Is Naked and Afraid Fake and Scripted?

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hey guys my name is Lily and today I want to do a q and a video on my experience of naked and afraid so now I'm going to go through the questions of my last video and there were a couple of really good questions and I cannot answer all of them but I will try to answer the most interesting ones so the first question is if Naked and Afraid is scripted or is it fake or is it real now I can only speak for my episode and I was there as a participant and I can Witness that Naked and Afraid is absolutely real and it's not scripted nobody gives you a script where you have to read off sentences nobody says to you what you have to say so you can say what you want you can say it when you want and how you want also nobody is telling you where you have to build your shelter or what survival techniques that you should apply you can always decide this yourself so I have selected together with Sam where we want to build our shelter we have decided when we want to go hunting or when we set the traps or which traps we built or which types of edible plants we were collecting so that's a battle part was completely on our own the camera crew is there to film our experience so that you guys can also see what we went through so we are not alone that's true also there's medical assistance so if you have a wound that needs to be treated it will be treated so there's Medical Treatments and you can see it they don't make a secret out of it so in our episode you could see that Sam got treated by the medic and also in other episodes you can see it sometimes standard stitches I think it's important to apply first aid because if a wound can get infected that can be a problem not only for a survival challenge but also afterwards for the health of the survivors and participants so I think it's a smart idea to give the survivors medical treatment but still besides that medically treatment I think that the show is absolutely real the survival experience doesn't get more real than this um if I was to make a survival show I would do it exactly the same like Naked and Afraid maybe with a little bit more clothing on but um yeah that's the principle of naked and afraid actually that's the second question that I want to answer so a lot of people say mine is Naked and Afraid naked why can't you give them loincloth or moccasins or I don't know Andover at least so it's an extreme survival challenge it's Olympia for survivalists and we've been naked you can actually see how the participants deteriorate over time you can see that they are getting thinner and thinner and with the cloves on you would not see that so I think the naked part is first of all a challenge an additional challenge for the survivors so you have to be really good and better at surviving and also for the viewer it's um easier to see how much more weight they are losing because if you have clothes on you can only see a thin face and that's it right so yeah I think that's the reason why they are doing it naked also the next question was how it feels to be naked around a camera team or your partner that you never met before I'm from Europe so we go into the sound on naked and then you sit with 20 naked people that you've never seen before in your life in the sauna um I also go on naked beaches which you can find plenty in Europe I do not have a problem with being naked but it was a problem for me in terms of being cold and being completely exposed to the elements okay the next question is coming from Gary so is there a rule against making shoes that would be a priority for me well actually there was a need to make shoes because I started walking barefoot two months before the challenge so my feet got really thick soles very thick skin and actually the barefoot walking was not a problem anymore so this is why we did not attempt to make some shoes especially towards the end of the challenge I could walk over very pointy and sharp rocks it did not hurt me anymore so that was not our priority and actually we had other things to worry about so before you start making shoes which will take you an entire day you will rather go for firewood so that you have it warm in the night so at a certain point you have to make decisions am I going to build a trap or am I going to get firewood am I going to go hunting or am I going to attempt building a gray shirt so you have to make decisions because you don't have so much energy anymore to do it all and you get really slow out there if you are in full ketosis all right so now I want to move on to the next question now the next question was why have you been so dirty on our challenge first of all we were wrapping matte on us on a regular basis then second um we used some ashes on our bodies so that we are protected against insects and then also my face has become really dirty really black and that's from the fire so when you are handling the logs you sometimes touch some colors and then apparently I'm touching my face quite often and then you get a black face and I think also the smoke makes us dirty so you just get dirty out there and most of the time I did not have the energy to wash myself and then you don't care about it anymore because the only thing you think about is surviving and we try to uh use some charcoal to brush our teeth with the finger so that worked out but finally we did not get a bad breakfast though because we never ate carbs out there so the teeth were not really a problem so yeah we were really dirty but at some point you just stopped caring anymore it's um every movement that you make is going to um take some calories and washing yourself takes a lot of calories actually you do not really stink because you stop eating carbs um so when I try to smell underneath my armpits I was not thinking anymore so I smelled myself there was nothing so it was like we were losing our scent or something so that was really strange and very surprising to me the next question is if Salmon's I fell in love with each other uh no cement I have here like a brother and a sister we got along really well we appreciated each other but there's nothing more so we are both married and happily married with our spouses but there was nothing between us it was just a really how should I say a platonically laugh and I see him as my brother now and we still have contacts we are friends so we are riding each other on WhatsApp almost every day so yeah I'm glad that I have made a new friend on the show and he's like a brother to me okay the next question is coming from Jacob he's wondering if my early vomiting in the challenge was a result of the shock to my body because of the survival situation and I think I have to agree with him so I was really stressed out in the first couple of days of the challenge and in the first evening I was vomiting and that's because I had extreme acid reflux so I think it was the stress of being or naked and afraid of being filmed by a crew that I don't know yet and also of being naked in front of a crew and also then you have to survive in the forest after going into a canyon and this was a really strainless Camp down the canyon and then we killed a rattlesnake so there was a lot of stress in the first day and then I was stressed out about building the fire and then I was stressed out about making the shelter work and about getting firewood for the first night so we all did that in like two and a half hours so it was super stressful and we were working fast and I think my body really had us more like I would not say shock but maybe it was super stressed out and then I got acid reflux then I tried to drink it down with a lot of water and then I vomited out the water so I did not vomit out any meat from the snake and that stayed inside but I vomited a lot of water and it was just too much for me my stress system was overloaded so um being in a survival situation is one thing but also being filmed you know but a crew uh you don't want to make any mistakes so there's a lot of pressure on your shoulders you want to make a good impression so it was really I was so stressed out in the first few days and but there was no reason to be you know I should have trusted my capabilities more and I should have trusted that I will make it so I was a little bit insecure in the first few days and that stressed me out but there was no reason for it because I had the skills to do it okay next I would like to say um that Amy what are you doing next I would like to say that um we are there for three weeks but of course they cannot put all what happened into one episode so only the highlights are getting shown and that's okay um you know it's TV format they cannot um around one episode for 10 hours and that's how it is so the highlights are shown but a lot of other things did not get shown okay I have to reposition my knife now because Amy is lying at the side now so I don't want her to get hurt this is my self-designed tracker knife by the way it's the apocalypse one tracker and yeah if you want to support my channel you can get this knife here at my Canadian dealer or here in Europe at my website and you will find all of the links in the description below okay so now I want to move on to the next topic and the next topic is the crew so the crew that we were filming with those are really awesome people I have the most respect for the filming crew and everybody who is working behind the scenes they are really kind people and so professional so it was really and trying to see how they work together so well and how they make this episode work so that also the viewer can witness our experience in the most intense way so I talked to the crew and they told us that they are really happy to work on Naked and Afraid because it's an exciting show which is not scripted because the other TV shows that are scripted they are really boring and nobody really wants to work on such a set so naked and afraid because it's real it's also very exciting for them because they don't know what's coming and they don't know what discussions we will have or what survival or deals we will go through so for them it's really exciting to work on the show and they can see it from firsthand only a couple of meters away from us so they really like working I'm naked and afraid and because they are so happy about it they also highly motivated to make this a really good show and to show our experience from the best angles so the crew was a awesome team the Medics were great as well so really kind and awesome people they have a good heart I can only you know say the best about the crew out there and they are suffering too actually and for them it's dangerous too um so in one scene when we tried to pin down the head of the rattlesnake uh the rattlesnake actually tried to escape underneath the lock where the cameraman was standing and you can actually see the foot of the cameraman when he was standing on the lock and filming down on the rattlesnake it was actually closer to him than to me so I was really worried about the cameraman getting bitten soon so I tried to scoop away the snake with the stick from him towards me so that I can then pin it down with the stick so for them it's also quite dangerous because they can also step into a snake sometimes they are focusing on us with the camera or with the audio and then they walk around us without looking at the ground so they are actually much more exposed to snake bites than we are the contestants so it takes a lot of mental strength even for the crew to be out there with us and to also endure all of those um dangers so I only have the greatest respect for the crew and also for the Medics they are there for filming our episode and um to capture our experience on camera but also the Medics are keeping us safe so I have the deepest respect for the team and they are doing a really really good job okay so now the next question is how long did it take me to come back from The Challenge so afterwards how long did it take me to regain my strength and weight I have to say it took quite a long time so after I came home from naked and afraid I was just lying on the couch for one month straight I was only eating and drinking and it took me one month until I regained all of my weight or almost all of it so I'm still missing uh two kilograms of muscle weight and also right now I'm shooting a bow which is drawing less weight so the boat that I used are naked and afraid had 35 pounds but right now I'm shooting 30 pounds because I have lost a lot of my shoulder width and muscle strength and this also brings me to the last question would I do such a thing again and I have to say right now I would not do it again and the reason is I'm just too thin for this challenge so for some kind of reason I cannot gain weight maybe it has to do with the fire red I don't know so I'm really bad at gaining weight and I think I would do the challenge again if I would gain 10 kilograms of more weight then I would do it again but if I cannot gain weight there's no way that I will do something like this again because I think it can get a little bit dangerous if you are getting too thin and I was on the brink of getting too thin um and after I watched my own episode I have to say I did not like how I looked in the end so for self-preservation I have to say I will probably not um be on the challenge anymore or try another challenge because for my health it's not good now for other people who are healthy I think that's no problem so you can fast for three weeks as a healthy person I don't think it will harm your health but the condition that I have it's a little bit tricky and I don't want to put my health at risk and that's the truth so at the end of the day I would like to say that um I do not regret being on Naked and Afraid it was a great experience it was my biggest dream that I could once try out my survival skills for real and it worked out and I made it through the challenge I made it to day 21 and I'm really happy about that I'm really proud of myself that I made it through even though I'm super thin and even though I have this favorite condition so now in future I want to show you more videos on YouTube and if you want to see me surviving in the forest and training my survival skills on YouTube then please subscribe to my channel and stay tuned for more awesome videos hold up
Channel: Survival Lilly
Views: 147,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: survival lilly, Is Naked and Afraid Fake and Scripted?, naked and afraid, discovery, survival
Id: D5hQEhP3Lf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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