Is there a rise in anti-Semitism in Europe? | Norman Finkelstein (2015)

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yes sir you know what stop being on the team that saying if you go again sorry you mean that there's just no evidence for these claims about a rise of anti-semitism in Europe and we have to all we renew our battle against anti-semitism it's just not true the opinion polls are pretty clear by far and away the most accepted minority in all the Western countries by far in the way our Jews in any of the in Europe and in the United States and you could see it for example in the u.s. where the sign of acceptance will you know what's called assimilation has tipped the sign is always intermarriage that is when the Dom in the culture is willing to marry you that's the sign of assimilation has a tip and it's coming too little the friction is a significant fiction is coming to an end well in the United States today I would say there isn't a single ruling class family there hasn't intermarried with Jews when the premier American family as all of you know the premier American families Bill and Hillary Clinton the premier political family they had one child the one child marries a Jew second major political family the Cuomo's Mario Cuomo just passed away their daughter I think Mary statue when Jews are being completely accepted by ruling elites the dominant class it's a very hard case to claim that we having a rise of anti-semitism it's quite the contrary so what you do find is if you look at the opinion poll there is a spike in anti-semitism there's a spike in increase every time Israel launches one of its murderous invasions so in 2002 during operation defensive shield yes you saw increase in anti-semitic acts in Europe less so in the u.s. then 2008-9 during Operation Cast Lead and then this past summer that's not anti-semitism in any meaningful sense that's a state that calls itself Jew Jewish carrying out a horrifying way and so people react to it against Jews if you want to prevent the anti-semitism there's two things you can do number one you could stop committing massacres and number two stop calling yourself a Jewish state just call yourself Israel and then I think the number of anti-semitic acts will go back down even with before and after the assaults and the third thing is you know Martin Luther King for those of you who know the fellow I don't know what this new generation all you seem to knows you're the yada yada no it's not that Martin Luther King he was once somebody once said to him if you keep these protests you keep causing all of this tension and friction and all of this white people aren't going to love you and King responded first I want them to stop lynching us and then I'll worry about whether or not they love me and so one has to have an order of order of priorities there are of course prejudices against not prejudices there are : prejudices call them stereotypes so you look at me most of your thing he must be cheap that just is life you learn to live with all sorts of what you might call social state months it's not the end of the world if you had a choice in any European country where they say oh the anti-semitism is going you know berserk choose any European go in here and friends ask yourself a simple question if you're in France would you rather be Jewish or short would you rather be Jewish or obese or take another one would you rather be Jewish or ugly now that's not a joke anybody who's realistic about society knows being good-looking opens many doors being ugly closes many doors that's life you learn to live with it you can't make like and the world is so plagued with some of the horrifying crimes so much suffering so somebody thinks I'm cheap okay I can live with it especially because I got an excellent education I had every opportunity in life in the United States I got one to the best schools I got to devote my life to reading which I happen to love to do so okay some people have some prejudices about me but if you take it at the legal level Jews are doing better than anybody else all this talk of the anti-semitism it's just a joke you
Channel: UCD - University College Dublin
Views: 64,741
Rating: 4.6674819 out of 5
Keywords: UCD, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, UCD - University College Dublin, myucd, ucddublin, Norman Finkelstein (Author), Antisemitism (Film Subject), Jewish People (Ethnicity), Israel (Country), Israel Defense Forces (Armed Force), Israeli–Palestinian Conflict (Film Subject), Bill Clinton (US President), Hillary Rodham Clinton (U.S. Congressperson), Mario Cuomo (Politician)
Id: iDSP9lmMQzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 29sec (389 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 23 2015
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