Is Olive Oil Healthy? | Dr. Neal Barnard Live Q&A

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welcome to the exam room live brought to you by the physicians committee hello i am the weight loss champion chuck carroll thanks so very much for joining us today right here on facebook and on youtube and this show now watched and downloaded more than 120 countries around the world making it one of the most consumed nutrition podcasts anywhere today so we appreciate you raising your health iq with us and helping to make the world a healthier place now the top question for today olive oil is it healthy we hear a whole lot about its health benefits but are they then erased by all of the fat that it has we are going to get the answer to that in just a minute when we are joined by dr neal barnard and he's going to be answering a lot more than just that question because we will be opening up the doctor's mailbag and answering a whole heap of your questions we also have some questions already in there about coconut oil and flaxseed oil are they healthy well we're going to find out we're going to hear about foods that might give you a headache we're going to hear about the first foods that any new vegan may want to stock up on and then an interesting question about vegans and low white blood cell counts if you are a vegan and you get your blood checked and it shows that you do in fact have a low white blood cell count does that mean that you have a weak immune system well we're going to find out what the science says about that so if you have a question that you would like answered today go ahead and drop it in the doctor's mailbag by posting it right now in the comments or in the chat and we will get to as many as we possibly can here on the program today so let's get everything rolling right now and welcome dr neil barnard to the show my friend it is so good to see you again good to see you chuck the first question comes to us from m healey on instagram dr barnard and it is this is olive oil healthy or does the fat in it wash out all of its health benefits what a great question so many people have that the the short answer is that olive oil is way better than chicken fat so if you are currently eating animal fats are you using them in cooking and you switch to olive oil good good change okay however you can do way better still and the reason i say that is that an olive does not an olive tree does not have a faucet on it in other words the olive oil isn't really a natural product the way you get olive oil is kind of the way you get sugar to get sugar you take sugar cane throw away all the fiber and all the pulp and everything and you take that that sugar that's left and we call that a refined product to get olive oil what do you do you take ten thousand olives and you throw away all the pulp and all the fiber and you have this olive oil um why is that maybe not so great well it's better than chicken fat but not perfect for this reason saturated fat that's the component of the fat that raises cholesterol and it's linked to alzheimer's disease for beef fat it's about 50 percent saturated and the rest of beef fat is various other kinds of fat chicken fat 30 olive oil 14 if you saute in water it's zero percent so olive oil is better than chicken fat not perfect um if you're trying to lose weight olive oil is just as fattening as lard all fats have nine calories per gram if you're dealing with any kind of hormonal issue like we've talked a lot lately about hot flashes or if insulin is not working well because you know you've got diabetes get the fats out of your diet go vegan for sure and in addition keep olive oil and other fats to a minimum you're going to do better oh man we got a lot of people talking about this right now in the chat room including nan who was wondering about flax seed oil and coconut oil as a follow-up to that do they fall kind of in the same category as olive oil okay they're widely different from each other flaxseed good coconut oil terrible uh flax seed does have omega-3 in it that's really what it's famous for and a lot of people will have a teaspoon of that a day or something and yet you can't fault them for that um it's got what's called alpha linolenic acid which your body turns into the other omega-3s that's fine um but i wouldn't go even with that i wouldn't go crazy with it i wouldn't have enormous amounts a teaspoon maybe a tablespoon but beyond that you don't need it um coconut oil avoid it completely and avoid any product that's got it same for palm oil they're loaded with saturated fat despite all the marketing about how wonderful and natural they are they're commercial products and they're not good all right at 1208 kate riley here we go we've talked about coconut oil flaxseed oil and olive oil but kate riley at 1208 is wondering about avocado oil and is that a healthier option uh you can put it in your hair and shine your shoes with it um it's i mean it's sort of like olive oil in the sense that it's better than the animal fats that's for sure but all fats including coconut oil including olive oil including avocado oil have nine calories per gram so if weight loss is your goal skip it if dealing with a hormonal issue or diabetes is an issue for you skip that and really you've got to minimize all other fats we're not exactly sure why these fats misbehave so much with regard to say hormonal issues when i say hormonal issues i'm thinking about not just hot flashes but also menstrual pain when women go vegan and minimize the oils that's where things really start to get better well we've talked about the oils but now what about the whole food here so we have kayla's creating also a 1208 what about a whole avocado that has a lot of fat in it but is that a healthy option um they're good if if weight is not an issue for you i mean avocados needless to say are delicious and wonderful in so many ways they're pretty fatty unlike every other fruit or most most every other fruit like an apple or an orange or a banana those are fruits without much oil the avocado by a quirk of nature's got a lot of oil in it um so it will slow down weight loss and have the other issues that we described if those are not issues for you then i wouldn't worry about having the avocado let's switch gears and take a question from janice uh this is interesting she said that she just read your book your body and balance she writes for people who are allergic to soy what would you suggest then for plant-based proteins okay um if you're doing this because of menopausal symptoms and hot flashes and you wanna you're using this you would be using soy for that reason um first of all if you're thinking you're allergic make sure that you're not avoiding it unless you really are allergic um allergy can manifest in many ways but typical ways are um it can affect your skin you'll get a rash uh your breathing might be affected and so forth and if you are allergic then you do indeed have to skip it there are a lot of researchers who are using other kinds of beans the black bean the pinto bean the navy beans those are the cousins of the soybean and some find that they do work they have much less of the isoflavones which are what we think is the reason why soybeans work so much but you can try other beans and see if they work too let's take a question from maya maya is ready to take the plunge and go whole food plant-based into a vegan diet she and her boyfriend as a matter of fact they say that they have decided to go vegan after watching what the health but now they're wondering what the heck they should buy what are the first foods you recommend they put in their shopping cart oh what a great question think about four groups um think about grains so grains rice pasta is a grain healthy breads corn okay great um the next group don't forget vegetables and i when you get vegetables i would think about two kinds green vegetables like broccoli or kale or spinach whichever ones you like but also don't forget the orange vegetables carrots sweet potatoes they're gonna complement each other in the antioxidants they have and frankly they taste good together third fruits any and every you know whatever you like fruit wise apples oranges peaches grapes berries they're all super and last but not least the legume group the bean group whether you love black beans pinto beans navy beans soybeans whatever so think about those four groups have them all um every day not necessarily all at the same meal and don't forget vitamin b12 you need b12 for healthy nerves you need it for healthy blood the amount you need is tiny 2.4 micrograms but get go to the store get the smallest one they sell or if you're taking a one a day vitamin that's got b12 you know what maya and her boyfriend might find helpful is our 21 day vegan kickstart program which is available as a free app on android and ios phones and we also have that online at kickstart a phenomenal program i mean dr barnum we're talking about meal plans we're talking about recipes even even a grocery store tour they literally walk you through the aisles and show you what to put in your shopping cart it's a really great way to get you going on your vegan journey just three weeks what what a great outline this is it sure is i gotta tell you we developed the 21 day vegan kickstart app originally for really for doctors because they're they're talking with their patients they don't have a lot of time they want to give this tool kit to the person who says gee i want to i want to get a healthier one to a vegan diet well the 21 day vegan kickstart app does that it's got everything that you just described menus recipes cooking videos everything um and you've got it on your android on your iphone on your laptop if you want it and uh there's a version for spanish speakers too so it is a really super thing it's free it's not promoting any commercial products uh so download it there you go slash kickstart is where you can go ahead and find that right this very second as a matter of fact yeah now if you're going to the app store whatever you just put in 21 day vegan kickstarter and you'll see it there absolutely absolutely could not be easier and if you're here in the podcast you can scroll on down to the episode notes we'll put a link to everything you need right there as well uh now dr bronner what are the biggest benefits of adopting a plant-based diet is that it's can significantly lower a person's cholesterol so life of chaos at 1208 is wondering this how long does it take to reverse moderately high cholesterol with a no-oil plant-based diet everybody's different but you should see an effect within a month or two months maybe three to really see the full effect but the reason i emphasize that is some people are wondering gee you know do i have a genetically high cholesterol or whatever or can i get away with a little bit of animal products i would encourage you at least once in your life do this take two months or even better three months during that period of time no animal products at all and keep oils really low even the olive oil keep oils really scrupulously like we've talked about here and then get your your cholesterol level tested and what most people see 90 of people or more will see their ldl goes way down as bad cholesterol um their total cholesterol drops too their triglycerides typically better if you've been eating healthy foods um but for the one and ten where it didn't then that's where there's some kind of genetic tendency going on but give yourself a couple of months see how it goes but it'll stop dropping it'll i mean sorry it'll start to descend start to drop within the first month here's an interesting thing and we've gotten this question a number of times on the show we've heard from people who have adopted a plant-based diet they've had their blood work checked and lo and behold they have a low white blood cell count so sally is wondering here she's one of them she says some vegans have a low white blood cell count does that necessarily mean that their immune system is weak no it's the opposite um okay let's say you go to the doctor and the doctor does a blood test and says you got a really high white blood cell count what's the doctor's next question where is your infection what the doctor means is something's in your body causing a problem and you're making more and more white blood cells your white blood cells are your centuries your your soldiers they're there to knock out invaders like viruses and bacteria when people are on a healthy plant-based diet they have a stronger immune system typically and their white blood cell count tip it's very common that it'll drop a little bit it's still in the normal range there's no reason to worry about it but it is very very common that just like a low cholesterol level lower blood pressure um all of which are good you're gonna you're not gonna need the same white blood cell count you had before but it's not abnormal that's a normal good thing here's something that i'm wondering is if the standard american diet dr barnard is known to raise a person's white blood cell count perhaps maybe because of inflammation or whatever is that kind of skewing the normal range for white blood cells a little bit higher than they actually should be chuck what a great question um you know you we see exactly the phenomenon you're describing people will go to the in fact we've even got this question here um somebody will say i got my cholesterol tested and i'm out of the range and they'll say what do you mean what's the range well my ldl is below where it should be what can i eat to get my cholesterol back up those ranges are typically normal they're often normals for an american population and so if the american population has ten tends to a high cholesterol we'll say well a good cholesterol is anything under 200. um in china that would be a pretty high cholesterol level um and and that's also true for say white blood cell counts and other things so so in some cases the ranges are truly meant for health a healthy body mass index and that's based on disease risk in other cases they're based on sort of population norms and they're if you're better than the norm sometimes a little bit concerning to people until they realize that they're in good shape i had no idea that the target range for cholesterol was different from country to country that's that's really interesting i'm wondering now if ours is skewing higher than most other countries out there do you know well the average cholesterol in america is just a hair over 200. so 200 is picked as a good target cholesterol because it's a nice round number that's close to where we are and can be easily achieved but if a person it has got a cholesterol level and they're 210 and they go to 200 they're going in a good direction if you take a whole population that gets there they're going to be low risk of heart disease if you get them to 190 they're better still if you get them down to 170 down to 150 each one of these steps they're still better until you get down to around 140 150 at that point you're there's really not much benefit to going lower but the idea of 200 being an optimal cholesterol level is just entirely an arbitrary thing based on an achievable target unfortunately half of americans die of heart problems and that's where their cholesterol levels tend to be yeah and as you know it's not just high cholesterol that a lot of americans are facing and people around the world it's also high blood pressure so let's go ahead and take a question from raja sri at 12 15 says hi chuck my father is suffering from high blood pressure and early stages of arthritis i need a great suggestion from dr barnard about what diet he might want to try okay with some support and some enthusiasm from from his family members which it sounds like you've got i would follow a completely low-fat plant-based diet vegan diet lots of vegetables and fruits and whole grains and beans and you can say to a family member who you're encouraging to do this to try it with a short-term focus the reason i say that is they might think oh gee i'm not sure if i want to really do this forever just do it for a short period of time but do it all the way and also keep oils really low for most people that alone is going to start bringing their blood pressure down now let's add don't go too crazy with the sodium so you don't have to go to this for most people they don't have to limit sodium dramatically but keep it you know two two grams a day something like that and what that means is don't really cook with it so much add maybe a little bit at the table but don't dump it in as you're stirring up foods and you make them um if a family member can exercise that will also help with bringing blood pressure down those steps alone for most people will tackle their blood pressure problem but um make sure your doctor is monitoring you because blood pressure can be a dangerous thing and if diet hasn't brought it down then you might need to think about medication all right we've got high blood pressure we've got high cholesterol now somebody who adopted a plant-based diet is wondering about bmi andrea at 12 19. what is the ideal bmi she says that she's achieved a bmi of 22 eating a whole food plant-based diet is that where she wants to be or she's wondering should she even go lower than that uh great question um that is a perfectly great bmi and if that's where you are i would stop worrying i wouldn't worry about it i mean you're just in a great range if you ask a statistician they will say that a bmi body mass index which is your weight kind of adjusted for how tall you are um and you and by the way you could check this yourself just go online and look up bmi calculator and you plug in your height and your weight and it'll tell you bmi a statistician will say you want to be between 18 and a half and 25 and the reason they say that is that if you're out of that range upward you're at higher risk for heart disease and diabetes and obesity and certain cancers if you're below that that's not good either but 22 you are doing great now for some people they're going to be on the higher range because they're very muscular and it's really the the excess fat that that's the problem uh some people are a little more what we used to call ectomorphic or thin people um and so we might have a slightly lower bmi but you're in a great great range by the way let me go back um if you don't mind chuck you mentioned in the earlier question that the person who called in was concerned about a family member who didn't just have blood pressure issues but also some arthritis and let me if you don't mind i'd just like to address that really quickly um not for everybody but for some people foods can trigger joints symptoms and there is no risk to trying a healthy diet and the way you do it is you avoid animal products completely vegan diet do this for about four weeks and if your symptoms still continue then try an elimination diet and i've described i described this in my book the cheese trap and also in my book foods that fight pain they list how to do an elimination diet but real quickly what you do is okay you say all right i'm going to do a test i want to see if i'm reacting to some food that's making my arthritis worse what we do we take all those foods out so we're not only going to be vegan but for a short time we're going to avoid not just dairy products but also chocolate citrus fruits nuts tomatoes onions corn even apples and bananas these were picked because although they're healthy foods for the occasional person they can trigger arthritis symptoms uh potatoes same story and so you avoid all those foods for a couple weeks if it but but you eat unlimited amounts of things that are left like rice and beans and cooked green vegetables and fruits and you go ahead and have those if your joints cool down then add these eliminated foods back one at a time every two days and if the food causes a flare up of your symptoms bingo you found a trigger many people have more than one and if you found a trigger then it is like gold because then you just avoid that food and for some people their symptoms are absolutely gone so as i mentioned you'll find more details about that in my book the cheese trap including how to do that kind of illumination diet for some people it is just a really cool education and you can do it with arthritis you can do migraines you can do it with skin conditions like eczema see if it works speaking of migraines we do have a question from someone uh on instagram and they're wondering what are the most common foods that trigger them okay uh dairy comes top uh and by the way we used to say well it was aged cheese but you know it can be skim milk it just bought at the store this afternoon um it's something about the dairy protein that seems to really be a problem so if a person we did we did a migraine study a number of years ago following exactly this method and so the the big triggers that we worry about are dairy products chocolate eggs citrus fruits meat wheat nuts tomatoes onions corn apples bananas a vegan diet takes the big ones out and the other ones you can see if you need to to eliminate them by just eliminating them over the short term and bringing them back one by one question from alex gomez 12 22. this sounds like it may be a good problem to have i don't know it depends on how you look at it if on a plant-based diet and your cholesterol levels are low should you continue with statins and aspirin okay uh brand new study about aspirin um what what doctors have been doing up until now is saying take a you know i'm talking about baby aspirin uh a baby aspirin interferes with clotting a little bit and the idea is that uh if you have say an arrhythmia where blood is pooling in the heart and it could tend to clot and you throw a plot to your brain you'll have a stroke or it can go to your lungs and you have an embolism you don't want that and an aspirin helps reduce the risk of that but an aspirin because it interferes with clotting means you're going to bleed more often and so doctors are now as a about a week ago they stopped cheerleading for baby aspirin um there are certain cases where they will use it these are for people who are at particularly high risk but but now um if i remember the the the guideline guidance correctly if you haven't had the heart attack you haven't had the stroke but you're at just a higher risk for the most part we are omitting aspirin but talk to your your caregiver and see where your own risks um line up that's really important do you need a statin probably 10 years ago people have said yeah keep taking the satin anyway because they're safe and they're not going to hurt you but over time we have discovered that statins do cause weight gain they increase the risk of diabetes a little bit um there have been overall a low cholesterol protects the brain but there have been hundreds of cases of people with brain disorders triggered by statins that went away when they stopped their statins so i have to say that although i recognize that statins have an important role for people who are just cannot lower their cholesterol for a person who already has a low cholesterol i personally would be i would not be cheerleading for statins in that case i know that almost everybody is treating them as vitamin l everybody ought to be on the tour i think we ought to recognize the side effects of them and not prescribe them for the patient who doesn't need them um so you talked about aspirin and blood thinning and i want to circle back to a question that richard had in the chat box um talking about thinning blood and then maybe clotting he's wondering if there have been any studies that you're aware of on the effect a plant-based diet has on platelets in the blood great question i do not know the answer to that um let me check on that and maybe we can maybe we can come back into that next week can we do that chuck absolutely i want to make sure i don't give you an out-of-date answer no no i think that that's great and uh richard thank you so much for submitting that that's the first time anyone has asked that question so i was like we got a first timer let's let's rock and roll um let's let's answer a fun question let's take one from michael right now he says with halloween coming up dr barnard what would you say are some of the scariest foods that people eat um just about everything that goes into that halloween bag is something you um you're not so happy to put in there um this is a big issue for people where in any neighborhood where anybody still dares go out at night and trick or treat ring the doorbells of people i don't know um back when i was a kid we would only take packaged candy because if somebody gave you an apple we thought they had tampered with it and they were going to kill us i think those are important concerns to this day so we want to really be thinking about healthy foods and if it's something packaged maybe a small package of nuts or something like that there are things like trail mixes and dried bars that can be given something like that probably going to beat the socks off a big chocolate bar or something like that no you mean the butterfinger bite size aren't really good for us is that what you're saying right now sorry to break your heart check all right question from christine oh good one how old is too old to go vegan could my 81 year old mom profit by switching to a plant-based diet absolutely age is not a barrier and let me tip my hat to dean ornish who is really a medical genius and has been doing such wonderful work for such a long time way back 30 years ago he just knocked the socks off the medical community by showing that heart disease was reversible and the thing that i was really struck by his work was that age was not a barrier didn't matter you can have been building up artery disease for a long period of time and it doesn't matter how old you are you should be making a change now um the biggest problem that older people have is that they have young people who think they're old and think you're too old to change but you know what i remember years ago i was visiting my parents in what they what they called the old folks home retirement community and i was giving a lecture about nutrition and i was talking to them about what food could do and you could just see people were saying well i'm on so many medicines if i could get off these medicines my quality of life would be so much better i'm on medicines for blood pressure i'm in medicines for cholesterol i'm in medicines for diabetes i'm on medicines for stomach acid if i could change my diet i would be really really happy so i said okay how many of these people in this room would like to go vegan stay for the next three weeks if i can talk to the dietary department and get vegan foods served every hand went up so what does that mean 81's not too old to do it all we need is a little love and support from our family members a kind of a pathway to doing it and so um have a look at the app that we described earlier and if you're an 81 year old who doesn't know app too much you might need somebody else to show you what that means but have at it you can learn some new tricks and you might might be able to reduce your need for medication too all right let's see we have time for a few more and oh here is one that i absolutely adore from kaylee at 12 24 because so often when we set out on a journey to get healthy and we're closely watching the scale the numbers aren't moving as quickly as you would like them to be and we live in a what have you done for me lately i want it now kind of society but kaylee is wondering to that end maybe this would help does an overweight vegan have the same risk for diabetes as an overweight person who eats meat so the way i translate that dr barnard is as soon as you switch to a plant-based diet does your risk for diabetes begin to fall yeah it does um and if weight is a continuing issue though and you're thinking about how do i tackle my not only my weight but my diabetes risk i would do two things i would not just continue a vegan diet that's important because that means there's no animal fat in your diet no animal products at all that's great but i would also keep oils really low and any oily foods like nuts seeds nut butters avocados cooking oils why because as we've talked about on this program and on our other programs and as you see on if you look at diabetes or diabetes information the problem with type 2 diabetes is that fat has built up in the muscle and liver cells and as long as that fat is inside those cells we can't get the glucose out of the blood and into the cell your insulin just isn't working very well but on a low-fat vegan diet that gets turned around and it gets turned around pretty quickly so let your doctor know that you're making this change and see how you do all right let's see if we can get khaled some help here he's wondering about his uh young baby daughter says my 15 month old daughter has abnormally high levels of b12 should we stop giving her supplements and then recheck her in a year great question she's got high level b12 um okay first of all by all means talk to your pediatrician um she's 15 months old it's good to check these things um b12 is something everybody needs doesn't matter what your diet is it doesn't matter how old you are everybody needs to be 12 however the amount you need is really really really small for an adult the rda recommended dietary allowance 2.4 micro grams not grams not milligrams but micrograms 2.4 micrograms for an adult no but i'm 15 months old it's less than one microgram it's about 0.9 micrograms that is really really tiny so you're a loving parent you go to the health food store you say i want to get a b12 supplement that's 0.9 micrograms and they're going to say well look down the aisle where the smallest one you find is 500. okay so what you will discover is that pediatric vitamins um that uh these like prenatal type vitamins same basically the same kind of thing that a mother is taking afterward uh but there are vitamins for for kids i'm sorry let me not be confusing mom could take vitamins if she's breastfeeding the vitamins will pass through the kids the prenatal ones are similar to what you can take afterwards for the child the vitamins that are made for kids have much smaller amounts of these i'm talking about flintstones and the other brands that are made for kids and so they got smaller amounts but let me circle back to where we started don't forget to see your pediatrician uh let's take a question here from andrea andre said i heard you talk recently about garlic and how healthy it can be is that something we should be eating every day if so how much um how much is if people aren't shying away from you you need to add a little bit more [Laughter] have fun with it fair enough uh johnny writes i'm a big fan of the podcast thank you for all the work that you do well you're welcome johnny uh i'm wondering though are there any good studies about the relationship between your diet and hair loss yeah um there there are some in fact in your body and balance you'll see a chapter on skin and hair have a look it's surprising um where this came into our radar was a number of years ago as you probably know the story about japan japan had a mostly plant-based diet where the dietary staple foods rice tofu a lot of vegetables and that was kind of the japanese diet little bits of fish no dairy um 80s 90s 2000s the diet was changing and a burger culture started to evolve in in tokyo and osaka and so forth and dermatologists started to report something fascinating in addition to all the other problems that japan started to have more obesity more diabetes a lot more breast cancer and more hot flashes they also started to notice um and what we now believe is that the standard american diet which is now being exported to japan and everywhere else causes an exaggeration of testosterone's activity on the hair follicle and causes baldness to occur earlier so um see take that for what it's worth we have we do not have double blind trials where you bring in people who are losing their hair and have half of them start a healthier diet to see if they can keep their hair um it would be a neat trial to do but there's no reason not to follow a totally healthy completely plant-based diet all right m ball who's watching on youtube right now we hear you my friend uh thanks for letting us know and uh two more quick questions another one from andrea does vitamin c cause kidney stones that you know of um that was a hugely controversial thing linus pauling who's won two nobel prizes um was was a huge advocate and at the time of his death he was eating 18 grams of vitamin c a day um and really felt it was not a cause of kidney stones um i guess where i would come down is that you don't need to be having enormous amounts of vitamin c do maintain your hydration so that you're getting adequate urine volume up and apart from that i would think the vitamins you would very likely not be contributing to kidney stones for you all right and the final question let's take one from george at 12 37. uh going back to milk which we've talked about a little bit earlier today is organic grass-fed milk good to drink if you are a calf apart from that no no no absolutely milk is a cocktail that mother nature stuck in the udder of a cow to have what you really need to make a calf grow rapidly mother nature made a slightly different cocktail that goes into the breasts of a human being and so that a woman can can nurse her baby and her baby gets the nutrition that the baby needs and can grow rapidly but nature has weaning processes for cows for humans for everybody else and that's because that that cocktail that we call mother's milk is no longer appropriate um after the very first stages of life why not because it is loaded with fat and it doesn't have any fiber in it and it doesn't really have what you need when you get older and so people will for generations were serving a grass-fed you know what they called grass-fed milk it was a cow that would go in the pasture and eat grass come back in and get milk it's clearly linked to prostate cancer probably linked to breast cancer linked to all kinds of other conditions it doesn't matter if it's grass-fed or not there you go if we did not get to your question today have no fear we will save it and do our best to get you an answer on an upcoming episode we do save each and every one that comes in so keep on posting them or again you can send them to me for the next show on twitter and instagram at chuck carroll wlc just make sure that you use that hashtag exam room live and you heard us talk today about dr barnard your book your body imbalance in the show description and in the episode notes if you're listening to the podcast you will find a link to go ahead and pick up a copy of that if you would like and if you like the show today don't forget to like us right here on youtube the video and subscribe to our channel and then find us on apple podcast and wherever shows are available join the party in more than 120 countries around the world and raise your health iq subscribe to the exam room podcast by the physicians committee and lastly today dr barner i would be remiss if i did not say thank you to the gregory j writer memorial foundation for making today's show possible because their support of the exam room and the physicians committee is just extraordinary it's really helping to raise our health iqs and the gregory j ryder memorial fund if you're not familiar with them well what they do is support organizations like ours that carry on greg's love for animals by promoting a plant-based diet and working to end animal abuse and you can learn more about them by visiting their website right now that's while you're there you can learn about all of the animal issues that they're currently working on and subscribe to their newsletter so you can keep up with everything really easily so thank you so much to allison and the gang over at the writer fund for supporting the show and making the exam room live possible and dr barnard i know that uh you know allison personally and you knew greg and just what what phenomenal human beings they both are they absolutely are um and allison sends out uh the listing of the kind of work that they're supporting and it just warms your heart to see that kind of really activism in the best possible way so thank you allison for your support of our work and thanks to all of you for for joining us and for spreading the good word and thank you dr barnard for being here today we will do it again soon very good thank you all right and also thank you to the crew behind the scenes that makes the magic happen thank you and to you exam roomies thank you as well for hanging out and making the show the fun thing that it absolutely is and for everyone here at the physicians committee i am the weight loss champion chuck carroll we'll talk to you again soon but until then keep it plant-based
Channel: Physicians Committee
Views: 140,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _MAzVKwC4ag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 25sec (2245 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 20 2021
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