Is SHEEP FarmingProfitable?| Beginners GUIDE 2023

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ship farming can be a valuable source of income for livestock farmers in Africa if properly managed commercial ship farming can yield quick Returns on investment however profitability depends on factors such as the type of ship breed climate conditions and market demand remember too you as a small-scale farmer you will never be able to produce enough 50 55 million people you don't need 55 million customers you need to be in about 50 to 70 households every single month and you're going to make enough money to take care of yourself take care of your children take care of your school fees have enough money to continue to buy land and overall enhance your life if that's what you choose [Music] rise and shine value from family welcome back to another episode of the farm if you're new here you are most welcome please consider subscribing if you haven't already and also turn your notification Bells not to miss out on any episodes of the farm and of course if you're a returning subscriber thank you so much Asanti Sana well guys we are back at the farm it's a beautiful day we're in this section brings so much memories of this good house you know because it was our one of the first houses that we had for the goats and I'm really so happy to be here again guys to share with you guys updates and also share with you guys some insights about what is happening actually here I also have my co-director right here who's going to introduce himself and also say something we're still here at the farm we're actually standing in ship corner on this side and we're standing here amongst the Toppers but we also have the indigenous sheep here from Uganda which are not as bad as a lot of people thing and ironically enough a lot of our colleagues that'll actually enter animal husbandry they think so little of our local sheep they think little about sheep in general but I'm happy to announce that a lot of our friends especially a lot of you who consume this content are starting to wake up and it's starting to see the actual potential and actually keeping sheep as part of their rotation at the farm and so you know we actually have the indigenous behind us they have grown in quite a number when we started we only had like maybe like two you know again it was really a joke for many people but we also told you guys we're gonna test see how see whether or not they can thrive in this environment and the results have came back and even both our dopplers here are thriving in this environment so are the locals and we've actually had a few crosses with the dauper as well as the locals and they are looking great with testing to see whether or not they're compatible if we can actually introduce those guys as a way to both enhance the overall quality of the meat and the overall growth rate and so far in terms of the the crosses they're coming along well the growth rate seems to be happening really really really well and next you know when we actually take one home you know we'll bring that burger back but don't tell them anything um but no the numbers are growing and we want to keep adding and we're actually in this house this house is actually at some point in the near future is going to be going into retirement we're going to repurpose the space to do something different because we're actually gonna move all of our goats all of the sheep to the higher elevation on top of the farm because it's a definitely I would say you know it's more conducive yeah to the overall well-being and um yeah yeah that is true and of course with the numbers getting more and more the multiplication has been is going on so we need bigger space bigger space bigger you know environment as well bigger exercising yet as well you realize this first house here we didn't have that bigger exercising yet for them then the second one we had an exercising yard so the third one that is coming up you guys will definitely see the update on that as well which I'll share with you guys but I'm really so pleased with what we can see right here there's some doppers that we got from Kenya that were really very little but you look at them right now you can't believe the size that's why we when we tell you guys that you have to enhance your breeds it's just something that is a no-brainer when you do that you definitely get better better quality and also better production at your farm so this is what we have here we have some some meals as well that we separated because we want to control our breeding we want to make sure that we know exactly what we have at the farm and we keep our records up to date and we know what exactly which Ram mated with which one so that is the whole practice that we really do right here and of course we want other Farmers out there as well to also at least get inspired with what we are doing right here because we really try our best with our breeding process at the farm that's why we see that this other locals that we have right there are separate as well then the other section they have their own pen which is really very good and this chip are also very sharp like the goats you may think that goats really know their perceptions but also the ship know where they they go every evening when they come back from the field they know where to go exactly we know where the mums are where the alarms are so that they can fast feed so right now as you can see behind so the alarms have been given to their moms to breastfeed a little bit before they let them out then of course we take care of the Lambs inside right here but it is just a whole process for those who have been scared to start ship farming I don't know what you guys are really waiting for because when I tell you about the hardiness in this ship you can't believe it and this is a ship that you can you don't even put so much you just let them to go they graze they really take care of themselves most times that is a bit about your family so there's nothing like you know you put in so much effort as long as someone is that really take care of them they are good to go that's how it is and this this ship are very heavy here it's never been putting it up so guys the cool thing about this especially these doctors here they have phenomenal mothering skills and the reason I was laughing because I actually have a very Vivid image in my mind we're actually visiting a farm and the doctor literally in the middle of the field gave birth to two lab slow down just enough for them to drop one minute she took off the both of the lamps well right following keep it up in the field uh do we recommend that not necessarily but here is the bottom line the reason I actually pushed for us to actually do this particular update video about the sheep that we have at the farm is that we're not selfish people you know in this country there are so many selfish farmers who might have a secret they might have stumbled into something exciting and new and they'll just keep it to themselves until the end of time we do things differently here at Value Farm yeah let me just make sure I I uh impress this upon you guys right a lot of the local folks see a lot of our local Ugandan brothers and sisters the reason they don't think highly of the sheep they don't think there's a market for it well in reality this country you know just this past weekend and my neighborhood I was in fact I would say I was like 10 15 minutes outside of my neighborhood and I went grocery shopping and went there you know just perusing you know the supermarket and we saw the actual landscape is changing the population is changing the demographic of the area is changing whereas maybe 10 15 years ago you might have had a far less foreign presence in the country that probably wouldn't find lamb or or mutton desirable right now with all with all the folks the influx of people moving into the country remember too you as a small-scale farmer you will never be able to produce enough to feed 55 million people you don't need 55 million customers you need to be in about 50 to 70 households every single month and you're going to make enough money to take care of yourself take care of your children take care of your school fees have enough money to continue to buy land and overall enhance your life if that's what you choose but don't overlook this particular aspect of animal husbandry you know sheep around the globe when you go to Europe to the U.S to Australia the UAE this is one of the meat that they price more amongst most others so don't be stubborn don't just be a follower and just discard what's available within this Market because you don't believe there's a market believe me with the amount of Canadians with the amount of folks here from the Netherlands you know so on and so forth this is a meat that is being slept on and I urge you guys to be one of the few in your region and your District to start with this first you might do it quietly it's okay but you should definitely consider this as a real viable option for you within your portfolio and then make sure if you do decide to take on this journey please leave a comment below you also have our email info email us let us know because don't just go ahead and do this and pretend this was your original idea and don't give those credit who actually bring this amazing content to you alright don't be selfish that is so true and of course within our region especially here in Uganda most people are not so familiar with the dopa ship yeah so most people when they see this kind of ship right here they get amazed they get mesmerized with how they look like especially with their tails they're like hey I remember that the the neighboring people around our village when they looked at this ship they're like hey what has this American brought again for us in this Village what does it brought because I've never seen the ship without tails because they really they actually dock their tails for that no price and yet for us the local ones yeah we always leave that tail behind so do not get scared when you're out there in your region that you have the dopas yeah this is this is a good dinner improve on your genetics when you have this cross with the other ones I'm going to share with you guys the difference between the crosses and how the other one is exactly under growth rate I would definitely share with you guys when they were born so that you can see the difference it is really something that is amazing and if you see this I know the next morning you're going to look for Loper ship or you're going to look for metagenetics out there but what I should really tell you guys about this genetics right here that we have here it wasn't a mistake when we came in that in the beginning most people thought eh why are you taking this dopas to Uganda those people are not even familiar with them even the workers in the beginning were also surprised with how this was how they really looked like but they they're now even loving them more they're even telling us I think we should cross them even better we're no longer using our Ram that we used to have as the local here because they feel that breed is really much better so that is what I could really tell you guys improve your on your genetics and again when we talk about education when we talk about you the populace right you know it's never good to be rigid sometimes flexibility is your best ally uh the reason I want to emphasize on that you know a lot of folks might have had sheep for the first time a mutton for the first time and they've gotten poor quality meat right because there's a very big difference between mutton versus lamb you know lamb is much younger the meat is much more tender mutton definitely have a more a more pungent smell to the meat right a much more powerful taste to the meat think of mutton like aged mozzarella or aged cheese right the the the smell is far stronger and for people who love mutton they love that smell they love they love the granular texture of that meat but when it comes to lamb that's what most Americans most people like myself those of you in Europe that's what we have that's why we are accustomed to so we understand the tenderness of the meat you know how sweet the meat is you know especially if it's prepared in the right way so I would urge even you my brothers and sisters that are here local ugandans consider giving sheep the actual meat a real chance you know I know many of you sometimes go to your local butcher with the Pingas they try to fool people you know pretend like they're selling goat meat but yeah all mutton right and and so when you go home you taste the meat it has a strange taste it has a strange smell and then people swear how much they despise this kind of meat but there's also many of you that have actually purchased the the actual lamb from your local butcher without your knowledge and you think that's the bestest single you've ever had in your life okay that is that is what real lamb is supposed to taste like especially the DARPA breed itself is considered to be the filet mignon you know amongst the sheep meat itself right so you know there are other types but in Uganda we're riding out with the doctors we're riding we also attempting to improve the indigenous breed here as well so hopefully you've learned something from this video you maybe give this animal like second look because let me tell you something sometimes it takes the courage for you to be first to Market but when you are that first person to Market in your region and you develop your Market you know you're going to be that much better off for it that is so true and of course people who are always looking out for Market I know you mentioned this earlier on do not Target your local market as well we've received so many phone calls from people from the UAE asking for for sheep but for yes and the numbers you can't even imagine 500 a day 700 a day and they'll bring the airplane they'll Slaughter all of them all of them take it and they even have some factories within here but they can't get enough they're going to different Villages but they can't get enough so the supply is there the market is right there but we can't supply enough so if you're out there and you're really looking for some Venture that you can definitely try but you're not sure please try this as well this is really very advisable we won't even think about it because this is what we have seen and it is really working so well and the market is right there and the crazy thing about it many of you are meant to size goat farming which you guys know is one of my favorites right but it's so much easier to take care of sheep true for most people who understood who's ever been exposed to these animals you know even our friend Kenneth I know he watches all the time yeah Kenneth you know who you know you know we write about this Kenneth was all about the goats and now when you check on his social media or the groups that we're in it's called let's be posting about his diapers he has different types of dolphins that he's imported and even me personally he expressed the fact that oh my God I wish I would have gotten more sheep in the beginning if you know about how easy it is that it was to rear sheep he would have probably made the commitment to raising on a full-time basis versus even good this is the guy who's all about genetics yes that has completely fallen in love with sheep I'll take a small amount of credit for that me and my yes and we've gone you know even preaching to other Farmers remember when we went to Amigo I told him about sheep and I was like are you sure and he came he knows he knows Kenneth and I told him you know what even was like are you sure Kenneth has some ship right there yeah I was like yes of course he does I was like I think I need to think about it really I think it's a really good Venture so farmers out there who have not really thought about it and you feel like you know I'm not going to even sell this ship here maybe they're going to be very cheap they're not and started but here's the key factor you need to think about sheep many of you are in the driest part of the country yes and your cows are not making it through the dry spells your regular goats are not making it to the dry spot but you know the ideal animal to have grazing your land are the Toppers and then Disney sheet because the drier it is the better they do which to me is not the greatest mystery of all time you know like the it could literally be a desert so if you were nakasangola if you somewhere further up north where you know you're not blessed with Lush greens throughout all the seasons you should definitely consider sheet for that reason because when all of the other animals are struggling to make it to the Finish Line this one's a strong sheep was printed to the finish line so that is so true but of course for maintenance for those who are now convinced oh this one do feel like you know I think I should think about it maintenance you need to have water the same as guts you need to make sure that you have clean water source of water because they really drink a lot of water as well so as long as you have your water you have maybe some little grass there that is it then you have to deworm them you have to vaccinate them also that is what you have to really think about this ship so it is just something that you really need to think about so guys leave your comments down below what do you think about this project right here do you think you'll definitely have it in the next few months or next year projects leave us a comment down below and I think secretly there are a lot of Uganda is Raising sheep they are secret and they don't want the world to know how much money they make they're making fun so they quietly raising their ship there in the village they don't want anybody to know because everywhere you go we have you see the local sheep you know you see them grazing almost every single herds man of people who keep cows typically also have a herding sheet as well but there you can ask them hey where did you get that they'll never tell you they will never tell you where they purchased the shoe which is something don't understand about it the thing is with the ugandans with the ship they just take it like a hobby sometimes as a companionship for their cows that's what they tell you that I just purchased this to give company to the cows when you're grazing in the field out there the Sheep also have to be there so that is the mentality most people really have and they don't really take it to a commercial basis so most of them have here and there but they've not really thought about it being maybe a bigger project that you can really have your ship in large numbers that can be changed by the way because you can even earn more money than the ones that you have right there and of course the reproductive like the way they multiply guys I'm really so amazed with that honestly enough they can end up making far more money much quicker much quicker cheap versus cows and again you guys know we love cows right but cows is just like a really really good uh long-term mutual fund essentially you can keep your cows it's going to take a lot longer for you to add on those no numbers but yet if they increase the number of sheep they have you know they can definitely supplement both adding more cows by growing sheep for both the meat and the money and then having that extra Capital to continue to grow their herd of cows and yet you know having the flexibility you know of keeping far more sheep because the market is going to grow and it's the same thing too I know this is off topic for many of you who don't think there's a future in Duck farming think again it's very similar we're in that same space right yeah sheep don't seem to be as you know popular in this country but when you go to Kenya when you have your namachoma what is it called in Kenya um 99.9 of the time you're eating And yet when most ugandans go to Kenya they're always talking about and then what are they eating in Kenya and so you know why not take it upon yourself you know to get into the business get in early there's very little competition and get a head start it's always better that way that is so true and the weights of these dopas guys hey you guys don't know how heavy these doctors can get to because carrying one and they're very very strong animals if you're to compare the ones I remember the first time that we brought them here and we tried to carry them off the truck and also you know moving them around here and there the workers were really complaining they're like what did you get this heavy heavy yeah they look like small bodied in the beginning but they were really very very strong so this one's here will give you your money oh guys let me show you guys the difference as well then we can continue so guys I really wanted to share with you this this can you believe this one here is younger than this one here foreign [Music] guys if you have any comments please leave your comments down below because I want to hear from you guys before already doing the dopas the merinos what is your take about this how is it so far especially our friends in Kenya because you guys really have a lot of ships outside give us some pieces of advice as well so at other farmers in Uganda in different countries can also learn from you guys because you guys have really taken this to another level and you want also to inspire other farmers in other countries to do the same as well because you know what we are here to share ideas we are here to learn from one another so guys please if you're a farmer out there and you're doing sheep leave your comments down below how you've really managed to you know get to the market how you manage to maintain them at your farm everything so that we can also learn from you but really appreciate you guys so so much if you've watched up to this moment and you've not yet subscribed I don't know what you're really waiting for and of course we also have our social media platforms please go check out our Instagram it is value from ug then Tick Tock value Farm then Facebook is also value farm please see behind the scenes and also see what we are currently doing at Value Farm we love you all bye [Music] [Laughter] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Value Farm
Views: 27,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: google, goat farming, starting a goat farm, value farm, goats, farms, agro business, business ideas, investment ideas, mixed farms, boar goats, savana goats, millionaire goat farmers, cost of farming, seeds of gold, no smell goat house, raised goat house, goat house designs, africans in diaspora, dexter's world, uganda, setting up a farm, profitable farming business, farm ideas, sheep farming, dorper sheep, galla goats, kenya, sheep inspection, starting sheep from scratch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 39sec (1419 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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