Is This The End Of Hollywood? (The Answer is Yes)

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so in case you've been under a rock lately you might have noticed that Hollywood is a bit of a mess right now they just released a string of box office disasters I'm talking a little mermaid fast X Transformers the flash Elemental all were over 200 million dollar box office flops and to make matters worse it's looking like Indiana Jones and DreamWorks Ruby Gilman is quick to follow the trend and these movies were supposed to be big hits I mean a fast and furious movie not making any money in theaters a Disney Live Action remake from the Disney Renaissance Era not making a billion dollars like Aladdin or The Lion King I mean this just wasn't supposed to happen these movies were supposed to be big and they even tried to bring back freaking Michael Keaton for The Flash and still audiences didn't care you're you are yeah I'm Batman so all of this has left Hollywood wondering what the heck is going on like why aren't people going to the theaters why aren't people seeing our movies is Cinema really dead the house is falling down everyone's grieving no one knows what's going on and I think I actually have a few ideas as to what's happening and why people aren't seeing these movies and also why it seems like people and just in general are like really adversarial towards Hollywood as an industry like I feel like people are just like really upset with Hollywood and the movies and stuff that they've been making but I'm gonna go over that in this video but before we do if you give this video a like that would really help the algorithm also please make sure that you subscribe to the channel it's never miss out on a single video alright now let's get on to it up next now what explain just how bad things are currently I'm gonna have to give you a brief history lesson on just how we got here no don't look away brief but you need to done for decades Hollywood pretty much enjoyed a captive audience there was pretty much nothing else to do other than watch the stuff that they made for network television or the stuff that they put in theaters video games weren't around until like relatively recently there was no social media or the internet so you pretty much just had to watch Hollywood's content because there wasn't a whole lot else to do and there were three main ways that Hollywood made money number one because they had so many viewers watching traditional television back in the day they were able to charge obscene amounts of money for ad rates on their networks for example the series finale of friends it cost two million dollars to put an ad on that thing so yeah they were making a ton of money and then number two they made money from sending their movies to theaters this one's pretty self-explanatory although less and less people are going to theaters now and I will be explaining that later and then number three they made money from selling those movies on DVD on rental selling the rights to a TV channel to run on replay that sort of thing that's how they made the majority of their money for decades but everything changed when the internet attacked the internet really did change everything and I think to this day it's still the majority of Hollywood's problems in the 2000s is when the internet really started to boom and we got things like iTunes and the rise of piracy now people could watch whole movies and TV shows without even having to turn on their television or go to the theater all they needed was a computer and they were good this was the first time ever that Hollywood could no longer control how and where a person watched their content now for the first time ever consumers were in charge of what they watched when and where and this would forever go on to change the landscape of Hollywood forever so you're probably thinking alright so the internet change things I already knew that what does this have to do with all these movies that have been bombing lately well let me get to that you see streaming started to Boom in the early 2010s thanks to movies and TV shows being readily available online this made people feel like they didn't need a TV subscription anymore why wait to watch your favorite show at a very specific time on network television when you can just watch it at any time you want on streaming for free so many people started cutting the cord and that spawned this hellish cycle that Hollywood finds itself in now firstly you had Netflix and Hulu and other streaming services that got really popular and with more people having streaming services and all sorts of movies available at home less and less people started going to the theaters but because less people were going to theaters Studios started doubling down on IP and remakes and sequels because those were sure to get people in theaters meanwhile cord cutting keeps accelerating in the whole cycle just repeats again this is the hell cycle that Hollywood finds itself in currently and in 2020 kovid made everything worse for the first time ever people really couldn't go to theaters because they were closed so people were forced to watch things at home this is also when every studio and their mother and father started a streaming server service so it seemed like literally everyone had one and to this day there are currently over 200 streaming services currently live and active did you know that there were 200 streaming services because there are 200 streaming services that's ridiculous and obviously not sustainable all Hollywood has done now is divide audience's attention further they were already competing with video games and social media and videos like this one you're watching now but now they're also competing with each other because why go to theaters to watch something new when you can watch the bajillion shows or movies that are dropping at home on your television like they're kind of hurting themselves at this point everyone sees the writing on the wall everyone knows that traditional TV is on the decline and everyone was seeing how much money Netflix was making and all the studios thought well we could do it if they could become profitable and make money then we could do it too and then this will be a replacement for the money we used to make except that's not what happened at all in fact no one's making money from streaming in fact Netflix is still the only streaming service that is actually profitable all the other studios are losing money in the billions on their streaming services especially like the big ones like Disney so now Hollywood is in this precarious situation where they're kind of desperate for money because they're being hit everywhere I told you at the beginning of the video that Hollywood made money in three main ways the first one was selling ad rates on television networks well if they're less people watching television then they can only charge so much and they need eyeballs there but there's less and less people watching I told you they also made money by sending movies to theaters but less and less people are going to theaters to see their stuff as evidenced by all these movies bombing and thirdly I told you they made money by selling DVDs and rentals which has also drastically declined because who the hell buys a DVD anymore so when I tell you that Hollywood is desperate right now I mean they're really desperate so that's why you're getting never-ending sequel after never ending reboot from all these Studios because they're relying on established IP and and properties you've already seen before to drive people to theaters that's why you're getting movies like The Flash which literally use CGI to bring dead people back to life just to try to get people to theaters but it didn't work that's why you're seeing in Jurassic World 3 you had all the actors from the original Jurassic Park come back and why that's becoming a running Trend in a lot of movies that's why we're getting a Toy Story 5 because Pixar movies haven't been doing well lately and yes unfortunately that's why we're getting a live-action Bambi because Disney really wants us to watch a live-action deer get shot in the head because that's just where we're at right now in entertainment they're that desperate but I think 2023 is the year things have started to change and I think audiences are saying no enough is enough we have had enough of all these franchises that are well past their expiration date we have had enough of all these Mediocre Films that are just okay we we've we're done we're not seeing them anymore and I think the sameness with all the his movies is why there's like a general malaise across all Hollywood content right now as people are just generally wary about what they're gonna get because a lot of what we've been getting lately just isn't very good because it's all coming from a place of desperation on Hollywood's part in fact I recently just saw an article that said that Japan and in particular is really starting to not like Hollywood films and they think that anyone who likes Hollywood content is a nerd because they see Hollywood Fair as just nostalgic nerd movies at this point which is really sad so what does Hollywood do from here and how does it turn its reputation around because I really think Hollywood's reputation has been tarnished by the subpar content they've been releasing and a number of other things but a lot of it's the the stuff they've been releasing and younger Generations would rather play video games or scroll through social media or watch a YouTube video then like go to the theater and watch something most of the time and I don't think those habits are really going to change as they grow up so Hollywood has to change something quick but to be honest I don't think that the future of Hollywood is bright I think it's gonna get a lot darker before it gets any better the reason why I'm skeptical about Hollywood's future is because to be honest it doesn't look like Hollywood's really learning the right lessons they keep green lighting movies that not a lot of people are very interested in it's coming to the point where the Youth of today are now turning to like anime and Eastern entertainment because they don't really find much entertainment in what Hollywood produces so that's pretty bad so they have to like retrain an entire generation at this point to like their stuff more plus with artificial intelligence advancing who knows what could be possible in the future which is going to hurt creativity in general Marvel just used artificial intelligence to make their entire intro for one of their latest TV series so if you think this sounds far-fetched it's already happening so yeah I think things look pretty bleak I'm not gonna lie I want to be positive I want to be hopeful because I actually really like movies I'm a huge nerd obviously sleep but I have to call it like I see it and I see Hollywood is struggling right now really bad I've been wanting to make this video for a while because I've been looking at all these movies not doing well and then Hollywood like there's like never-ending headline about something wrong with Hollywood or something wrong with whatever studio and I'm like oh god I've never seen Hollywood in such a worse State this is pretty bad uh but I thought this was interesting I hope you liked this video was a little bit different um please let me know if you want to see more of these kinds of videos I really like making this as always please make sure that you like the video liking this video is the best way that YouTube shares this video out to more people so please make sure that you do that also please make sure that you subscribe to never miss out on a single video and I'll see you in the next video guys bye foreign
Channel: Brittney Reacts
Views: 188,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disney, the little mermaid, elemental, indiana jones, the flash, box office, hollywood decline
Id: bMyUZAXlxZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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