Is String Theory Dead? Michio Kaku on String Theory & Quantum Physics

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quantum theory the laws that govern the very  small particles electrons and so on and general   relativity Stephen is looking for a single theory  that explains all the forces in the universe   I work in something called String Theory which we  think is the Theory of Everything the theory that   eluded Einstein The Theory of Everything when  I was eight years old something happened which   changed my life entirely when I was eight years  old all the newspapers ran a picture a picture   of a scientist's desk and the caption said  a great scientist could not finish this book   so on the desk was a book and it said the greatest  scientists of our era could not finish this book   well I was fascinated what could be so hard  that a great scientist could not finish why   did he ask his mother why didn't he go to the  library just look up the answer so over the   years I've been going to the library and I found  out that this man's name was Albert Einstein   and that book was the unfinished  Theory of Everything an equation   no more than one inch long that would  allow us to quote read the mind of God   well we think today we have it it's called String  Theory I'm the co-founder of one of the main   branches of string theory string field Theory  but it's too difficult to solve with the human   mind we have the equation but the equations are  so powerful we cannot solve them analytically so   that's why I got interested in quantum computers  because quantum computers may be powerful enough   to solve The Theory of Everything to give us an  understanding of why we had the big bang why we   have the universe why are we here we may be able  to answer that question with a quantum computer   what if everything you knew about the universe  could be tied together with a simple thread   a thread so minuscule yet so profound it weaves  the very fabric of existence itself this is the   enigmatic world of string theory at the heart  of quantum physics String Theory challenges   our traditional understanding of the universe  it presents a framework where tiny vibrating   strings replace the particles we once thought  were the smallest building blocks of matter   these strings oscillating in multiple Dimensions  could potentially unite gravity and quantum   mechanics imagine all the forces and particles  all the mysteries of nature coming together in   one harmonious Symphony in this journey we'll  unravel the strings that could tie together   the biggest puzzles in physics stay with us as we  venture into the Uncharted territories of string   theory and explore the secrets it holds for our  universe the more we learn about the universe   the more we realize how simple it is a handful  of equations for example are the equations for   light I was fascinated by this that you have Max's  equations an equation again that is about one inch   long that allows to summarize everything we know  about light and then gravity that Einstein worked   out his equation is about an inch and a half  long and so I said to myself I want to work on a   theory that would give an equation that's no more  than an inch long that allow us to summarize the   electromagnetic force light the nuclear force  and the gravitational force and the leading   candidate for it though we're not positive that  is correct yet the leading candidate is something   called string theory and as a culmination of my  work I wrote down an equation one inch long that   summarizes all of string theory it's called string  field Theory that's actually my equation and of   course we can't prove it yet it would require an  atom's measure millions of times more powerful   than what I had in my garage but we think that  one day we'll be able to prove that perhaps   string theory is the theory of the universe if  the theory is correct it means that music music   is the Paradigm that eluded Einstein that all the  particles we see are nothing but musical notes on   a tiny vibrating string each vibration corresponds  to a particle that's why we have so many particles   and so what is physics physics is the harmonies  the vibrating strings what is chemistry   chemistry is The Melodies that you can play when  these strings interact with each other what is   the universe the universe is a symphony of strings  imagine if the universe were like a grand Symphony   and all matter and forces were mere notes played  by incredibly tiny strings each vibration each   oscillation forms The Melody of existence this is  the idea behind String Theory instead of viewing   particles as points String Theory sees them as  one-dimensional lines like the strings on a violin   each vibration of a string is like a different  musical note creating various particles   but it's not a simple Melody these strings  vibrate in multiple Dimensions beyond the   three-dimensional space we perceive imagine a  tightly wound piece of yarn unfurling to reveal   hidden layers and dimensions Within it's a dance  of Dimensions that could provide answers to the   most fundamental questions about our universe yet  not everyone is in tune with this Cosmic concert   critics argue that string theory is more  mathematical art than observable science   despite its beauty and elegance it's been  called a theory of everything that seems   to explain nothing some scientists say that it  lacks empirical evidence making it untestable   it's a theory that stretches our imagination  but leaves us grappling with doubts   is string theory the ultimate truth of  our universe a musical Masterpiece weaving   reality or is it a sophisticated illusion  a tantalizing Melody without substance   well I've seen a lot of theories come and go and  when I started working on string theory back in   1968 when string theory was first born it was the  the bad boy of physics what strings that violates   everything we know about particles what strings  vibrating in 10 dimensional hyperspace beam me   up Scotty we're talking about science fiction  hyperspace we're talking about wormholes we're   talking about other dimensions that stuff right  out of Science Fiction but yeah String Theory   talks about that in fact we're up to 11 Dimensions  now with string theory well most people think that   the universe is three-dimensional you know length  width height three numbers defined where you are   Einstein comes along and says no there's a fourth  time so a given length width height given the   time of the measurement you now have an event in  the four-dimensional space-time Continuum that's   Einstein's idea now we realize that Einstein  didn't go far enough there are other dimensions   in fact we think up to 11 Dimensions that that's  really the universe of the Big Bang the Big Bang   was a disturbance in 11-dimensional hyperspace  and we are nothing but four-dimensional vibrations   that peeled off from the original explosion  and so when this idea was proposed going all   the way back to 1968 people said this is nuts I  mean this is crazy we live in four dimensions we   live in a world of particles you're talking about  strings you're talking about music you're talking   about hyperspace you're talking about wormholes  you're talking about extraterrestrial intelligence   even at that point string theory was shut out we  couldn't get a job maybe my friends left physics   in fact promising physicists because they could  not get a job and then I realized hey that's the   way science is we were criticized heavily because  people said this is nonsense strings hyperspace   other dimensions wormholes come on give me a  break well now we are in a position where we   dominate a lot of physics departments and so when  I hear the criticism of string theory the perhaps   string theory is too powerful I say to myself  well hey look if you can't stand the heat get out   of the kitchen that's just the way Cutting Edge  physics is done at The Cutting Edge of physics   all theories are subject to blistering criticisms  and if you can't stand it get out of the kitchen   String Theory though enigmatic and Elusive has  not been without its triumphs it's more than a   theoretical curiosity it's a vibrant field that  has shed light on some of the universe's most   profound Mysteries from inspiring new mathematical  techniques to offering insights into black hole   physics string theory has touched corners of  science where traditional theories have faltered   its mathematics has even helped other branches of  physics like condensed matter and nuclear physics   evolve in unexpected ways yet the Symphony of  strings is not without its dissonant notes critics   still question its lack of empirical evidence its  complexity and its Detachment from the observable   universe the world of strings for all its beauty  and intricacy remains an unfinished composition   a Melody filled with promise but also  uncertainty so we are left to ponder is   string theory the ultimate Harmony that binds the  universe a Melody waiting for us to decipher its   notes or is it a complex Fugue leading us  into endless complexity without resolution   what if the answer lies in the next note  in the next Dimension just beyond our reach   what will you discover in the  endless Symphony of existence
Channel: Science Time
Views: 41,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: michio kaku, michio kaku string theory, michio kaku explains string theory, michio kaku quantum physics, String Theory, Michio Kaku, Quantum Physics, Theory of Everything, Multidimensional Universe, Einstein's Theory, Quantum Computers, Vibrating Strings, Hyperspace, Black Hole Physics, Eleven Dimensions, Cosmic Symphony, Unification of Forces, Mathematical Art, Quantum Mechanics, Gravity, Atomic Particles, Wormholes, The Big Bang, Existence Theory, science, science time
Id: y0mkR9_HmhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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