Is This SuperYacht Indestructible? Ragnar

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uh okay so you might recognize this uh if you're keen on explorer vessels this is motion ragnar so this started off as a multi-purpose support vessel and he wanted a vessel that could go anywhere so in comes this vessel well not this vessel technically it was this vessel there was a vessel called mv saniborg and it was a multi-purpose support vessel for the fossil fuel industry decided to convert it so instead of building something from scratch you decided to convert now you might be thinking it's less expensive to convert a vessel like this uh i don't know the answer to that to be honest but i know what i do know is it's very expensive to do a conversion it's sometimes it can be more it's like it's like buying a house and then and then cutting it and doing it sometimes it can be more expensive than just knocking the whole thing down and building a new one right well this is no exception because one of the things that this had that the owner wanted to keep and specifically one of the reasons he bought it was because this vessel is an ice-class vessel now i've made a video before about ice class i'll go into it a little bit but i've made a video i'll put a link wherever it goes and you can go and watch that video this is an ice class hull uh it's a 1a haul as far as i can tell which is depending on now ice classes is not an easy subject there's not one class different countries have different classes different regions have different clusters for different times of the year different thickness of ice different age of ice so you might see on some uh class lists that will say first year ice in other words ice that formed that year because a meter of first year ice is not the same density as a meter of 10 year ice or 100-year ice and the rating of the hull is dependent on how thick the ice is now how do you know how thick the ice is i have no idea but you can uh you can know by the areas that you're going into the type of ice that you're going to be going through but this vessel is a 1a hull now in the baltic regions that is the second highest rating that you can have in other regions the polar regions it's not so high it's actually one of the lowest you can have so this is not classed as an ice breaker although it can break ice up to the uh 0 0.6 of a meter but you know if you were gonna go through really really you know the thick ice that you see here in in these pictures here then you're gonna want an ice breaker to go ahead of you but this is this can pretty much go anywhere to convert it into a cpl what do they do so as you can see from the original photo this was basically it was a support vessel and the rear deck had basically nothing on it and they actually took almost all of the superstructure they removed all of it they only kept the original cabins and the wheelhouse and everything else is different everything else has changed now they added a helicopter landing pad on the stern there and they and they raised that up and they and that gave them a lot of room for extra space underneath which wasn't there before actually added 900 gross tons of space to this vessel now during the conversion they wanted to keep the ice class so all of the changes that were made to the vessel they had to consider the ice class and they wanted to keep that ice class rating so all of the changes uh to the superstructure and to the exterior hollands etc because they actually changed the outside as well they wanted to keep the ice rating now there's not just the hull to consider in an ice rating the propellers have to be reinforced so they don't if they hit ice they don't get damaged um things like the screens are the the windows on the front of the bridge they need to be able to defrost those windows which you don't have on normal vessels not to the extent of that if you go into a baltic or arctic region door handles for instance they need to be they need to not freeze in arctic conditions so there's a lot of extra things to think about when you're thinking about an ice class vessel now obviously the owner wasn't he's not just uh wanting to go to those areas but he wanted to be able to go to those areas should the mood take him the conversion took three years can you imagine that's that's generally that is the amount of time it takes to build a new vessel so you know he wasn't saving any time and probably not any money by doing this conversion in fact for the size of the vessel 68 meters um it's probably he probably ended up spending more than building a new one one of the interesting things that i did read online about this vessel is that boat international described it as virtually indestructible i'd be very careful with phrases like that because i seem to recall another ship that was classed as unsinkable icebergs right ahead now the vessel has four engines it has a two caterpillar diesel engines and it has two watercolor pod motors as well but it it still is not a fast vessel like i said 12 12 not 12 and a half knots is the maximum speed cruises are 10 knots but it has a range of 6 000 nautical miles which obviously is important if you want to go to the antarctic or to the arctic right you need to be able to get there and back and do a bit of exploring what wants you there because there's nowhere to refuel down there okay so as far as toys go it's got an impressive list of toys it has two castoldi uh jet tenders it has four jet skis it has a three seater submarine and it has a rip saw custom ev2 amphibious vehicle they're all kept on board and they get them on and off with a massive industrial crane which sits on the stern section which i love the fact that very often when you have cranes on the on on super yachts even the big cranes like uh bold for instance they have like a remote control unit you plug it in and then you wear it like a vest and you have the controls on on it this one has the cabin from the original um support vessel i think it's from the original support vessel and it has this huge thing where the guy actually sits inside to control the crane and i love that i love the fact that he's kept that and it has that industrial look to it so yeah so it's got an impressive list of toys for when you get to where you're going the three season submarine as well on a 68 meter plus helicopter it has a big heli deck it can take an ec145 helicopter as well now it seems it seems that the owner wanted it to be a commercial endeavor the vessel is for charter it has its own website which i'll put a link below in all the normal places you can go and have a look i'll put some of the photographs from that website you're seeing during this video but you can go and have a look at the at the website uh it's a cool half a million per week to charter the vessel it has a very interesting look in on the inside um it kind of reminds me of a cruise ship some of the interior reminds me of a cruise ship which is not necessarily to say that's a bad thing but it just it just uh has that kind of feel to it with the with the there's one there's one shot with a big wooden wheel in there and i i've just i've seen that kind of thing on cruise ships in the past um but it it certainly the the finish the fit and finish will be a top quality with it being icon yachts that did the conversion one other thing one of the interesting things is the owner like i said he very specifically went out and found this vessel he spent three years converting it and a lot of money and you would think that once he did that and also the name of it ragnar is a norse god i believe which is something that he was interested in he has a he has a keen interest in nordic culture and stuff like that so he names it ragnar the interior sort of matches even the the front of the hull is designed to look like one of these norse helmets so it's very specific to that owner he spends all that money on it spends three years on it now you would think that there would be a keeper right like my 911 is a keeper right i have no intention of ever selling that car until i get too old to drive it i suppose now you would think i've spent all that time and money and effort on that vessel you would think no you'll never sell that however strangely it is up for sale if you want to buy ragnar it is for sale for 89 million dollars so from a personal point of view i i really love this vessel it wasn't until i got up close to it that i really appreciated it for what it is i mean it doesn't have a fairing like most super yachts will have this fairing on it you know where they put this like filler type stuff on the side and they paint it and it looks really pretty in that this doesn't have that it's just the steel of the hull that you can see painting will be the only requirement for the crew as far as uh the fairing is usually very difficult to to look after ask any deckhand this is just that this would be painted like with rollers and stuff like they do on the cruise ships um it has that uh industrial crane that i mentioned it has some really uh practical looking boats in there as well it just has all the tools uh it looks it's still it still maintains that industrial feel which i love about this vessel and it really does look like it can go anywhere what do you think of mojito ragnar would you have done anything different why do you think he would put the yacht up for sale so soon after completion let me know in the comments and as always if you like this video please be sure to like as it helps spread the word to other viewers [Music] thanks for watching [Music] i
Channel: eSysman SuperYachts
Views: 176,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: superyacht, super yacht, yachting, yachts, boats, boating, boat international, ships, shipping, vessels, megayacht, mega, yacht, boat, superyacht boss, luxury, lifestyle, billionaire, millionaire, yacht life, video superyacht, richlist, rich, VIP, VIP Lifestyle, Money, superyacht tour, superyachts, ragnar, icon yachts
Id: Igwtezd5FoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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