A Personality Profile of Lucifer // Ty Gibson

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i want to direct your attention to the fact that sometimes we need to delve into subjects that at first glance are uncomfortable this is vital to our intellectual and our emotional and our spiritual development sometimes we need to face square on topics issues that we would rather not address the message today bears the title a personality profile of lucifer now that is a title that i want to tell you at the beginning the message will be less spooky than that sounds but more diabolical than it sounds because indeed something extremely diabolical is going on real time on the stage of human history down through the ages to this very present moment and we're going to make an attempt to psychoanalyze the demonic mind to delve into what's going on in the thinking and feeling process of lucifer himself now i want to begin by telling you something about myself going back to the early stages of my life as a kid straight up through my teenage years i had an academic obsession with just one thing song lyrics not math not history not social studies just song lyrics i had a pretty large vinyl collection that should date me although vinyl's coming back and i bought album after album after album stacking them up in my bedroom for one reason because i wanted to put the records on the turntable and not just listen to music in an abstract sense but to pour over the lyrics of the songs that was my thing that was my obsession what are these artists these poets what are they trying to say what are the stories that they're telling what are the things that they are trying to tell me in these songs now you need to understand something else about my childhood and that is that i was raised in an extremely secular home what might be regarded as a post-modern orientation to reality god was no nowhere on the radar of anybody in my home i had never seen a bible i didn't know what the ten commandments were if you would have said to me hey tai have you ever read the book of genesis i would have said to you i know the rock band genesis but not the book of genesis although the rock band genesis was named after the book of genesis and there were some spiritual tendencies that were present in rock music that i began to detect but i thought it was all fiction i thought these are just storytellers these are entertainers these are people who are telling us things that are in the form of art and their art is by and large fiction but there were songs that stood out to me and one of them was a song that bore the title sympathy for the devil by the rolling stones now as a teenager listening to this song again i just thought fiction but there's something about the song that is extremely fascinating the song seems to be telling a story the story of an actual personal being who is active on the stage of human history while being undetected present and active but not visible not detected and in the song the story is being told in the first person somebody is addressing us as mick jagger sings the song please allow me to introduce myself i'm a man of wealth and taste at that point in the song i was thinking as a teenager and anybody would be thinking well mick jagger maybe he's giving his own personality profile maybe maybe he's talking about himself maybe mick jagger is a man of wealth and taste but as the song continues to unfold something fascinating happens i've been around for a long long year and i've stolen many a man's soul and faith hmm maybe not mick jagger maybe somebody else is speaking to us in the song i made sure that pilate washed his hands and sealed his fate and this was a biblical illusion right to the story of jesus in the gospels where the roman ruler watches he says i wash my hands of the fate of this innocent man that was about to be crucified here whoever is addressing us in the song apparently not mick jagger because this individual claims to have been alive and active and present at the crucifixion of jesus playing a role prompting the mind of pilate the roman ruler on that occasion to wash his hands of the blood of this innocent man well the song goes on and then fast forwards in history to another historical event from the crucifixion to the russian revolution i stuck around saint petersburg that's russia when i saw it was time for a change i killed the tsar and his ministers anastasia screamed in vain google it these are historical events that are going down on the stage of human history that whoever it is that is introducing himself to us in the song is laying claim to have involvement with i rode a tank and held a general's rank when the blitzkrieg raged and the bodies stank again we're at the russian revolution please allow me to introduce myself pleased to meet you excuse me hope you guess my name but here's the language i want you to catch most of all but what's puzzling you is the nature of my game what am i up to what's my agenda what am i thinking what am i feeling what am i pursuing just as every cop's a criminal and all the sinner's saint as heads is tales just call me lucifer because i'm in need of some restraint and now the personage that is introducing himself to us in the song divulges his identity with a name i who was present with pilate at the crucifixion i who was present and active at the russian revolution pleased to meet you hope you guess my name my name is lucifer pleased to meet you hope you guessed my name but what's puzzling you is the nature of my game lucifer in the song is portrayed as a personal being who is active on the stage of human history now this is in contrast to a popularized notion regarding lucifer that is brought to view in a lot of literature in the last 100 years or so but specifically the 1995 bestseller the lucifer principal by howard bloom in which bloom suggests that this notion of lucifer is not a historical figure not a personal being but merely a principle that is active in human psychology and genetics and so bloom suggests that evil is a byproduct of nature's strategies for creation and that it is woven into our most basic biological fabric now this is the premise of the book and this depersonalizing philosophy of evil and the reason why this is a crucial development in human thinking and human philosophy in human scientific observation because he's dealing mostly in the book with biology genetics and he's suggesting that every human being is moved upon by survival of the fittest principles that can tip any human being in the direction of quote unquote good or evil but that evil itself is a principle it's not a personal reality either to a historical figure called lucifer or to us as human beings and essentially what we have in this philosophical approach to evil is that evil is not a moral principle that shows up in free will actions but rather evil is simply one of the laws of evolution and because it is merely one of the laws of evolution we have before us this idea of depersonalization that you in the popular lingo of our time we'll encounter when people say things like you know the universe will help you out the universe is in your favor i i i'm praying to the universe or popularized in the star wars movies may the force be with you the force the energy field that defines reality in an ultimate sense may the force be with you but to de-personalize lucifer is to de-personalize evil and why why is this significant well to de-personalize lucifer to strip lucifer of personal identity of personhood and make lucifer out to be merely a principle of the evolutionary process is to render evil itself void of any kind of real moral and personal significance you have no more control over the choices that you make than stars have over the circuit they orbit in everything is predetermined because everything via the big bang 13.9 billion years ago everything is natural process everything is determined there is no evil in the moral sense all there is is evolutionary process but to de-personalize god in this philosophical worldview is to also depersonalize good so a man never falls in love a woman never falls in love love itself is a product of the evolutionary process love in this world view is in fact love in this world view is evolutionary process operating at its highest level of deception i love you because of what i subconsciously sense i will get out of the relationship but altruism that is a completely self-less and other centered love is a religious philosophical myth in this worldview there is no love anywhere in the universe and definitely not in your own heart and life you don't love your children you are evolutionarily bent on their survival and that's all there is to it so in this world view good and evil are depersonalized and that equates to a net effect in which there is no such thing as personal moral responsibility i am not responsible for my behavior towards you i simply am how i am by the dictates of natural process and i wish you well hopefully i will not be the stronger who will pounce upon you in any given relational dynamic and negate your well-being in favor of mine may the best man win but according to the song sympathy for the devil whether you regard it as fiction or whether you regard it as a kind of telecommunications process through a rock star from a supernatural being whatever your choice may be the song sympathy for the devil appears to be telling a story and the story that it's telling is that there is an actual personal being called lucifer who has personal attributes who thinks thoughts and feels feelings and performs actions this personal being according to the song is active though invisible or undetected to human senses down through human history now that's the claim of the song but it's also the claim of the biblical narrative the biblical narrative is one in which good is a person a personalized reality evil is a personalized reality moral responsibility moves omni-directional from every individual and in history we have the activities of a personal devil lucifer satan watch as the text unfolds and we will now psychoanalyze the luciferian mind war broke out in heaven war broke out in heaven michael note the name michael and his angels apparently according to this narrative personal beings michael and his angels fought well how did they fight what kinds of weapons what kinds of strategies they fought with the dragon and the dragon and his angels fought but they did not prevail nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer so what happened the next verse says so the great dragon was not the language cast out that serpent of old now we have a historical reference this is the last book of the bible the book of revelation written in the first century and it is referring back to of old some figure some personage active in history called that serpent from a long time ago that serpent who was active on the stage of human history a long time ago of old called now the symbolism of dragon is deciphered for us called the devil and satan called the devil in satan who note the language it will become important momentarily who deceives the whole world he the devil satan the dragon was cast to the earth cast to the earth planet earth in the vast universe becomes the battleground upon which this fight this war ensues and his angels were cast out with him again the implication to the earth so we have a war we have a battle that is taking place between satan and michael now in scripture you need to understand that always without exception when a name is used the name has significance regarding the character personality or identity of the named individual there is no name in the bible that does not mean something with regards to personhood character identity satan is a name that means adversary or enemy michael is a name the definition of which we will discover shortly these two individuals are the key characters in revelation 12 that are at war with one another but the question begs to be answered what kind of war is this again going back to verse 7 it simply states war broke out in heaven at that point in the english usage of the word war we might picture some kind of physical battle or tussle of some kind maybe angels in midair with lightning bolts or laser beams shooting out of their fingers at one another maybe a heavenly wrestling match of some kind in which finally michael got a good stranglehold on the devil and threw him physically from the heavenly realm and he landed in a puff of dust on planet earth on the terra firma under our feet we might with the word war conjuring our minds an extremely physical definition of war guns bombs tanks explosions swords knives whatever some kind of physical battle but the word in the greek is palemos from which we get english words like poles like north pole south pole the polarity on the battery in your vehicle the negative and the positive poles the word also is the greek word from which we get words like politics the idea here is that the war is political in nature when political opponents wage war against one another they don't do it by challenging the incumbent or the up and coming challenger for the presidential election joe biden is not going to challenge donald trump to a duel donald trump is not going to challenge joe biden to a sword fight are you tracking with me how are they going to wage their war they're going to stand in podiums and they're going to shoot what at one another words they're going to formulate sentences out of their mouths to misrepresent or misrepresent or attempt to represent their opponent and represent or misrepresent themselves a political war is composed of ideological concepts flowing back and forth representation versus misrepresentation representation versus misrepresentation and the job of the viewer of the voter is to lean in and try to discern who's telling the truth about what and whom so the word war palemos is a word that indicates not a physical war not to say that there's not a physical dimension to the war between good and evil but what this scripture is telling us is that a political war erupted in heaven don't picture lucifer shooting laser beams out of his fingertips at michael at god at the good angels picture lucifer formulating ideas suggesting concepts saying hey but have you ever thought of this what about that insinuating planting seeds of doubt saying i know i know i know i know god seems to have our best interests at heart but have you noticed god's kind of i don't know it seem now i may be wrong of course don't don't hold me definitely don't tell the lord oh wait he knows everything he's overhearing my insinuations and so the devil in this war is planting seeds of doubt he is he is deceiving and that's what the text tells us i told you to hang on to two words war and deceives war broke out in heaven the text says satan deceives the whole world the word deceives in the text is a fascinating greek word planeo which means excuse me to lead astray with arguments not to get behind somebody and force them in the direction you want them to go not to hold them at gunpoint but to lead people astray by the speaking of words that are calculated to misrepresent and to create a web of lies and confusion so in gospel in in paul's understanding of the gospel something is happening this is second corinthians chapter four verse three again we're probing into the luciferian mind we're psychoanalyzing from a biblical standpoint what the devil is thinking what's going on in the devil's head paul says it this way if our gospel that word means good news if our gospel thank you apparently i talk too much if our gospel is not the language veiled veiled what happens when something is veiled you don't see it if our gospel is veiled it is veiled to those who are perishing those who are perishing those who are involved in a process of decline those who are perishing notice this who do not believe pause believe what faculty or what part of your humanity humanity do you use to believe something you don't believe with your elbow you don't believe with your left knee you believe with your mind with your thinking with your rational process you believe with your heart with your emotional process and the best beliefs are an intersection between intellect and emotion where you feel the gravity of what you believe now here we have those to whose minds the gospel has been veiled and they're not believing they are not engaging in a rational emotional process of apprehending reality let's say it that way they're seeing things in a skewed light they do not believe lest the light pause again the word light in scripture always invokes the idea of mental and emotional illumination it is a synonym for truth symbolically metaphorically light equates to truth or an accurate rendering of reality okay that's what light is but these people their minds are blinded their their their their hearts are veiled so that they're not believing the light of the good news the gospel of the glory the word glory here is is a very fascinating greek word doxa d-o-x-a which literally means to radiate the glory of christ the the radiant beauty of christ the whole point is that the gospel would be veiled to the understanding of people so that the gospel of the glory of christ is not known seen processed in the thinking and feeling process christ who is the image of god lest that knowledge of the glory of christ should shine on them the god of this age paul says in the text that is another term in scripture for lucifer his entire objective is to veil or blind or block our vision of the beauty of god's character if you want to know what's going on at the deep inner core of the luciferian mind the devil's mo modus operande is to spin a web of theological philosophical and scientific lies to lead people to see god in a false light and to not behold the beauty of the character of god as revealed in the person of jesus christ so summarizing what we've discovered so far because we're looking at a lot of ideas here and summarizing is a helpful thing to do when i'm standing and talking and you're sitting and listening so summarizing lucifer according to revelation 12 traffics in politics and deception politics not politics in the sense that we see unfolding you know among nations and political candidates the devil is a politician in the sense that he is campaigning against the character of god are you tracking with me he is campaigning against the character of god by means of deception by misrepresenting the character of god now with that background in mind we're going to add two additional characteristics to the luciferian psychology and we're going to draw these from isaiah chapter 14 verse 12. now a little bit of background on isaiah 14 real quick if you go to isaiah 14 you start with verse 1 you realize that you are reading a historical description by the prophet isaiah of the king of babylon nebuchadnezzar this is overtly clearly stated in verses 1 through 11. the person that is being addressed by the prophet isaiah is the king of babylon nebuchadnezzar the first 11 verses are commentary on the diabolical cruel actions of nebuchadnezzar the king of babylon but there is a characteristic of bible prophecy bible poetry bible symbolism that you need to keep in mind when you're studying the bible and that is that oftentimes a prophet will begin by poetically describing earthly events and then transition to cosmic events and this is what we see taking place in isaiah chapter 14. the king of babylon nebuchadnezzar is being addressed and then the prophet shifts gears and goes into a revelation that is of cosmic proportions how you are fallen from heaven o lucifer sun of the morning exclamation point wow what a downfall you were so high now you're so low how you are fallen from heaven o lucifer now by the way this is the only time in scripture that the word the proper name lucifer occurs the single solitary time that we encounter the word the word literally means light bearer god chose the name it's a it's a it's a nice name although nobody names their children lucifer just like nobody names their children anymore adolf lucifer is a name that has gone down in human history in infamy lucifer was the son of the dawn the son of the morning he was the angel first created by god as kind of like the template for all the angels that would would be created afterwards and he was the appointed leader of the angels throughout scripture listen carefully throughout scripture angels are associated metaphorically with stars throughout scripture because they are they are luminous creatures they are beings that that that give off the light of the knowledge of god's character they have fellowship with god and they come out of that fellowship to to cross-pollinate their knowledge of god's character with one another so to speak and to reveal the beauty of god's character this is what angels do and this is why the word angel means messenger literally an angel is a conduit of the knowledge of god an angel is called upon to reveal the character of god to to illuminate or enlighten minds regarding the character of god now lucifer held the highest position he was the the quintessential angel the quintessential messenger he was the ultimate light bearer so to speak right and as lucifer began to turn his gaze inward and contemplate his own beauty something began to happen how you are fallen from heaven oh lucifer son of the morning how you are cut down to the ground you who weakened the nations notice that in the poem lucifer is said to have fallen and become active in human history among nations he is using his influence to weaken nations on planet earth you remember the song sympathy for the devil was brought to our attention that the devil lays claim to being present and active during the russian revolution and in that sense we have before us again the same story on replay that is over and over again in scripture and that is that we live in a hyper personal world evil is a personal reality that comes from the moral choices of persons and at the pinnacle of evil personhood is lucifer he is what we sometimes we use this language he is what we sometimes call the origin of evil he is the original one from whence evil proceeded people say wow did god create the devil no god created lucifer lucifer created the devil by a process of free will action just like you right now and i right now you as a free moral agent are right now this moment in a becoming process metamorphosis is always happening nobody is ever ever ever stagnant status quo does not exist with human personality and character you are also you are always in the process of becoming incrementally relational maneuver by the relational maneuver step by step inch by inch word by word thought by thought feeling by feeling action by action you and i are always in the process of incrementally becoming what we were not just moments ago this is called sometimes personality or character development modern science has demonstrated for us unequivocally that there is a plastic plasticity to human brains and minds brain being the physical organ and the mind being the invisible reality that occurs from the brain we're plastic we're plato we're always in the process of change from that we can deduce that it is possible to be good and to become evil by one's own choice are you tracking with me it is possible to have given oneself over to evil and to become good by a series of choices we are plastic the devil was not made by god lucifer was made by god and by a series of free will choices he became the devil he became the devil but the question is before us how how how how did this exalted being of luminous light become how did lucifer become satan well the text goes on and tells us exactly what happened it tracks with us the thinking process for or because because you have said in your heart so there was some kind of internal dialogue going on before he started uttering sentences and words to misrepresent the character of god before he began to say things out loud he began to think things privately he began to say things in his internal dialogue like this i will note the language ascend into heaven notice that in the poem in the song there is a reaching upward in the luciferian psychology i will ascend into heaven i will not the word exalt my throne above the stars of god i will occupy the pinnacle of reality i'm going up i am upwardly mobile lead follower get out of the way and then this i will also sit on the mount of the congregation a congregation is a grouping of individuals a congregation is a community it's not an individual it's a group and he says i will sit the word sit here implies the idea of enthronement i will be enthroned i will sit on the mount a mountain is a high place it has a peak this is all very poetic but it's revealing concrete realities i will sit on the mount of the congregation where people assemble some versions render this part of the text i will sit in the in the high place of the assembly in scripture the mountain represents the throne of god the pinnacle of governmental rule all right so he's saying i will ascend i will exalt in the previous text and now i will enthrone myself amidst the entire assembly as the center of attention i am my favorite person everybody should look at and give their attention to me in adoration i will sit on the mount of the congregation in the farthest sides of the north i'm going way up i'm going to go so far up in fact i will ascend above the heights of the clouds and here's the extremely revealing part of the luciferian psychology i will be like the most high and this sigmund freud would be happy to interpret for us is what we call in psychology projection notice the process of the devil's thinking follow it very carefully i will ascend exalt i will aim for the highest position imaginable i will be like god the implication is that lucifer is beginning to imagine in his own self-deluded state that god occupies the highest place by self-exaltation he is in the text equating god with self-exaltation or selfishness he's saying i'm going up up up i'll be like god god occupies the position by self-exaltation so the only way for me to get there is for me to exalt myself self-exaltation the devil begins to make himself believe is what actuates the character of god in other words you could say this in reverse the devil is not just equating god with selfishness he is in fact denying the existence of love as the core reality of god's character he's saying god is selfish god is not love god does not have my best interest at heart he doesn't have your best interest at heart this was the insinuation this was this was the accusation god occupies the highest place by self-will by self-exaltation well if you read the whole biblical narrative you discover that god quite frankly is willing to abdicate the throne become the lowest of the low and be crucified god does not occupy the highest place in the universe by sheer power but by virtue of his intrinsic goodness and love those who praise god those who exalt him do so not under threat but under infatuation they are in love with him and the devil begins to aspire to the position of god while simultaneously rejecting the character of god he wants the position god occupies but he doesn't want to love like god loves ellen white over 100 years ago an author that some of you are familiar with ellen white gets to the heart of the matter when she says this and i'm quoting though unable to expel god from his throne satan has charged god with satanic attributes and has claimed the attributes of god as his own again this is a you know this is post freud well no actually this statement was made pre-freud and this is a description theologically of projection she goes on and says this check this out he that's the devil misrepresented god attributing to him the desire for self-exaltation notice the language the devil's game is to misrepresent god by attributing to god the desire for self-exaltation and finally this with his own evil characteristics he sought to invest the loving creator wow thus or in this way this is his mo this is how he operates thus he deceives angels deceived angels thus he deceived men or humans what is he up to what's going on he is misrepresenting the character of god by a very very diabolical means the nature of lucifer's game [Music] to quote again the song the nature of lucifer's game is to make god look like himself and to make himself look like god to completely distort the reality field of human perception so that we begin to run from god under the impression that he is not worthy of our love our adoration our praise because he is fundamentally self-serving and not on our side so we add characteristics now the luciferian mind trafficks in we noticed from revelation 12 politics and deception and now we notice from the isaiah text that the devil operates on the premise of self-exaltation and projection he himself is oriented toward a deeply embedded narcissism that he projects onto god as if god were the narcissist actually some of you have experienced this in your human relations because this is the thing that shows up in all dysfunctional relationships people project on others what they're not willing to take responsibility for in themselves but that's for another message so we come back now to revelation chapter 12 and we call attention to the fact as i said earlier asked you to remember that satan in the text is a word a name a designation that means adversary or enemy accuser and michael is the primary opponent in the text michael and his angels fought with the dragon and the dragon and his angels fought but they did not prevail nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer notice there's a fight there's war and there's a fight what is the nature of the fight well we've just noticed listen carefully now we've just noticed the nature of the luciferian game politics deception self-centeredness and projection listen so how would you logically deduce from the text of scripture that michael is fighting the devil's fighting with deception michael then would be fighting with truth somebody said yeah if the devil's m.o is to misrepresent the character of god michael the defender of god would take up the challenge to rightly represent the character of god and fascinatingly enough the name michael which originates in hebrew it's the hebrew scriptures that give us the name michael that shows up in its transliteration in the new testament but listen carefully now michael is a very unique hebrew name because it is a name literally that poses a question who is like god because in the context of the great controversy what really is the question pending in the universe what is god really like lucifer's entire mo the nature of his game is to distort people's perception of the character of god and thereby to send them running from god into his arms while he misrepresents himself as benevolent and good so it makes total sense that michael the defender of the character of god would step up to the plate and pose the question that is embedded in the name itself who is like god is lucifer rightly representing the character of god and the claims and accusations that the charges that he's making or is god other than lucifer is representing now we don't have time to go into this right now but you can explore the identity of michael that i won't unpack right now i'm going to simply suggest to you that scripture bears out that michael is the name that is born by the person we know as christ before he comes to this world but this is a crucial distinction he's not an angel or a created being this is simply the name he bears to designate his primary action in the great controversy and that is to defend and to vindicate and to exonerate the character of god he's not a created being jesus is god in the flesh we don't have time to flesh that out right now but you can look into that further so when jesus comes to the world and is incarnate in human flesh this is fascinating now watch this this is a direct reference to the great controversy jesus is speaking to his disciples as he knows that right around the corner is the crucifixion he's going to give his life he's going to be crucified by a collusion of church and state by the way religious leaders and political leaders on both ends of the spectrum both liberal and conservative who have one vital thing in common they all hate each other which really makes them on the same team and you have pharisees sadducees and the roman legions the political and the religious elite joining together to crucify personified love in christ when jesus is looking forward to his crucifixion he says very interestingly follow him he says now now refers to the calvary event that's about to happen now is the judgment of this world the word judgment here so fascinating simply means discernment when a judgment takes place in a court of law for example what is really what is it that the judge and the jury are after what are they after the truth in the case yes and so when a judgment is made the word judgment is a word that literally can be a synonym for discernment like if you say i have a friend her name is judy and she has great discernment you might also just as readily say oh judy has good judgment when it comes to people judgment is discernment now is the judgment the unveiling the disclosure the truth is about to be known the judge the jury the whole universe leaning in now is the judgment of this world now the ruler of this world a term for lucifer the fallen one the ruler of this world will be will be will be at calvary the cavalry event will be cast out wait a minute will be cast out i thought he was cast out in the previous scripture that we read hold on and i if i am lifted up from the earth will draw all to me notice the devil is cast out and simultaneously by the calvary event everyone is drawn not pushed not manipulated not forced not coerced but drawn attracted allured wow astounding look at that and voluntarily leaning in toward him cast out well i thought he was cast out well he was cast out physically from his position in place among the heavenly hosts but now at the cross of calvary he is cast out of the affections the thinking and feeling process the ideology the philosophy the theology he's cast out calvary shows us something about god that releases us that liberates us from the lies and this the deception that satan has opposed upon our mind so that we are drawn attracted allured to god voluntarily by his love and paul comments on the calvary event in a great controversy context with these words in colossians 2 15 that at the cross event what jesus did is he disarmed note the language he disarmed the powers and authorities that is the powers and authorities of darkness of evil he disarmed them he made a public spectacle of them triumphing over them by the cross the cross disarmed the devil disarmed by the cross jesus at calvary took away from the devil the legitimacy of the arguments and accusations against the character of god which is simply to say that the cross was listen everybody a revelatory event it brought things to light and clarity what did it bring to light and clarity well the cross achieved two monumental accomplishments number one the cross exposed satan for who he really is and was at the cross his mask was dropped his disguise was torn away from his face from his character and the cross revealed the malignity the hatred the violence that was all along seething just beneath the surface in his heart in his mind so the cross exposed satan's selfishness and simultaneously revealed god's selfless love as jesus dies with non-violent love no retaliation just father forgive them they're confused they're deceived they don't know who we really are father they don't know who we are and so the great controversy between good and evil is in the final analysis it is a cosmic clash between love and selfishness when we look in to the luciferian psychology as revealed in scripture we see deception political intrigue we see self-exaltation and the projecting of selfishness onto god and in the person of christ we see that god is love always and forever in the most beautiful sense imaginable and when in christ we see his love we're drawn we're attracted voluntarily we come to him not because we must not because we have to but because we want to because he's good and we have come to believe in our minds and hearts that he only ever has our best interest at heart father in heaven you are incredibly beautiful and we love you in jesus name amen hey thanks so much for watching we hope that message was a blessing to you god's word is powerful it penetrates into our minds into our hearts brings about transformation in every aspect of our lives listen we don't want you to miss any content so again we want to encourage you to click on subscribe and track with the content that's going to be coming out week after week and if you'd like to partner with us in this global ministry of taking the gospel of christ to the whole world we want to invite you to become a partner in this ministry click give and join with us
Channel: Storyline Church
Views: 16,702
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Keywords: storyline church, ty gibson
Id: -s7hZZ_vKoY
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Length: 55min 43sec (3343 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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