China and Democracy
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Channel: The Aspen Institute
Views: 229,346
Rating: 4.7353897 out of 5
Keywords: aif12_221, Democracy (Political Philosophy), China (Country), Eric X. Li, Minxin Pei, James Fallows, Economics (Literary Genre), Environmentalism (Political Ideology), Communism (Political Ideology), Government Of China (Government), Democracy (Quotation Subject), Chinese Democracy, Economy (Field Of Study), Human Rights (Quotation Subject)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 51sec (4251 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2014
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As the standard of living improves, people demand more and more from their government. The standard of living keeps going up in China and as long as it does they will be content with the CCP. Once that standard plateaus or goes down we might see some conflict between the people and the government. However the CCP has put in many measure to make it hard for people to for large groups to mobilize if the movement counters the views of the party so it will be difficult to make changes unless it’s a sentiment that many people share and how can many share it if they can’t talk about it.
China will need a gorbachev, from within CCP.
the elite class will never allow it. The best they can manage is a pseudo democracy or plutocracy where the communist elites are now just the rich elites and they rule the society of working poors by putting forth politicians that will rule in their favor.
Not for a couple decades, but it won't be democracy - It will be a new ideology brought into existence from the coming global political disruption caused by increasingly sophisticated infotech algorithms, and their amalgamation with new forms of biotech.
Or maybe not, who knows?
So let the loyalists and leftists enjoy their few years of 'success'.
Well it depends if the citizens feel that having a democracy will improve their lives. The Chinese rulers have always preferred a strong, centralised government over decentralisation, perhaps due to the many different ethnicities and size of the country.