Is Exclusive Addons worth using with Elementor

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hey welcome back to web squadron good to see you i'm going to be going through a elemental plug-in or an add-on called exclusive add-ons and you can get this from or have a further investigation into it on why am i doing a plug-in well it's one that's caught my eye and there are some really cool features in it that i just wanted to talk about i want to make absolutely clear right now that i am not being paid for this promotion or anything like that whatsoever there's no affiliate marketing in fact when you go to the description of the video you're not going to see a link to exclusive add-ons if you want to purchase it or investigate it or play with it or whatever go over to wordpress download the plugin it is free or go to and you can get the pro version to get some pretty cool features that i'm going to be showing you here today so i want to make that absolutely clear first off so exclusive add-ons um it's been out a short while now and i think they've had over 10 000 active installations so far um 80 plus widgets and extensions uh you get templates you get some stuff to do with your section mainly widgets but when we do go over to the widgets you are going to see some pretty cool stuff here there are things that you get for free which you're going to go oh countdown timer flick box you know i could get that anywhere else or it's already within elementor pro if you know what you're doing but there are some really nice pro features here and what i found is i went through every single one of these widgets and i put together a page of the ones that caught my eye and made me go that makes it easier to do than doing it just an elemental pro where you're going to do a bit of css coding or something or rather than using another feature this one is a little bit better with more customization the pricing isn't that bad um i mean it's i mean there's a bit of a discount on at the moment but 16 a year that's like what 12 pounds 13 pounds uh british pounds a year roughly one site yes it is an annual cost but i have to say the amount of widgets you get it is impressive okay um okay right let's just go over to the site and have a look and by the way i'm not going to be biased with this there are a few things with some widgets i really like that actually i feel like um they could do with improving on a little bit so i will be mentioning that as well okay right so once you've installed the free version and you've got a license for the pro then you install the pro license and everything will basically be sat under exclusive add-ons okay here we go there's all your widgets um if you do go back into your wordpress and go to your exclusive add-on settings you can enable and disable some of the widgets so there's 80 plus widgets but you're only ever going to use three of them just have just enable those three and disable all the others but i will i will come back on to this right at the end i've been testing my page that has got lots of widgets loaded on here on page insights before i loaded exclusive add-ons uh my score for the page was coming at about 95-96 on the mobile for page insights i don't really care about desktop because i regularly hit 99-100 but on the mobile i was hitting about 96 97 roughly when i put in loads loads of widgets here i was still hitting 93 94 with all the widgets activated and i was like on the mobile that is super good and then there was one feature i added and my score plummeted to about 42 and i tested it 10 times and it kept going 40 to 45 and you'll see which feature is right at the end and i've left that one right to the bottom but for everything i'm going to show you it was great right okay come on exclusive add-ons let's have a look animated shapes this you can only get in the pro version and i i really like this feature so basically you add in the widget you change your background to be whatever you want you go to style and there are lots of different styles that's a zoom style by the way but they have lots of different shapes and if you look it's moving and i quite like that i quite like that feature i'm one of those that goes oh look at those shapes all moving isn't that cute yeah it is cute but i quite like that i don't know about you but i get carried away sometimes with the way i am but i really like that okay and obviously resize and whatever how big you want it i really like that i think i've said that enough okay cool the next feature we had was the animated text now you already have animated text in elemental pro but what it does is it will leave a draw a ring around it or type it or hover it over but what i found different about this one is that you can have um you can change the text before which is here this is the text that's being animated cool super amazing you can see on the screen then you can change the text that went afterwards and you can also style it as well so the pretext is black the animated text is red and the post animated text is an orangey color i can even change the sizing and of of the post text which you can do you know with a bit of jiggery poker in elemental pro and other widgets and whatever but i i thought this this is useful the fact you can now separate out the the free parts of that text so i like that this one i really liked as well so this is um elementor well we know it's elemental we're in elemental aren't we yeah this is all for box and the author box one i what i liked about this is let me just go over here is what it allows you to do is you can basically change it to be either your wordpress default so it brings through my gravatar and whatever or you could have a custom one so you have a custom image and a custom name and everything like that so you can use it for various purposes if you imagine you've got like a an about page maybe or a team page or a post page and you've got guest authors writing on there or just anywhere where you want to have like an about it about them this is really cool because look i can enable the email i can i can basically disable disable disable or enable whatever i want to show on the website um i can change my icon so i can get rid of linkedin i can change the color scheme you know etc like that i can add further items as well and i can style it however i want so i just found that this was actually a nice little feature for when you have a blog or a post you know archive page or something like that i just found it really really useful and i quite like that and i found that it took away a lot of the work that you would probably have to do because you could create this from scratch yourself you could just open up a column add an image add your header add your email add your social sharing icons great job done so should you pay pro just to get the author box not really but if you want to just simplify and get your production done quicker it's not a bad feature to have right the next one was business hours now i just want to duplicate this just because i think it looks better when it's a little bit more squashed or let me get rid of that there cool this is really cool i mean you could add in a table you could then like alternate the colors and then put your values in bit by bit but this business hours one it's it's just so cool i mean i can i even add in an item here and change this to be um bank holiday so i could add in an item here and put in what my working hours are for bank holiday you know you just let's just change it to be uh four o'clock there you go they're easy and you can customize the look of it the style of it um the background color the day color time color anything like that and again you know i'm probably not selling it to you very much in terms of how good it is but i think you've got a business or you want to add this into your footer or anywhere on your website your contact page you can create this using elementor pro you know you can get it done but if you just want to like basically have it ready for you this is really cool right let's now scroll down to button this is one that's going to divide people really because doing buttons is dead easy in elemental but having a nice animated button i think it's it can add something just a little bit different to your website and in the styling here we do have different effects okay so you have like a uh like a slide effect you know you have one that's coming down i'm not gonna go through all of these by the way i mean if you ever go to the website they will have examples of these um but this is it's pretty it's pretty let's just go for number eight there we go look there's there's lots of little features that's a bit of a curved effect going there if you see it properly but the button pretty good now the campaign this you could do again yourself on elemental image header a counter and a button underneath but again if you just want to make it really quick and easy for yourself you could just go ahead and use exclusive add-ons and if we go over to here you can you can disable the image you can enable the image you can add a mailchimp from a sign-in form once you've done your api of course um you know a little vertical horizontal you can you can really mess around with it and i think it's again not a bad feature in turn i mean i wouldn't do that with the set position i think so that can be a bit screw up the way your website looks but you can basically mess around with this in terms of you know the layout um the color schemes everything like that and again it's a quick and easy way of getting a campaign on your website so you might say hey look we've got a sale on this course or this product or some information and you're gonna miss out but right now if you don't subscribe you will miss out on wonderful content by me or not okay the next one oh sorry the campaign is pro as well um the chart is pro as well so here we are um i got really excited when i first saw charts on elementor and i haven't used it on a single website i've built yet but if you are interested in showing some infographics or just something about the trajectory of your business or your sales or your marketing this is a great way to do it so vertical bars horizontal bars you've got pie charts you know you've got loads of stuff in you can decide what you want to enable or disable you know enable legends things like that enable the tool tip so you hover over it and it's dead easy to go in add your labels so your x-axis then your y-axis your bars are determined by your data sets okay and then you have like the legend at the top the only criticism i do have of this though is that down here if i hover there is a value for 2020 for purchases of four the axis starts at four and i would prefer if there was a way to set the axis at zero but statisticians out there and people that do analytics which i do as well there's always two there's two ways of looking at it some like to start at zero some like to say just start at the lowest value but because it is hidden and it's not until i hover over it i can see there is a value of four for 2020. someone else scanning that might go oh well you had a really bad year in 2020 zero purchases obviously it's got better but you had zero and you got well no actually i did have some so i would like them to see change the axes of that and enable it to be set at zero if you work at exclusive add-ons and it can be done please put it in the comments of the video let me and the world know we are waiting to hear from you okay we then have the comparison you know this is just where you know you go in and like you you set you know so features is one column three is another column pro is another column and what you basically do is you go in and you in the body you start to add in your rows and your columns so what are your values so you might be showing what is the difference between four different packages or items you're selling on your website what i did like about this bow is if i go to one of these columns here you can decide whether you want to have text present in here so type your text or whether you wanted to have a tick or a cross or you could even add a button in as well something like that so it was quite i felt customizable in what you can do here it's in comparison pro lovely little feature that you can add in okay and again customize the colors the way it looks everything like that content switcher i really enjoyed this one so this one here is where you will have let's just make sure we've gone into it so we have primary and we have secondary you can only have two okay in primary primary content is written here in secondary secondary content and of course because these are like you know your normal wordpress text c boxes you can add whatever you want in there so you can add loads of content and images you could create a template in elementor pro and then put the short code in here so you could put whatever you want okay so you could create a template which has got an uh an accordion or a video or whatever you know lots of stuff so when you click secondary heading it shows all of that content so don't just think oh i'm gonna just have text no you can have a lot more than that so if i click secondary heading secondary content appears i hit primary heading primary content appears okay um because people do sometimes say oh you know i want to show different um prices so you could use this to say um you know like monthly cost or or annual cost when you hit monthly cost you have a pricing table which is your per month cost you click secondary heading which will be annual and now you have your annual costs super sorry okay now this feature is called cookies consent okay and i was surprised to see this and it's quite cool because what it does is it gives you it allows you to type in a message okay i understand and then it allows you to position it so at the minute i've got it as the bottom right you can have it at the bottom you could have it at the top so it'll appear at the top look it's just up there you could have it in the left center left center where's that gone it's not i can't even see it where is it left so sorry uh bottom left sorry why is it not oh it's because of my page sorry ignore me it's because of my page if we just go to bottom right there we go right yeah sorry i'm clicking a bit too quickly here so we got bottom right here's the criticism i have of this whether i do it here incognito on a live site whatever it doesn't disappear what's going on there why is it not disappearing and i've gone through every setting on here expiry everything i've gone through every setting and i cannot work out why does this not disappear so again to the developers put it in the comments let us know is this a bug is this something that i overlooked slap me hit me tell me what i did wrong but if that was working i really like it because a when you add in like a gdpr or cookies consent thing they tend to be stuck at the bottom or just at the top also you can't kind of decide on do you want it on the left hand side or the right hand side like this nice little box we have here at the moment so any form of customization we can get with this is great and and like we have full-blown you know i mean look color schemes the content you know the read more button all that we can manipulate it to be whatever we want so i did like that the other thing though we could do with bo is that even though it says okay i understand i understood sometimes people want to have the button decline as well i don't know why but they like to have it there is no option for me to add in another button so again a slight limitation there and if we just go back to the container for this which is the content sorry um we do have a read more button which i think is good so if you've got a cookies policy or something else on another page they can now click that and go to the cookies page okay cool right let me just uh shrink myself down and put myself down here just a little bit right demo previewer this is awesome this feature what does this do okay i have added in two items okay i haven't titled them properly because i'm just doing this as a testing and look what happens when i hover over them i get another image pop up below so i could have basically like um an image for a course or a product or just anything you know or i might be telling them that look you want to go to this page to view these items or whatever they hover over it and they get another image below whatever you want basically and the great thing is that look when i hit design i hit awesome when i hit all i can even search as well you know so i just found this is like a really lovely way of kind of presenting lots of information when i go to the first one here i can if i want um i have a like a show content button as well obviously mine doesn't look great because i've just i'm not i've haven't styled it all properly but style it properly and you know you could have a button here with a download or a read more like here i've got read read maya read meyer shows how much i've rushed this isn't it so let's just put this back to read more damn it dude get this right right read more and then you can have a link that takes them to an actual product to a pdf to a page on your website or to google wherever you want to go um so i found that this i just like it i think this is really really cool way of showcasing some information i mean when you think about it if there was say like three or four key posts on your website that are always going to be there and you always want people to see them you could use this for that as well when they click it it takes them to the post or a product like i said i just found this to be really cool now i do i do have a criticism about it though what if i don't want it to do that what if when i hover over it i don't want the image to go up or wherever it goes i just want to have a single image i could not find a way to disable that so again if anyone knows how to do it please let me know you know because um have i overlooked something you know sorry if i have but please have a look at that floating animation wow now this one okay you can pick a shape you can pick an sgv coat so you might have a particular code for a particular shape you can even pick an image so i've just i mean look i've just square image it's not doing anything and what i've done is um i've actually set um a rotation up so i've said rotate uh the y 50 if i was to take that off and said uh rotate the x on 50 instead what will what you'll get is it will go that way and if i did a zed it will then do it at the diagonal angle like so but i thought i thought this was really really cool and again if you go to style sorry not style where is it where is it they go shape so when you're in the content for this and you go to shape i can pick different shapes it's not going to rotate now because i took the rotate off but i i don't know about you but i really like that because sometimes you might have like an image or you might have a header or something like i'm behind it you just want another shape you can change this coloring like i said you can you know you you can change to translate so if i put in uh extra uh no let's go from x from uh 100 what will happen is it will go left or right if you do it for the white it will go up and down play around with it you know it's like again though you could say well there's motion effects and stuff like that if you know what you're doing you can do things there as well but shape it's there for you just pick your shape whatever you want and away you go and again this is pro but i thought it was quite good now this one image hotspot is now available in elementor pro but i just want to show you how it works in exclusive add-ons um look at the red nose i've got with the mandalorian symbol so what you do is you come over here you go to background and you pick your background pick what you want you don't even have to have a background you could have a plain color if you want so you can just pick a color as well great we've got our images in right i've then said enable the tooltip indicator and activate on hover so you can pick hover or click the hotspot i only have one hotspot enabled you can have multiple hotspots okay i'm just gonna do one for now i have decided on my content so my content is this image i have a title and i've put in some items tool tips subheadings and i've typed text and used breakpoint to break it yes i know some are going to say don't use breakpoint use the paragraph instead it's fine for me so i'm just gonna carry on doing that okay um and then i you could also add in a uh button and you could have a link that goes off somewhere so again you could have like a lady or a man wearing a suit or dress or whatever and you could have tool tips positioned and when they click say when they're hovering in the trousers they click it it takes them off to the trousers okay um you don't have to have an image by the way in the tool tip but it's up to you positioning look position it where you want up down left or right you know let's just let's just go over here for now you know you know you you put it where you want to put it basically all right um you can decide whether you want to have an icon inside of it or not um you know and you can pick whatever you want so we'll just pick this arrow like so there we go yes so we could have an arrow in there whatever you want and then also you can change the style as well so you know the coloring and if you want to have a board around it so i might go yeah let's have a uh let's go for a border of let's go two and we'll make the color of that uh we'll go for a white board right you you you you get what i'm doing here now if i just go back to type we've got an icon you can put text as well so i've got nose just typed in because it was on my nose at the time you can type whatever you want so you could put trousers and you could if you want go to the style and you know um just basically modified the way it looks okay right so well let me just show you what happens if i do type in a very long word it will then start to creep out and so again this is one of those things where you are a little bit limited as to what you can do so if i go to the hot spot ah there we go you're not limited uh but what you will want to do is just add in your padding so if we go 20 20 no it's not working is it so there is a limitation with it i was right so there you go look i'm just i'm just showing you a lot so there is a bit of a limitation but let me just put it back to a circle okay and change the word back to come on undo undo how many times you have to undo before it actually works works let's put it back there we go we're back to nose okay sorry so when you hover over this okay it is now giving me an image the text and a button which will take me wherever it wants to go and just bear in mind though that when you do put in the when you first use this the image at the top is like that it's a very narrow tall image and what you have to do is you have to go to um you have to go over here to hotspot and you have to change the width so if i do that no sorry not that one wrong one wrong one run one wrong one not that one sorry not that one where is it uh the tool tip you have to change the width here okay so if you if i put it back to what it is originally can you see the narrow image and when you put the width here it now goes wider and if you then go to tool tip content uh here's where you can change the height of the image as well which i found a bit strange as to why you've got the width in one section and the height in another but it works and you can add multiple hotspots now and it does the job i like it it does what i need to do this is super cool image magnifier and this is free so image hotspot is pro this is available for you for free what you do is you go in you add in an image okay whatever you want okay and then i you know i can decide how big this image is so i could say i only want it to be that big i can go some magnifying glass and i've set it to 100 and 100 and look at this it zooms in if i was to change this to be say 500 by 500 look at that you can make it as big as you want i mean i could even make it even smaller you know i could even say like 50 and uh 50 so you have a little small image which defeats the objects of what you're doing here but look look look at my teeth look at those look there's a bit of a dent there right okay so this is i think i think it's quite cool so if you've got like again it's almost like another way of doing the image hotspot in a way where you're showing off a bit more detail or items like that um now all it is though is just a magnifier so when you click on it's not going to really do anything really but again if you've got a very detailed image and you want to allow people to zoom in and all that you know i can see some uses for this i really can image mask pro whoa you are so look this is pro all right you got to get the pro one you added an image i added an image i then picked one of these styles i mean i picked that style there shape 47. i mean just look at this just just just just just look at how many images we have here i mean just just look at that me brain explosion like i am in heaven i mean you can do this yourself all right you know if you know what you're doing you could like with some coding do it but this is available for you now and like you can decide on the positioning on how it's you know set up and everything like that let me just put this back to narrow again and you know decide on your image that sits behind as well you know how you're doing it repeat no repeat flip it vertically it says vertical it's meant to be vertical or horizontal you know you you do what you want but i was like whoa this just suddenly changes the way we do sections doesn't it you can have a lovely section image and now you can like totally i mean that's not that's a rubbish one i've picked now but hey give me a heart but you get what i mean don't you like that i like it i love it this is amazing news ticker is free okay and this is just one of those really really simple things where basically you're just gonna like um go in and um [Music] let's go remind myself what i did here yes you go there you go sorry i didn't clicked on it and clicked on the header you go in and you decide what is your title you can style all of this you can decide what the content is that is scrolling i go away have a play you know you can add links onto it as well so when you hover it stops moving they click it it takes them to a new post a product anything else a news item on your website and i just thought that this is pretty pretty good you can even go left to right right to left you can decide on it you can even fix it to the top or bottom of your website which again that's quite neat you know that's like wow i can now have that at the top of my website um scrolling type you know um slide from you know how it comes in or not which i i prefer just scroll or slide kind of not slide actually just scroll i just think that it's just a news ticker it works okay and look you have settings to do there as well pretty good yeah okay off canvas pro i tend to just use elementor pro and create my pop-up menus and whatever like that anyone out there who's a bit nervous or not sure how to do that you've got the off canvas this is a pro version and what you do is um what you do is once you've added in your items um you could add some further items down here with links or whatever you want to do if i just click this link now it's going to show those items over there and it just slides in on the screen or you could go over and say i don't want content i want to pull over a template so maybe you've created a template for exactly what you want to see when it slides in so it's going to have you know particular images might have a menu social sharing icons a product a contact form whatever you want to do you can now bring through that template select your template you could just have a menu so when you click it it's just going to bring forward it's just going to bring over your menu we only have one item in there at the moment or you could bring it through widgets this isn't going to work because i haven't got any widgets brought over but if you've created in wordpress a sidebar and you've put in there say four or five widgets you click it it brings it over um so again there's many uses for this and you know you can style it how you want so you might want to have it as a fixed position so it might be fixed over to a certain point on the page or you might just have it relative so it's going to be wherever you've put it button you know icon go go for what you want to go for at the end of the day um you know how's it going to look you know the color scheme um for the uh the off-campus when it slides in and also i don't tend to do this once so if i go to off canvas if you go to the overlay color sometimes people do this and i'll show you what happens when i click it you get this dark overlay i'm not a massive fan of the dark overlay i just find it jars me a little bit so i tend to not have it like that but look personal choice go for what you want so this again is a really dead easy way of setting things up you do have to pay it is the pro version but you make your own mind up now i did a post on how you could do timelines without doing without using a third party widget or css i'm quite proud of that but here's another way of how you could use you could do what i'm going to show you here using my other method but if you just want to get it done quickly this is a great way of adding in a timeline so i just very quickly created three or four fake posts you know title excerpt images whatever and you can now show your posts as a timeline and you might only want to show like your your top five or six or whatever latest ones coming through okay let's move on post menu this is a lovely one as well because um you can also um you know you could use your posts uh let me just make sure i've clicked into it you could use um so this post menu isn't just your posts or your pages i said that wrong then what you have is you have items here and these items could be products they could be basically anything and everything okay and you put in your description you put in a price maybe so let's just put 140 in there you put in um do you want to enable the order button yes i do you put a link and it now takes them maybe to that product page maybe if they have to do some variations or you could put a link in there or a code in there where it straightaway takes them to the cart or the checkout or further details whatever you want to do basically but i thought this was quite cool for you got a shop website but you don't want to do the whole woocommerce thing maybe you don't want to have a woocommerce shop sorry um so you want to kind of demonstrate your products or services or just anything and everything in another different way and again i thought this could be really useful for some people so post menu i quite like that the post table okay here's three i put three of them in so here's one two and three what this allows you to do is you decide on your content so we've got all our content here okay and in this pricing table if i go to responsive live i can change the icon and i can say is this one active and i've deactivated it now okay so i've deactivated that there responsive light deactivate it there we go so you could have like a comparison it's like a comparison table in a way or a pricing table and you're showing different levels of information bear in mind but you know you could use you could still use something like this comparison pro at the top there but this is another way of you showing a post menu not postman sorry um some features about a particular product or a particular service and this is another way that you could present it um it's again very customizable um you could do this again within um elementor pro if you want to spend the time doing like header text uh list items whatever like that you know change the coloring um but the fact it allows you to deactivate and activate i mean look over here like you know i could just go here now and go right custom layout deactivate that analytics deactivate that so there's loads of things that you can activate and deactivate strangely though when i did that this one stopped sorry oh that could be a bug and but i won't know until i hit update or refresh the page but it seems to not like it if i have more than one hmm that looks a little bit dodgy doesn't it so well i can't comment on that so there may be a bit of an issue there with that table pro a lot of plugins have this you know i'm not gonna i'm not gonna say a lot about it it's you know you go in you create your headings you go to your body you create your content you can style it if you want to talk about features or just anything you know you want to talk about information statistics whatever it's a table it's available in pro you can find this on a lot of other plugins as well tool tip is really cool so tool tip is basically what it says it's a tool tip you hover over it you get some text i can add a link into this penguin so when you click it it would take you to another page you could put some text in as well hover me or you could even add in an image you go to it and it you you know so you could in a way um have an image of some trousers shoes and when they hover over it some details pop up to the right of it by the way you can position that to be below top left right wherever you want um and then when they click the image it takes them to that actual product you know so so there's lots of options in there's lots of styling as well for how you want to do that again i think that's a really cool feature now we move on to the two final ones okay there are 80 plus widgets and exclusive add-ons loads of stuff but i've only focused on the ones that i was like i could be using one of those maybe in the future one day or if i wanted to help out a client with a really quick solution we could probably go for something like this what you also get is when you add a section in when you go to layout and you scroll down you have gradient animation parallax effects and particles parallax effect i'm on the fence with that because i didn't find it that user friendly in what it does but the gradient animation as i'm talking can you see it's just changing color and if i go to the effect i've done is i've gone from red to orange orange to white and then white to red and the reason i've done that is because i want a nice gradient you know color as it's moving you can see it look it's it's just slowly moving merging and you can enable that you can disable that um you can't control the speed of it or you probably could with some css i bet but as a a bit of a background as a section background is great and don't forget it is a section background so if you wanted to add in you know um an extra image or if you wanted to add in another image let's just put this to full and just put this quickly to uh 50. you know something else within there you can do but you've got this nice moving background color changing color behind it pretty cool now remember as i did all of this on page speed insights 92 93 okay and i was like okay with all of these activated it's not affecting my mobile again i must stress i always focus more on the mobile than desktop because getting a desktop of 99 and 100 is pretty easy these days if you know what you're doing on the mobile it is dead easy to shoot down to 40 or 50. you go whoa what did i do wrong so i like to focus on not doing anything that affects the mobile score google call web vitals people okay now this feature is basically uh if i go to section look at this rushing pn yeah this is the exclusive particles enable particles yes um i've got my color as white for everything because i'm using a black background okay i have set the particle number to be a hundred i have set the particle size to be ten and the moving direction is top you can change it so it moves in whatever place you want and look as you move it it's i don't know i could be i could see you for an hour and just go yay whoa oh yeah whoa it is a bit of a gimmick but it's only swollen but it's cool isn't it it is like really super cool don't you think um i i love it you know interactivity all of that you know and you can set it to be nasa bubbles no these are just going to be little circles and bits that move like snows and bubbles just moving around but i think polygon for me beats them all the snow one is kind of handy you know when it gets to christmas time or winter period or it's snowing right now and you just want to have an image you want to have snow falling seasonal variation great great great stuff but when i added this my google school plummeted to about 44.5 and i was like no but then again you have to weigh your what are you adding to your website and is it really really important or not you make that decision but i do want to show you something that will got me so crazy if i leave my particle number to be 100 and i set my link here to be 50 the links are now very small if you stare hard enough you'll see the links okay let me just put this to a hundred can you see the links there they're a bit small there if i put this back to 300 300 that's how it was super cool but watch what happens when i do like a thousand whoa what the heck in essence exclusive add-ons i think it's quite a cool uh plug-in i think there's some really great features on here but i think exclusive add-ons for the pro it's it's it's pretty you know for the low cost it is i think it's not a bad plugin to add on um i hope this has been useful like subscribe see you soon [Music]
Channel: Web Squadron
Views: 348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Imran, Siddiq, Imran Siddiq, WebSquadron, Website, Squadron, Plugin, Elementor, Elementor Pro, Tips, Hints, Exclusive Addons, Exlcusive, Addons, Plugins, Widgets, Exclusive Addons Review
Id: 8Ythm4LKk40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 48sec (2508 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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