Is this the WEIRDEST bass line of the 1990s?!

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damn you Allison damn you clay poool damn this Rift I hate [Music] you is that six yes and it's fretless oh do the '90s the '90s the flannel shirts oh yes the PRS dude let's talk about this Baseline is it the greatest baseline or the weirdest Baseline ever it's definitely the weirdest I don't think there's any argument about that it's wild yeah and before we get into this and we start trying to play it and show like literally me trying to play it Ian showing you how to do it just a caveat that don't slay in the comments you Scott sounds terrible today yeah yeah because I should never be tapping ever on bass in public it shouldn't be happen but even this morning he was like let's do this Baseline man I was like little shed little tears though okay so if you think I sound like a bag of garbage today yeah no dudes no I know it I'm ready though hey I'm a huge Les clay pool fan I mean I came up loving this record and I remember seeing him play this and thinking like oh it's a six it's a fretless I'll never be able to do it you know because I had a four or whatever I got a six at one point but the ship had sort of sailed and I always just thought oh you can't really do this on a four you need a six you need a Carl Thompson but it turns out do it on a four yeah you can so we're going to show it to you legit on a six while this one is Fred but I'm going to show it to you also on a four string so we're going to get into it how do you tap on Bas how do you tap on the bass well get your bass it helps if the action is relatively low but it doesn't need to be crazy low you're going to try to use the weight of gravity with your arm to bring down your two fingers on this trone that just means a flat five if you have a four string do it with me your middle finger is going to be up on a c and your first finger is going to be a half step below that on the D string on an F sharp and if you want instant less clay pool Vibes all you do is just do this oh yep instant L clay will just move around a trone but the thing that you want to do for this is just get this strike happening so I'm putting my thumb on the E string to mute that because I'm not playing it okay and then I'm I'm bringing down with some Force this sound and this shape these two fingers okay so all you need is this shape and then a whole step higher so a d with your second finger and a G sharp with your first finger so this these are the only two places that's all you need and that's what your right hand is doing during this Rift so if you play that again yeah that's what's going on but it's tricky to try to get that and then also do the left hand separately as you were saying like it's almost easier to put them together phrase by phrase hey should I show them on the six string for that 1% of you out there have a six string it's slightly different on a on a sixth string because Ian's playing the C with his middle finger and then the trone below for the but all we need to do on a six is instead of playing the C with the middle finger C with the index finger and then the try turn above easy and that's the original phrase that's the original notes I'm get I'm get I'm getting it I'm looking it baby anyway go left hand right so once we have this and we feel comfortable about making those shapes also to uh I think Bridge pickup is sort of the vibe on this right that's that like squawky less clay pool sound he's only got a bridge pickup check it out [Music] godamn so I was just looking for an excuse to press play and watch let do it so good so here's what's going on with the left hand we've got okay that's the first phrase and what you're doing is you're tapping with your second finger on a G sharp pulling off to a g and then this one is the hardest one for me pinky with a B flat falling back down to this G sharp G so we have right that's the first phrase and it's the same on the sixth string as well it's only the right hand that changes you know just goes it from from there to there right that's the only thing that changes on the sixth string yeah and how we learned that actually or how I learned it because he already knew it is instead of trying to go and do all of this what I really focused on first is just that first phrase three notes yes that's great and try and playing them in time yes because when I when I was playing could you just play the groove just like a couple of times around I was like where's one just just like don't tell me anything just where's one right and it's B yeah and that's why I focused on learning that two and the right hand is one the right hand is one yeah that's a stinker because we don't obviously usually do that that's great and then the next bit is that moving up to that second double stop [Music] there yeah next bit is that yeah yep so yeah then the uh from the pinky down right yeah so that's the next phrase and that's hard for [Music] me and again you're I'm not picking that yeah I can hammer on with a little finger pull off pull off so the only fingers you're using on your left hand throughout this entire piece are one two and four that's right yep and then when we get to that next pie 1 2 4 so 1 2 one 4 2 1 1 two 4 and by the way yes we've done the tab and notation for you so if you brain's kind of melting out your ears right now make sure that you get the tab and notation so you can print it out it's totally free just click the link in the description you be able to get it free over there as well get the tab and notation don't drive yourself nuts yeah and it'll be also for a four string base as well so you'll have Tab and notation four six the fingerings that you'll use for a six string and also for a four string so never fear so we've got the first phrase which is the second phrase yeah and again I'm trying to Loop it I like you're putting it close to Tempo because it is hard to feel it really slow actually yeah it just kind of it's just ambiguous weird noises if you don't play up to temper do you know I mean tell us how you really feel yeah you know the guy at a police academy that told her hey you don't have like a hair or perhaps some moose oh yeah yeah that does it remind you of that yes sorry L I love you okay right get that next phrase down oh that was it yeah so it's said oh yeah that's great right notice as well how Ian's doing um this so this yeah as I was just before we hit recording this camera and I was sort of like H sweating over this he was like oh by the way there's something else you should be doing amongst this nightmare that you're trying to play it's this I was like cheers Allison you're Wicked I'm glad you having a great day look you don't need hey but that sounded good hey but here's the weird thing it kind of makes it a little easier to play actually so yeah it's a key it's just think about this if you're struggling to get that sound try this hit your Bas hit your base right hand left hand exactly right it's just drums and it's all of the upbeats at that point [Music] so yeah so it's nice to have the other hand yeah anchoring down the down beats yeah ah Dam you D you clay pool d Rift I hate you hey that felt nice though I got one one yeah so that's it um and you're going to then instead of going hammer on with the pinky and pull off down to the G you're going to start from the C hammer on c c Shar [Music] D and as with all of this just to get these sounds down you can break them apart and just do them over and over like this one for me is still difficult it's hard for me to get these notes after this tap ah to sound strong but this one is far easier I think having momentum traveling up with a hammer on sounds better for me like it's easier for me so here's the whole riff a little bit [Music] slower I'm going to T he's one 2 3 [Music] 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 sounds great it sounds really great and there's this other bit that you wanted to show them as well in the track isn't there he was like looking forward to this pit he was like oh this this other B do you want to put the one from the original on should put that bit from the original let's do it yeah it's just a nightmare and it sounds so heavy and cool here we [Music] go it's like cork core it's cold reminded me of cold but we by aice you're out for blood [Laughter] today oh I mean just so fun to see less too in that role of like he's singing he's playing he's playing the craziest techniques it's what made him stand out from all the rest in the era the Golden Era of the flannel yeah oh man the '90s rule dude is he stomping around that stage in long underwear he yeah I think so check it [Music] out I bet it we wearing a flannel shirt just before that video was shot they just like whipped it popped it off right before there's something too about Primus that's always been like super badass funky heavy but also really playful tongue and cheek not taking themselves too seriously and that combo for me anyway is magical the best it's so fun thanks thanks for diving into this what album is it from this is sailing the Seas of cheese sailing the Seas of cheese there you go there you go are there any other nightmare baselines that you want this man to learn or that you want me to learn please let us know in the comments we want to know what crazy bass Rifts bands bass players you want us to cover and we'll do our best hey thanks so much for watching today if you have enjoyed the lesson obviously make sure that you subscribe to the channel click like and all of that good stuff and remember we've got the PDF as well totally free you can click the link in the description and if you want to you know learn base from Two Fine gentlemen that's right we would put ourselves forward to it go to scottb you can take it for a completely free test drive for 14 days we have the best base Educators on the planet teaching on the platform and me and you you know we're in there too and we'd love for you to head on over and check it out anyway dudes dudets see you in B bye
Channel: Scott's Bass Lessons
Views: 336,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bass line 1990, scott devine, bass lessons, bass guitar, beginner, beginners, scottsbasslessons, scotts bass lessons, sbl, electric bass, bass lesson, beginner bass lesson, beginner bass lessons, bass line 1990s, bass line ninties, les claypool, primus, jerry was a race car driver, primus sucks
Id: UR8adfYvEmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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