Is Hannah Barron Single??

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[Music] what's up y'all welcome back to the yi yi podcast episode 55. hey what's happening we've got a great guest on today if you're here for hannah barron um fun interview the subtitles for youtube are going to have a really fun time trying to decipher what she's saying do you think she has the thickest accent of anyone you've ever heard um i don't know about that i do know that when someone describes themselves as a mud dauber they are probably from alabama and it's gonna be worth your time to listen to the interview she is a character she's great too i feel like we've done enough stuff with her now that we've gotten pretty close and we're like on a friend level so she's just always always a good hang so definitely a good interview you're going to want to listen to that that's coming up real quick before you listen to that interview make sure you like and subscribe to our channel we are releasing one podcast episode a week every wednesday sometimes tuesday nights depending on if brian wants to get it done in time or not and we're doing a lot of different videos um that are coming up we've got a lot of different vlog type style videos and then we've got some new stuff coming up why don't you show them by the way if you're listing audio you're not going to see this but this will come out we're recording this on monday this will come out tomorrow night we're dropping a lot of new products that's the shirt that you've worked on boom super dad tea if you're listening this is our father's day tea for the year we had another idea and then at the last minute hayden and i came up with this idea i don't even know what the old one was it uh i thought it turned out awesome so yeah super dad's like a superman theme uh it's got the logo really big on the back nice and subtle on the front and if you're a father out there or if you're a wife or a mother and you need a good father's day gift it's coming up i think it's the perfect gift or if you guys have dogs do you have any thought on that dog dad's hot debate okay so whenever mother's day came around first thing taylor did was she said are you gonna wish me happy mother's day and i was like is there something i don't know about that i should know about she goes no i'm olive's mom and i was like no no we're not gonna get that started if you were a dog if you're listening to this and you're a dog mom or dog dad you don't get to celebrate mother's day and father's day is that fair uh i respect it i respect it yeah i don't disagree um if you want to buy this father's day shirt though you have a dog actually yeah one exception this is the one exception if you want to give us money um so yeah really cool shirt if you have been around for a little bit or if you just saw our mother's day shirt they sell out really quickly um a lot of people that wanted the mother's day shirt weren't online whenever we released them we're releasing them in the next few days so if you're in our ye nation facebook group we'll post in there if you're on our email list you'll get an email or a text or whatever you're signed up for if you're not go to scroll down to the bottom and you'll see a little email sign up but yeah so that's releasing this week we also just restocked the diblets here you go you can hold these um the diblets sold out another thing that sold out extremely quickly within a few hours of us releasing them about three weeks ago and so we restocked them we restocked a bunch but i still think that there's a chance that they're gonna go fast if you're listening on audio and you have no idea what we're talking about the yi diblets are uh they are [Music] gems no they are they are just diblets well they're called gibbets crocs markets theirs as crocs gibbets and they put them on there in the holes of the crocs to accessorize them you can buy a bunch of different stuff so we made some ee diblets little play on words for earl dibblers jr put them in your crocs and show off the e nation pride they turned out awesome they're probably gonna sell pretty fast it's also a great way for us to avoid copyright laws yeah we just kind of i'm like i don't know if we should actually be talking about make earl puns that sounds like the actual product this is the um river kelly uh tribute shirt for this year this is a onesie that i have in my hand right here uh we've actually never sold a onesie uh for the river kelly fund before this shirt is going to be available until this friday night today is may 16th which is riv's birthday the day that we are recording this uh if you don't know who riv is riv is granger and amber smith's son who passed away in a giant accident uh three years old and we have the river kelly fund which amber his mom started and supports and uh we support it with the apparel and so this is a really cool way for us to be able to give back and for amber to uh make uh meaning and and make good out of um something terrible that happens so 100 of proceeds will be donated to that and it'll be available until friday night yeah and if it's your first time around or if you're a new listener we do a river kelly shirt every year and um like parker said that they're they're only here for a certain amount of time so i see questions all year round of people asking about the riv shirts um we ordered the exact amount that people pre-order so that we don't have a lot of leftover inventory stock which is something that we try to do with a lot of our products so this is your only week to get it i cannot stress that enough if you're on our email list and everything you'll get you'll get notified but you can get i mean we've we're dropping three new products this week between the well the diblets are a restock but the father's day shirt and then the live like rev shirts so yeah lots of new exciting stuff speaking of which we do have a lot of people are asking we do have the summer launch on june 17th what are what are some of the besides like some really cool by the way the shirts and hats are really cool this launch um besides our regular shirts and hats that we launch what what are some other things that people can expect we have a short sleeve button up performance fishing shirts that turned out great that's probably the most new endeavor that we have taken on it took us a long time to design those they turned out great they're incredible we have uh flags that came back that a lot of people have been asking about um and a bunch of other stuff that i'm kind of blanking on polar shirts uh yes we have a golf polo or just a pole called a golf polo it's just a black polo with a collar so a lot of people ask for stuff that's a little bit nicer they can wear to work uh yeah two swim trunks coming out and then we also have some really sharp rope pads that are a little bit different than anything that we've done before yeah we we kept hearing from people that the uh between the the performance fishing uh collared shirt and then the the polo shirt that a lot of people out there can't like have to wear a certain thing monday through thursday but then fridays they're able to actually wear like they still have to wear a collared shirt but it can be you know personal like whether it's a brand or whatever so kind of clicked and we were like oh we got to start making collared shirts but the performance fishing collared shirts are unreal quality like i think that they beat everything else out there on the market so make sure y'all keep uh keep an eye out for that that'll come in the next few weeks uh june 17th so keep an eye out and yeah now we've got hannah by the way celtics and six all right we now welcome on very special guest to the podcast hannah barron hannah what did you just say that you look like right before we started recording i said i look like a wild bush youngin hannah have you ever been on a podcast you're like seven feet away from the microphone he positioned it first of all you know you can pull it closer hold up pull it up real close pull it i'll get dirt on it no come on there we go is that better i mean you're over here like you can turn it however you want that thing can go wherever you want there you go there you go is that better what okay what did you say you look like i said i look like a wild bush youngin and i blame y'all for having this e day event with all the mud and for some reason i get tackled and thrown in the lake i didn't find any catfish i don't have catfish in that little pond we don't have fish at all nope someone caught a perch today they show it in how did that get there i have no idea because that thing was dry like not it's been it's had water in it for a while but at some point it was definitely dry i guess there was a flood hannah's just so fun though when she comes to ye day you're just gonna you'll always find hannah just in the middle if you see some atv in the lake chances are it is in the passenger seat or in the back laughing hannah you bring great energy we would love to have that at the ee farm how much by the way this would be the group that would you would be discussing with so what would it take for you to become a yi employee by the way this is just an interview yeah i'd have to move from alabama and you're alabama born and raised aren't you yeah we got we got we got too many catfish boxes out back home we got to utilize those what if we gave you a uh bleep this out brian what if we gave you a budget for uh catfishing and you moved here and that's on top of your salary by the way parker's going to kill me after this a catfish budget yeah i don't know what that means she can't be bought no alabama girl would leave alabama for money also it's god's okay so here okay here's a great conversation okay what it do you believe that alabama is god's country because that's a that's a hot argument what is god's country america that's america that's america my fiancee taylor except for california okay okay there you go my fiance taylor always makes the joke because every time we go somewhere new like uh we'll land in charlotte and drive like an hour out into the you know like the appalachia or if i'm in the southeast or like wherever i'm at i did this whenever we were in northern california which you know california is california but northern california is beautiful northern california is not california yeah you're right you're right but anywhere i go where it's beautiful i just say it's god's country and i didn't realize that i said that i would just look around be like this is god's country. and she says you say everywhere is god's country i was like no i'm not going to say cabo is god's country like it's beautiful but it's not god's country but i feel like alabama actually could be god's country the bible belt down there how would you explain to someone who's maybe not familiar with you um but pretty much everyone in the outdoor world knows the the name hannah bear now how would you describe the last five ten years who you are and what's happened it's been a while yeah where did it begin actually i had a video go viral didn't mean for it to go viral this is before tick tock and all that stuff i posted it on instagram and we had bought this little cheat video camera if dad listens to this and hears that i call it cheap he'll get mad shout out jeff why isn't he here today he's building a house oh god god's country he's building a house in god's country bill now is by himself he built a frame in like two weeks but yeah what a legend of course he is yeah by the way her dad is like the coolest dude ever like he's the definition of cool okay humble beginnings uh camera cheap camera yeah cheap camera we bought this cheap camera and the first time we ever use it we set it on a tripod on the front of the boat because we don't ever stay in the boat we got somebody blocking holes this was back when we just fished natural holes boat ramps stuff like that so you got to block the different holes where the catfish can get out and we had it on the front of the boat and it fell in the water like the whole tripod just fell in the water we got it out dried it off the next time we went we tried it again set it up got a little video and i posted it on instagram and like overnight it got 20 million views from where somebody saw it and shared it on their facebook page and it just kept getting reshared and at that time i didn't even know that you know social media influencers whatever you want to call it is was a thing so it all started growing from there it's interesting to hear that because so many people say that it's just like a slow burn whereas you were just i posted one video and it went viral it was really like that it was but at that time nobody'd ever heard of catfish noodling hardly other than like the hillbilly hand fishing show it wasn't well known like it is now now everybody does it and that was completely normal for you oh yeah right i grew up which not i grew up hunting and fishing and like running trot lines for catfish and stuff like that but we didn't start catfish noodling or grabbling hand fishing whatever you want to call it until i was like 15. and that's when our game warden actually dad cut up a bunch of wood for him on the sawmill and he said y'all want to go noodling and we were thinking like where you take the pool noodles and cut them up and yeah yeah like joking like jokes yeah so we went out with him and after that we were hooked oh i like what you did there well there is there are no hooks and and hand fishing can you explain noodling to me like i'm five yes for someone who may not know i know but parker you know we both know what it is but maybe there's someone out there that doesn't maybe someone like the village idiot but we know for sure no but explain it to us because there's a lot of people it's still you say you say a lot of people do it now but there's still a lot of people that don't and everybody thinks that they're just swimming around and you can catch right exactly and that's not the case you got to wait until they're spawning and they'll find holes that sunlight can't get to because sunlight can kill their eggs so that's like under boat ramps under concrete they have natural holes in the banks we fish those too they're a little sketchy but it's still fun we put out catfish boxes in alabama it's legal i don't think it's legal in texas but yeah alabama anywhere sunlight can't get to they'll get in there and they'll blow out a hole and they'll lay their eggs and you'll find these holes whether they're natural or a box you put out run your arm in there and they'll attack it protecting their nest because they're mean at this when they're spawning they're really aggressive yes they're going to bite anything that comes in that now what's mean or a yellow or a channel cat i don't like channel cats that's what i thought that's what i thought that's because the channel cat stuck me in the arm which is another big question people have is their fins and on flatheads they're blunt no matter how big they are you can catch a five pound flathead and they'll their fins will be blunt but you can catch a channel cat and they'll sticky or a blue cat once they get bigger they get blues are the meanings aren't they those are the main ones okay that's what i thought i think that people are just so fascinated by it because there's just something in the back of your mind as a human being where we're just bread that dark water is dangerous away from the dark water and especially there's a creature in there and not only that but it is going to bite you with its mouth and so people are just blown away by your courage and then you just come up there and you put it on your shoulder it's just one of the craziest things that i've ever seen was there a time when was there ever a situation where things got sketchy or it was like that could have been bad but you always talk about it like it's not there's nothing dangerous about it but was ever there every situation where that happened where it was dangerous it's more like you think about it after the fact and you look back on it and you're like yeah that could have been bad like i've almost had my arm broke twice by they were both like 40 to 50 pound blues we were talking about how blues are mean or which catfish i mean the flatheads will spin more like a gator do the gator roll but i had a hold of this one and i came up with a way to grab them kind of on accident after doing it for a few years where it worked best for me because it's more about technique than it is just strength or whatever right and i'll run my arm between their gill and their gill plate on the back side and that way it doesn't hurt them doesn't mess up their gills or nothing and hold their bottom jaw from the inside so i'll have their head right here yeah but i had a blue cat or two blue cats actually one last year and one the year before twist me around and had my arm behind my back kind of like in the chicken wing position and if he'd kept spinning he'd have busted something would have been bad yeah that was so crazy wow and the biggest fish i ever caught we guessed it pull that mic just a little bit closer to you how's that i think you really can't be too close to it like we have to uh sanitize mine after every single time you really can you can touch it i basically make out with mine so don't use this one i'll remember that everybody remember that don't use that mic matt carrick was on that one last night good to know good to know is this good yeah it's perfect perfect that's perfect yeah i forgot you i forgot where we were where were we talking about my biggest catfish oh yeah yeah what's the biggest you've ever got the biggest flat head we kind of guessed the weight because one scale said 61 but the other scale said 76. so we just cut it in half and said 67 because i don't think that's how that works but that's an interesting way to go about it yeah we just cut it now i should have went with the bigger scales yeah i think one of the scales was just wrong yeah definitely wow i think you were on the one that was 76. i like that one you jumped on that one by the way way better what are you like are you a youth shirt size because we send you gear sometimes and i'm not the one that does that but i'm always like hey send the youth youth section over to hannah you're tiny i cut my shirts off from y'all i mean well lulu's the same way one of our shippers even if it's a smaller and extra small she just goes ahead and crops it and that's just she's just down here do you think there's something back to the catfish like do you think there's something that is a part of the reason that you blew up because you were tiny and you're cute and so it's the opposite person of what you would think what everybody else has seen before they're like look at this little girl catching the catfish if you go on youtube and you look up anything but well i guess now it's different but a few years ago like now all the girls are doing it but used to like girls weren't getting in and doing that like growing up in high school like high school junior high growing up you were you were doing this you were new oh yeah now in high school i was actually the weird girl that like hunted and fished too much and all that i didn't play any sports i taught kids how to weld when i was in high school and now look at you you have literally led a generation of of people to not only just noodling in general but just to the country world and giving them a behind-the-scenes look and it's been so cool to see it from our end to see it grow from the very first time i saw you is probably i was probably in college at the time 2015 or 2016 but since then now you've you've been able to bring in musicians like co wetzel and dale brisby and is there anybody out there who like is on your radar that's like that would be my dream person to take noodling has anybody come to mind goodness i don't even know to be honest with you i mean y'all got a george drake poster on the wall now that would be cool that's matt carricker said that was that was the person he'd love to work with if you're listening to this podcast we've had two george straits today we don't know when we're going to drop these podcasts but yeah two people now can't help it well you got him on the wall it's like he's in your mind now that would be incredible well i mean allen jackson's also on oh yeah you don't you don't want to take all alan but look at the writing if we could turn the camera up here for a second at least whose name is biggest and my eyesight ain't that good i'm going to see the big words i got a feeling alan jackson would out noodle george strait don't come out i would like to see it i'd like to see it those long stringy arms i mean allen's tall allen listens to this podcast actually actually allen is an avid listener this is this is a challenge alan jackson you are uh apparently going to outnoodle george strait let's see only one way to find out what if they actually set up something like that they just broke the internet and then we were like we're the ones behind that y'all didn't get i gotta be there yeah yep so okay so we were talking about that i think have you ever um oh man what's her name sydney from barcelona we took her last okay so i've got a question oh and you also took yp back before wait yes okay so a lot of people won't understand because they don't they're not up to date with the barstool outdoors thing whenever that job opening came open so barstool sports has a huge brand they're very big in the sports media space but they also have a very big outdoors brand there was a guy that was there he left and then they opened it up and you were honestly the first person i thought about i thought that like you don't have to tell us but did they reach out i never even knew there was a job opening really where do you think like would that be something that you'd ever be interested in or are you just so focused on your own craft and your own content because the benefit of going with a brand like that is you don't control as much as many things but at the end of the day you're also going to be on a platform that's in front of so many more people like so many people would know about hannah barron so like what are your if they would have come to you would you have been interested in having that conversation i've got a whole lot that's already on my plate and i feel like i wouldn't i feel like i could do it but i feel like it would take a lot of the fun out of it and for me if i always said if any of this takes the fun out of it i'm not going to do it anymore which is why we've never tried for like a tv show or anything like that because we can do this and we can still have just as much fun doing it as we did back before we ever had social media that was going to be one of my questions actually is it's it's one of those things that you love and you see it when people end up making a career out of it you see it with sports or really a lot of guys in social media too and they're like i mean it's it just turns into an obligation you see it with musicians as well but you've been able to you know how to draw the line i'm sure it seems like jeff is is good about that too where y'all are able to like collab and i'm sure it helps so much to be able to be like i'm not on my own in this because otherwise it's just so hard to make those kind of decisions with so many things changing on your own to have someone else to be like hey what should we do about this and my dad's my best friend so does he help you with a lot of like the management side of stuff not really he's you don't have a manager do you well i do oh you do technically now not for like my social media accounts or anything but um this year actually like two weeks ago or so i signed on with somebody just to talk to sponsors right and partners that's all you need help with like stay out of my content i'm gonna i know what i'm doing i know what works but the sponsorship world is a whole other thing and there's probably so much money i just can't keep up with it well it kind of sucks i mean it kind of sucks dealing with because you are a content creator you are inherently not you love the creative side of thing that's inherently not interesting to you there are people out there that do not care and they're not good at the creative stuff but they're really good at the business side of stuff and so it's like whenever those two mesh together that's whenever it's a perfect partnership and i've always been too nice like i don't like telling people no like look at me i'm doing a podcast yeah i know you're doing a podcast you've come here like four times too you've been a great year [Music] it's amazing thank you for coming every day yeah thank y'all for having me you've got you've gotten to go on uh like amazing hunts now too with all the connections that you've made in the few years last few years yes have you gained a new love for a particular animal or certain type of hunting or fishing does anything stand out elk for sure like i never would have probably had the chance to hunt elk if it hadn't been for the social media stuff and the connections i've made with people like christy lee cook we go elk hunting with her now and we took her down catfishing last year she won't be able to go this year because she's actually due to have a baby right in the middle of catfish season so well i mean that seems like a cop-out to me exactly tell her come on a real alabama southern girl it's like whenever that's staying in the way it's like when in the wnba whenever a girl like misses an entire season because she's pregnant like okay i mean you could have you could have played a couple games yeah right by the way men just have it way better we don't have menstrual cycles we don't give birth we don't we don't have anything and then here i am talking about how women should be playing their seasons what is it about elk hunting that you think the landscape because to me it just seems very intimidating in terms of i have to get in shape for three months like i'm training for a marathon for a hunt that i don't even know if i'm gonna see anything and see i didn't even do all that we just went into it and i thought i was gonna die when we started packing these animals out but yeah but it was really rewarding we did um the first year i hunted with christy which was not this past season but the season before i shot my second elk and the first the one i shot a few years ago we packed out on horseback but i got the full experience with christy when i shot this one because we had to get up there and get it and quarter it up up there and then pack it out and after that everybody else killed an elk and we helped pack those out too and one of them was five miles downhill and i was thinking it's downhill it's not going to be bad that's kind of that's got to be just as bad because just as bad yeah it's like uh would you rather your quads hurt or your thighs exactly one of them's gonna hurt yeah that's the difference between you know how many days in did you see it well we got really lucky on that one and saw it the first day in wow really lucky wow well it's that afternoon but like really lucky and that year was really good for me i don't know what it was but everywhere i went the first hunt i killed that was just my year and now i've been on a bunch of dry spells like i did not kill in kansas this year kansas kicked my tail for the first time in five years but that was my year this year dad actually killed his first elk and i cried oh no i didn't cry when i killed mine but i cried when he killed his yeah it's cool it's cool to see and like you know how important that is what did he shoot it with he shot it i think it was a 6.5 prc and it was like 680 yards he was a poke he was way out there wow and it was only three of us packing it out so we had to make two trips and we were climbing 800 foot like hands and knees in some places i'm guessing you had to track that thing right oh he fell really i think he shot him twice because he ran a piece and you know if they're still running shoot him again wow okay i've got a question what uh is this you that is me are you surprised that i found this picture yeah okay so it's a fake alligator before anybody says it come on really yeah okay so if you're listening at home you should be watching follow us on youtube um so you can see all the different stuff we're gonna put this photo on here but it is a young hannah baron how old are you here there's an even better one oh wow wait here it's pass me that is that i'll turn the brightness up yes that is just amazing man that looks like your dad's handsome he's got the stash handsome guy by the way i want to look like jeff baron how old is he 51 yeah the dude got ripped the most redneck baby pictures that's what the couple squirrels um let's see this one that i was talking about you're holding an alligator but you say it's fake which is really disappointing i was thinking that maybe it was real it was fake my cousin was holding up a snake so i decided i wanted to be cool and i went and picked up the gator i would have loved to have met a like third or fourth grade hannah baron was your accent thicker it was worse oh i'm sure yeah it's gotten better now that i've started doing all this stuff because i've been made fun of for so much and when i was like in college in high school that was just normal everyone everyone man the subtitles are going to be tough for this episode appreciate y'all yeah this is i'm talking good i'm like trying i'm trying really hard to enunciate have you had anything to drink today water well we're water we're gonna get a you know what we should have done is had some words for her to read because i've what i've noticed about people from alabama is that you all love to make like two syllable words three syllables and three syllable words four syllables so that's the gate get you get you a couple ranch waters who is sponsoring ee day this year and uh you you'll probably be on that path actually i think i opened one and then i got on the side by side with and as soon as i got on it it just filled up with dirt the worst so what do you what are you doing after this you're in texas for a little while right are you going on some hunts i'm going on a helicopter hog hunt okay so have you ever done that yes that looks like the most fun thing in the world i've never done it it's so funny so explain it to the listeners that don't have any idea all right so hogs are really overpopulated in texas i don't know if they are here in the austin area but down where we're going or i don't even know we've gone to matagorda around houston we've gone to a few different places they're really bad overpopulated it's the same way back home but back home it's so thick that you can't kill them with helicopters so this is just another means of like population control and in my opinion like the most effective because you can get in a helicopter and the fellow we go with herds cows with them too so he's doing the same thing and herding these pigs out in the open where you can get a clear shot at them and take the whole herd out you can drop a ton what are you shooting him oh an ar i think we shot a two two three last time and he's able to keep it steady enough while they're running it seems like it'd be you shoot a lot dude how many bullets do you all use i don't know you get good at it though like you gotta it takes a little bit to get used to it and then there's dad who's just like is jeff just good at everything yeah yes other than technology he's terrible with technology don't say i would have never thought did you see those photos though i mean just been literally down in deer since before we were born he was down in deer before he was born he came out of the womb with a 30 odd six just like where then white solo where are they at no wait speaking of white's out uh can you do it my dear girl yeah can you do it please do it i feel like the subtitles will have a real fun time with this one it's unreal it sounds exactly like you know i was hunting this season and uh usually i don't hear that and but it was in it was in matin season whenever we were going and the rut i was yeah it was in the rut and i was sitting there and i heard that and i was like hannah where's hannah that's like that's exactly what hannah sounds like it's just a hannah call i think yeah it's a vehicle running out of the woods they're actually copying you at that point have you heard the pig squeal actually no and i want you to go ahead and do all the different calls that you have start with the pig squeal i'm gonna back this up again is that okay yeah it's good it's gonna be loud enough yeah it's gonna be really loud at the end yep can you do it one more time i'm gonna put this one and do the white cell increment you know turkey oh i can't really do a turkey my turkey sounds like he's got laryngitis [Laughter] okay do you have a uh a last meal i'm curious of all the games that you've eaten oh gosh if you get one meal i don't know that's the hard part i don't know like my dad every time he says snapping turtle most alabama answer ever sauce pecan which is like a cajun thing but snapping turtle we actually did a youtube video for him which i'm supposed to like monetize and all for him because he don't know how to do titles or any of that i got to do that for him thank you for reminding me there you go hey that's what we're here for if nothing else comes from this podcast it's helping out papaji how do you prepare snapping turtle crock pot you just slow cook it which is good it's got like seven different kinds of meat in it they say interesting we're gonna wrap this up in a minute i do have um two questions we ask all of our guests these are from google these aren't questions from myself these aren't questions from parker parker doesn't even know what i'm about to ask these are questions that the people want to know on google that's scary is hannah baron single not really that's the top question i've seen his hannah baron married because i was engaged i wasn't going to ask that one because i didn't want to i didn't know if that was a touchy sore spot yeah yeah no the engagement didn't work out we're still friends he's a great dude but he is a preacher now which is great and i just travel so much that it's hard for me to be around with as much as we both needed sure like he couldn't travel with me and i couldn't always be home so yeah that was several years ago we're still friends i have recently started dating somebody in like the past couple months let's go yep she was waiting for the ee podcast to reveal that by the way have you talked about that on any podcast no okay so this is breaking news breaking news hannah baron is no longer single country boys everywhere by the way let's watch our view rate on this youtube video everyone just clicked right now everyone just stopped listening good for you by the way thank you that's awesome my other question once again this is a google question not my question oh gosh how much money does hannah baron have not much because i looked it up and it said that my net worth was like so many million and i'm like where's it at though why don't i have this well how much money you have in your bank account right now uh let me check i think i got at least three dollars matt carrick i'm waiting matt character said he has hundreds hundreds how much do you have in your wallet you don't even have a wallet you're a girl i got a credit card you got a credit card you got a credit card this girl likes plastic and we just swap it that way we got to worry about how much money we spend ramsay loves that i'm sure out of sight out of mind you got anything else park i don't think so do you want to we've had people give some life advice or just a quote that they enjoy to close it out do you want to close out the podcast with a quote or a piece of advice it can be serious it can be funny can be whatever you want it to be i feel like my piece of advice was be who you are and don't try to fit anybody else's box and you'll do better because that's what i did like i never i was always just marching to the beat of my own drum and i could never fit in anywhere but that was okay with me and look where i am now well that certainly comes across to us thanks for always being you and thanks for traveling acro across the country yeah all these times to come see us appreciate y'all appreciate y'all that's perfect to end with well thank you for coming on we'll have you on again soon thank you guys for listening we'll see y'all next week eat your veggies appreciate y'all [Music]
Channel: Yee Yee
Views: 661,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Et7icif756U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 15sec (2175 seconds)
Published: Tue May 17 2022
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