Is My Chinese Wife a Tiger Mom? - Chinese Vs. American Parenting

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yeah oh did you get it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay save here we are in the street I'm going to ask you a few questions so basically we've talked about parenting you've talked about parenting in your videos if you haven't checked out baby Channel go over to her channel Vivian way she's covered a lot of stuff that I don't maybe more of the motherly sides and the kid sided thing good but today I'm going to talk about something that people keep asking me about because they say that actually because me and you come from different cultures one of the biggest problems that comes on down the line is how you pair your kids it's not an absolute everyone parents their kids very differently you got spoiled kids back home yes coil kids in China it's the same thing right but let's see what we say on this little test here and this is not a scientific test but I'm curious what a Chinese woman would say we haven't had this conversation guys we kind of fly if you're gonna fly it you ready yeah okay question number one and it's this is very precarious by the way we got baby down here it's going crazy if she got my degree and she started yelling start yelling I think she's gonna like Daddy okay so the first scenario is your son or daughter it's another child but though it's another child at soccer practice what would you do Danny awesome yeah just I want you I'll take the neurotoxin because I want you to respond without having next I need to figure out what's the reason the second is like effluence to make her to apologize to that kid first okay and then like teacher the lessons that like you're not allowed to do that white okay now I'm going to ask you this question what do you think normal Chinese first I would do just an average Chinese person that you would know if that's the old people they would start to fight with you and that's like the parents will put they do have some like nice and educated parents during the correct way when they're kids beating out of you right sample is this morning baby God's big boy he did anything so anyway you wouldn't try to encourage the kids that the other kid to hit him or anything interesting okay then the second one is your your son or daughter makes a big mess in their place okay what do you do if they refuse to clean it up I'm definitely gonna punish them how do you do it though either time now or either I don't know depends on how angry I am I was thinking a good way and I think what I would probably do is come up with a game like so if they have to clean up other toys and stuff I would come up with a game to see who can clean about faster and then they kind of learned that it can be fun and then mom and dad actually don't want to like be against to do it I mean like I dunno I have a really short amber and plus like grow up with those time that like my shins basically coming to me by beat me right now I think is really a hey angry I mean like just it it is I'm really angry probably I just does that thing do that again on top purpose purpose also like give me a weird look and those kinda probably was never again Oh slap in the head that's a maximum I will do that I was just like probably just force her to do day she receives Rita I really gonna do just have to do something for Clinton the next one so your daughter she's a teenager now okay she wants to watch the rated-r movies so you know we don't you don't know what rated R is means like you have to be 17 to Watsa so kind of like a naughty the naughtiest kind of movie it's not porn or anything that it's like you know you shouldn't watch it as kids right so um what's the heck say the theme these guys have been beating each other up I'm excited how I can crack this to have me okay where did iMovie into I thought to all of our friends is Dina but she's only 12 you let her watch it I mean like if you forced her not to she's probably going to do it more probably I would choose the most minor one and watch with her and tell her that okay and she this is not okay it's like just how her like probably should even watch that if you want to watch the watch actually this is this is one of the things I find really interesting about China is that this in my house was a big deal like my parents cared more about me not watching bad stuff like rated R movies than me cleaning my room or thing tidier even the even about great like grades were super important but the most important is that I stayed moral especially things about nudity and sex except Christian religious household I find that really interesting because in China parents care a lot less about that kind of stuff and a lot more about grades and being tidy like having a clean room and things like that that tends to be more of a concern which I thought was kind of different definitely a difference between you know religious Christian American versus you know normal Chinese people I feel like you're going to repel even like you controllers you're probably going to be are be probably guys like what we would her pregnancy you're aware and cool you know right I don't dislike burger and choose the most minor one and like so try to guide your decision okay the next one is your kid has a pants from you know a tantrum is like when they just freak out like so let's let's give it an example like they need to buy they want to buy a toy at a store right and your kids like just screaming like no I want this going you know kids get emotional maybe she's not trying to be bad that she wants her way especially around that kind of age to age create right so what do you do in that scenario like I feel like most Chinese parents to be honest nowadays would buy the toys for the kids just like how long I just ran away okay girl I will you explain to her what that her behavior was wrong yeah you like because I read up a lot of books the best in years like when we go out you can buy treat for her by me have a cookie hey right I'll teach her like if you have bad behavior you get what you want I got to the next scent but I do know that like I mean there are a lot of certain sense people like a lot of parents you buy sell for the quality I feel like you can be cocky because like yeah you say you would never do that but I call BS on that because there's a lot of scenarios where you just want the situation of stuff and that's the easiest most dismissive way to parent right yeah so I don't understand them but I will just try not to pick one mine but they tried we'll try not get through that perfect fair okay here the last thing I ask to you is what do you think the goal of being a parent is like what's the goal of being fair parenting is that I don't need her to be like like to become the president or something but college is a good place right okay so just making her a moral good person you know if you think you are trying to impress your values on her just she can beat you I know everyone is like we job okay I'm going to be honest with you I think that we agreed on mostly Suffolk's I'm going to tally up our squirrel high scores are in we only differed on a couple of dances I didn't include all of them in the video but basically we are called because what we are called we've both got the same result really yes and we are called a authoritative style authoritative style authoritative parents operates on the belief that both the child and the parent have certain rights than the needs of the both both are important the parent is sure that she is in control and does not need to assert physical force let's don't hit the kid careless even though you said you would that's the [ __ ] I mean I guess I'm so angry how like I'm good like you know I I don't you don't know how old I even let me finish because you are a typical bully that doesn't deserve this category excuse me oh gosh you cut me off I didn't finish read it in authority this is me being authoritative I'm south of Boston rather an authoritative parent is more likely to control her child by setting rules in explaining why these rules are important and why they must be followed what do you think do you agree with that I think you're about to slap me bastard yeah I feel like we are pretty much the same there but I think you're more reactive than I am I think you tend to lose your temper quite a bit faster this is a better boy I think you would do the same thing possibly I don't think I would ever hit my time he's my we're gonna get married someday if he thinks is six that I say that but it's just because I don't want her to be with anybody else I'll just I'll just keep it safe maybe I'll just lock down the gate anyway so different parenting styles I feel like has changed quite a bit here in China we know that there's big issues here especially when the grandparents raised children they get away with too much or they're too spoiled but younger parents that are actually into parenting I've seen a lot of improvements here yeah things are definitely getting better and probably more in line with Western values to Genesis let's see a lot of people reading Chinese translations of parenting books from back home which i think is great i think that you know the more science involves probably the better so hopefully that'll make a big change because you all know about the video that we did on a TV sign about kind of spoiled children go emperors the big issue and when those kids grow up they end up either being bullies or completely useful because they have absolutely no idea how to cope with things that get in our way so anyway I hope you guys enjoyed the video well winner thank you so much bla winners I'll catch you the next one on the next war you got it last time why'd you shoot up again you didn't perfect did you did you do it on purpose
Channel: laowhy86
Views: 194,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: parenting, child, children, asian parents, kids, education, parents, asian, china, laowhy86, chinese, serpentza, conquering southern china, living in china, punishing kids, parents punishing kids, punish, discipline, raising kids, family, chinese parenting, chinese parenting vs western parenting, chinese parenting style, chinese parenting vs american parenting, chinese parenting techniques, asian parenting, asian parenting culture, asian parenting style, asian parenting vs american, tiger mom
Id: wHeDdrTOxNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2017
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