Millionaire Farmer Reveals Secrets: Profitable Sheep Farming in Eldoret | Pure Breed Dopper Guide

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[Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] better [Music] sheep farming is one of the best Ventures you can think about we are here in a farm in ELD town which is doing 100% zero grazing and these are pure breed dopper from South Africa this farmer here makes a cool 1.4 million just in one year and 4 months whenever I tell you these stories some of you think that he M Jaa he M Jaa get to learn how this gentleman quit his banking career and decided to venture into doership farming or other breeding in Kenya and to be specific in Elder town and he's doing it is making a kill ask how and why don't just be quick to comment and say and by the way did you know that we have white dopper and blackhe head dopper and this full episode on YouTube tells you the difference and tells you the benefits of the two ship and which one would you choose would you choose white or black I will choose white get the reason why in the video this is a agriculture guys if you're new to our YouTube channel guys just hit the Subscribe button like and share remember your like on the video is the best support you give us and your comment as well drop a comment and let's learn so guys let me show you around this one here is the black dopper and this one here is the whad dopper I'm Tor has got more advantages than the black head dopper what are some of the things that you need to do when you want to start a learn from this farmer look at this look at this floor guys look at this floor you see you see here we have some space this space here the Hooves cannot go through but they can just step here on top like this so they can't break but here we have the droppings comfortably dropping down okay so you see how clean this floor is just see how clean it is so here we don't have so much waste here and it's easy to clean so you have minimized chances of bacterial disease spreading and even cois guys guys look at this water look at this water if you want to start if you want to start this this is the type of water very clean water you can drink have clean water look at these types of and one thing to not is the type of feed that he's using very simple feed you see some nice smelling silage amazing and look at this when you harvest your maze you burn the waste you know or you throw way that is one of the things that you can use to make your feet we call it m we saw it in a video guys I've shared the link here on the Dairy Farmer in baringo Gideon who is milking 33 L and his brother and they're just using this simple west of maze Stovers okay guys very interesting and very amazing when you want to think about starting this farming doers ship farming you see this this one very important minerals that you have got lean meat and you've got good mbling ability of your ship and most importantly the structure you see it's raised and it's amazing remember to add this to your structure okay so that now the ship don't keep steing in the F TR guys is made it he doing so nice let me show you around okay will Feit from up there and then down there you can see that's where there's a fedra where you can put the brown and the pellets okay guys so it's important that you have these spaces here the Sheep are able to PLU out comfortably the grass and if you have some brown or concentrate they'll be able to feed from down there guys you see this one now is plucking amazing and you can see those ones now are feeding you can see this one is just coming just start pling amazing enjoying that grass guys very interesting to watch and you can see from below those sheep are now feeding on the concentrates this is so amazing guys just look at that look at that and you see this tag on the ear this metallic tag here there's a plastic tag and there's a metallic tag this tag here this metallic tag here clearly shows you that this is a pure ship imported this one is called Vin a good import from South Africa guys it's a pure that's the reason why you should Source your ship right from here see the comfort of feeding amazing amazing you can see them enjoying the the mineral leaks interesting see the clean his [Music] [Applause] [Music] days [Music] sh sh [Music] what do you eat
Channel: AIM Agriculture Farm
Views: 54,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Profitable Sheep Farming, Dopper Sheep Eldoret Farming Sheep Breeding Techniques Farming, Success Stories, Agriculture Kenya Animal Farming, Profits How to Start Sheep Farming Sheep Farm Tour, Farming Innovations
Id: CYD0mfx1frQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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