Is the T300RS still worth it in 2023?

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this is the T300 RS a wheel you can call one of the veterans in Sim racing however should you get one in 2023 I've bought and used one for almost two years after being replaced from my experience it was a touristy unit with great four seat back good details and the price wasn't really too bad those are just one of a few reasons why it's been so popular over the years however I've asked rust Master for a review unit so we could see if it still has it for 2023 especially when so many wheels have come along including cheap direct drives the T300 we have here is the RS GT that comes with the GT version of the t3a pedals there's also a cheaper two pedal version of the T300 RS that's the one that I used to have in the past the T300 is the PlayStation 3 through 5 compatible version of this wheelbase there's also an Xbox compatible version called the TX which is mostly the same wheel that has some differences the prices fluctuate somewhere from around 200 20 pounds for the server units Standalone to around 370 pounds for the GT version we have here for test these prices hover for a little bit I've seen the GT version for close to 300. for specifications the T3 and rs is a PC and Playstation compatible unit boasting around three to four newton meters depending where you find the information from that power is served in a belt system being compatible with the thrustmaster ecosystem of Wheels shifters and pedal sets so that means if you want to get any of the thrustmaster add-on Wheels currently available this wheelbase will be compatible with them so will the tlcm pedal set via an RJ cable to ensure will compatibility there's a quick release a term that I'm using quite liberally the wheelbase is made of plastic and it's fairly wide and quite short in length because of the shape it's really not too bad on a rig the wheel that comes attached is a 28 centimeter wheel with a common PlayStation buttons it's a rubber coated wheel with some dimpling for grip on the front of the wheelbase there are two buttons for archery and neltry a switch for PC and Playstation compatibility and also a mode button on the back there's the insert for the power lead the wheelbase itself as a Transformer unit so it makes it a little bit more compact there's the USB a elite that cannot be removed and then you have the insert for the RG cables for the shifter and pedals these GT pedals are a little bit different from the normal t3pa ones the faces are slightly different with the main change being a wider brake pedal phase that cannot be moved from side to side it comes with the conical brake mod that can be attached using a small screw at the bottom this mod can be personalized by adjusting a nut at the back to attach the T300 there's two M6 nuts or you can also attach it through the provided clamp the T300 has a small step to press against the desk and this shouldn't be an issue with most ring mounting systems the pedals can be used on the floor as they have rubber feet or you can also Mount them to a rig using two M6 bolts I'd be a little bit careful in mounting these to the rig because there's only two M6 bolts inserts so if you mount these pedals towards the rear of your pedal plates depending what that pedal plate is they can tilt the quick release is obviously dated at this point in time it's basically just a Phillips head that you screw in tighten it and of course it will Mark the steering wheel shaft it attaches thoroughly to the wheelbase at least for a while after changing it for so long in my ulti 300s the hole became a little bit bigger making it harder to attach if you only have one wheel this won't be an issue but the point is if you start changing these wheels eventually it becomes an issue that needs to be corrected by changing it to a slightly wider screw this is not optimal and it's obviously lighted the T300 is not a particularly loud belt wheel when turning it on or using it you're gonna have some noise from it but is manageable even when using it at full force thrustmaster software is pretty simple and straightforward it's fairly easy to understand as there aren't many choices as this wheel has been around for a while one of the main complaints it has from users is something I never had which is sometimes it loses force feedback because it overheats to preemptively avoid this issue and extend the life of the units I've always used it with the same settings or very similar settings as recommended by insights and racing back in 2013 so 75 percent Force which avoids also the clipping 100 periodic and constants zero percent spring and zero percent damper let's talk about the Driving Experience because the Driving Experience is what makes this wheel so interesting and it's basically still as I remember it first of all I love the ergonomics of the wheel it's very small but everything is readily available except of course the two buttons on the wheelbase it's a comfortable wheel the touch is okay just a little bit on the rubbery side but it works well with the torque level it has the driving is where this wheel both excels for the price but at the same time it shows it's a Thrust Master wheel and it's a bit on the dated side the force is quite good for the price surprisingly strong that even allows for some drifting the belt system for what it is and for how old it is it's fairly undampened that allows for really Snapper reactions on the wheel and a very competent feel it's not a completely smooth experience there's always a little bit of cogging not something that would put you out of your experience compared to the fan attack CSL I had in the past of course it's evident though the way it's tuned the Cog income sometimes as an advantage in a set of course a competition it works extremely well a set of Corsa competition has really good settings from the get-go it works better if you have the old formula wheel because of all of the buttons but I'd address a set of Corsa as a very familiar feel all the details are there for an informed drive because of how it is tuned and because it is is a mostly a freely spinning wheel you can feel fine details like rear wheel loss loss of front grip you can feel the tire slip going over you can feel the compression and uncompression of the suspension can feel most of the small and big details and honestly it doesn't really miss a beat it is not perfect as sometimes it can feel a little bit grainy Gran Turismo 7 was a positive experience I was thinking it would be an informative drive but I was positively impressed with it first of all Gran Turismo does require force on the wheel when the setting is fairly High the drive is pretty good gt7 gives a fair bit of dampening on the wheel more on road cars it still it allows for a precise and fast drive that changes when the tires or suspension are changed I wish there was more information from carbs but the compressing and compressing of the Springs when you go over some crests it feels really informative rallying with this wheel was very interesting it give all the details over the grass and over the gravel and going over the crests and this is the reason why I said that the cogging came as an advantage for this wheel especially on the way it was tuned Gran Turismo 7 I think that the cogging serves as an advantage for this wheel because you'll feel the loss of front grip past the slip angle the wheel will release just a little bit and the cogging will give that info very naturally maybe I should revisit the four seat back on Gran Turismo 7 using more wheels that I have here so subscribe to keep up to date the battles on this GTE version are like the rt3pas I've used I think they are pretty good for a pedal kit I like the brake modulation the force of the rubber is precise enough for a potentiometer based pedal set the spring rates are very decent on the floor it is usable as the pedal set as the right spring rates and using it on the floor I found it completely adequate in Gran Turismo 7. I really like the conical brake mod I think it makes this battle set more usable as well you have the possibility with the conical brake mod to emulate a little bit of space where you can Trail break your force or just connect it directly to you or pedal arm and then you have the full force of the conical brake mod the clamp on this wheel works pretty well it fixes to your desk quite sturdily except when you push it down it raises the back just a little bit the t300rs is exactly like I remember it it's a good belt wheelbase in a decent price point the t3pa pedals are basically a ribbon on top of an excellent package it has an excellent four seat back the possibility to be part of the thrustmaster ecosystem I still think that in 2023 it's quite a good deal however having said that the age of this wheelbase starts to show a bit in its track record in terms of reliability it's not the best over the course of the last couple of years smaller direct drives have been appearing and they offer a great performance at of course at the higher price point one thing that they all bring is a decent quick release and looking at the T300 one it's at the very least archaic I think it's a good wheel and if you have the budget it's something that you should consider but I also think that it feels it's getting to a time it needs a refresh one that comes with the revised more reliable belt system and one that also comes with the better quick release the one that comes in the t818 for me there are two ways to approach this wheelbase you can either get the RS ditch the horrible two pedal set and get the load cell like the tlcms or the fanatek csl8 V2s or whatever you want the other way to see it is get DRS GT and have a system that is competent even if the pedals are a little under the standard of the wheel revisiting this wheel was fun I'll check it out in the future comparing it with the g923 and also with the fanatec csld as I did in the past with the old fan attack but if you want to check out more budget Wheels check out this guide
Channel: random callsign
Views: 135,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thrustmaster, sim racing, logitech, fanatec, t300rs 2023, moza, fanatec csl dd, t300rs gt, budget wheel, direct drive wheel, Budget wheel, Budget simracing, Best simracing wheel 2023
Id: QPjS3aLpirA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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