Is Life REALLY Just A Game? | A Perspective That Will Change Your Life Forever

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foreign [Music] people have always been trying to figure out what life is all about and why we're here we use different metaphors to deconstruct Life's existential questions people often think of life like a game this idea interests us because we like seeing Life as a contest where we're competing against others we think we win the game of Life by achieving success is life just a game if so what are the rules how can we play better I'm going to show you how life is really like a game if you see life this way it can be a lot more fun and enjoyable so for now just bear with me as I explain put your own ideas to one side and open up your mind to this new idea you came into this world grew up from childhood to adulthood and finally you will become old and die someday throughout these phases you will face numerous challenges and encounter a multitude of obstacles you may lose you may fail you may also win many times over you may accomplish goals fulfill dreams and make an impact you may love you may laugh and you may live a fulfilling life during this life you experience The Game of Life but what is the game you may ask well any game has rules objectives winners and losers in many ways life can mirror these characteristics there are norms to adhere to goals to achieve victories to celebrate and losses to endure and you don't start the game knowing everything you need to know it's an enjoyable journey to embrace but how can you enjoy this game of life when failures and setbacks hit you hard well much like a game you never enjoy playing one that is easy and predictable you enjoy the game because it is challenging but rewarding at the same time when you understand this your life will be so much more fun and enjoyable you can become anything you want and do anything you dream of this is your game you are the only one who can control your life you are the creator of your own world yes there are other people in this game of life but they are all playing their own games what they do has nothing to do with you imagine that we are all playing our own separate games inside one big shared game each of us can make our game and play it however we choose you are in charge of your game you're in control of yourself and only yourself if you can change what's happening inside you your game will change on the outside too that's just how the game was made the laws of the universe are the game's rules they always work they aren't on your side or against you they just are but as a player and the creator of your game you can use these laws to your advantage they are tools we use to create our worlds understand how powerful you are we're not just ordinary beings walking around you are part of what created everything that exists and you're here on Earth to play with your energy and power to create you're here to create whatever you like this game was made for you it was designed just for you this offers you a new lens through which to understand your experiences imagine that every choice you make is a move in this game every challenge you face is a level to conquer every failure is a lesson to learn every success is a reward to cherish and every dream is a quest to complete this metaphor the game of life holds the power to shift your mindset from victim to player instead of feeling defeated by life's adversities you begin to see them as challenges designed to strengthen you you realize that you are not mere Spectators but active players with the agency to strategize make choices learn grow and eventually win it's a liberating realization that imparts resilience empowerment and ultimately mastery no game can be played without rules and The Game of Life is no exception George Bernard Shaw once said life isn't about finding yourself life is about creating yourself this is the rule of life's game create yourself life doesn't just happen to you it happens for you every choice you make everything you do and how you react shape Who You Are it creates the person you show to the world the ability to shape your life is entirely up to you the second rule is being tough and bouncing back Nelson Mandela said the greatest glory and living lies not in Never Falling but in Rising every time we fall life will throw challenges roadblocks and traps your way but every time you face a setback it's a chance to get back up become stronger and get closer to winning in this game of life the last rule is about connection we are all players playing our own game but we are somehow linked together in ways we might not always understand when we recognize this we can better empathize with others understand them and feel that we're all in this together so what are the strategies in The Game of Life well the first strategy is learning like any game Life requires you to learn learn from your experiences others experiences your mistakes and your successes knowledge equips you with the tools necessary to navigate the game effectively next remember that patience and persistence are key often we get so caught up in the destination that we forget to appreciate the journey Embrace each moment each step of your journey for in the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson life is a journey not a destination it's crucial to persist take risks learn adapt and then persist some more winning in the game of life doesn't necessarily mean achieving material success or societal recognition instead it's about finding happiness contentment and a sense of fulfillment the true reward lies in a life well lived a life marked by growth and love and this game is an infinite game you have to play until your last breath you might fail and that's okay you might lose and that's okay too because failure is not the opposite of success it's a part of success the key is to never give up to never stop playing the game and remember in this game you never truly lose every end is a new beginning and every setback a setup for a comeback play this game with all you've got for it's the greatest game you'll ever play the game of life I'm so happy that you're watching all the way to the end here I hope you learned something today and I wish you all the wonderful things in your life as you play the game of life your thoughts and comments are so welcome I'd be really happy to read them may Divine love always be with you thank you
Channel: Wisdom Nuggets
Views: 50,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wisdom nuggets, life is a game, the rules to the game of life, the game of life and how to play it, is life a game, meaning of life, the meaning of life, purpose of life, what is the meaning of life, spiritual awakening, law of attraction, spirituality, Is Life REALLY Just A Game?, is life just a game, A Life Changing Perspective
Id: D6RzGqytxhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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