Is his name Jesus or Yahshua? (2nd Video in the Hebrew Vocab Block)

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hi I am Rebecca and today's Hebrew vocab word is the word Yeshua now Yeshua is the name of our Messiah his real name let me read you something from Matthew 1:21 she will bear a son and you will name him Yeshua because he will yoshiya or save his people from their sins some people pronounce his name and spell his name Yeshua but our family actually prefers Yeshua is spelling in the pronunciation of Yeshua and this is primarily because the spilling in the pronunciation of Yahshua connects him with - with the father better yah refers to yahuveh and schewe means to save therefore issue ha's name actually means yah there's always beat me at work especially your name and we totally miss out on these messages from heaven when we insist upon changing them to meet our needs and our and suit our purposes our Messiah himself kept trying to point us to a home on his father not to himself his name even does this unfortunately for us thousands of years later the translators of the Scriptures have not been totally honest with us all of the time the change our messiahs name is a prime example the book of Matthew was actually originally written in Hebrew as was probably all the other Gospels Matthew Shem Tov the Hebrew have you heard of that it's been found recently and they know that Matthew was actually written in Hebrew and there's a lot of benefits to knowing the original Hebrew script of Matthew through an evil plan forged in hell the translators lost not only the name of your homage antiquity but also the name of our Messiah not only did they replace yahuwah's name with you know little capital L Ord but they also replaced our Messiah's name with the name that really means nothing in particular it's Jesus as royal priests we are to reclaim territory for Yahoo bada has been stolen by the enemy so here we go our Messiah is a Hebrew from the Lion of Judah he spoke Hebrew he read Hebrew his family retiro his friends are in Hebrew his disciples were Hebrew he celebrated the Hebrew holy days his culture with Hebrew everything around him was Hebrew including his name his name is not Jesus is it never been Jesus because for one there is no J in the Hebrew language but more important than that his name is not Jesus because that is not the name that you hope I named him angel Gabriel or however you say that in Hebrew told Joseph or actually more correct to Yosef to name him Yeshua not Jesus neither is Jesus the English transliteration of his Hebrew name really people we have to actually argue the idea that we have to say his name in English because the Hebrew is too hard for us to say or that the English name would make us identify with him better there's a pretty pathetic argument against using his given name it is a privilege and an honor to say the very name that yahuwah himself chose and bestowed upon his son and our Messiah one of the biggest blocks to understanding who our Messiah is what his mission was and what he requires of us is the fact that we have actually been calling him by a wrong name so I think my husband wrote what I want to stress is that we have replaced the historical Yeshua with a Jesus that fits our expectations we have molded him in our image and casts him in the role we wish him to act out as such we no longer listen to his words as we should and we find ourselves content in our religious makeup presuming that somehow God will accept our drama now I know that many of my friends think that I'm just calling him by his Jewish name but you sure is not his Jewish name angel did not say okay name him Yeshua while he's alive and then after he's risen and gone to heaven you may change his name to Jesus because it might be too hard for English speakers who are the most important people on the earth to pronounce his Jewish name and therefore he needs a more plutonic name to appeal to the masses no no that is actually insanity and that is extremely dishonouring Tiye schewe anti yoga yeshua was his name it is his name and it will always be his name whatever of course we may have to adjust how we pronounce it once we hear him say it once we hear his father say it as well but nevertheless just as your friend Carlos was named Carlos is Carlos will always be Carlos not Sam not Erik not David not Ken his name is Carlos so it is risky COF ie Rebecca was named Rebecca I am Rebecca I will always be Rebecca unless y'all by changes my name someday it's never Sally or Susan or you know Mary in the case of Yeshua Jesus is just plainly not his name and there's no record of him or his father ever telling the planet they have changed his name no matter what you think about this or how you're perceiving this it's not what his name is Jehovah did not tell his parents to name him Jesus he told them to name him Yeshua Yeshua means Jehovah saves and I don't know about you but I would want to be found calling his son by a different name than what his father gave him can you imagine calling his son something other than the name that was bestowed upon him and that he was commanded to be called no I am smarter than that I do not need to test you have on that this seems to me like a duh when I discover this and found this out I did a quick repentance and turn the other way started calling him by his real name I hope you do the same also did you know that our Messiah is mentioned by name in the Old Testament of the shinnok almost a hundred times that's what I hear go ahead and look for it but if you're going to look for the name Jesus you won't find it this is one of the reasons that the Old Testament and the New Testament do not seem like a seamless story his name is there but you will actually have to look for the name that was given to him by a hobo try looking at the scriptures for something along the lines of issuer or forms of yeshua remember issue o means Yaakov oscilators I think that sounds like a really neat major treasure hunt to do so let me give you just a couple examples of that in isaiah 49:6 he says I will also give you my Yeshua or my salvation to be a light for the nations to the end the earth who is the light of the world of course it's yushua it was speaking of Yeshua and then do you remember the story in Luke 2 26 when Simeon and Anna come to the temple at the same time when Miriam and Joseph are bringing a shoe it to fulfill the Commandments in the Torah about what you do with a little baby boy at 8 days old you remember that so Simeon actually takes his shoe in his arms and he says now dismiss your servant in peace I don't I according to your word because my eyes saw your Yeshua for your salvation so I know that if you've been speaking the true name of our Messiah for a long time you may say it a little differently than I do I have a lot of friends that say it different ways some people say Yeshua or some people say yahushua or some form of that but the point here is that jesus is not his name so if you are new to this hebrew journey this may be a shocker for you I remember when my family and I came out of organized religion and we began this Hebrew journey I lived 35 plus years as a Christian without knowing the name of my god and my Messiah and then to discover their true names it was quite a journey all I can say is it was wonderful and strange all at the same time when I say their names I get weird looks or people with scowl at me or or they asked me what I was saying or felt weird it felt wrong sometimes like I had no right to say their names but it also felt empowering and it felt life-giving and it was beautiful but you don't think that you can actually change the way you say the name of the Messiah oh sure you can you can make a new habit anybody can old dogs it can be taught new tricks you can retrain your brain and you can make a new habit and that's pretty much what it is it's conviction and then have it be convicted and then change your ways by making a new habit so the way that I made this new habit I remember laying in bed at night and I would whisper their names over and over and I just love the sound of their names it was like I was meeting them for the first time I was captivated and enchanted by their names I began to see that the names God and Jesus and Lord were harsh and cold and they didn't have much depth but when I began to save their true names the Hebrew names of our God their actual names Yeshua and Yahweh and yeah they were lovely to say rich and full of meaning and I felt blessed every time I said their names of course it took me a while to make that change it's a big change it's actually probably one of the biggest things you will ever do if you're a Christian you've been saying Jesus for your whole life it's a huge change to make this it happened for me I know it can for you and now I wouldn't be caught calling him by any other name ever so remember that there is no deep meaning in the word Jesus it's actually a poor transliteration from the Greek Zeus if it had to be translated a better English transliteration would have been Joshua any meaning that a believer associates with the word Jesus has been placed on it after the fact not because there's any real meaning in the word itself but there's a ton of meaning in the word issuer yeah I was sending a message through the name of his son to the world our Messiah's name means yahuwah stay I just love the way the father and the sons names work together so now the question becomes not what would Jesus do but actually what would you shoe it and that my friend you answer that question that will change your entire life it is a let's learn to pronounce his name isn't your name a name that was given to him by yahuwah himself so let's practice pronouncing it you can pronounce it in different ways but you're going to learn the way I pronounce it because I'm the one teaching you right now okay so we're gonna say it yeah Shu yoshua yeah Shu Yeshua Yeshua rightful king the bridegroom the son of your father lamb so when you hear me say that word Yeshua now you know what I mean I'm talking about yahuwah son so how can you apply this to your life now because it's no good to learn something unless you do it so to apply this now anywhere in the scriptures when you read the scriptures anywhere you see the word Jesus the name Jesus now you have permission to replace it with Yeshua so anytime you speak of the Messiah they'll call him Jesus anymore call him by the name that was given to him by the his father himself Yeshua teach your children the name of their Messiah and you will be blessed for swimming upstream for I know this is going to be a hard journey for you it is for many people but you can do it and I pray that you how God blesses you for doing it so thank you for joining me until next time bye-bye so once you go through this stack of books with you you must have a strong concordance Strong's Concordance in your home this is very Nagar shil and I remember when I got chastised by one of my friends for not having one my family went and Bobby went very very nice so you must have a strongest concordance in your home for your research and your study this is a Bible I love this Bible this was given to me by my parents and our wedding and this one is my husband's grandpa's Bible it has four translations next order each other so you can cross-reference figure things out which is really cool he loves it and this one is the Hebraic roots Bible I found this online I honestly don't know quite where to get if I can figure it out I will put a link here but I really like it because it used it used Yahweh and Yahshua in this translation and then this one is my favorite is the chronological Gospel 6th by Michael Rood and his team at read awakening it's the life and 70 week ministries of our Messiah and it takes you through his the Messiah's life chronologically so you can see where he was at different times of the year during his during his life here and I love this book the commentaries are fabulous and it's a little hard to find the text but that's the problem that he was trying to solve is he actually takes you all the way through so it makes his life a story a seamless story and some things is his commentaries and there are amazing and it will change the way you view what Yeshua was up to or on what his mission was so there you go I'm sure your stack looks bigger I have more stacks but this is what I wanted to show you today
Channel: Teshuvah Ministries
Views: 80,845
Rating: 4.7849617 out of 5
Keywords: Yahshua, Yeshua, Jesus Christ, God's name, The Savior, The Lamb of God, The Name, Holy Name, Jesus, Son of God, Jewish Messiah, Yahweh saves, The name of the Messiah, Yah-shuah, Yahovah Saves, No J in the Hebrew language, Yah's son, Ruach ha'Kodesh, What is the Hebrew name of Jesus, Do you follow Jesus or Yahshua, About the Names of YHWH & Yahshua, Satan Changed The Savior's Name, Yahshua Yeshua or Jesus, Why I call Jesus YAHUSHUA, Is Jesus' real name Yeshua or Yahshua?
Id: J3yeM_7T42E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 19 2016
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