Is this the most Scenic drive in Utah?

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[Music] today we're going on a road trip it's windy out here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] where's Gump Hill you can see see it we're not going to pull over though you've seen the movie if you haven't seen the movie go here Force Gump Hill the only place where it's encouraged to go out play in traffic but don't do that you might get hit like like look out for cars and people if you're driving I'm not going to use it this yes you probably [Music] [Music] hat rock rock look like a hat to [Music] somebody all right it's really windy I lost my hat but just looking for a spot that it overlooks the San Juan River and looks like I missed exactly what I was going for by a little bit still check out these [Music] views yeah this is a really really amazing Overlook I need to explore this area more because there's some spots that I've seen that I really want to get to it was a 50/50 shot between this and another one and I did not pick the right one still beautiful but little too windy for the Drone and um we've got places to go so we're going to keep moving [Music] those are camels oh you've got to go ask that behind it she's a little excited to see the camels this is not something you see every day might oh yeah [Music] 6000 I guess from what I understand of like two people actually trail ride yeah yeah you're nice most of them at zoos are doing and what a beautiful face you CH yeah this is kind of [Music] so he's blowing his nose there you go oh my good you are beautiful you are beautiful oh my good thank you so much for letting us take pictures sure yeah so wild wow I'm just my mind is blown that was amazing not what I expected to see out here that was so cool yeah yeah back to Valley of the Gods uh now with camels [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so that was Valley of the Gods and now we're headed up the Moy Doug way that's saying that like everybody knows what it is it's a you'll see what it is n [Music] [Music] my uh drone is just decided it's going to land it ran out of battery and it wouldn't come back we lost signal so we're going to go see if we can find it I think it landed on the road crash landed so we'll see what happens it's possibly being run over right now [Music] ah welcome back woo I got to see almost a very expensive mistake you need to stop getting so close to me like seriously I need to talk to you about that wait are is this far enough away no am I far enough away that'll work let's check out this thing we just came up that was graceful way I got that seat belt over that GoPro it's cool and it's a beautiful drive with some really iconic spots so what was I saying
Channel: Jerry Arizona
Views: 22,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iaUnO2zW4P4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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