The Wildest Hike I've ever done - Deer Creek Thunder River Loop - Grand Canyon

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[Music] oh God it's so heavy [Music] all right we are on the bill Hall Trail North rim of the Grand Canyon doing the Deer Creek Thunder riverloop I can't convey how rugged and steep this Trail is video won't do it justice but it is rough Camp night one Surprise Valley there's probably not going to be any water there so packs are loaded down with a couple extra gallons of water and super heavy makes navigating this even harder we got to get to Camp at a late start so here we [Music] go I got it try to do this without going off the cliff yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my god dude I had no idea the view was going to this big down here wow [Music] crap yeah we're in Surprise Valley that's where we have permits to camp for the night quite the drop in right behind us that's going to be fun to climb up but we're really getting close to the good parts we're almost at camp this is where we stash our water so our packs are going to be lighter so yeah all good I'm going to find a place to Camp oh thank God feel was like that pretty much lad she didn't say that all right it's day two waking up taking it easy we've got like a Four Mile day today uh it's just how the permit's panned out so we're in Surprise Valley we're going to head down to I don't know how to say it so future editor Jerry help me out here how do you say this I'm not helping you dude do your own research next time yeah so that's how you pronounce it we're going to stay down there that's going to be right on the Colorado we're going to go down Thunder River so we'll see the source of that the Falls that's going to be really cool anyway going to uh pack up camp here in a bit and hit the trail here we go [Music] [Music] all right we are packed up and ready to go but uh we're coming back and camping around here tomorrow night and there's no water here so taking this stuff we carried all the way in here and we're going to stash it for camp tomorrow night [Music] oh my God this is so much lighter this pack is so much lighter without all that extra water I'm so happy let's get it man behind the behind the under the heat warning that was Thunder spring that's the source of Thunder River this is going to go about 3 more miles down to the Colorado and then we're going to be at I think it's called to pets and camp for the night so easy day amazing scenery just stocked up on water time to get at it this Trail is about to get really sketchy it is about one single shoe wide here we go all right this is not this is unpleasant man how's that trail make you feel right there that bit narrow yeah right man it's like one wrong step yeah and you're slipping and you're not going to be able to stop camera never does justice but that is [Music] steep let you think about that Bo that wasn't chilly it's moving super fast uhhuh right there looks like the flattest easiest section of this trail that we've seen in a day and a half this Trail is rough I knew it was going to be tough coming in but it is meeting and exceeding those expectations almost to camp but we got one more River Crossing maybe two and um I do not have the coordination to cross it on this log so I'm getting in oh yeah just wait and water moves fast I was fighting to keep these Crocs on even in sport mode oh man going to blow the Crocs off that ain't [Music] right there's a lot of leaning to the right going on here dude my heart is racing right now holy crap I hope that all like 5 miles along to Colorado aren't like this somehow someway we need to get down [Music] there all right I got to go down that and it is very steep so I'm going to put my GoPro away and join back up when we're at the [Music] river [Music] where at the bottom of the Grand Canyon so we're at lower tapat and going to set up camp and just hang out and relax it's a much harder day than I was expecting there is nothing easy about any part of this Trail so yeah that's what I'm going to do now [Music] all right day three we broke camp and we're heading to Deer Creek I don't know how many miles we've got along to Colorado here there's not really a trail that's shown on my GPS and it's here but it's really faint so not much else to say got a good night's sleep last night listening to the Rapids at the Colorado and let's keep going all right this is almost rock climbing when you factor in all the weight of a backpack see Rock cars up here but it may be worth going up a little higher go for it I believe in you I mean the trails over there if nothing else we can go up and cross over it's just this totally looks like a trail I don't know why you're questioning it this is smooth sailing I mean somebody's been here before yeah following someone else at mistak yeah yeah exactly we're either going to get to where we're going or we're going to come upon somebody's body [Music] not yeah there's two Trails out there there's one down low and then there's one up higher I'm glad we're on the high one cuz a lot of the climbing's already done it doesn't matter they both go to the same spot they just hooked up together one more push to this saddle behind me and then we're dropping into Deer Creek Canyon that's why I'm down here although this entire thing has just been amazing and an adventure and the wildest trip I've ever taken but this part's going to be cool especially cool I say cool too often it's not really a problem if you're always looking at things saying that's really cool just means your life is good and you need a The Source but whatever I'm going up the saddle lot oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] de Creek Falls amazing now we got to climb back up the hill here we go it was very uncomfortable right there I almost ditched on it I was I almost had a heart attack but um yeah that little bit that's sketchy and it's got the overhang up at the top that stuff pushes you out so sketchy yeah yeah I think I said that we're now leaving Deer Creek heading up our last big climb of the day it looks like a doozy there's nothing easy about this Trail I don't know what to say this is like it's blowing my mind it's really really hard I'm going to get to [Music] Camp [Music] so you wait till you walk again wait till Rock burning I cannot express how steep this is and rugged we're almost there though dude B strong man I was going to say let's get it but let's take a break sounds a lot voice inside says this is the only way and you say and you say R this thing just passing through my soul and you say take where the lies of Tru where I can feel the fall I'm the mistress all [Music] this there how's the lighting good it's about 5:30 in the morning last day day four we're packed up and just a minute we're going to head up that hill behind me that you can't see then we got four or five miles along a fairly flat area and then one last climb and we're out of here here we [Music] [Music] go we're out we are [Music] out about 7:30 in the morning got the first big climb out of prize Valley out of the way and we've got maybe 5 miles relatively reasonably flat compared to everything else out here and then one last push up the last bit to get to the north rim then we're at the truck amazing brutal unforgiving unbelievable wild lifechanging Trail this has been something but I'm ready to be out of here now [Music] we do we high five or is that weird yeah yeah dude I see the truck oh my God I see the truck it feels so good well there's a trail around here somewhere does it just go off the cliff yes it does it just goes right down there off the cliff I'm trying to figure out a graceful way of going about it well you test it out and if you survive survive and you're not injured I'll do what you did baby steps baby step oh God oh God there he goes sorry dude all right walk you look like you like hung your head like I was doing a What About Bob joke and you had to be so mean not the cliff Edge the the yeah don't lean towards the part you're going to fall down I mean you won't fall I don't I don't know what I'm saying all right we're done it's Cake Man your cake sucks cake we're GNA eat this like fist full at a time keeps saying that this Trail is going to turn into cake but uh I don't know any cakes that are like this
Channel: Jerry Arizona
Views: 76,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bbxk5kO1nx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 44sec (1244 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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