Is Hoovie the least Shrewd Negotiator ever?
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: VINwiki
Views: 671,953
Rating: 4.9313526 out of 5
Keywords: Tyler Hoover, Hoovie, Hoovie's Garage, Hoovies Garage, VINwiki, Car Stories, Car Buying, Car dealer, buying, selling, shrewd negotiator, Ferrari, Bentley, Doug Demuro, Vehicle Virgins, Tavarish, Cheap Cars, Cheap exotics, bargain exotics, broken, Mercedes, Jeep, Porsche, Damage, Accident, Stolen, YouTuber, channel, behind the scenes, failure, hooptie fleet, Chrysler, LeBaron, Project Car, S600
Id: 23UxUM6dcKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 16 2018
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