Is China an alternative to Western democracy?

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I also made another prediction six years and half ago I said United States and China both needed political reforms but in the case of China small reforms have been going on all the time in the political system we fix problem here and there I said problem is the United States your political system was product or pre-industrial year and I made a forecast I said without significant substantial political reform my concern is in your next elections you will produce a leader worse off than george w bush so it was you it was not the russians so so this is the chinese humble but we can offer china is a civilization of state I remember when Henry Kissinger wrote his famous book on China he started with this quote he said but goodness look at this China it's different Chan you this unique language which started 3,500 years ago it's one thousand years earlier their agent Greek one Sun five years earlier than agent Latin but these two European language with dead languages China still use the same language this line of culture and continuation of civilization are interrupted so this is a why we have indeed in her for instance this whole idea of meritocracy why say confident I said with my debate with professor Fukuyama I said if look at the top leadership in China we've just had people's the parties Congress minimal requirement to terms of provincial governor or similar position which we have to govern at least 100 million people given the size of China before you came to one of the top seven positions decision-making bodies I said to Fukuyama said with this Chinese methodology meritocracy based the system we can say with certainty we can improve this is their problems we can fix it but we will not produce any leaders like George W Bush you know it's we build Chinese buying that's my point I respect deeply modern respect I admire Chinese civilization I admire Chinese history I have been all my life an admirer of Chinese art since I was a very young man China has been one of my compass of my life but I don't admire your political system and I feel I find much more admirable and worth of respect a system when you have the right to make a strike when you have the right to be paid decently when you have the right to speak freely when you have the right to not to be contaminated by terrible pollution and so on so I I will not say in the name of quality vism and so on that every political regime are equivalent I don't believe so I really think that Europe invented an idea which does not belong to Europe that migrated to America that has been adopted by a lot of parts of Latin America that is incarnated in part of Asia which is a universal ID which is the idea of a freedom of equality and so on and China of today is not worshiping these values and that's why I do hope I hope I would be happy I would not say that which surprised I'm surprised if there was one day a real Chinese spring a real cultural revolution as the one I saw in my youth of Chinese people saying is good to have wealth is good to have gross product is good to have exploitation but is good also to have human rights I think that this would be a great news forum for Humanity you said that Weiwei have these equivalents between political systems but he does not have equivalents he has a clear preference he believes that our authoritarian systems are superior to democracy he explicitly said that democracy yields to bad governance if I'm not mistaken so my question to you there are millions of people today in the world that live under bad governance systems which are democracies China has a different view and therefore you countries tend to like than to be very tempted to export their models they like to see what they do replicated elsewhere so would you recommend to your government to go out in the world and promote what you think is good governance and and unless they mock you know promote the cause of less democracy or non democracy actually it depends on how do you define democracy I like this Nexxus foreign because you said at very beginning that we discussed the Riu meaning of democracy real democracy but unfortunately so far what we see as showing up spring about one-person one-vote a multi-party system that's at the best procedure democracy that's non-si the real democracy emergency is a far more import a you say about education bombing other important ideas in terms of China you know let me quote from everybody knows Confucius yeah and he said people are like water regime or leaders are like both water can carry the boat can also overturn the boat so if you look at the channel model in particular the key messages stay in touch with your people it's so easy illegal to ethic don't go there with your brilliant ideas I respect your preference it's understandable why you do some service what are the I care about most fighting poverty fighting disease street security safety etc job creation you do this accordingly one two three four that's how China did would your memories of the world to go that way and repress their options that he described though it's not his definition it's really people should sit down and discuss what kind of political system with your people we are doing that yeah we should expect channel of an option which is very interesting because we have the four decades of successful China should export that view ranking said in his report China China's experience can offer a entirely new alternative for those countries and nations who desire for quick modernization and complete independence state supported export no no it's not actually China is the Chinese are very modest I'm being slightly in the less modest chara do not explore this model do not advocate is model but once you're successful you go to Africa people talk about looking East they have tried West Mordor for decades not working you know to these just talk here about the about the oppressed Muslim minority so don't tell me that everybody is fine there is an oppressed minority in China and then I want to bring up something else here with it in terms of terrible things that are happening today like in in Syria and it's what is happening to the revenger Muslims and the way I look at it is I thought it was never again and to me never again meant a Muslim or a Christian or Jewish or Yazidis or black or white or any color but today we are seeing a genocide and I don't see China has also quite a lot of influence in a place like burner like Myanmar apart from I don't want to even talk about North Korea but I don't see anything anybody doing anything for for the Muslims in Myanmar or the Muslims in China also you this question first it's important because you know that you know because I told if we go in a conversation in which you are saying how good you you are always saying that when you're not very good but in a certain way the problem is that part of the Western democracy is also problem today's that we lost curiosity on the others obviously China's legitimacy is not based on coercion only and if we are not seeing this we are basically playing a game but on the other side I do believe what you're also giving is a totally and critical story because every political regime is successful under certain conditions and not others I do believe one of the biggest problem that we have we've forgot what are the real advantages of democracy the real advantage of democracy is not simply rights but this is that when people are disappointed you're giving them a mechanism through which they can react democracy is not famous for doing the right things but democracy is famous for changing the governments that people don't like without my question is the following the Chinese system at the moment Marvel works fine based on the incredibly important economic performance how strong is the system if economic performance is not there so if we want to be serious we should be open to the vulnerability of both regimes because otherwise we go in a rhetorical story which probably could opera performance but it is not helping us more and just on Bernard and Olivia I do believe that the Spanish government should be very happy that you went to Kurdish regions and didn't end up in Catalunya at the same moment and I think that China will not go so far as you think and maybe as China deserves if he stays on this path if you really believe that the owing a problem is a form of faith if you really believe that the we go problem is a form of religion religion it means that really you you yuppie your Western your leadership has not understand how really a great power has to work in order to succeed because it is a human rights question it is a democratic subject and it is not NGOs of the West who are this is a plot theory it's absurd it is people who are in despair the hunger is terrible nobody knew nobody knew in the West except a few of us who the hunger where there are the most miserable people in the world they have no rights have we been to that no identity I've ever been to this region you have conceded rape in my eyes must and I frame i I have been alas I am elder than you and I went to this very baby you can see crucified in the Saudi surveys I will give you another face paint my delicious between Bangladesh and Roma no entry I know exactly what analytical advice of a cursed Muslim people in this environment I know that they are there man deprived of any rights and I know what is that in front of that you cannot feel something else than despair and they are despair and that's why they revolted and the way in which they are treated is and others mind your own business first I don't it's 89 percent versus new beacon child anyway it's you know really too little about Charlie to not little dangerous with 130 million visits abroad three minutes to don't send me about still knowledge because that's not the right way that we cannot agree to you I I would like to bring in something different you
Channel: TheNexusInstitute
Views: 328,914
Rating: 4.6684356 out of 5
Keywords: Nexus Instituut, Nexus Institute, Zhang Weiwei, William Fallon, Moisés Naím, Rob Riemen, Shaha Riza, Bernard-Henri Lévy, China, Democracy, Liberalism, debate, china model
Id: vT4z4TCf4uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2018
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