Is the gender pay gap a myth?

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how do you explain a 9.8% gap between what women earn and what men earn well there are many different factors like job and age and experience and particularly time taken out of the workplace that haven't been taken into account so you might as well say that brown-eyed people are more than blue-eyed people and call it discrimination based on this data in the same way that we're saying gender is being discriminated against neither or legitimate because you just haven't actually broken it down to see what the real comparisons are except we haven't got right though well there is a statistic which is 80 percent 88 percent of jobs with salaries of a hundred and fifty thousand pounds or more are held by men mm-hmm now are you saying that's nothing to do with discrimination it might have something to do with discrimination in certain circumstances unfortunately from this data we can't claim that because it wasn't specific at all but I think the real reason that more women aren't in senior roles is that motherhood pay gap the fact that women are taking significantly more time out of the workforce the IFS actually had a study earlier this year showing that the time between when a couple has no children and the first child is age 20 women take on average a decade more time out of the workforce that's going to impact on your career trajectory so I want to encourage things like shared parental leave I want to get more men taking on that burden alright so you look great um there's unfairness well we need to be really careful we need to look at individuals a lot of women want to have a healthier work-life balance and want to spend time with children I won't want to take that away from them but we need to make sure that women in society are having very honest conversations with men about what they're gonna be facing a fait time to take time out of work men really need to step up to the plate a bit more I think what is your view do you believe there is a gender pay the pay cut is gender based well I did I do but I was just I was just about to to ask a because what I was going to say I've got loads of female friends who work and they work as hard and and similar sort of things to their other halves but when they go to schools the first number that the schools want to take is their number to phone in an emergency now what is wrong with changing that and saying it's the men's number we'll take further kick on the gender pay gap you believe there is a there at the sex is the it's one of those difficult things isn't it because I do you know that bloke was right he was sort of saying about the fact that we've done medicine about what rubbish about negotiating pay rises and we're perhaps on but but that shouldn't matter if we're doing it he also says by the way that left to their own devices men and women will not choose the same things they will go this nurse is twenty two one three motor men engineers 21 million generally we don't choose to go into low paid work we choose to go into low pay that's a really crude way of painting it I think you do see particularly in countries like Sweden that are extremely generous on maternity leave and things like that where they're trying to give women lots of flexibility you DC men and women making different choices we just don't want to box people in right we don't want to stereotype we want to look at individual choices come on come on K you know that sort of white bosses look for more you know more blokes like themselves I mean you see old Etonians employer older Tony ins it's kind of blokes have got at the top third and white blokes ago at the top and they keep trying to wreck it except you except it's only certain white black it's not it's not not all women it's a certain elite within me people people in powerful positions have their own power structures it used to be down the golf club conflating that men get all the best jobs and actually whilst all the best jobs may be held by men the kind of men that get those best jobs may be are not representative of the male there's a class bias to of course they've gone to certain schools and certain certain universities that kind of discrimination is completely illegal and we have to deal with that and I would much prefer rather than putting all this bad data out into the atmosphere all this time and money that's been put around it I would prefer to see the government take that time and money and put it towards supporting women who are going through employment tribunals to actually have discrimination is legal and you find with tests you can have exactly the same qualifications and you can send in the application from a fake man then it can send it from a fake woman with children and the fake man more likely than not will get job and the woman will be squeezed and is that a bias based on sex or bias based on children it's well it's both isn't it it's macaque because it is what goes to penny says about the if you're the child Care's born the woman Paul
Channel: Jeremy Vine on 5 - Official Channel
Views: 278,657
Rating: 4.774179 out of 5
Keywords: the wright stuff, matthew wright, channel 5, gender pay gap, kate andrews, finance, money, feminism, gender, penny smith, JB Gill, JLS, Kevin Maguire, women studies, pay gap
Id: ZrAcw3bUdec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 36sec (276 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 05 2018
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