Is Painting Fabric EASY?

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have you ever thought about painting fabric  this chair is so pretty but these colors   are just not working for me I'm going to  share with you my honest opinion on dyeing   the fabric what I like about it what I  dislike about it but one thing is sure   it's definitely possible and you will  see at the end how my chair turned out the first thing I have to do is give it a  good wash because I can see it's dirty so   you don't really want to just put paint on top  of the dirty chairs staying chairs you know I'm   sure you can but why because I'm sure we're  gonna pull so much dirt out of these chairs I have certain color in my mind what  I want to do with this chair and that   is create a beautiful Plum color I did a  piece almost a year ago and I mixed some   gorgeous color using uh any Sloan  Capri pink and Napoleonic blue uh   so that's what I'm going for I'm going to  mix these colors and then start applying it that's gorgeous half a cup Napoleonic blue  one and a half cup ripping that's one and a half and we're gonna add  half a cup of blue and I'm mixing a lot   but that's okay because I want to use this  color on some other stuff around the store oh my goodness this color is just gorgeous   I'm going to try it in the back first that way  by the time I'm done with the back I'm going to   have a filling how to go faster you know so I'm  using a large brush just to uh go faster and I   have here warm water in this tray this is the  only tray I was able to find right now in the   store so I am going to wet the fabric first this  is going to help me move my thing around nicer if I was to redo this project all over again the  first thing I won't do is mix colors on my own I   definitely suggest you stick with a color that  already exists and it will make your life much   easier the reasons are in case you run out of  mixture you have to go and mix it all over again   versus just grabbing your can with existing  color and repainting it again reason number   two the pigments in these two colors that I use  were constantly separating during the project so   make your life easier and just use an existing  color so now I'm just going to continue   welding my fabric another thing I will do  differently is use a flat synthetic brush   I don't have that on the camera but at the end  of the second coat when I was doing the back I   used flat synthetic brush just to give it a  try and the results were much better it went   much faster and much easier so I definitely  suggest you use a nice flat synthetic brush so I'm keeping my brush constantly wet  I'm using basically I'm using a wash   but this color these colors are so highly  pigmented that it's covering it on the first coat   but this is basically just watery paint  it's not really paint even anymore one thing you have to know your coverage is going  to depend on the fabric that you're working on if   your fabric is sealed or cotton it's going  to go much easier and much faster if you're   working with sexualized fabric you're going  to have much harder time doing this project   again it's definitely possible but it you  are going to have to work a little harder so one thing I'm noticing as I'm working  is that actually I prefer to go side to   side instead of going top to bottom uh  it's just better if you having a short   movement like this instead of trying  to go to cover top to bottom or bottom   to top so just a little tip  that I pick up on really fast almost done I'm done with the first coat and I  turn the chair around to see how the back looks   so there is like some uneven pigmentation  going on somewhere is lighter somewhere is   somewhere is darker so what I'm going to do is  just continue with the second coat instead of   letting it dry and coming with the second coat  I'm just going to continue dyeing the fabric   in the purple in purple color from orange or  whatever it is and that's what we're going to do   just keep on going and trying to make the color  as even as possible and this time I'm bringing   in my spray Mr bottle so that will help me  as I'm going to spread it evenly and smooth all right as my second coat is drying I'm noticing  the seat is lighter than the rest of the chair so   I'm just going to go over again on the seat or any  areas that I feel like there is paint missing and   then I think we're pretty much done with this I  will let it to dry and then I will usually takes   I think two to three days to fully dry before  I can start doing something else I left it to   dry it took a little longer to dry because it  was very cold in this studio but we finally got   some sunshine and the chair got dry so the chair  looks good we have an issue on the seat I can see   the different color here as you can see it just  doesn't look like right that's the only part that   doesn't look right and these creases in between  here so what I'm going to do is get my mixture and   only redo the seat at this point when I  checked my chair it was feeling a little   hard and this is when I had to trust the  protest I was a little nervous and I was   a little questioning myself at that moment but  I just decided to trust the process and go with   it the reason my seat looked different than  the rest of the chair is because of the oils   that that seed probably has so even though I  give it a good clean I'm sure there was some   oil left behind that I couldn't get it out  so I had to work harder to cover my seat and   the chair finally has dried and actually  it looks good I think this looks great   um the seat looks pretty much the same color like  the rest of the chair it's a little lighter but I   realize why that was happening no big deal I love  it I think it looks great I'm going to go Leaf the   legs now and then we're going to wax everything  and then we're going to be done with this project   and for this beautiful chair I'm using  my gold leaf Wheat Ridge now with Prima   I just love it so much obviously it's mine when go  leaving it's just so important to cover everything   completely if you want solid Gold Leaf coverage so I feel like working on the store and  go leaving so much so fast um made me way   better golly for now and I'm happy because  of that because I can transfer that onto you okay the glue is ready the one thing I  want to mention the chair is completely dry   and we can start goal leafing now another thing I wanted to mention is that this  project was done on the go I have a whole store   to put together so I was not giving so much time  to this chair because I simply didn't have that   much time on my hand but I still needed this  chair to be done so I can place it in my store I got here a white cotton glove that  I actually got from something totally   different but I love how it's great  to brush all the gold leaf off without   having to worry if you're going to tarnish  to break your goalie so it's gonna make it   makes the job much easier and faster so all I'm  doing is just going and brushing everything off foreign so what I have here is two cans of Anniston clear  wax this one is going to be used for the fabric   for the chair and this one is that I use only for  gold leafing when I go Leaf I use it you can see   it has all these little pieces in there so I don't  want to transfer that to the fabric and I also   have a brush only specific brush that I use when  I go Leaf so this always stays separate and we're   first going to go to protect gold leaf on the  legs and then we're going to move on to the chair and what I have here is a piece of cheese cloth  I usually use a microfiber cloth for this part   but I have a cheesecloth at the store and  I don't have any clean microfiber cloths   so I'm just going to go with cheese cloth it's  totally safe it's very gentle to the gold leaf   so we're just going to wipe all  these wax to get rid of any extra all right we are going now to wax this chair  and actually I'm going to start with the side   I'm going to do the sides first and then the  front I wash my hands to make sure there is   no little pieces of gold leaf you have to be  very careful with that otherwise if you get   a little pieces of gold leaf stuck with clear wax  it's going to get stuck onto your dark colors and   you're gonna have a really hard time to get rid  of it on furniture it's much easier to get rid   of it but on the fabric I don't think you can  get rid of that so all I'm going to do is just   grab some wax and start applying it just like I  will do on a piece of furniture on on a dresser that's really nice it's definitely giving a   nice dark shade and it definitely  feels much nicer when you touch it foreign this looks really really good so  actually I wanted to show them and look what I did I transfer Gold Leaf   onto my chair and I'm gonna be here for  10 minutes trying to get this out so   just don't do this believe me again I don't have  microfiber cloth in here I am going to use a black   lint-free old piece of clothes and we're going  to wipe all these extra wax off and why has to be   black is because if you use a white old t-shirt  and you start wiping off extra wax onto this   purple dark purple chair you will have white  little pieces all over it so you don't want   to do that and that will kind of ruin the  look and you will be so disappointed I've   been there done that so I'm telling you don't  do that and this is the part when I was blown   away when I started waxing this chair it started  turning into something so amazing it was not hard   anymore the fabric became so soft and so nice  to the touch and it felt like a real leather that is amazing I think if I didn't  have any patterns on my chair if it   was a flat fabric it will completely look  like a leather chair I definitely trusted   the process and I'm glad I did because I was  very happy with the results I got at the end if you ask me would I do this to the couch where I  chill with my dogs every night or would I do this   to my dining chairs that get a lot of use every  day my answer my honest answer will be no I will   only do this kind of projects on accent chairs or  something that doesn't get a lot of use wear and   tear and if you want to see the chair in person  you're more than welcome to join us for our grand   opening of our store May 26th this was definitely  a fun project I had fun through it I had my doubts   I was questioning myself I made some mistakes  on the way but I learned from it and I'm a   hundred percent glad I did it because this  chair now fits in my interior design in my   store and I am really happy about it I  really hope you like this video if you   did give me thumbs up leave a comment below and  subscribe if you haven't already I will see you   next time with a new project and more ideas  and we have so much stuff coming out goodbye
Channel: Kacha
Views: 221,704
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Keywords: fabric painting, fabric painting for beginners, how to paint fabric, chalk paint, fabric paint, paint fabric, painting tutorial, annie sloan painting fabric, annie sloan, how to use chalk paint wax, chalk paint wax, how to paint furniture, how do i use chalk paint, upcycle, do it yourself, kacha furniture, furniture flip, fabric arts, redesign with prima, painted chair, painted fabric, furniture makeover, painted furniture, furniture flipping tips
Id: WyL7p3Aodls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2023
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