Is He Serious?!

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He's wearing a sweater so I say trust him

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/thecoldness68 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 11 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Russel Brand is a sus. He touches those subjects, but he never goes deep, YT promotes him and he promotes WEF approved meatless diet. I can't figure out what's the deal with this guy.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/redmineral ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 11 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

That muppet lizard looking fuck.. This really shows how money talks and cash is king in this shithole world ..

Somebody should put these pyskos in a early grave.. ffs how in the hell can they be serious about giving them any right to whatever they want, its an organisation of crooks and ppl just eat up whatever they serve..

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Individual_Loss8993 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 12 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
i want a global surveillance team to spot future pandemics and then to enact lockdowns and i want the who who i fund to be in charge of it all except it's not me that wants that it's bill gates so there's even less to worry about hello there you 5.5 stroke 6 million awakening wonders together we awaken beyond subjectivity and objectivity to a unique oneness that celebrates our individuality but also our collective identity what a miracle what a paradox it is now if in the comments below which you're going to be hitting up when you hear the stuff i've got to tell you about bill gates when you're commenting below if someone says will you give me your money i'm a bitcoin broker i'm not bitcoin broker okay i don't know about that stuff i will never ask you for anything it's not me it's people pretending to be me okay and luckily these things will soon be surveilled beautifully by bill gates himself who's gonna spot future pandemic threats shut them down lock us down control all of it so we're never gonna have anything to worry about again we could in fact just sit drooling staring at a screen like morons occasionally maybe doing something on microsoft windows or whatever that little paperclip guy always liked him if you want to come see me in blackpool there's a link in the description i'm still doing live stuff and at the end i'll tell you how to sign up to my mailing list i've got a big announcement coming and i want to be able to communicate with you directly right it's important now let's see what bill gates is up to a team of international experts ranging from epidemiologists to computer modelers should be created to quickly identify global health threats and improve coordination between countries bill gates has said warning that greater investment is needed to avoid another pandemic now it would be cynical to look at that as racketeering you could look at it optimistically as bill gates recognizes that if there are future pandemics we should be alert and aware and have a coordinated way of responding as long as you've got total trust in your governments and the agencies non-elected agencies i offer you but will be in charge of this process everything should be just fine but who will those governments be who runs those governments and who will those non-government non-elected agencies that make those decisions be it'll be the who who funds who oh well here's a wacky old coincidence it's bill gates now let's break this down a little bit further and have a look at what bill gates vision entails in his own words if we make the right investments we won't need to live in fear of another covet i think by we bill means government if we make the right investments and by governments he means you because government's money is your money so essentially what bill gates is saying i want your good will when your government invests in programs that i am going to suggest in order to prevent the next inverted commerce inevitable pandemic let's see what else bill's got to say and what motivates bill see if you live in a world of transparency and trust you will look at bill gates and go i like this dude he's cool he wants nothing but to help people i can look at his actions i can look at these investments i can look at his behavior and i can see this is a person that operates entirely on a system of altruistic philanthropic motives if i see anything else in there that seems like it might be about power control profit i'm gonna have questions because i'm not an idiot here's how it should work epidemiologists will detect suspicious clusters of a disease that could cause a pandemic look at the style and aesthetic of bill gates's propagandist video here it's kind of a one-handed sort of indie and folky but on the other hand it's didactic and it puts you me us in the position of children receiving information from a parent a parent who tells you everything's gonna be okay well here's the relationship i have with parental figures as long as i know that i can trust you i'm down with partnership but i don't need or want a parent i'm an adult a global team of three thousand disease experts managed by the wh so commended by the who don't worry about them called the germ team why are you doing it on maths paper that's maths paper we'll track the disease and share data and recommendations with governments wouldn't it be a lot easier to accept this if there wasn't an evolving narrative around the pandemic that suggests there should be transparency and discourse and dialogue between opposing camps continually no condemnation of people that dissent against the mainstream narrative because why would you condemn people for being cynical when you've seen the profits that big business have made the profits the big farmer have made the controls that have been exerted the mistakes that have been made the censorship around particular arguments that go against the objectives of powerful corporations all this has to be included you'd have to be a child to just go along with this governments and pharmaceutical companies will work together yeah governments and pharmaceutical companies work together all right that is my biggest fear that they've been working together all along countries and the who will work and the best way to allocate these tools of course if there are going to be diseases it would be good to have scientific solutions but it's important that there is transparency and dialogue between the governed but between government and those that it governs one way that you might be able to bypass the complexity of that type of tyranny is by making it look all friendly no i suggest we're just sketching it out on matt's paper how about this how about you never leave your house and how about we give you a passport and we just observe everything that you're doing and what about if you don't question my authority how about you just shut up how about we're involved in this conversation vetoed and so this germ team will work with each country to do germ games i don't like this german team germ game squid game dystopia sci-fi stuff do you the only way around this kind of complexity this kind of diversity of opinion this kind of insecurity around our trust of authority which i would say is a legitimate distrust authority should not be automatically trusted you should start from distrust and then see how authority behaves and then maybe decide on trust at the moment i don't think we are at trust that's not where i am personally you might be and guess what if you are that's fine with me are you okay with my mistrust my distrust or do you see my mistrust and distrust as miss and disinformation diseases are always going to spread among humans but they don't have to become pandemics you can read more about this in my new book how to prevent the next pandemic [Music] looking smile in a way or happy how to prevent the next pandemic i'll trust you more if you didn't have a book out mate if the whole thing wasn't a marketing exercise for a little folky book about how horror awaits us let's have a look so bill gates said to the financial times it seems wild to me that we could fail to look at this tragedy and not on behalf of the citizens of the world make these investments so you want to get this to every civilian of the world yeah every civilian in the world so you'll be waiving all the patents then for nations in africa so that any factory can make it because you just want the vaccine to be accessible to everyone oh it's that as simple as that it's not simple it's not just something you do under like a child's math book oh isn't it is it complicated are there other factors at play are there economic factors are there pharmacological companies that are involved in this are there some people that can have the vaccine and some people that can't have the vaccine are there questions around the vaccines or is this just a straightforward little thing for little children oh here's a lollipop here's a vaccine here's a solution shut up get back in your house buy my book i'm not a glib idiot i'm alive i've been alive the last couple of years i've seen the suffering i've seen the complexity i've seen the confusion the bafflement the suffering i've seen all of it i'm just not certain that bill gates is the answer imagine a scenario like this a concerning outbreak is rapidly identified by local public health agencies if a threat is detected government sound the alarm and initiate public recommendations for travel social distancing and emergency planning okay so amidst this cosy language is the suggestion that we yield yet more authority or foreign most of us were willing to yield at the commencement of the pandemic because we all treasure and care for all human life that's the assumption right and this is one of the things that i would like to see play out elsewhere if the premise that human life is sacred is one that we're running society on i.e we have all these lockdowns in order to protect human life then across all areas of human life and civilization you want to see that premise playing out if that premise only plays out in particular situations you have to look at what other factors are at play in those particular situations are there economic ones are there control situations yes yes okay so we're not only talking about the sanctity of human life are we otherwise we'd be talking about it everywhere they start using the blunt tools that are already on hand ugh i don't want a blunt tool such as quarantines antivirals that protect against almost any strain and test that can be performed anywhere okay so lock down and vaccines we've already got there so that book how to prevent the next pandemic let you know i don't want to spoil the ending it's a bit of an agatha christie thing but it's locked down on vaccines and give bill gates more money and power if this isn't sufficient then the world's innovators immediately get to work developing new tests treatments and vaccines and this all happens quickly here's what i'd like to see in place before we go down that road again no one can profit from any medicine that's used in an emergency situation particularly not if it's mandated because if something's mandated obviously you've got no choice but to take it so the idea that you're forced to do something that makes people money doesn't seem right to me so there's not just one simple clear-cut answer unless you believe in centralized power and centralized authority and bill gates does believe in that nowhere in this video and nowhere in this book will bill gates go listen obviously you're all autonomous individual human beings and we can see from all of our cultural conversations about diversity and identity that people are going to have a wide range of opinions on something that's global so obviously people are going to want to do different things and people are going to have different priorities and we're going to respect that because we have things it's a democracy and in a democracy people have the right to be wrong even if they're wrong not to pursue certain medical treatment or even if they're wrong not to observe certain measures they have to be allowed to in a democracy unless we're saying human life is so sacred that in the protection and preservation of human life we're going to introduce these tyrannical measures and we're going to acknowledge they're tyrannical but we're doing it to preserve life have a look again are those videos of china where the people are wailing in the towers while their pets are executed and see if that's the world you want to march towards and believe me you will be marching this is from politico in 2017 so five years ago let's have a little look at our old friends the past over the past decade the world's richest man has become the world health organization's second biggest donor that's interesting isn't it because when the current world reaches man elon musk buys twitter everyone freaks out not concerned that five years ago the richest man was controlling a world health organization what difference could that make well different exactly mate oh well play a tape forward oh look there's this pandemic suddenly this guy's got a level 40. oh what sort of things is he suggesting and do those things benefit him in any way oh don't get into that look at elon musk he's trying to buy twitter what if i can't say the f word or what if people do say the f word second only to the united states i'm just above the united kingdom united states biggest most powerful country in the world then bill gates a bloke who's good at computers third england and history in the empire and everything he's right between those two things sorry united kingdom this large s gives him an outsized influence over its agenda do you reckon that could grow as the us and the uk friend to cut funding if the agency doesn't make a better investment case the result says critics is that gates's priorities have become the who's interesting theory rather than focusing on strengthening health care in poor countries that would help in their view to contain future outbreaks like the ebola epidemic the agency spends a disproportionate amount of his resources on projects with the measurable outcomes gates prefers and that's from those conspiracy theorists over at politico political here's tim schwab at the nation revelations of the gates foundation's financial stake in kovid 19 which bill gates does not appear to have publicly disclosed in dozens of recent media appearances speak to broader criticisms about the lack of transparency and the foundation's increasingly central role in the pandemic transparency imagine if bill gates instead of sitting there perched with his little bookie work said instead listen i gotta be honest i mean i'm i stand to make a ton out of all this and i'm in control of all these things i invest in these media organizations and i invest in these pharmaceutical solutions just so you know that i believe in them that's why i'm doing it right what's wrong with saying that who are they accountable to they don't even have a governance structure that's clear knows kate elder senior vaccines policy adviser to doctors without borders those scoundrels increasingly i see less information coming from the gates foundation they don't answer most of our questions they don't make their technical staff available for discussions with us when we're trying to learn more about their technical strategy on covid and how they're prioritizing certain things all we're asking for bill it's a bit of communication just write it down on a bit of child's maths paper just sketch out if you want don't be so stupid that's childish because gates is not an elected representative or public official the details of his far-reaching influence and finances have largely eluded public scrutiny remember when sort of conspiracy theorists used to say truly powerful people aren't visible within the system they operate in opaque ways where they cannot be reached by democracy and agencies of democracy that encourage or demand transparency and then just bear in mind what you've just heard you have an enormous amount of power that affects everyone around the globe and there should be some accountability some transparency says love people are not asking unreasonable things it's a charity we're asking can you explain what you're doing can you explain what you're doing no can you show us what these contracts look like no particularly since they're using their money to influence policies they involve our money here's a drawing i did of a tree with an apple on it bill gates's tax records and investment portfolio bear scrutiny because of his leadership role in the pandemic whose total cost for the global economy is in the trillions of dollars public understanding of gates's finances is also limited by the foundation's maze of inscrutable investments now listen when it comes to investments i'd like them to be of course inscrutable that means they can't be scrutinized so i've decided to put them in a maze it's always clear that your objectives are pure when stuff's in a maze in screwable investments like it's reported 100 million stake in gtia institutional investors a private fund domiciled in the cayman islands a jurisdiction renowned for its financial secrecy the company in charge of the fund global forest partners said the fund-specific holdings are not publicly disclosed okay then why don't you just write down a little bit of maths paper do a little bit of a drawing for us is all so simple while the gates foundation is a non-profit organization its endowment still generates billions of dollars in income more money over the last five years than the foundation has given away and shareable grant it's making a profit if the pandemic does end up delivering a financial windfall to bill gates or his foundation it may pale in comparison to the political boost he's received as earth's de facto vaccines are his widely lauded role in the pandemic already appears to have helped institutionalize and normalize his political power in other areas where the foundation works well there you go bill gates has a lot of power and a book out bill gates wants to save us do you think that the solution is granting more power and authority to unelected agencies that are privately funded by wealthy individuals particularly ones that are directly connected powerfully and significantly connected to bill gates who's their second biggest investor after the united states of america let us know in the comments below particularly information around the pandemic continues to evolve and change i'm not saying this from a conspiracy theory perspective i'm not interested in conspiracy theories i'm interested in information i'm interested in transparency i'm interested in truth i'm interested in democracy all the things that all major political parties and media outlets claim that they're interested in as well so there should be no trouble here right here's up in the comments below if you agree with me or if you disagree with me what mistakes we make and give us a thumbs up if you don't subscribe yet subscribe now remember if anyone replies to you in the comments saying it's me you'll know if it's me because it'll be all weird and weird spelling and stuff and i will be responding but i won't be going to do you want to invest in some cryptocurrency so i don't want your money i just want you to subscribe or watch this video or this one and more importantly than any of that sign up to my mailing list in case at some point i need to reach you directly please sign up to that mailing list but more importantly than anything at all please if you can in this crazy world stay free
Channel: Russell Brand
Views: 953,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Russell Brand, Brand Russell, BrandThe, Russell Brand video, Russell Brand news, Russell Brand politics, News, Brand, politics, Russell, USA, UK, Russel, Russel Brand, Bill Gates, covid, coronavirus, pandemic, covid19, pharmaceutical industry, vaccines, vaccine, philanthropist, big pharma, Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson u0026 Johnson, covid-19, AstraZeneca, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Oxford, how to prevent the next pandemic, lockdown, mandates
Id: qLBsSpeTU1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Sun May 08 2022
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