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I'd be so bad there. 450 foot water carry?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/carnevoodoo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Would be awesome if they did host Worlds on this course. Those baskets are a bit out of place for such a high caliber course.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Relative-Note4687 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’d have to play in swim trunks.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/johnahoe πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Its pretty insane. Worth the trip. I got to spectate their skins match. Such an awesome day!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/IsThisTheKrustyKrab- πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

It’s like a 45 minute drive for me, and they’ve had open play events that are $25 a round, which seemed kind of crazy to me so I haven’t done it yet, but this video definitely makes me want to go play it. Can’t wait to see the skins match on GK Pro. They had spectator passes available, but they were $200 a piece(but you did get to play the course after they were done shooting) so that was too rich for my blood. I couldn’t do shit on that course anyway. I’d like to see the Am tees to see if I could ever really play it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MattyMo3535 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I put this comment in as a reply in this thread, but I'll post it as its own comment for those asking about the baskets:

The baskets are Gateway Titan Pros. They are PDGA Championship-level approved, which means they can be used on any tier of play, including pro tour events. It is a 3 ring, 24 chain assembly that is known to be super durable.

Here is the PDGA page with the approval level and dimensions/deatils:

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/drlari πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 05 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'd never play there simply based on the crazy shit the owners wife publicly posts on Facebook regularly.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bongarooo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Pretty crazy course. We need more courses specifically design for disc golf.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DiscGolfFanatic πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

3o mins from this course

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jdoug83 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 05 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
luke's first shot on the vlog can you make it count go in welcome to the channel welcome to the vlog on a of spontaneous project but we've been playing this for about a week or two now tomorrow we're going to do a gk pro skins match with me conrad eagle and nate sexton [Music] potentially the biggest skins match in the history of disc golf i think it has to be it's got to be yeah all knows where are we we are in truxton missouri at eagles crossing this golf course and i don't even have all the knowledge that i feel like i need right now to talk to you exactly what this is going to be but a guy built this course or it's still kind of in the process of being built designed by dave mccormick who is the owner of gateway discs and i've only heard pretty amazing things about this place and we're about to have it on the vlog here we just drove for nine hours straight from minnesota down here and we have about an hour and a half left of sunlight so hopefully we can show you guys the course if not tomorrow morning we're going to finish up also of course i'm joined by 2018 amateur disc golf world champion luke humphries you know him from the gk pro skins matches you know him from his vlog channel check that out link in the description of course but uh let's throw some discs ready yeah about to see what the best course in the world looks like from what we've heard maybe it's the best course in the world but we'll see this is definitely the sickest seat but i've ever seen yeah i'd agree and hole one like 375 downhill island green yeah all right let's see luke's first shot on the vlog can he make it count go in did you just knock the flag down on your first shot did you get that i got that first shot on the vlog that's a good way to start world champions don't feel pressure that's nice and wide it all right i'll take it we don't have any time to waste let's go putt [Music] it's got this green look at that basket and you got your stroke back after the majestic that looked nice i know i'm not even gonna talk about what happened last weekend at them at the preserve not majestic but look after hitting the pole the minnesota tournament and this is what a disc golf green looks like sick this is one rock yeah this is one huge massive rock i'm a rock guy i can appreciate this look at all this machinery that they use to make this happen apparently this course was a giant piece of rocks and woods and i don't even know oh my god look at that hole too i don't know if you can see the basket everywhere way down there holy cow that was so short and safe but i'll take it right now the project was i met this guy and he asked if i could design the bestest golf course in the world eventually got to that so i'm like the property was amazing so i just i just got started i saw i was out here like 42 out of 45 days in a row getting it designed after about two weeks i brought some temporary baskets out and i just kind of got up and going and it started august 9th the last year so almost a year to the date so all this that you see that's been done has all been done within one year oh my god well what i've seen from hole one and the fountain is that all 18 up there or something uh it's all four that's all four with the fountain yeah okay but no it looks like this could be the future of disc golf like a serious freaking project and i've always wondered what the ideal disc golf course would look like if someone put in the money the time and the effort with the right equipment on what we would do and i'm really excited to play the rest of this course yeah of all the courses that i've ever put in this is the only one that i've ever been able to put the tees exactly where i wanted them to go if you when you get out here and start playing the course you'll see that there's like maybe 45 walls built to bring the grade up where all the tees needed to go on the hillsides typically no one would spend that much money to put the tees in those spots yeah well thanks for joining and giving us a little tour here now this will help oh yeah textbook bar bye we're lucky enough to be joined by the owner of this property phillip who is uh i don't even know what's your connection to this though first off just real quick i don't play disc golf i'm just uh just a person that decided to build a course because i had a property i thought would be fantastic for disc golf where did you see it on youtube i thought so on youtube i fell in love with the game and met david mccormick who is a course designer yeah and he came out and put some stakes in the ground i did the rest all right what's the end goal if there's an end goal or what's like the next big goal for this place well i'd like to i'd like to be sure that's finished first of all yeah and i would like to have the world championship here in 2023. world championships 2023. okay well so far so good everything looks like it's done properly in like the best way i've ever seen it and this is something new for disc golf to have a property like molded and made for a disc golf course it's not a golf course it's a disc golf course yeah and designed specifically for that purpose and we think it's really special all right let's check out the course and then i'll give my review at the end very good thank you that's a sick shot i'm pretty sure this is a par 70 also so this is second part four in a row hogan unfazed oh should be decent second flag hit of the vlog we're king down here pull four playing to a landing zone over here and then the second shot basket is there what on fountain what in the world are we doing here what that looks good fly fly keep going go let's go so 450 to clear the water let's see if luke has it in him go a little bit baby get there short great shot i just got it this is what it reminds me of this is playing disc golf valley in real life like luke said earlier it's an amusement park for disc golf potentially the sickest green oh in this room redemption oh but wow this has to be the thumbnail all right gotta go with the good boy we're going down into the gully and then over 700 feet along the path perfect great shot got away with it that's right in the fairway also pretty happy with that yeah was it a pd that was a pd first run that's how you do the train wreck slow down be good oh just stuck it on the ground what are you thinking just ace it really fast green not too hard you're fine it's not too bad sit down is that good you got that oh yeah hole seven look at this just i what it away too safe it's not so bad that's good i played it safe as well that's a nice shot though oh highlight putts coming up we're walking disc golf heaven paradise we died and showed up here and uh i'm fine with it i want to leave oh my god special effect by the flower all right let's hit some putts slight death putt but with insurance and he was a bit scared whoa foreign his dad crushing discs [Music] that's a problem there's been a lot of problems i can see the driving range right there baskets in the range that looks pretty oh he likes it all right looks like we're losing daylight we're on hole 11. we're gonna play one more hole tonight and then come out tomorrow morning and finish off because um i want to see the course before the skins match i need that advantage you fantastic here call it a night pretty great time out here fantastic let's go heaven all right good night and see you in the morning oh and just like that good morning what a morning it is just about i don't know about 9 30 ish i haven't even looked at my phone yet today about 9 15. too many things going on but look what we wake up to here driving range is right there we're back here in hole 10. holy teens right over there with a waterfall that will be on later the raised green 252 foot shot for 10 000 later today 10 grand 252 feet they're calling it the james conrad shot yeah well we're going to finish up we're walking over to hole 12 play the last six holes and i think for the skins match i'm going to have definitely the best the biggest advantage over anyone because i've actually played and somewhat i guess practiced the course oh yeah i'm calling skins on hold two you're just gonna come out the gate hot that tee shot really hard to imagine the landing zone if you haven't already seen it yeah you've seen it i'm gonna make that play i'm calling it all right let's get back to throwing we actually had to make an executive decision on the vlog that we skipped three holes the huge par fives in the woods we just don't have the time because skin starts in like an hour and a half so we're here on hole 15 we're going to play four last holes but uh they're good ones so let's check this out yeah this is a par four huge bender left to ride you gotta get out of this gap landing zone up there and then i think it's a roller shot up and up back into the wood that's what dave mccormick said roller second shot plays the best i'm going mid-range and this is the first child of the day so no judging oh [Music] long ways to go that's what i miss got a miss gotta miss hey that could have been worse maybe a putt decent and a decent cut gets you a bogey it is okay i uh dnf that hole because i was uh trying too hard all right off to a sick water shot on 16. if i don't land left to the basket it's not what i was trying to do as pretty as it gets and let's see if he can land one oh going wide that sounded like rocks that's the rock for sure that's short that's it go in this course is really all about just the aesthetics the challenge great hit and the buddhist boy is uh enjoying a swim all right hoagie quick interview how's the disc golf tour life as a dog oh he's talking to you can you make him say something ah didn't work i'm sure he's enjoying life what a nice morning 75 degrees blue skies no wind check out the skins match dropping on gk pro's challenge soon as you know new guests on my vlog always get a quick and short little interview so i'm here with luke humphries and you are and disc golf world champion what does that mean and how'd that go down real quick it means that uh i was the best amateur in the world in 2018 i just started golf a couple years before that fairly new to it but it basically means i got lucky my name will forever be on some list how long have you played before you won that tournament three years i think so you went out and won a world championship by after three years yeah and you're 35 now yeah yeah so i started when i was like 27 28. yeah got going and you're traveling around the country now in your new van with the most famous disc golf dog yeah i think emerson keith being in the area nate perkins being in the area paige pierce being in the area all three of those people gave me confidence while i was playing with them there watching them you know do their thing come back from tour yeah they were out there killing it nate perkins was out there killing it emerson keith obviously so it gave me some confidence to see those local guys yeah and i mean i don't know if you're all of your results been on the pro tour recently they've been all right i've been hitting you've been cashing i've been cashing i got a top ten at portland open oh nice i just uh i just tied you in the last tournament wasn't your best performance obviously that is true we tied last weekend yeah yeah yeah so uh most people might know you from the gk pro skins as the host right how did you land that gig through kevin no that was like a covid thing arkansas opened up first after covid for pdga tournaments so i ran back to back b tiers the first of their kind in the in the world yeah during that time gk came down and we started the skins match that has become the otb skins match that you see now it just kind of evolved it's a brilliant wow it's a brilliant thing and i'm just lucky to be here really all right well i enjoy the heck out of that format and i think you're the sickest host good man oh yeah that's prime shot luke oh that's what i had too well you're in the fairway so a little special scenario here there's some blue stakes on each side of the fairway which measures exactly 250 feet or something what's exactly what james conrad was 252 252 feet hole 18 at the fort in utah he's he's remade the shot his is a little different but he's calling this and for anyone who can throw it in he has a thousand dollar wager on it which has nuts but for the skins thousand dollar shot should i practice it yeah okay that might be it ten thousand dollar shot i think you hit the pin that was sick hit the pin two times in a row yes dude that was just so sick do it when you're on simon lazar's vlog do it like luke finish birdie that'll win some skin soon i think what an experience holy i don't swear on my channel but aesthetic 10 out of 10. fun 10 out of 10 difficulty 10 out of 10 t-pads 10 out of 10. the only little thing that i i'm not 100 convinced is the baskets i personally never played on these baskets and obviously i don't have that much experience on them yet but they seem a bit the chains seem a bit too light and even on the shorter pipe the pet like this could spit out pretty easily got to the pole yeah quicker but if that's our only complaint you know it's an incredible course baskets i'll just give them like a 9 out of 10 right now so it's a 9.99 out of 10 course which is as high as it gets i want to say the best course i've ever played as we thought that it was going to be that coming here yeah we've confirmed it this place is unbelievable it's got the woods it's got the open it's got the challenge it you can just tell it's like the full disc golf experience like yeah i mean i've been to places like this before and you mean i mean yerba disc golf park in uh sweden has the reputation and it's it's similar vibes it feels as professional but this place has steadily just took it to a whole new level yeah yeah even with all the little animals on the course the figures the art and it's not even done yet no the course is like probably 50 done it's only a year into it right now but yeah they have wasted no resource getting this thing ready for the best players in the world crazy place we are in truckston or something yeah in between columbia and st louis yeah and kind of is the middle of nowhere but the airport st louis is like an hour from here and this is definitely going to be a future destination course for every disc golfer in the states i'd say 100 this place will uh this place will blow up once you guys see it once you start participating once a big tournament gets out here hopefully 2023 worlds crazy stuff yeah thanks for joining luke early mornings and late evenings we're out here trying our best and let's play some skins let's go like and subscribe see you next one [Music] you
Channel: Simon Lizotte
Views: 168,738
Rating: 4.9787483 out of 5
Keywords: Disc golf, Simon Lizotte, Eagle McMahon, discmania, frisbee, frisbee golf, frolf, trick shots, ace, hole in one, Pdga, discraft, innova, Paul Mcbeth, Brodie smith, dgpt, Jomez pro, eagles crossing, best course ever, luke humphries, gateway, gk pro
Id: lYxIiBkLuRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 34sec (1354 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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