Hoovie's latest adventures in Un-Shrewd Negotiation

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so I'm losing a lot of money as as you can see I'm back lost about 5 pounds and $50,000 so well the favorite video of my last visit was talking about how unscrewed of a negotiator I am compared to Edie which I'm here visiting him in Atlanta cuz I drove up with my latest purchase of Ferrari 348 which I bought for $35,000 has almost a hundred thousand miles on it and when I told Edie this he gave a polite little nod but in his head he was thinking should have been shrewder right I should have but I just can't help myself so I figured I would give an update on all of my unscrewed purchases because I am the least shrewd negotiator ever i buy terrible cars and overpay for them because that's what the people of YouTube want me to do so let's get started here I've made a list and actually I'm going to start with one reasonable purchase I made it was a Mazda Miata 1990 with 32,000 miles I bought it for five thousand six hundred dollars which Hey Ed's giving the nod of approval it's a mint Mazda Miata I made a video about us is the 30th anniversary of the Miata I thought this is the perfect occasion to have the nicest one ever worst video I've made views wise in two years people do not want to see me succeed in buy nice cars they want to see me my junk so that's what I continue to do starting with well it wasn't really junk this is unreasonable purchase I think it was a Tesla Model S a 2012 had a hundred thousand miles on it though I paid $33,000 for it it's making the face yes but this was a little while ago I mean Tesla still had their little bit of value if their original owner that I bought it from his son was a VP at Tesla who's in charge of engineering he's proud of his son so he bought the car he had the motor replaced twice it was the original battery it was a very well taken care of car but I was hoping it was going to be a little little less reliable a little more video worthy but the only thing that really happened was I let my wife drive it and she complained all the time how she was going to run out of charge going five miles down the road because range anxiety so we switched out of that when I lost only $3,000 so that's not bad but we'll go true to form because after that I bought a McLaren 2012 McLaren mp4-12c and I bought this car out of New Jersey from an individual who said well before I sell it to you why don't I take it to the dealer because I'm hearing a weird noise from the transmission and I have a full warranty on this car so no matter what it'll get taken care of but let's get this let's get this figured out before I transfer the warranty over to you so there's no trouble oh ok great he takes it over there I fly out to see the car to seal the deal I figured I could test-drive the car but I get there and he says well this little transmission noise it turns out they need to replace the transmission and you can't really drive the car because in order for them to get the warranty approval they had to drain the fluid out of the transmission to see if there was any stuff in it and dude their diagnosis and they didn't put the fluid back in so it only goes forward in one year and will not shift normally someone would back out but the only can't trust drive at McLaren but I was kind of like well this is kind of interesting this is this is fun so yeah we'll do it and they said it'll be done in a few weeks but it turns out there's a national shortage of transmissions so I didn't see the car for over two months I think it was almost three months so I'd bought $100,000 one hundred and five thousand dollar McLaren and I didn't get to drive it or do anything for three months this guy was dancing all the way down to the Porsche dealer where he bought a gt3 he actually in the two years he owned it it paid out over a hundred thousand dollars in warranty repairs this was his third transmission was on a second engine the iris screen which is his infotainment screen had failed so many things these MacLaren's are not known for their reliability and they're not known for holding their values so I finally get the car I have it for a little while it it breaks fine I have a warranty who's actually kind enough to buy an extra year of warranty for me but the problem with me living in Wichita Kansas is there's no McLaren dealer in Wichita there's there's there's really not much in Wichita so the closest dealer would have been Dallas I think obscene Louis but it was a minor enough issue that I decided to ship it down to Amelia Island for the carpus if he's there and then drive it to Atlanta and leave it to have these issues addressed and they did a great job but I was without the car for a month and I'm gonna deal with shipping and every time that this happened it was shipping a car and then I don't see it for a long time I had this thing financed the payments over a thousand dollars a month and yet I can't enjoy this cars before the McLaren my biggest mistake ever was buying the Bentley Continental GT which I bought at a dealer auction for $30,000 and I thought I could get a post sale inspection that was that was the big thing but it turned out exotics are exempt from post sale inspections which I didn't realize and then I was stuck buying the car anyway got your total total absolute disaster I ended up selling it to Tavarez for $12,000 which apparently that was still too much because a year later it's in pieces and he's disgusted with it because it was in Russia for ten years and all rusted out and had double the miles or triple the miles of what's on the odometer but that eighteen thousand dollar loss room whatever it was McLaren just just kicked a hole in that and that is the new winner of my biggest fail so after six months I'm just like this isn't the supercar ownership that I that I want so I traded the car for a very low mileage just perfect Lambrini Guyardo with the gated manual much slower it has like a 4.6 second 0 to 60 versus the McLaren was a 2.9 Hey just just a dinosaur in comparison but I loved that car pretty much anybody can work on it it has Volkswagen Type II lastik software in there but the trade yeah one hundred and five thousand dollars to what I paid for the McLaren I traded it in on paper says 78 thousand dollars after six months six months basically I'd put $20,000 down and then the payments that I made over that six months I mean I was barely not upside down in the payments so back true to form there but I think I got a great deal on the Guyardo play but I tell ed off-camera how much I paid for it he'll fall back in his chair but I thought it was a decent enough deal but I was just thrilled to get out of that McLaren and when I made a video on this guy Ordo I saw in the comments section and no it isn't hot the prostitutes Lamborghini Guyardo even though there's the same color combination and everything it wasn't her car hers wasn't a gated manual it was Iggy R but I wonder where that car is so after making that McLaren purchase I went and bought something equally reliable a 2007 BMW m5 with the SMG gearbox I bought it with a failing SMG gearbox for $4,500 and that's that's not bad a little over 100,000 miles it was an unusual color of red that made it kind of special but I had no idea what I was in for it is the most unreliable BMW BMW has ever made and that's really saying something with BMW they've had a lot of doozies over the years but this SMG transmission boy oh boy was that expensive finding that used even that was expensive and then there's the other ticking time bombs to take care of the rod bearings can fail on the bottom end and then the vanos pump can fail at any moment and that would completely grenade your engine in total the car so once I had gone through and fixed the transmission and all the other things that were neglected and wrong with this thing I realize I'm still driving a ticking time bomb so I need to sell it as quickly as possible at this point I'm thirteen or fourteen thousand dollars into it here's the weird thing about these videos you would think that people would be terrified to buy these cars based on my experience with them but when I make these cars and talk about how horrible they aren't all the terrible stuff I go through I get emails constantly from people wanting to buy these cars from me endless amount of emails if I go look up m5 I'll have 15 emails from people saying hey I want to buy this car for me when it's done even though it's a disastrous a ticking time bomb but usually that's how I end up selling cars now and that including this guy from Dallas who sold his mails transmission e39 m5 which is a fantastic car and wanted to get into this which are you nuts but I'm okay you want to buy the car I think I sold it to him for around eleven twelve thousand dollars which is a three thousand dollar loss not not obscene but considering the amount of time and effort I put into this car to try and get it going it really wasn't worth my time so that wasn't a big hit 76 El Dorado that I purchased wasn't a huge hit either I bought it at a Mecum auction knowing it had been sitting for a long time and had to go through and it just started leaking from everywhere it's an old seventies car they leaked when they were new the quality wasn't the best then bought it for $6,500 with fees that put it over $8,000 in reality it was probably worth $3,000 but I double that at the auction because I mean idiots and in the fees and then another at least three or four thousand dollars sorting it out somehow I got somebody to pay six thousand dollars for this thing when it was all said and done I'd fix the cracked bumpers you know where the the bumper fillers they all crack overtime I'd fix that I spent a lot of money on this thing making it nice to just get half my money back out of it because I realized it was an old boat that that really didn't drive all that well and it was very comfortable but it was just a little little too too new I guess as far as the Golden Arrow of those giant land yachts it really goes back to the 60s which I'll get to that card a little bit what I bought to replace it both we'll move on to the Prius my fast and furious Prius a 2005 Prius I bought with a dead hybrid battery for $1,500 not bad I was able to fix the battery for $1,000 it outfit out of California sent me a rebuilt unit for free so I was able to put in a new battery myself and I was in it nothing 1,500 ollars Prius that went down the road perfect great that's a three or four thousand dollar car if I sold it right then and there except I I can't make money on a car I had to do something and that something was making it into a screen accurate fast and furious replica except it's a Prius so the orange paint I didn't wrap it i painted it did the pull my finger sticker down the side I did the spoiler I did the interior with the TV screens and I even did nitrous and what happens when you put nitrous in a Prius well you hit the button and the engine explodes in in seconds so I hit the button it shoots three holes into the block completely destroys it at this point most people would junk their Prius except I fixed it so I spent another two thousand dollars putting in a used engine at this point I'm well over ten thousand dollars into this Prius and I get an email from daily driven exotics because they see the car they saw the video of me blowing it up and fixing it and they said hey we want to buy this car and then pick up some fast and furious cast members and go around to all the filming locations in California and we'll give you $3,000 for it and just just the fact that will pacify all it was worth and that's such a great story I did and now the things living in California I guess it's being used by Ramon's whose drives for uber and they've made that video of Hector and Jesse driving around in my Prius to all the the filming locations of fast and furious so $7,000 loss on a Prius which I tried really hard to do that and then there was a car that I didn't sell I gave it away my 2007 Maserati Quattroporte I bought it for eighty eight hundred dollars he spent Oh maybe three or four grand fixing it had to take it up to the maserati dealer for programming and some other things once we put in some components like some transmission bits weird I got the only Maserati with a good transmission that had issues with the transmission go figure but I decided I'd be really smart with this one and give it away I gave it away like a typical youtuber put your hand on the car and the last person to have their hand on the car wins these videos blow up on the internet they do great but I happen to post mine on the day that a YouTube algorithm changed and it completely tanked the video it was at the bottom of the lists of the last ten videos that I made and it took a long time for that video to recover but still if you don't get those big views early on and chances are you're not gonna get it later so unfortunately that video you know made me a few thousand dollars on a car that I was thirteen thousand dollars into there's no reason why it shouldn't have done more so it ended up being a really stupid decision so I'm losing a lot of money as you can see and I decided well we can switch things up a little bit maybe I'll start trading cars tradings quite an idea and the first car that I traded this year was my 2007 Mercedes e63 wagon this is a very rare station wagon it was also a super unusual color it was green 500 horsepower in a big Mercedes way and super fast but it had 210 thousand miles on it still had loads of service history I flew out to New York tried to drive it home but it broke down on the way home and then when I finally got that fix it was $1,300 to fix the thing that broke it was a computer plenty of other things to do I spent $4,000 on that car after buying it for $13,000 and it kept breaking kept breaking kept breaking so I finally got sick of it and I was on Facebook on the would Facebook group and a guy posted his Bentley Turbo are saying well I'm just curious if anybody would want to trade anything for my Bentley Turbo R 70,000 miles ijuin li posted the picture of me doing a selfie with the e63 going on the flatbed and said how about an e63 wagon and he said yes which I didn't expect we got on the phone and before I knew it I was trading my e63 wagon that I just spent over four thousand dollars sorting out but was so disgusted with that bad taste in my mouth because it just kept breaking I was trading it for a Bentley Turbo our cross country side on scene no pre-purchase inspection and wondering why is this guy doing this cuz he knows my e63 is awful and it turns out well gets here now I know why he's doing this because this thing is his class it is just beautiful just oozing just just fine British just Britishness the wood the leather the smells everything it's also using mineral oil everywhere this mineral oil system that controls the brakes and the suspension pour it in it leaks out it's it's gone so I just got the estimate on that it's gonna be five thousand dollars to sort that car out and then I'm sure once I start driving and it'll be the next round of things to go wrong with this so I traded my sorted East 63 for a very broken Bentley I had $17,000 in the e63 was probably only worth about the $13,000 that I paid for it and a nice Bentley Turbo R is $25,000 so if you take that 17 +5 $22,000 for an average driver quality Bentley Turbo R that's just gonna keep breaking but I could have bought a nice one you think I'd learn my lesson there with trades except I got an email from a guy wanting to buy my 66 Chrysler Imperial which I had bought earlier this year after being on Jay Leno's Garage TV show and seeing his Imperials and him encouraging me to buy this Imperial in California that I was looking at so he had a great story personal story with me a memento from a crazy occasion why would I ever sell this thing and I got emails like I always do people wanting to buy this thing from me but I didn't want to do it until this guy emailed me and said hey I will give you cash and two Cadillac Allante s' not one but two Cadillac Allante s okay this is too funny not to explore so he initially offered $18,000 plus two Cadillac lattes I'd paid $22,000 for the Imperial and I don't know what I was thinking I said okay well how about I'll do it for 20 thinking oh he won't say $20,000 he agreed so I traded my Imperial that I paid $22,000 for spent two or three thousand dollars fixing it for $20,000 so four or five thousand dollar loss and two basically worthless Cadillac Allante s' both of them have the Northstar engine - to top it off so really I am a total but there is a method to my madness because as you saw when I buy a normal car the videos do terrible I make no money but the more stupid I am the better the videos do and the more money I make on YouTube so I'm in this vicious cycle forever of just I'm just being an idiot I'm just just a pig in filth and loving it loving it I'm just gonna keep going as long as the long as it lasts we'd like to thank Avalon King for their continued support of the pin wiki YouTube channel you can go to the link in the description below to get a discount on their armor shield 9 ceramic coating let's go live with Andrew from Avalon King to learn more about their Black Friday special so they're like yeah yeah you're reporting from the field you should do it in an actual field I'm like give me a break yeah yes we're running a Black Friday sale from November 28th to the 30th to get up to a 60% off your order if you use the code Black Friday you can see that I'm actually reporting to you from a fee and that's all the time we've got for today thank you Andrew bye
Channel: VINwiki
Views: 606,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tyler Hoover, Hoovie's Garage, Ferrari 348, Cheap Exotics, update, shrewd negotiator, Bentley, Turbo R, McLaren, MP4-12C, expenses, youtuber, VINwiki, Tesla Model S, Kansas, Warranty, Amelia Island, Repairs, Car Wizard, Ferrari, Italian, 348TS, Auction, Mecum, upside down, negative equity, prostitute gallardo, BMW M5, E63 AMG Wagon, unreliable, SMG, fail, car flipping, fast and furious, Prius, Interview, Hooptie Fleet, Daily Driven Exotics
Id: myLo_o9G6CM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 25 2019
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