Is your outboard engine bogging down? Check this first!

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what's going on guys welcome back today we are going to be checking out a I believe it's either 225 or 250 um Mercury optimax um customer is having a problem going over about 4 000 RPMs I think um you said whenever you would it would just kind of bog out and wouldn't really do much but was last in here and we put like a fuel flow meter on and everything didn't really you know do anything to the motor besides just running the idle it um so something's going on so we're going to kind of run you through um checking process what's already done the guys I wasn't here yesterday the guys already kind of ran a compression check just make sure the motor's healthy uh which compressor came back good all the cylinders were about 90 Psi Psi so all that looks good we're gonna go over there check fuel pressure air pressure just kind of start checking over some stuff and seeing what we find here so keep you posted thank you okay get this there hooked up [Music] foreign foreign we are going to check this fuel pump first um yeah I'm gonna get my tools to get this thing off get checked out sometimes this gives us issues so number one we're gonna check this verify that's good um we'll go from there mm-hmm it looks a little stretched but we're gonna we're gonna replace it anyways just because yeah this is completely this ain't got much more of that's really stressed oh yeah look at that okay that might be it there's no uh I'm gonna inspect these really yeah inspect the gasket really carefully to see if there's any tears but she just looks uh really worn yeah we're gonna replace it place this just preventative maintenance here so I was mistaken there should be a lift pump in here as well um so I'm going to go ahead and oh oh go ahead and take this tank off here get it off get on the bench and take a look at it and see what we got nicely I had to uh is down trying to get this damn thing off unplug the lift pump lift pump it's the high pressure pump but look in there definitely got trash so let me get this stuff out of here cleaned up [Applause] well I do apologize guys but my camera seemed to have died as I was trying to film I do have a new diaphragm kit in the mechanical fuel pump this is all back together I did replace the filter I did that on accident just fool around with it looking at it but it does have a new fuel filter everything got reinstalled cleaned and this so we're gonna head back over to the boat here get the actually I'm gonna put this on before I get it on the engine just make it a little easier for me but I'm gonna put this on here and then we're going to go ahead and install the tank and run it and then we're going to Lake test see what we find we got it clamped up we got everything ready to go we're gonna put some water this thing on it and we shall go Lake tests probably Anita primer up a couple times thank you [Music] so sometimes you win sometimes you lose in this case you know we went through the VST tank to check everything which is uh you know preventative here to make sure everything was okay now I came in on the kind of halfway of the job because I wasn't here yesterday and I was told everything in the boat checked out fun well come to find out I went to go Prime the system up via the primer bulb and I looked down and I see this fuel line in there well this fuel line is always a problem if you can see right here that's liner in it so what happens is the ethanol fuel whatever it crumples it and it and it and it completely collapses the fuel line guy wasn't getting any fuel to his motor so you know we checked on that that was my fault for not rechecking what was checked you know less learned here can't always believed what was said you know some of my poked around yeah it looks fun you don't know what's been said so I physically went in there and I checked it out myself and then I found this kind of crap so right now I'm going to get a fuel line and he got it all the way up to here I'm gonna get this fuel line changed down to uh where got a fuel flow meter at and then um we should be good we're still going to Lake test it since we went through all this um you know just some preventative maintenance stuff here we did replace that um you know just just because if it did look worn and stuff like that but had to bet this thing's gonna take off and run once we get a clear fuel line um lesson learned here always double check have a real nice camera malfunctions today um we got the I got the fuel line all changed up in here we got the new non-uh non-liner fuel line in there all right let's go see what this thing does come on good morning foreign [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] those handle is pretty good though [Music] [Music] hey guys so I just wanted to get on here and address something real quick uh not that many of them may think or wonder but if you were we're not charging the customer or did we um for taking the tank and doing all that the only thing that we're going to make and pay for is a new filter new fuel pump which I mean he kind of it's probably time for a new fuel pump anyway mechanical but uh anyways you know that one was just kind of like I kind of mentioned in the in whenever I found the fuel line sometimes you win some sometimes you lose some um not that it was a bad direction to go in but um just don't see it fit to charge them so we're not gonna that's how we kind of do things sometimes so I just want to clarify that um so also wanted to put here thanks for watching thanks for staying tuned on these videos um what I would like to say is if you all have any suggestions on any videos you all would like to see whether it's troubleshooting anything like that let me know um you know this channel is going to kind of be a little bit of everything you know in terms of and stuff breaking stuff uh racing boats all kind of different stuff so stay tuned for more videos thanks like And subscribe guys
Channel: Bust Out Another Thousand
Views: 112,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Fx-7JR7Yf4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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