Is Warhammer Fantasy Better than 40k? (PancreasNoWork Reaction)

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a lot of you guys have recommended I check out some videos by pancreas no work and while I was looking through his log here I stumbled upon something a little spicy so I know you guys said that to watch the do or don't things but uh I couldn't resist looking on this one been a while since I've done a bit of a rambling opinion piece and I figured for this one I just flop my shme out of the table for all to see and judge as you can probably guess from the title I think Warhammer fantasy is a better setting than Warhammer 40K I much prefer it to 40K for a whole variety of reasons and I figured tell you all those reasons a little more lowkey be interesting to know one is waiting to come out and the to doer D is in the works probably shouldn't have to tell you this but this is my opinion not the word of Christ almighty himself so if I say something here you disagree with that's okay opinions are nice like that there's rarely a single correct one this is a Warhammer YouTube channel not a congressional hearing but I'll throw some actual reasons your way too just to pretend I can analyze these settings at a level approaching rational thought so sit back okay being the first video I've ever checked out from pancreas no work here um this man can talk and I see what you guys were talking about with like a the humor that he inserts into his videos can enjoy the background total war footage with occasional pictures while I Lay My smooth brain's thought processes out for you but before I go on look at this quickly one I'd be terribly grateful if you did what it says but also I want to give a massive thanks to Barry Waltz for throwing this together for me I made a silly poorly edited meme when he overtook me in Subs he gives me something I can use for the rest of my YouTube career what a class act that Barry I don't know how to get rid of the black or the green screen so it's going to stay like this and answer the general trashy feel of my channel not that it's trashy itself it's just me handling anything someone gives me as trashy you see anyways I don't know what I'm doing time to talk about why I think fantasy is better first of all and this is a reason that can't really be debated unlike some of the others because it's just Personal Taste I prefer fantasy to sci-fi I like dragons and wizards more than I like spaceship fights and planetary bombardment okay you know fair fair enough I feel like both fantasy and 40K they F like different nich is which is kind of the beauty of it if you prefer the Sci-Fi part then obviously 40K would be better and fantasy is just like fantasy any fantasy tropes really turned up to 11 and it's really cool personally for me I I can't really say whether I prefer fantasy or 40K uh I just really like them both and the fact that both of them have such like extensive lore that I can dive into and learn about is just it's incredible really I do have to say though that like seeing dinosaurs riding dinosaurs I know they're lizards but like come on now riding dinosaurs into battle is just really really appealing don't get me wrong sci-fi is still amazing and I love it I mean I've got a Halo tattoo among other things I got to love sci-fi a bit but I just prefer fantasy to it that being said there are still a few ways within the context of Warhammer that gives fantasy an edge over 40K in this department something I read online that I'm a big fan of quoting is that 40K is a fantasy setting cosplaying is science fiction I mean there's demons and hyperspace travel going through I hope I'm not breaking anyone's Mind by saying 40 is hard science fiction but it's still somewhat sci-fi so this means it has to justify things a bit more than fantasy does for example psychic powers in 40K the chaos Gods all have various things related to psychic powers and how Souls work in the universe to explain how in a setting that's supposedly sci-fi there's evil gods and demons each of them came about at various points in history in response to events in the material world it's a similar situation with the old ones and their Creations the Eldar gods for instance might not be Gods but either manifestations of Eldar belief or the old ones taking on the role of gods to survive either way you get people like the emperor taking the argument that there are no gods in the setting just things we don't understand that are evil and pretending to be Gods there's more work being done to justify why the setting is the way it is psycher Powers themselves also suffer from a similar effect you see when araman blasts some poor bastard with lightning he's not using magic it's actually psychic powers emanating from a realm Beyond human comprehension totally non magic look at all these reasons we have listed for you that someone resurrecting with the power of someone else called the god Emperor isn't Magic you know what the justification is for there being gods and magic in Warhammer fantasy it's a [ __ ] fantasy fasy setting of course there's Wizards and evil gods they just part of the setting there's much less leg work needed to be done in order to make the setting work there's also the advantage inherent in fantasy settings that people more or less know a lot about everything involved before they even get into the setting for instance High Elves are going to be arrogant aloof and good at Magic dwars like beer I mean I I didn't know they were high when I first saw them in the total war cinematic trailer I mistook them for patonia I'm still very sorry and I still get comments about that to this day live in mountains I need rocks this makes the setting much easier to jump right into because if you're getting into Warhammer fantasy you presumably know what an elf is sure the specifics might trick you up a bit like Orcs are a bit different in warham than anywhere else but you can get a handle on the broad Strokes most people the Rings right meanwhile 4K has to explain pretty much everything what's a prim what's a Space Marine chapter why is everything heresy even if some of these things have simple answers they still need answers whereas with fantasy you can just jump right into it this makes it a lot easier okay yeah I see your point I think 4K also appeals to that I suppose Niche audience would you call it that of people who enjoy the more complex flors like myself for instance it's based off of other Concepts but you need to do research into it to like fully understand it rather than like you know it's it's an elf right uh as he was saying and the added effort that you need to go through to understand things is somewhat appealing in a strange way I don't really know how to describe it it's like a challenge that you need to overcome and because there's that challenge it becomes exciting like for me learning a new strategy game can seem extremely daunting but I enjoy it because once you master it you feel like you have obtained a skill in a way I don't know if it's just me so I mean let me know what you guys think but yeah that's that's my take on it easier to get into Warhammer fantasy than 40K for something a bit less meta let's talk about the scale of the settings Warhammer 40K is a gigantic blob of a science fiction Universe I mean look at this map there's a whole lot of didly in the 40K Galaxy now let's go back down to Warhammer fantasy it's a single world that looks a whole lot like Earth with a not Atlantis right in the not Atlantic thankfully there's still a land mass roughly equivalent to Florida so rest assured there's certainly some lizardmen and/ or dark elves in that area high on bath salts at first you might go bigger as better and in some ways 40 K's massive size does give it an advantage over fantasy there's far more room for home brews and large scale Adventures to take place without upsetting the status quo but that's very much a double-edged sword there's plenty of downsides to it and one is that the scale of 40K can keep individual achievements from meaning anything let's say some chaos lore blows up a planet okay I guess Planet nothing inquisitors do that regularly beon regularly cleanses all life on a planet down to the bacteria on it a character can conquer a system and there'll be 100 like him who've done equally as much if not more but going back to Fantasy it's a single planet destroying certain cities can mean a whole lot even though it's just a single City it gives a much better scale threat than GW having to just keeping the amount of planets someone conquers to mean anything there will always be more planets in the Imperium just conquering one doesn't mean anything for a character but if some guy in his band of chaos goobers take down a city at the edge of the Empire that can mean something depending on what the city was you can get an actual sense of scale out of that another advantage of fantasy scale is that you can actually get a sense of threat based on where a battle or threat takes place space is very big realistically speaking a chaos incursion taking place 30,000 light years away from terror is no more of a threat than one taking place 3,000 light years away from it but the writers of GW are going to make the second one seem worse because it's technically closer even though in both cases the enemy is still a massive massive amount of distance away from the throne world it's space you can't march an army across the Galaxy no slow attrition Warfare across the land it's just 3,000 is closer than 30,000 therefore that's a big deal ignoring the fact that realistically speaking those are both such massive distances with such massive amounts of planets and star systems in the way that they're almost equivalent but now let's go look at a map of the empire of man let's say chaos Radars are on the coast of nordland who gives a ship you can probably see norka from the coastline if the weather permits Viking Raiders coming into pillages like the first snowfall of the year it's just part of life you can tell based on its location that it's not a meaningful threat to the Empire if a norin raid goes into nordland but let's say the cast Raiders are now in Uber's Reich the exact same amount of Raiders with the exact same gear and the exact same amount of attention from the chaos Gods without changing the number of Invaders or their strength at all you just scale the Threat Level Up massively because now they aren't in bum [ __ ] nowhere they're in the capital province of the Empire and a stone throw away from aldorf the capital city you infers so many more things about the threat than in 40K solely based on its location and distance from other locations one less thing to touch on with the scale before moving on is similar to my first point with a few exceptions a location being destroyed in 40K just doesn't mean anything due to how many more near identical versions of the location exist oh no Forge world hesus was destroyed what will we do oh there's another thousand of them sure some worlds will matter more but there will always be more worlds there will always be enough Forge worlds or agure worlds or whatever the hell worlds to keep the Imperium at the level of things are getting very bad but we aren't quite crumbling yet the only way to make a particular location important is for the writers to say it's important for one reason or another this Forge R is important because it has a certain Tech blueprint this AG world is important because it feeds a hundred other worlds and even knowing that there will always be more that was kind of the similar situation with what we faced in Space Marine when we play through it right because there was a specific Titan here and the Titans are just extremely valuable and that's why we can't let this Forge World go uh we can't just use exterminatus on it so far I don't really have anything to say to refute any of these points cuz uh yeah this this is very correct I mean I only know a bit of the Warhammer 40K lore and even then uh I've already seen some of these points that he's brought up of like writers having to come up with reasons why this particular planet is more important than the others and the scale in the distance thing makes sense so I I'll just go on with the video planets to fill in the Gap again there are exceptions kadia blowing up was pretty consequential to put it mildly and either of the two passages between the Great Rift falling would certainly be bad news to say the least but for the most part the Imperium can lose a 100 planets in a day and it means nothing now go back to Fantasy let's say a horde of beastmen raise a city pillars of literal [ __ ] erected up to Mark the hunting grounds the side of order has no more presence here victory for chaos as small a change as it might be in the grand scale of things it's infinitely more impactful in fantasy because that's it there's no replacement for that City sitting around the Galaxy there won't be a lost one to find in some forgotten corner of reality that city is gone and without a major effort it won't ever be replaced or G back strategic locations and resour mean so much more because there's not another dozen essentially identical versions of them located across the Galaxy a critical foress world can be destroyed but it doesn't really matter at the end of the day it's space you can go around it but you can't go around Helm guard unless you're the scaven then you just go under it to stop rambling on about scale the characters in Warhammer fantasy just feel more relatable and appreciable as people part of that is probably gw's focus on Marines I'm not a super soldier in the year 40,000 I don't fight massive battles on the daily I admit this might just be a me thing but I find it hard to relate to the demigod son of the the emperor feeling a bit snubbed by his Divine daddy also this whole video was about a me thing anyways but I digress even ignoring that however the people in 40K almost seem like empty shelves I'm struggling to explain exactly what I mean so how about I try and pull a valid example Carl Fran yeah I'm sure you could predict that was my example is the Emperor of the empire of man Prince and Emperor of reand wielder of gal morz and yes I am going to that full set of titles every time I bring him up for the first time in a video he's a noble Warrior and great Statesman but by his own admission in total Warhammer he does some dark stuff to keep the empire safe a witch hunter can order a town burned to the ground because he thinks a chaos worshipper or vampire might have power there and he does it with Carl's stamp of approval but he does this because he cares for his country his people this is just the only way he can see the Empire surviving another day he's motivated by the goodness and patriotism in his heart even though the deedy approves of are horrendous even the evil characters get a lot of depth like this with some exceptions nagash sigval all of the scaven ever Vlad wants power and rule the Empire but he gives at least a bit of a damn about the average human in the world at a level Beyond walking talking blood Juice Box characters in 40K meanwhile often just seem to do the things they do because it's expected of them and relatedly are massive [ __ ] because otherwise the setting wouldn't suck why do Space Marines fight chaos well there's so many chapters that it varies but a lot of the time I get the impression the reason is because that's what they're supposed to do do they Massacre civilians even though they hate it because they just think they need to no not really they just do that because that's what Marines do they don't give a damn about Humanity or even fellow Space Marines they just fight because they need to fight there's no motivation Beyond fighting that's it a lot of Space Marine chapters Comm evil Deeds not because it's a necessity but because they're The [ __ ] chapter and The [ __ ] chap [ __ ] they commit evil Deeds just because that's the role in life not because they think this is the only option and they hate every minute of it and yes I'm aware they brainwash child soldiers but my viewpoint on that is just because there's a reason for something being boring doesn't make it not boring it's like when a video game character was made to be annoying on purpose good job you succeeded I still hate them a lot of 40K characters also fit okay I don't think I know enough about like all of the lore in order to come up with some sort of counterargument to this or like any meaningful commentary unfortunately I can somewhat see his point from the little that I do know that like oh yeah there are these factions that are evil and these factions that are not and I mean the space Mars are fighting each other because of you know the whole horor heresy thing uh and the universe itself is just such a dangerous place that you have no room for mercy so in a world where there's really like only war and like even Exterminating planets doesn't really mean anything in the grand scale of things you can kind of see why like Taking Lives just doesn't phas anybody but I suppose because of that like as he said it kind of diminishes the weight of that action but for me it doesn't really make the Space Marines any less badass templets this man is a salamander he's kind to the Common Man and likes fire this is an Eldar she's aloof and mystical and arrogant is all hell only really caring about herself and other Eldar there are exceptions don't get me wrong kapas Kan in the gaun books especially break the mold of their factions about 40K characters a lot of the time it seems like they take the standard template for a faction and then add a quirk or two fantasy still has templates for characters I'm not going to pretend it doesn't I'm not going to show that much favoritism this isn't Halo I'm talking about but let's look at a few of the high elf characters there's teist a crippled major does his best to keep the Realms of man and elf safe not just his own there's aarian the Grim the living epitome of a brick wall who cares about nothing but defending his homeland and ensuring that yest never Falls to Orcs like it once nearly did there's a Letha Nar who's basically just a of Vengeance against Dark Elves that never got around to dying because he's so damn focused on killing more Dark Elves he just doesn't age none of them are anything like each other and that's ignoring fbar Tyrion kalidor Dragon Tamer and all sorts of minor characters there are two minor high elf characters in a gotri and Felix book that to my knowledge never appear in another book and each of them were completely distinct from anyone else in fantasy not only are the characters more relatable but they don't feel nearly as rying on templates templates still exists but it feels like they don't to anywhere near the same extent something else about fantasy I personally find appealing is that its history is fairly concise and laid out now I'm not that much of a fool I know that 4k's Vibe of history and culture being lost and forgotten is a major part of the setting especially the Imperial and the setting as a whole would certainly be lesser if that wasn't the case but I'm still a silly guy who majored in history I like seeing the entire chain of events leading one another reading about the people and revolutions that changed the world and with fantasy you get exactly that there's still some mystery like precisely what the old ones were doing Beyond preparing for chaos or how exactly this G came about given that there's like five different accounts from the Doom of kavsar to the sea god cursing Sailors but everything from sigmar's rise to the war of the beard to Nash are all fairly well accounted for you can read exactly why elves and dwarfs hate each other just how maliki's rise to power went down there's little Theory crafting or anything like it involved that too has its downsides in that there's much less interesting debates and theories to discuss but like it's really a matter of preference at that point I don't think there's any like clear winner when it comes to having a very concrete history I guess a history that's s in stone versus one that is fil all of mystery because obviously when it it's full of mystery then that kind of gives the players just freedom to come up with their own theories or come up with their own like chapters and whatnot but when it's said in stone it also gives everybody's actions once again just more weight in the world and ultimately it's it just comes down to a matter of preference with this particular Point said earlier this is a matter of taste and also like I said earlier just because there's a reason something is the way that it is doesn't mean I have to like it sue me and finally I just think fantasy has better games I know a very weak point but this whole video is subjective so why don't I end on something that's 110% subjective as opposed to the rest of this video just being 100% subjective the total war Warhammer and vermintide games absolutely knock it out of the park by quantity I think 40K has more good games and it has some absolute bangers don't get me wrong I mean anyone who's a fan of RTS games that doesn't think Dawn of War is amazing either hasn't played it or is lying to you Space Marine is a fun little thir shooter and mechanicus I'm sure needs no introduction but out of the enjoyment I've gotten out of the games fantasy hasard one by a lot of people started learning new hobbies and skills in 2020 when we're all stuck at home from cooking to even painting miniatures more related to the Hobby I woke up booted up steam and played total Warhammer 2 for 8 hours summer 2020 was the summer of total Warhammer for me and I think I'm wrapped up here that's all my major reasons for why I think fantasy is better than 40K warmer to Warhammer fantasy and not age of Sigmar because some of the things I said about the scale of the setting for instance apply just as well to AOS as they do to 40K and with that I think I'm also out of stman arguments I can think of to defend myself with either way do let me know in the comments why whatever Warhammer setting you like the most is your favorite I'm happy to read them because this is all about personal enjoyment and I love to hear what makes people interested in the setting they chose the champion Malik is coming out soon this should be going up before that's out don't tell any I told you this one but me and some other fellas have some nekron stuff coming out soon more on that to come shout out again to Barry Waltz for gifting me that wonderful little subscribe notification he's a real pal go sub to bingo waltan thank you of course wonderful channel members you were the garas to my Warhammer without you it just wouldn't be the same around here if you'd like to support the channel consider subscribing or becoming a member either way thanks for watching and take care out there and of course damy mommy moranti is in fantasy therefore making it the best setting by default my parents once said to make sure I don't put anything that might harm me on YouTube in one way or another you know nothing that'll be embarrassing for me in the future and for when more of my family finally finds this channel I just like to say this in response to that you would need the force of 10,000 industrial strength cranes to pull my tongue out of morath's [ __ ] so that's why that's the most replayed section of the video I see I understand now it brings up a very good point I don't know anything about fantasy but come on now like um I would say that was a great video I I really enjoyed his sense of humor as well I don't think that any of the points that he brought up are like straight up just untrue uh and ultimately like it's a discussion of preferences like as he said at the very beginning of the video it's his opinion but overall I think it was a good a good breakdown of like the strengths and weaknesses of both franchises I'm glad that they're distinctly different I will say cuz it it gives just a wider range of appeal you know but yeah I got to see more of this guy's content
Channel: The Legit Weebs
Views: 6,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40000, warhammer reaction, warhammer 40k reaction, warhammer fantasy, warhammer fantasy reaction, pancreas no work, pancreasnowork, pancreas no work reaction, pancreasnowork reaction, vtuber, warhammer vtuber, warhammer vtuber reaction, reaction, commentary
Id: 7PeBYFpieUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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