Is God a Sadistic Monster?

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well hello storyline wherever you happen to be around the world and a special shout out to storyline in eugene oregon you guys we have been engaged in a series of probing questions regarding the character of god a few weeks ago we asked the question is god an egomaniac we shifted gears then and we asked the question is god on a power trip we shifted gears yet again and asked the question is god an arbitrary tyrant and now i'm going to explore with you what i think is probably the most provocative question yet in this series is god is god a sadistic monster now this question is best approached i believe by first examining a development in the collective human moral conscience that is very important for human history on june 26 1987 the united nations convention against torture became international law now this is a remarkable development because human beings with a series of wars behind us and all the horrific and horrible things that are entailed in war came to the realization that war is bad enough but for warring nations to engage in torture even in time of war is pure evil when the united nations made this kind of global judgment about the nature of torture it raised the question in a lot of people's minds especially psychologists regarding the nature of torture and how it affects not only the person who is tortured but also the torturer now this is significant because we know of course that the person who who undergoes torture suffers greatly but the question is what about the person who is doing the torturing does that individual suffer in some sense well of course they're not suffering the physical torture that they're inflicting on another person but they are suffering in the sense that their moral conscience is being fundamentally compromised and the individual who engages in torture incrementally with every act of torture has to submerge empathy beneath all kinds of justifications in order to make it okay with the individual person's conscience to keep engaging in these heinous acts so the point is this that the person who engages in torturing gradually becomes an unempathetic and finally a psychopathic individual who has no problem doing the most dastardly deeds human beings can imagine we know that the tortured suffer but now we know also that the person who engages in torture compromises their very humanity and animalizes their nature to the point that they are themselves traumatized and maybe led to a place where they can no longer feel the pain of others now this is an important question i believe because as we come to the realization as human beings especially in the 20th century and now the 21st century that torture is the most extreme manifestation of evil i mean this is universally recognized nobody is going to dispute this fact there are all kinds of horrible things that we do to one another as human beings including war itself war is evil but torture torture takes the top spot as the most evil thing that a human being can do and yet while we recognize torture as evil popular christian doctrine as well as islamic doctrine wants us to believe that god presides over and has created a universe in which for all eternity future nonstop without end that the universe will basically be like a house with two floors and on the upper floor there will be eternal bliss and happiness and joy it will be pure paradise for those who go to the good place those who reside in heaven with god for all eternity and yet in this popular theological notion there's a basement of diabolical suffering in the universe of god there is a place of eternal torment there is a an ever-burning hell in which millions upon millions probably billions of people according to this theological construct are suffering conscious torment forever and ever we can't even process what it means to suffer consciously in flames forever and ever we can barely comprehend forever and ever but then when we add torture to the picture it is unthinkable that a god of love would preside over a universe like this and so what i want to do with you is ask the question the simple question what kind of person is god what kind of person is god according to scripture according to our own innate inborn sense of justice that god has placed within us what kind of person is god now we're going to approach this by looking at four points four simple points let's explore first of all the origin of the doctrine of eternal torment the origin of the doctrine of an eternally burning hell with conscious beings suffering forever and ever where does that idea come from secondly we're going to look at the general teaching of the bible on the subject then thirdly some difficult passages of scripture that really are challenging to make sense of but once we make sense of them in the light of the general teachings of scripture we clearly see what these difficult passages mean and then finally a closing word on the character of god so let's just get right in to it by looking at the origin of the doctrine of eternal torment well we know from a a study of the documents available to us that the idea of a place of conscious torment somewhere beneath the surface of the earth somewhere in the middle of the earth that this idea of conscious souls being tortured it is an idea that is pervasive throughout pagan cultures and pagan thinking going back thousands of years to mesopotamia egypt babylon greece and rome all of these civilizations held to a doctrine of torture taking place in the underworld somewhere beneath the ground some of them postulated well maybe not at the center of the earth but somewhere else in the universe that there is a place of suffering and torment plato about 400 years before christ in the book the republic he communicated a story putting this story in the mouth of socrates called the myth of er and the myth of herb basically portrays and i have the book with me right here the myth of er portrays a disembodied souls that is souls without bodies sent underground to suffer for their sins now according to plato there was not a specific time he didn't say that they would suffer therefore all eternity but clearly plato teaches taught that in fact beneath the earth there are suffering souls and the reason they are there according to plato is and i'm reading to you now the soul which cannot be destroyed by any evil whether inherent or external must exist forever and if existing forever must be immortal so the foundation of plato's thinking and the thinking of the roman philosophers after him and the mesopotamian thinkers and the egyptian thinkers and the babylonian thinkers before is the assumption that the soul of a human being is immortal innately inherently this is sometimes referred to as the doctrine of natural immortality natural immortality as opposed to conditional immortality that is given as a gift by god this idea suggests that okay if you have an eternal soul well it has to go somewhere and if you are a bad person your eternal soul couldn't go to the good place it couldn't go to paradise so you got to put it somewhere if you are an eternal being that cannot be extinguished if you are an eternal soul that will exist forever and ever without in and you're a bad person well you've got to spend eternity somewhere and so the idea of a place of eternal torment has been created in the imagination of human beings now conditional immortality is a doctrine that is clearly taught in the bible as we're going to see momentarily but by contrast to conditional immortality is this idea that every human being doesn't matter who you are good bad or otherwise you are going to live forever so the only question is where because you're not going to die you are naturally inherently innately immortal now scripture teaches us something different than this picture of natural immortality and eternal torment but greece and the philosophers of greece namely plato gave the doctrine of an eternal soul and eternal torment to the roman empire the roman empire then passed on that doctrine to roman catholicism and that doctrine even after the protestant reformation remained a part of protestant christianity not all protestant christianity but large swaths of protestant christianity retained the doctrine of the immortal soul the naturally immortal soul and eternal torment now there were exceptions throughout christian history and there are exceptions today but this is the general picture of how the torch was passed on from greece to rome to roman catholicism until it is for many christians just an assumed truth today but notice what scripture says in first timothy chapter 6 verses 15 and 16 we have a statement regarding god regarding god and god is the king of kings and lord of lords now notice the language of paul here who alone has immortality now this is a definitive statement the language can't be misunderstood scripture is saying that god alone has immortality now god can do with that immortality what he chooses as sovereign god and according to first corinthians 15 54 god will give immortality to the redeemed and to the redeemed alone so when this corruptable has put on incorruption that's referring of course to the fact that the body after death decomposes and there will be a resurrection in the context here that paul speaks of but when this corruptable shall put on incorruption and this notice mortal that's our natural state you and i as human beings we are innately inherently naturally mortal we are subject to death but this mortal shall put on immortality then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written death is swallowed up in victory so god alone according to paul has immortality and god confers immortality upon the redeemed at the point of the resurrection of the righteous at the second coming of jesus in the context here that is the biblical truth regarding immortality god has it we don't but he can give it to whomsoever he will and he gives it as a gift to the redeemed he gives it as a gift to the redeemed and that brings us to the general teaching of the bible on this subject of eternal torment eternally burning hell the old testament witness is consistent there is not a single statement in the entire old testament the entire hebrew scriptures there's not a single sentence or verse of scripture in the old testament that articulates the idea of an eternally burning hell or the idea of eternal torment people souls being tortured for all eternity doesn't exist in the old testament here's what the old testament witnesses to consistently psalm 37 verse 20. notice the language here carefully the wicked shall perish hold on to the word perish because it's going to show up again in the new testament the wicked shall perish and the enemies of the lord like the splendor of the meadows notice the language shall vanish vanish perish vanish into smoke they shall vanish away this is what the old testament teaches consistently will be the ultimate destiny or demise of the wicked the enemies of the lord they will vanish into smoke now smoke here indicates of course fire and we'll come back to that in a moment obviously clearly in the text where there is smoke there is fire they will vanish away into smoke because the fire that comes upon the wicked devours them into smoke they don't stay alive in the fire for all eternity no they perish they vanish away in to smoke ezekiel 28 verses 18 and 19 tells us the ultimate destiny of the devil himself god speaking to satan the fallen angel i will bring forth a fire from the midst of thee and it shall devour thee the fire will devour thee and i will bring thee to notice the language ashes upon the earth and notice this never shalt thou be any more again the language of scripture is definitive here the bible clearly teaches that the devil himself will be devoured by fire devoured to the point that he becomes what does the scripture say ashes ashes and never shalt thou be any more the very existence the very being of satan will cease to exist this idea of the devil presiding over a place at the center of the the earth with the pitchfork turning as it were the wicked lost for all eternity in the flames and torturing them under under god's provision and guidance is a complete farce scripture doesn't teach it you don't need to believe it and you don't want to believe it if you get in touch with your intuitive sense of justice that god himself has planted inside of you the devil himself will cease to exist in god's eternal plan malachi chapter 4 and verse 3 employs the word ashes to describe the demise of all the wicked lost the incorrigibly evil just like ezekiel just used the word ashes to describe the demise of satan notice here it says you shall trample the wicked speaking here to the righteous to the redeemed okay god is saying through the prophet malachi you shall trample the wicked that is under your feet for they shall be ashes ashes under the soles of your feet on planet earth planet earth is the place where the event of the destruction of the wicked will finally occur as we're about to discover and the wicked will be ashes the devil will be ashes they will cease to exist obadiah chapter chapter while there's only one chapter in obadiah verses 15 and 16 states explicitly of the final demise of the wicked they shall be as though they had never been quote unquote that scripture they shall be as though they had never been remember what we just read about the devil never shalt thou be any more this is the consistent testimony of the hebrew scriptures now people who believe in eternal torment will readily acknowledge that the doctrine is not taught in the old testament but then they jump to the conclusion that it is taught in the new testament well the first problem you have here is that suddenly with that position you have a bible that has an old testament contradicting the new testament you have to sit with that and and feel the weight of having a bible in which suddenly out of nowhere god changes his mind and decides in favor of creating an eternally burning hell after having said repeatedly through the prophets of the old testament that there is no such place but that rather the wicked shall be as though they had never been but the problem of having a bible that contradicts itself is the least of our problems because the new testament itself is consistent with the old testament testimony in john 3 16 the most quoted probably most popular verse in the whole bible clearly and this is jesus clearly says for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son check out this language that whoever whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life i told you to hold on to the word perish that we just read in the old testament and when we read that word perish in the old testament it was in the context of the language the wicked shall vanish away they will perish they will vanish they will cease to exist that's what jesus understood that's what jesus taught jesus said that those who are eternally lost will perish but those who believe in him will have everlasting life again god will confer as a gift everlasting life upon the righteous upon the redeemed scripture does not teach that everybody has everlasting life some in heaven and some in a place of eternal torment no only the redeemed have everlasting life what happens to everybody else what happens to the incorrigibly wicked well they perish they vanish away they become ashes under the feet of the righteous scripture testifies again in the new testament consistent with what the old testament teaches and consistent with what we just read in john 3 16 where jesus says the wicked will perish paul comes along and he says that the wages of sin is death notice what it doesn't say it doesn't say the wages of sin is eternal torture in a never-ending sea of flames that you will be floating up to gasp hot air once every million years as is described by popular preachers the notion of the wicked existing forever in a state of torture does not exist in the bible it is a pagan doctrine that was imported from greece and then rome and roman catholicism and it remains in some christian evangelical protestant churches martin luther the great reformer questioned this doctrine john stott arguably the greatest protestant theologian of the last hundred years went to his death as an anglican declaring that the doctrine of eternal torment is not biblical billy graham questioned the veracity of the doctrine the scriptures teach consistently that the wicked will vanish become ashes be as though they had not been perish and the wages of sin is death james in james 1 15 says sin when it is finished brings forth death not eternal torment not eternal life in torture but sin brings forth death but that brings us to the difficult passages on the subject and there are a few it's just a handful of texts but there are a few difficult passages on the subject and we will read them and we will see what scripture says about this language so matthew chapter 25 and verse 46 our first difficult passage of scripture on this subject jesus is speaking here of the final judgment and he says of the wicked of the lost these will go away into everlasting punishment but the righteous into eternal life now i want you to notice what the passage says and what the passion passage does not say first of all the passage says that they're going to go away and the greek word could just as easily be translated in consistent inconsistency with the old testament word vanish they will vanish away they will go away into everlasting punishment it doesn't say that they will vanish away go away into everlasting punishing the punishing itself is not everlasting the punishment is everlasting that is to say that the overall net effect is eternal in consequence that's what jesus is teaching unless we want to have jesus contradicting himself because we have just read that he tells us that the wicked will perish for all eternity they will perish everlastingly they will perish eternally they will be as though they had not been they will be punished with an everlasting punishment and it will be final it will be done it will be over but the punishing will not be eternal eternal life belongs to the righteous alone revelation chapter 14 and verse 11 is challenging because notice the language speaking of those who receive the mark of the beast it says and the smoke of their torment notice this the smoke of their torment ascends this is hard language forever and ever and they have no rest day or night who worship the beast in his image and whoever receives the mark of his name this is challenging language i want to pause here and point something out when you study scripture you are not going to approach the study of the bible with the naive idea that you're not going to encounter any difficult texts of course you're going to encounter difficult texts the bible is a big book written by some 44 different authors over thousands of years there is challenging language in scripture and the language of scripture is grounded in the historic times and cultures in which it was written and so we're going to see here that this language has a particular and specific meaning within the bible's only the bible's own historical and cultural context so notice and keep in mind forever and ever as the language here that is most challenging and then it says in chapter 20 of the same book we just read in revelation 14 about the fact that the wicked are going to be be tormented and that their torment the smoke of their torment will arise forever and ever but now notice in the same book it says they went up on the breadth of the earth speaking of the same group of people they went up on the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints in the beloved city now notice the language and fire came down from god out of heaven and what did it do it devoured them this is the same book of the bible written by the same author and now we have a clear declaration of the fact that the wicked will be devoured by the fire but then verse 10 says the devil who deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are and they will be tormented day and night here's again the difficult language forever and ever forever and ever what is this word forever all about in scripture now again there's a historical context there's a cultural context which means there's a linguistic context to the use of language i want to just present to you some scriptures where the idea of forever and eternal is employed and see what you think of this this is from exodus chapter 21 and verse 6. and here if a servant has served his master for a period of time but then decides no i love my master i like this arrangement and i want to continue in this arrangement for the rest of my life the scripture says that he shall serve him that is the servant who consents to the arrangement shall serve him that is his master forever forever that is to say until the end of his life until his life is over and then we have in first samuel chapter 1 verse 22 hannah did not go up that is she didn't go up to the temple for she said to her husband not until the child not until the child is weaned then i will take him that he may appear before the lord and remain there before the lord forever hannah this israelite mother i'm going to wean my child my baby and then once the child is weaned i'm going to take him up to the temple and i'm going to give him to the service of the lord in the temple for how long everybody forever well here again the word forever is used to indicate for the entirety of that child's life as the child grows up and serves in the temple for life verse 28 makes this clear i also have lent him to the lord as long as he lives he shall be lent to the lord so here in one passage we have i'm going to give my child to serve in the temple forever that is as long as he lives as long as he lives in jonah you know the book of jonah and the story of jonah in the belly of the well well in chapter 1 verse 17 now the lord had prepared a great fish to swallow jonah notice this and jonah was in the belly of the well belly of the fish for how long for three days and three nights that's it but jonah in chapter 2 verse 6 says i went down into the moorings of the mountains symbolic poetic language for being in the belly of the well the earth with its bars closed behind me forever yet you have brought me up you have brought up my life from the pit o lord my god so this is very very interesting the previous passage in the same book the book of jonah says that he was in the belly of the whale for three days and three nights this passage says no no no i was in there forever jonah says i was in there forever but then he says and then the lord brought me up out of the pit out of this horrible situation that i was in so again the word forever is used repeatedly in scripture in this kind of symbolic manner to indicate the entirety of a person's existence or life or or what feels like forever in jonah's case in jude there's one chapter that book verse 7 sodom and gomorrah referring back to the story in the book of genesis fire came down from god out of heaven and devoured the cities of sodom and gomorrah that's the story sodom and gomorrah are set forth as an example according to jude an example of what suffering the vengeance of eternal fire sodom and gomorrah are not currently burning they became ashes that is to say they suffered the eternal effect of the fire and then in second peter chapter 2 and verse 6 explicitly the destruction of of sodom and gomorrah is described again turning the cities of sodom and gomorrah into ashes condemned them to destruction so jude describes the destruction of sodom and gomorrah as eternal fire suffering the vengeance of eternal fire eternal fire jude peter just explicitly says that it is the effect of the fire that is eternal not the fire itself sodom and gomorrah suffered the vengeance of eternal fire and what was the results they became ashes and they were utterly destroyed utterly destroyed this is the consistent usage of the term in scripture but another difficult passage is from jesus himself in matthew 3 and verse 12 where jesus says that he will burn up the chaff a symbol for the wicked the eternally lost he will burn up the chaff with notice unquenchable fire unquenchable fire well if the fire is unquenched does that mean that it remains burning forever and ever notice how this language is used in jeremiah chapter 7 verse 20 to describe the destruction of jerusalem that happened in 70 a.d this is a prophecy pointing forward to the destruction of jerusalem and notice what it says here behold god is speaking here my anger and my fury will be poured out on this place that's jerusalem on the man on man and on beasts now watch this on the trees of the field and on the fruit of the ground and it that is this place jerusalem will be will be will burn and not be quenched there's the language jesus used that the that the wicked will be burned with an unquenchable fire well here the word is used to describe what happened to jerusalem jerusalem was burned with an unquenchable fire that is to say that the fire could not be put out before it finished doing what fire does what does fire do fire reduces what it burns to ashes to rubble to non-existence clearly jerusalem is not still burning in fact a few years ago i went there and visited i know it's not burning jerusalem was destroyed and then it was rebuilt it was destroyed with a fire that couldn't be put out and so the fire did its work isaiah 47 verse 14 says behold they shall be stubble speaking of the wicked the final demise of the loss they'll be stubble what is stubble this is the dry brush that is cut down from a field or a forest they shall be stubble the fire shall burn them yes it will it will burn them they shall not deliver themselves notice the language from the power of the flame they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame it shall not it it shall not be a coal to be warmed by nor a fire to sit before so i was a little clunky in reading that but you get the point the fire will do its work the power of the flame will do its work and when the fire that comes upon the wicked as stubble does its work what will the final outcome be well there won't even be a coal to warm your hands at why because the wicked will be again quoting malachi and ezekiel the wicked will be ashes utterly destroyed you guys this is a description of the destruction of the wicked and the fire does not burn forever and ever torturing conscious souls that never die the fire will go out when it has done its work so second peter is a summarizing statement as we draw this to a conclusion i love this passage of scripture not because of what it says because it describes something very horrible but i love this passage of scripture for its clarity in second peter chapter 3 verse 10. watch this the elements that is the material elements of the earth the elements will melt with fervent heat describing the final demise of planet earth and the wicked the elements will melt with fervent heat both the earth and the works that are in it will be notice the language burned up burned up gone vanish into smoke burned up melt with fervent heat this is the consistent language therefore peter reasons since all these things will be dissolved the earth its material elements the wicked will be dissolved by the flames what manner of persons ought you to be in all holy conduct and godliness check this out you guys peter is reasoning and he's saying listen the earth is going to be engulfed in flames the material world itself is going to be burned up and the wicked are going to be burned up with it so what kind of person ought you to be seeing that all of it's going to be dissolved in the flames what kind of person should you be watch this looking for and hastening the coming of the day of god because of which the heavens will be again dissolved being on fire and the elements will melt with fervent heat he repeats nevertheless we according to his promise look for a new heavens and a new earth in which notice the language righteousness dwells according to peter the earth as we know it will melt with fervent heat and be dissolved in the flames but there will be a new heavens and a new earth that god will create and the new heavens and the new earth is a place and i want to emphasize this in which only righteousness will exist now think this through carefully if there's a place beneath the crest of the earth at the center of the earth or somewhere else in god's heavens and earth somewhere else in the universe if there's a place in which wicked evil incorrigibly selfish souls continue to exist for all eternity cursing god if that is the final state of the universe it cannot be said that it is a universe in which only righteousness dwells because sin and evil and iniquity and transgression will according to that popular theory exist forever and ever sin will not be extinguished evil will not be defeated wickedness will go on and on and on and on for all eternity you guys if the popular doctrine of eternal torment is true god will be defeated by evil rather than god defeating evil god will have to settle for a universe in which wickedness continues to exist forever but no scripture says that god will create a new heavens and a new earth and that only righteousness will dwell there the weight of evidence is overwhelming if you're looking at any subject in any literature you're not going to take a majority of clear statements and let them be overturned by a handful of unclear statements you're not going to interpret the lack of clarity you're not going to excuse me you're not going to interpret the many clear statements by the few unclear statements you're going to let the many clear statements interpret the few unclear statements you're going to allow the weight of evidence to overtake your thinking you're going to say i know that that passage and that one and that one those are challenging but all of these the wages of sin is death the wicked will perish they will vanish away like ashes vanish away into smoke they shall be as though they had never been the devil himself will be ashes and never will he be any more all of that clarity cannot be overturned by a few unclear statements that use the word forever and eternal especially when we have seen that the words eternal and forever are clearly defined in scripture to describe as long as the fire is doing what fire does and that is consuming the wicked to ashes on the earth which brings us to the question of the character of god what kind of god is this well scripture says that god is love now it is inconceivable that god is love you can't make sense out of the idea that god is love if god is simultaneously engaging in the purest act of evil that we as a human community have passed judgment on we have said that torture is categorically wrong that it's pure evil the united nations convention against torture has collectively declared international law that torture is evil and yet we're going to say that god engages in the very thing that we ourselves regard as evil by all moral standards and measures well the character of god is declared with unequivocal clarity in scripture god is love and this is what it looks like in the final analysis the god of the universe is so sensitive that in jeremiah 19 verse 5 they god is speaking here of the pagan nations and israel joining with them in human sacrifice they have also built the high places of baal the false god of baal to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings to baal notice this which i did not command or speak nor did it come into my mind here's god saying that the idea of burning children in fire as human sacrifice is foreign to his mind it doesn't even come into his mind and that is not even the idea of eternally torturing human beings eternal torment is a far more grotesque evil than human sacrifice and god says even human sacrifice is foreign to my nature it's foreign to my mind it's foreign to my character and so revelation 21 verses 1 and 2 1 through 4 says this now i saw a new heaven and a new earth john says just like peter described moments ago a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away well peter told us how they passed away the elements will melt with fervent heat and be burned up and then god will create a new heavens and a new earth now watch this verse 4 and god will wipe away every tear from their eyes there shall be no more death nor sorrow nor crying there shall be no more pain for the former things have passed away but if god hates pain and promises to eliminate it from the universe how could that be said if in fact there will be pain for all eternity millions probably billions of souls somewhere in the universe writhing in agony forever and ever there will be sorrow there will be pain and i would imagine there will be tears because if you and i are inhabiting the the upper floor of god's eternal bliss how are we going to be satisfied for all eternity knowing that people that we have known in this life friends family neighbors or any human beings at all how could we possibly be satisfied living with a god who is the inventor of an eternal torment that runs counter to every sense of moral justice that he himself has put in us and so i leave you with this question if people will forever live in the basement of god's universe as it were being tortured will you be able to enjoy the festivities upstairs how will it be for you and me for all eternity with this question lingering in our minds is god a sadistic monster well according to this popular doctrine we can only conclude that if it is true god is a sadistic monster to create an eternally burning hell and to consign people to it for all eternity it is without question the most diabolical horrific terrifying thought ever conceived eternal torment of conscious souls in flames never ending pain and suffering we can't conceive of anything worse and yet the consistent testimony of scripture is that god is love that god is just that god is fair that god is good that god forgives and that those who persist in rejecting his forgiveness and his offer of eternal life will vanish away they will cease to exist they will be removed from existence and that's painful enough for you and me having been a part of this world and and experienced the pain and the suffering that we've experienced in this life it's going to be horrible enough to know that some of our fellow human beings have been annihilated that they have been that they have vanished away that they are ashes under the soles of our feet that's bad enough there will be tears there will be tears and god will wipe away all those tears from our eyes and he will lead us into eternity future with the assurance that we live in a new heavens and a new earth in which only righteousness exists and there is no more pain no more suffering god is good he is so far from being a sadistic monster that the faster we eliminate the doctrine of eternal torment from our theology the better father in heaven thank you for the good god that you are thank you that it is foreign to your nature to torture it is foreign to your character to consign people to eternal torment thank you that we don't need to believe this diabolical doctrine because scripture doesn't teach it we can just remove it from our thinking right now and be eternally glad that you are nothing like what this doctrine portrays you to be thank you for loving us in jesus name amen
Channel: Storyline Church
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Keywords: storyline church, ty gibson
Id: hFdvPa-siqw
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Length: 50min 38sec (3038 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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