Is Circumcision Wrong?

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taylor will you get your kids circumcised hell no no way yeah totally against it i feel like that's the way that america is trending like you can only i think it was a natural thing that like for so long it was like you know people did what they thought like i'm circumcised my mom and dad were like oh yeah i guess that's what everybody does it's you know it keeps it cleaner or whatever it's it doesn't spread stds and it's like it that's all i have let's talk with my mother it's all [ __ ] made up that's all not true like if anything it it increases your odds of getting an infection when you leave an open wound on a baby's [ __ ] and he's [ __ ] into it all day like of course something like that's going to be worse i don't think you know where penises are makes me wonder what you've got in your pants i've been enough how long have been a baby [ __ ] that it goes all the way to the ass crack you clearly have not been around babies because they will [ __ ] and it will come out of the front like it's baffling how much [ __ ] they can produce like a couple of my friends have had children recently and just being around them you like peep the diaper and it's like how could how how could it fill up that whole thing and have enough extra to spray on itself like you're an extra and [ __ ] apocalypto on the stern show they had a competition between sal governali one of the show contributors and some guests to see which could fit the most m ms into their foreskin i mean that's pretty fun i wish i had four since i compete yeah and i i don't i had a conversation with my mom one time i don't know how it came up but she's like you better thank me your grandmother didn't want you circumcised and i'm like thank you thank you dude this is like i've that is that is such a [ __ ] pet peeve of mine is the defense of circumcision where it's like i'm happy i had my dick skin cut off i'm happy about i i wouldn't have it any other way it's like yeah well you didn't have a choice in the first place and it's not it's not normal to do that to kids like it's it's so [ __ ] do you see how weird that is that like everywhere else on earth like except i guess israel you're saying because it's not natural we we should probably not do it i'm saying that you should keep sharp implements away from the genitals of children uh as a rule of thumb like if there's nothing to fix then don't try to fix it like and i don't think anybody's a bad person for like doing it because they thought it was the right thing to do but we're getting to the point in the internet that it's like no this is this is good this is bad this is a bad thing you don't you don't want what's so bad about it because i don't think i think you're maybe more in touch with this topic than me it like it takes away a ton of sensitivity uh you can no longer uh jack off unless you use lotion that's not true well you can if you want it to be like not that good i guess well you know if you're in a pitch you know you can everyone could be a dry guy but ideally not be a dry guy and no i don't want to jack off with lube that's no i i don't like doing that but like that's the thing is like it's really not like like a kids die from it uh multiple times a year they'll get uh infections or have something go wrong or just gotta suck on an alert they get baby herpes let's get it straight no they sometimes get like baby hep c and die so uh you said that it's not cleaner and i thought that part actually was true no it's like it's not cleaner the same way that if you're like well if we cut the kid's arms off his underarm bo is going to be far less intense it's like well how about you leave oh that's hyperbole no it's like this we always talk about how fat people no matter how much they wash those folds have to get smelly by the end of the day or if and having the folds means that they have to be extra vigilant at the very least about their showering practice like i don't know about you but i wash up and down on my body and i get everywhere i don't have to lift anything i don't have to unfurl anything here's my argument on for that's pro circumcision and it's the one that i found makes the most sense because all i care about is sex in this regard first of all i do think it looks better just no you should be on my team we're talking about masturbation listen we don't want i don't want my penis to be more sensitive i want to be less sensitive i want to be able to go longer but here's the here's the real uh uh key to the the whole thing there is no woman out there none who say ooh he circumcised no thank you however it is undeniable that there are women out there who say you he's not circumcised no thank you case closed case closed if i need to if the new trend was that there were some women out there who were like ooh he's got his pinky fingers no thank you i'd cut these [ __ ] off bro i don't care i cut my babies pinky fingers off with like clippers whatever it takes whatever the social norm is let's let's go with it now you can argue about cleanliness sensitivity cruelty i don't remember this i don't think i have any trauma from it and no matter what you say i've seen the gross stuff that comes out of sal governally's [ __ ] sometimes it's called smegma and i've also seen him explain i've also seen him explain that when he urinates he has to pull the skin back get some tissue and dry out the inside of his foreskin okay these are just not things that i would ever want to have to deal with you're talking about one dude with four hours and they're not going to bring in the guy with great foreskin they're going to bring you to the [ __ ] he works on the show he's been on there for like 20 years or something he's not like a freak they bring in i thought he was too i didn't well if his dick was normal they wouldn't have brought him out like you see i mean they've got another guy who does the same thing bring they got another guy that that painted sal's face with his [ __ ] live on the air with like like finger painting dipped his [ __ ] and paint and painted sal's face his dick's normal i mean it's a little small but richard it's his name's richard i mean these are all interesting takes on circumstances no i i nailed it you can't you can't you can't beat that i win this argument [Laughter] man i've i've been stumped i guess we should just cut kids genitals absolutely just just do it right absolutely yes dude it's i know you're like tongue-in-cheek joking i'm absolutely not i'm 100 for it i don't think it should be mandatory however if i had a kid he's getting circumcised dude it's so [ __ ] up like knowing what we know today to be like yeah just cut the tip of the kid's dicks is it more like piercing a baby's ears yes yes absolutely i don't know when you when you uh when you take the earring out it grows back right i suppose so but we're still punching a hole in a two-year-old's ear it seems like you take umbridge with that you don't like that i don't like that and you like the cutting permanently of the skin off so what's the difference the baby doesn't remember it's it's it's as soon as it comes out virtually they usually do it at the hospital like right away so if i if if some i wouldn't because i'm younger than you but if someone molested you at the age of four and you had no memory of it you think that's all right yeah as long as you don't remember that there's a difference i think between an assault and a medical procedure that a doctor performs well they're both things that are unnecessary that are causing permanent if a doctor gave me an unnecessary rectal exam when i was a baby i'd be okay with that too if a doctor gave me an unnecessary three-stroke hand job when i was three i wouldn't care i'm telling you i'm glad i'm circumcised i would want my child to be circumcised but i fully support everyone's right and opinion uh about not being circumcised no you don't you don't have a i wish you could be as tolerant as the rest of us taylor i know i'm a real big i feel that foreskin intolerance is tolerance jordan peterson would say that taylor has a very high disgust component of his personality he is completely intolerant of the other side where like i'm really like you know i give parents a little leeway to make the best decision they think they can make you know that they're just acting on their kids behalf you are intolerant of people who don't line up with you no i absolutely am in in this like and there are some arguments there is no middle ground there's no middle ground to be had and when the argument against it's well you should be able to cut this baby's dick skin off permanently as he's screaming a few minutes old because it looks better we should we should maim him permanently risk something getting [ __ ] up uh because some women prefer that whereas the other side my side is let's not prefer perform elective surgeries on children needlessly so maybe we shouldn't destroy we shouldn't remove the umbilical cord either maybe we should just let that let that dangle that's totally the same because the umbilical cord sticks with your whole life right unscathed i mean i don't know how long it would last if we didn't cut it off elmo it would go away like do you think in the wild like they would always like cut the umbilical cord immediately right like it'll dry up and crisp away like when a baby gets the umbilical cord cut like it doesn't turn into a belly button right away it's like a gross gnarled up root that takes time to fall off like that it would fall off naturally on its own if you don't if you leave a baby with his foreskin walking around you're not going to be walking behind him as he learns keep walking around you go oh his foreskin fell off oh he's becoming a little man why are you so well schooled in the first couple weeks of a kid's life i didn't know this before i had kids you don't have an older sibling who's like ahead oh i have i'm at the age where tons of my friends are having children and i'm around where i see them constantly and so like i'm seeing them like at different ages that that makes perfect sense i was wondering like why does taylor know so much i didn't know [ __ ] but i was like the first of my friend group to have the kids so i was well i live near three grade schools but no closer than 500 yards yeah i'm glad chizz is on my side with this he is i'm really just like all bets aside we circumcised colin i'm sure he want you all to know and uh i don't know if it was the right call or not it was basically it came down to like i see a lot of arguments against this but i'm circumcised and i i guess it sounds pedo to almost phrase it this way but i thought he'd want to look like his dad that's right that he'd you know the wonder did you feel like something was wrong with him if he didn't look like he's dead and that was probably the uh you know the tiebreaker in the pro and con but did you consider having a foreskin added to yourself to spare him that no if that had been an option a couple of donation eyelids from the morgue if they could have removed a bit of thigh skin a little bit five flesh and giving you a foreskin right to spare colin that pain it'd be liposuction plus foreskin adding remember there was an episode of friends there's an episode of friends where joey uh was you know he was an aspiring actor in the show his character was and he was trying out for this part that was like a period piece you know he's like 17th century france or something like a stable boy who appears nude the problem was they were looking for a non-circumcised actor so he's got a tray of lunch meats [Laughter] and he's trying one piece after another to see which one works and and he finally finds that a bit of prosciutto or something like that you know wrapped around just right and uh uh looks like foreskin so he gets his uh his lunch meat applies it to his [ __ ] and he goes in and he's he's standing there nude and they're like he does his lines and they're like excellent excellent nice job nice job and and you know he's getting the roll and then you hear flop and everybody looks down it's falling off on the floor my foreskin is anybody gonna eat that yeah they should have screamed in pain right naughty i guess it does look a little better not nearly as greasy well i'm glad we had that little discussion again and i won again you're just you're just a winner man what do you think about uh what do you think you tonight so if you if you lived in kenya you would be the guy that's like you must cut the [ __ ] off of your young girl none of the boys here want to see a [ __ ] if they put their pants down and they see a [ __ ] they will become very angry it is in her best interest you clip it off here are my alternate clippers i think what is it circumcision i don't think that's analogous um i don't think it's analogous because removing the [ __ ] is analogous to removing the penis you're wrong in this way that that's there are many there are many issues the comparison would be removing the clitoral hood which is the female equivalent of a foreskin and i'm good for that and i think that if i were a girl i would want my clitoral hood removed because then the clitoris is always exposed always ready for a good flicking of the beam more sensitive and she's not going to remember it taylor i don't mean to gang up on you but kyle's winning me over with this clitoral hood removal thing we could all be masters in bed if it wasn't for that clitoral hood playing goalie against her orgasms i'm trying to make things happen for this young lady and but i have only i have two hands and a mouth and one of my hands soul duty is exposing the clitoris is required to hold me uh from the jungle gym and there's only so much i can do with the remaining hand that's right i mean these are thoughts little girls walking around with like exposed clits like their pants are always like uncomfortable rubbing against their sensitive little clits yes every time you hop on an exercise back you're gonna have like eight orgasms yeah absolutely i want that i want that for me if i were a girl i'd yes can i do it now is it too late is it too late can you make it bigger can seven can all seven of our female listeners weigh in do you have your [ __ ] hoods and would you like to get rid of them they all reply unfortunately yes kyle's 100 on board kyle's right i hate this damned [ __ ] hood every day i get naked look in the mirror and pull up my [ __ ] hood and just think why can't you always be there little fella by the way i was talking to a girl recently she told me that she is is intending to get a labiaplasty she she doesn't have a uh a lot feel bad i think you made her feel bad i i know you i no i i know that's not what happened at all did you eat labia for breakfast kyle's a well-known labelist he's a lay prejudiced yeah just saying i'm just saying i influenced one person out there and she's gonna do the right thing you know and it's not like she had a crazy amount of stuff going on down there but you know you could there's always another level of perfection that can be achieved i should have known better than to bring up clitoral uh partial or full circumcision to kyle in an argument after how many times you've made it abundantly clear you are all in favor of sniffing those labia down with some garden shears if need be
Channel: PKA Highlights
Views: 21,053
Rating: 4.8672566 out of 5
Keywords: pka, pka 405, pka is circumcision wrong, painkiller already pdocast, pka podcast, pka podcast clips, pka clips, painkiller clips, circumcision, is circumcision wrong?, circumcised, non-circumcised, jew circumcision, jewish, pka highlights, lorkappo, lorkapoo
Id: qNs6wJWThuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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