good off the scooter residues on 100% a real good dude also represents and of course both components but Australia at most there's so many guys that he represents waiting on the score here while we take a quick look at the crowd you know a bunch of guys from all around the world a lot of parents a lot of friends a lot of family we got that's what we like Angus used with the mid-80s 84.8 putting him in third place currently untouched at this point Chris Farris is up next this is your first place qualifier right here now representing mad gear as he's left district as of a couple of weeks ago is he still riding the district deck I think so he's got a ride something that he's familiar with for sure 360 bar leg wrap on the step up box Buttercup air going down going down with you got 50 seconds left on the clock big fat backflip double bar on the fats find their massive toboggan ere Chris Farrell showing he's has amplitude frontside lipslide on the quarter pipe he had issues on the spine like will is saying and here it is Wow backflip untwist straight into a front hand with bright flip on the Box jump back backflip drop in first flip drop we've seen up the contest if I'm not mistaken five Flair 15 seconds left on the clock Chris Farrell in it right now boss pin to back lip the first trick into a grind we've seen today other than Dylan's double whip to feeble [Music] Wow back-to-back tricks guys 370 live before the buzzer right on the buzzer there was a lot of diversity in that run I have to say that it's got to be in the 90s it must be he had flip combos he had amplitude he had grinds he had it all Chris Farris everybody he will be so stoked with that easy in comparison with last year he took two heavy slams on the spine job lost Jay because of the lad of the park and here he has clutched it he has absolutely clutched it here it's got to be high 90s oh yeah that's fine like nothing well guys that funny in wood textbook perfect 72 70 left left right 270 left he's gonna be so hyped on that let's see you score come on judges bring it out let's see it lets see it can he bump T Mars from first place we're about to find out person named Robin Mirren let's see that's cool let's see that's cool Oliver tree yeah if you guys know of a tree at home they cover the bowl cut their rides like the raisins oh yeah we need we need all over Korea it's a 90 point six point two points high Van Morrison is currently ranked in first Wow bill Morrison currently sitting in second he's gonna have to up himself in the second run to get himself back into first place here oh my goodness this is really starting to heat up here you can see Chris Farris with a nineteen point six Dylan Morrison closely behind him with the 90.4 gianmarco sitting in third place for the 87 Angus Hughes 84.8 and David sinker the youngest competitor in the contest followed by Jaden shaman in fifth and sixth we are back to the top of the tally here gianmarco Gattis is coming in for his second run he is currently sitting in third place he's got a beat at ninety point 6 if he wants to take the W here wow this is insane Jamaica coming in for his second run shoves box right into a oh the amplitude on that but a club transfer we've got that massive step up straight into a hue finger double light with five flare clean as setting himself up back up for that spawn I believe finger rewind Nicholas like we're over the Box super clean whit front light with air halfway through his run here thirty seconds remaining on the clock I think very much triple with I'm guessing he's going to do a a whip to Warren's whip to wall ride Bob ride double with era believe that was John Marcos showing his stuff right here he has tons of different combos in this run hitting the transfer as Marcin did that is definitely gonna add to his score here he's got time to hit the box can he clods the cash roll as he got it he's got it a flawless run from John Marco he might have thrown a spanner into the works here in st. everybody Dillon might be facing a 9 Flair right now he might have to throw something seriously off the rails to try and put himself in first he's gonna have to go full send and you know he's going to he's already singing first well so sorry second he's sitting in second so he's definitely gonna have combed like I said full sandy look at the amplitude he just doubled up can ramp in height I can't contain myself he did it looked like he was doing it in his sleep guys 360 triple 36 teacher with barred actually like it was nothing this is what happens when you've got a backyard mega ramp what do you guys think in the chat slowed the chat up with 9 Flair if you think Marcin is got to go bull sandy here the stands are gonna be open to the public it's gonna be jam-packed and that's right really want to see the sport head in terms of competition oh yeah this is such a great event it's such a great event that Barcelona like puts on its like that the fact that all of these people can come the judges are really really putting in the work right now this is gonna be a very very tough thing to judge here John's dad here we see the judges just commiserating talking over it or they want to make sure that they're taking longer and longer to tell you up those scores aren't they it's getting it's getting difficult I would hate to be one of the judges right now because you know that if there's any controversy the backlash goes straight on the judges I do not want their job position of power right now guys they all of these guys right now know what they're doing they've all been are oh gee scooter riders in the game for a long time so do trust are their judgment you've got matteo lawson on the far left their biggest OG of all time terry price and venge a almost in the double decades first place 19.8 you now have a new leader here this is Duke like I said it could go anyone's way yelling Chris guys step it up of your first run count back what so you know if you get that the same school goes off you're either on to determine who takes top spot I think that's how it goes definitely Dane shaman in for his second run I probably whip tickler straight to the Stanley flip unfortunately DEP in the foot transferred the spot backwards I've seen anyone jump that yet you got right here we've got a copper silver clean clean as fire flip ad real quick you don't try to respond straight into a triple feat whip I believe China build nothing frontal lightweight almost going down there DAP in the foot again unfortunately he won't be building on his first run score here for a younger competitor man he really showed what he could do out here his first feature at the I say I think World Finals and he's really really showing off his stuff right now these young guys have plenty of years ahead of them he's definitely going to be back next year for more like like people are just like you know what I'm gonna do it I'm a backflip to drop in like will not hyped on the flip drops yeah he definitely got a little bit crossed up on that backflip stand that you could see the deck was a little bit far off to the opposite side where in the direction that he was attempting to tailwhip it and it just came around a little bit too slow for him unfortunately this Jenin is dead scoring a sixty four point eight like I said not building on his first run score but geez an eighty one point eight for such a younger competitor in his very first run in his very first appearance you got to give him props man you can expect him to be back next year guys you can see how good he come down now you can imagine he's gonna be even better next year what that's what I'm saying it was the same with Jamie hold the rudder you're watching right now two years ago this kid was tiny and now look at him he's massive double backflip double tail whip again he lands it no worries at all is that finger finger lay the club boys spot the differences between this and his first run we need to spot the additions if any are made it comes the double flare and he lands it absolutely no worries Jamie hell's competition running has definitely improved vastly of the car over the past 12 months insane calm Prada one of the best competing riders in Europe guys yes full whip triple whip Jamie Hill holding it down for apex persecutors right now 15 seconds left on the clock with the double heel out of the bank needs to be fast five seconds he hits the spine whip rebound leading himself into the box jump front flip boss pin tail whip for his lost rake and he sticks it he is hyped another flawless run from Jamie Hall here in the same got to be high eighties possibly in the 90s could we have a new leader here I don't know I was double backflip triple tab just no worries about amay he has the double flips just on command bro on command I had the good experience of vlogging with this guy over in the UK and I'm telling you right now he did double backflip whip double whip triple whip and quad whip all back to back to back first try for a vlog man this dude is a champion this guy is a piece for a vlog dude throw away Clips only an 81.6 I'm not I'm not stoked on that score at all I thought it would have been at least 88 maybe 89 I can't agree I can't agree with that score there man currently in ninth place the next rider to drop in like I said the judges have the most difficult job of the day Richardson linka dropping back in the right order Wow then straight to warp over the box he is booking 36 t-bar here over that step up straight into a alley-oop whip front air super clean whip to turn down over the massive spine straight to a 360 whippet tuckered no hander oh yes box nice originality hear from Richard he's got the back lip on the ceiling again that is something that is so difficult to do on a Ledge yet he's doing it on a curved and it's massive like oh my goodness cleanest play with that was huge the Flair with big amplitude 540 Flair alley-oop right here transferring four days coming through the driveway setting up his speed he needs that cash roll is he gonna cash it let's hear it he's not hyped on that damn I feel for a man I feel for him he had everything down in his run they had originality he had amplitude he had style he landed every trick and unfortunately he just cooked the rolling a little bit I know that like bounces back that little bit yeah it's it's like a bank down to corner so the transition would have been a little bit weird he just didn't have that pump that he needed he did slightly build on his first run there seventy nine point eight feels for Richard's alinker out here today bummer that a TV took him out yep while we're watching this on a TV next up Cody phloem 6:34 super excited to see how crazy flow goes right now guys let's see it he's rollin towards the box jump here that bright twist that grab double whip my goodness this 540 Flair almost Casey it did Lander though did not slip a foot no down hill on the inward there in the 360 front flip whip tree one kick let's rewind inward Buttercup on the quarter once again hitting that transfer nice and clean maintaining his speed no pushes from this guy black or triple Tower in triple he'll out dipping the toes there you didn't have the the n-word in the 360 he did DAP a foot I don't know if he's going to develop on his first run score here as the hill finger rewind he's gonna go straight for that front flare textbook clean backside board with five seconds left on the clock straight into the flare I'm thinking Cody wanted more than that he did clip on the five flare and that might have been where he went wrong that might have put him off a little bit let's take a look at the replay and see if we can spot any of those small mistakes right here you'll see the 540 flare note they've cut away here's the 360 in word but - the downhill that he did in his first run he did add the whip rewind rewind it wasn't whip you on kick let's rerun like we thought but I'm sure no matter who's placing Cody flan will be more than happy with his performance he always has that beautiful smile on his face one of the happiest go lucky riders he did actually develop on his first run score even after DAP in the toe I think maybe his first run score should have deserved a little bit higher he's gonna be happy with that man he's a very looks like a very grateful person he's a very happy to be at any event competing and riding each other very very talented router yes sir right here we've got Billy watts is he gonna clutch it up for his second round he is 360 finger two bar maybe one of the more difficult tricks in his run because of that fats finer amp front flip triple whip over the second box jump frontside lipslide clean as days double throw bar too late boss spin air something very original here bossman two tire tap another trick you haven't seen today picklists late whip straight to the big box shop Oh 720 double light whip my god this man is oh no he goes down throwing the hands up give it up for Billy wants everybody my god that 720 double tail whip that was like 360 late 360 double whip what even this is a run that I wanted to see continued right to the end I'm so gutted for him that was crazy I love seeing people bring different diverse stuff to the table here and Billy Watts has just done that look at the amplitude on that 360 finger - boss man my god Billy is the man and taps and double story bars guys if you guys look him saying his clips he is crazy at spins taps and three bars I would I would insist that you guys go and check out Billy it's mandatory we have six riders remaining until we have to crown our new world champion 720 double bar spin it definitely messed him up he landed a little bit flat they're not getting the line that he wanted but he is gonna keep it going here not gonna let it faze him front flip tuck no-hander up the Box jump Buttercup on the quarter pipe triple tail whip writing ambidextrous as we've seen a tire tap again from the man 360 in with Nicholas n-word thought that trick is so sick double down here triple tail whip on the spine with 28 seconds remaining on the clock boss spinning the hip leading him straight into a big flare boss spin coming out Flair downhill loads of flips in this run whip rewinding the hip of front slide as you come through 10 seconds left on the clock what was that double whip to kick less kick less first party with untwist unloose yeah yeah it would have been double whip unless kik lists i believe he knows he's out of time but he's going to keep going what's he got front flip kick less for the crowd a flawless run from him he'll be hyped with that it was after the buzzer that first that last trick yeah I think he did land a little bit flat on the 360 inwards so that might have messed up his line a little bit there brownie talked that was such a good funny talk yep nice extension on that one there here we see the fact that anybody is even thinking that bond astounds me I do not understand the ability of these riders right now is is crazy yeah that's a yikes for me five riders remaining Dylan Morrison his first run put him in first place until he was bumped to second and now third I believe he's currently sitting in is he gonna bring out the 9 flare chat let me hear it Jordan Hall seventy nine point six putting him in 10th place it's crazy that an 80 point run can have you in 10th place really shows the standard for the riding today that's what I'm saying the score to beat is a ninety point eight he's got to put another point four on his score to go first equal if you can match first place to score they will rebate it to the first run and he did have a stronger first run score than gianmarco Gado so even if he can become first equal no I don't think it's gonna happen for him this year Dylan Morrison going down on the second trick he's not gonna be stoked with that unfortunately just not clutching that bar leg wrap butter let's see a nine Flair dill let's see it let's see a nine Flair it sucks to see someone crushed outside let's see let's see one come on I learn massive flare bossman not throwing the nine I mean it is a way better trick he's probably not trying to hurt himself right now he's been doing the half star he knows that he might have podium here either way massive backflip bossman on the transfer I don't think we're gonna see a nine flare here today but that was still in Morrison he's really out here and he's been out here Dell Marston been in how many World Finals now I swear he's been in every single one since 2013 since he first came second I believe I think it's been to every single year that's what I'm saying I might've been overly er than that 2012 even 2011 ever since decide in it may be no I think it was the one off to decide I could be wrong we'll talk about it later I'll lose track there's just so many good competitions have been so many different crazy insane world champions over the years I lose track david sink you're currently sitting on six spot with an 82 Wow Rhoda whipped tailwhip not even going to try call that double flare Oh I'm not holding in he's not gonna be hype with that he's bringing it back 40 seconds still left on the clock here feel like that was unless kick loose he does it so effortlessly bah he'll ba that's what I'm saying trying to get that Redemption sitting in six spot as the youngest competitor man you give you can't help but be proud of him absolutely insane we are really coming down to the wire here people this is the final three runs then four angus hughes and chris ferris are we gonna see another upset here we'll gianmarco Gaydos be bumped out of first place we are about to find out don't go anywhere [Music] again the depths up from the homies you can see researchers on screen they're not getting through qualifies this year unfortunately there was a lot of people in qualifying that you would you would have expected them to make finals but they just didn't like Jordan Clark he stacked in both runs after being injured for the majority of the early season of the year other writers such as researchers and many others men that we thought were going to feature again in the finals here this year just didn't make the cut Dane Forbes in for his last run double-kick lists on the box for his first trek currently sitting in 11th place with 77 points triple finger on the fats fine Stanley flip Bry flip lay whip just DAP in the foot there at least he didn't lose all his speed another flare in the camera man struggling to keep up 25 seconds left on the clock with the quarter trick there's the figure eight again going down on the figure a unfortunately Dane Forbes not going to be improving his score much here he did qualify in third place so you know that in qualify as he clutched this entire run Wow going for the flare bright double whip just not getting around and he's going to call it there Danes second year at well so the fact that he's place run in qualified qualified third in in the qualifiers guys which is insane you know it's the second year at Worlds one of the younger competitors as well so you can expect him to be back in the future riding better than ever no doubt about it another rider that we would have expected to make finals was definitely Dante Hutchinson a previous world champion he also did not make the cut of qualifies and it all just comes down to what happens on the day man anyone could make finals you just never know is currently ranked fifth its Angus Hughes the score to beat again is a 90 point eight this is the second to last run we are so close to crowning our 2019 is a world's champion Don Marco is currently sitting in first place is anyone gonna create an upset here 360 whip bossman bossman up the Box whip kick Bry whip whip whip front scooter whip feeble on the quarter as he turns around to hit the spine whip 3 1 double whip to rewind is the Superman to tail whip no bar spin there after like that such a unique trick by Angus quick transfer here hitting the hip Boston rewind quick butter cup think he wanted a boss spin on the end there down here flair it's kind of slowing down here go into a flare bow whip bah my god in a coma Wow oh man that's edit bang his dude Aspen to footplant bah Manuel over the sea ledge with a couple of seconds left on the clock here right away throw it front oh my gosh that was a solid run from Angus Wow I don't know if that's gonna make top 3 but it could where we're gonna find out the judge is gonna have a tough one here the pace of that run I got to admit definitely slowed down towards the end there the judges have such a difficult job here every single run guys every rider that is nice to be on absolutely insane runs trying the absolute best it's just awesome setup more riding at this level and them all really happy and feeding riders they're all everyone's battling out for that first place and they're all really excited and stoked for each other for the other riders that are excelling which is just awesome seeing the camaraderie Angus who's not quite getting himself into the top three sitting in fourth place with 87 point for this is the last run can Chris Ferris clutch the W or is he going to continue to sit in second place the final run of the is a World Finals 2019 guys smash like a chat I want to see you go to nuts right here light it up Chris Ferris 360 bar leg wrap first trick massive Buttercup to tail whip he's going to show the amplitude big backflip boss spin on the big spine clipping just a little bit or going down and it looks like it looks like gianmarco is going to be your world champion here I can't see it going any other way Chris Ferris taking second place he knows it's all over your new is a 20 tene world's champion john marco Gaydos chris is gonna throw something for the crowd here the cop is not over yet there's 20 seconds left on the clock 7:24 he almost closed it up we're definitely gonna see that in the best trick contest my goodness guys this has been an absolute honor to be here with you today shoutout to all the competitors here at the is a world champions 2019 Caleb thank you so much for streaming the contest with me how's it been for you no worries it's been absolutely amazing thank you so much to breath for having me along here guys this is well insane to see all of these riders throwing down some big names in the industry and just crazy guys cannot wait for next year already even though I can't I cannot this has been the most exciting year and I swear we say that every single year just gonna get just as excited every single that's what I'm saying that's what I'm saying thank you so much for tuning in here on YouTube I think our peak viewership was almost 1500 viewers you guys have absolutely showed love here today thank you so much for tuning in it's been your boy Phineas B and I'll see you guys in the next one peace out have an amazing day
Channel: Scooter Brad
Views: 474,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scooter brad, pro scooter, scooter tricks, scooter vlog, vlog, daily vlog, scootering, stunts, scooter world finals, scooter finals, scooter final, 2019, world roller games, world roller games 2019, world roller games scooter, isa world final, isa scooter world final 2019, isa scooter, isa scooter 2019, isa finals, isa scooter finals, full broadcast, livestream, live stream, scooter live stream, scooter full broadcast, isa scooter broadcast, isa scooter live stream
Id: 117j52DQOlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 12sec (3552 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2019
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