Is Cheaper Oil Better? 2 Stroke Oils put to the test and the results might SHOCK you!

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OMG she is starting to chainsaw with flip-flops on she doesn't know what she's doing well maybe I do stick around and find out [Music] hey y'all thanks for tuning back into chicanic I hope everybody's having a great week I know you're thinking what in the world is she doing with two identical poo land chainsaws sitting on her well there's good reason for it you're going to want to hang around and see why I have been telling customers for years this fact that I assumed and today I'm putting into the test because I could have been wrong and what have I been telling people I have been telling them do not ever ever ever use Marine two-cycle oil in your air cooled two-cycle engine I just assumed that since boat motors that are two cycle run at about four to five thousand RPMs and air cooled two cycles like these chainsaws run at eight to twelve thousand RPMs I figured it's got to be a different oil there's no way that that oil is going to work in this one and you're going to burn your unit up so today I'm putting it to the test I have these two identical PP 4218a Poulan Poe land chainsaws I know the Mufflers are different I have no idea why because essentially everything else on these chainsaws are exactly the same I got these free last year when customers they give me chainsaws all the time especially these pool lens because they sit around after you know a customer will buy it for one job and it'll sit for years and the next time they go to use it it needs everything fuel related like the fuel filter fuel line carburetor kit the air filter and the old one would turn to dust so I hold on to these and when I'm slow I'll put all the parts needed them and turn around and sell them for 100 bucks a piece it's money all day to me it's the easiest Trash to Treasure I do pretty much so first thing we're going to do we're going to go over these chainsaws and make sure that they're identical now I wouldn't have put all the money into fixing these unless I knew that the cylinders were really in perfect shape so we're going to go inside break out the HD endoscope and let's see if this does the cross thatching make sure there's no up and down scoring then we're going to test the RPMs and we're going to make sure that both of them are running at the exact RPMs and if they're not I'm going to break out my handy dandy toolkit here and we're going to adjust the carburetors to where essentially these are running exactly the same while they're running I'm going to check and see how hot they're getting I'm going to run the Dickens out of them and hopefully we're going to see does marine oil really make a difference so in chainsaw number one we're going to be putting the Echo Red armor oil in it I'm going to mix up fresh batches for both of these this is the best oil there is and as you know I always leave links in the description box below so you can get your own and then chainsaw number two we're going to put the Valvoline Marine two-stroke oil and it's the one thing about it it says to mix it at a different ounce ratio like this one and the steel the Husqvarna the um red armor they all say mix one of these bottles to one gallon of gas and that's 2.6 ounces I think on this one it says mix three ounces for every gallon of gas so that's a little different but I'm gonna do what it says alright so I removed the Mufflers on both of these and now I'm going to remove these top covers so we could take the plugs out get in your hole foreign I love it okay that way we can see from this side and looking down through the spark plug hole best view on both of these also if you need a video on how to do everything after you've let one of these sit for ever like years I already put a video out two years ago I think I will leave a link right up above on I was showing how fast I could fix one and it would have been 30 minutes if the throttle control wouldn't have messed up on me but it shows how to replace the fuel lines and everything carburetor kit fuel filter on this so check it out I will also leave it at the end of the video so stay watching this video if you want and you can see it at the end all right let's see what we see inside here perfect let me show y'all all right we are busting out the HD endoscope mine is by dipstick I do leave it in the description box below if you want to check that out and it's really cool it's got a really good HD screen on it we're going to go in through the spark plug hole first and see what it looks like in there let me hit record on this thing all right we are recording now there's a little bit of carbon buildup on the top of this piston here but the cylinder itself looks pretty perfect come on yeah see that it's in perfect shape let's go in through the muffler and see that side see what it looks like oh it's just too shiny too shiny but I know I'm not getting that good but it's perfect it still has the cross thatching on it everything looks great all right so that was saw number one I wrote a one right here let's pull up saw number two let's go through this spark plug hole first all right second one let's see what it looks like inside oh we got that ring up top you can see that from just the bad gas sitting in it for years it looks slightly worn but I don't see any thing too Troublesome there's a little bit of a warm spot which is like in all poems it's not as pretty as number one but we're going to keep this in mind when we do this test what this looks like here now let's go in through the muffler and see what it looks like go up in here see what's going on yeah pretty much the same got a little marking right there you can tell this one's running a little rich it's a little more moist looking than that last one but the majority of it looks fine that's keep an eye on that one everything looks pretty good okay we'll keep all that in mind what was the real reason we're here guys we want to burn this thing up don't we well we want to know if marine oil is going to burn it up and we will be able to tell the difference if it does for sure and before I go any further if you ever do take your muffler off your chainsaw I it took me a long time to figure this one out I'm going to admit but it is so much easier if you get your bolts started through your muffler turn the whole saw up on it's in like this if you work with gravity with your bulge it's so much easier to get them in the hole instead of trying to fight with them for all everything falling down so it falls right into place almost every time okay so I got saw one and saw two here I'm keeping the covers off so we can use our tachometer to check the RPMs I got my handed Andy tool kit out here with my spline tool in case I've got to do some carburetor adjustments if you do not have one of these tool kits they adjust everything I do leave a link in the description box below so you can get your own so let's see what these bad boys are running at foreign thank you all right I think we're pretty good with those saws they're both running at about 3 000 RPMs on the idle and about 11 1 11 2 on the Full Throttle so they're about pretty much the same I'm gonna go ahead and fill each one up we're going to put red armor in Saw number one and the marine oil in Saw number two and let's go run these things all right I've got one gallon of gasoline in each of these red armor is going to go in this one I haven't marked red armor and the Marine's gonna go in this one thank you so this is one ounce to the top let's turn this around so it's easier they're all gassed up and oiled up ready to go I'm gonna run the one with the red armor in it Ron's gonna run the one with the marine oil in it and we're just gonna cut a bunch of wood oh [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] so I'm back inside I had to change because I was a sweaty mess I decided to do this on I guess the hottest day of the year so far it was 85 degrees with like a hundred percent humidity here in Arkansas so I got the Mufflers taken off both of these they've cooled down I've got the top covers off and the spark plugs loose let's see what's going on inside now we've got number one saw here we're gonna check this plug if it's white we know it's been burning hot if it's dark we know it's been going too rich but it looks perfect so I don't know if y'all can see that burning clean let's get the endoscope out and look inside this is the one that was ran with the red armor so I'm expecting it to be perfect still inside we're going to go in we're gonna go in the spark plug hole first foreign still looks good there's still a lot of carbon buildup on the top of the Piston not much change there maybe some of it burned off but the cylinder walls still look exactly the same from this view all right let's go into the muffler side so we can see the intake everything still looks good looks pretty perfect another one we all been waiting for the number two number two one that we ran with the Marine two cycle oil and I can't find anywhere online that says it's okay to do this everywhere you look it says do not use marine oil in your air cooled engine but I don't know guys it ran pretty good on it let's see what it looks like inside so we got the spark plug loose here and it was burning perfect from the plug I mean that thing looks great let's look inside and see what we see through the spark plug hole we've got that same little bit of up and down scoring right there the same marks going around that we saw earlier in fact it looks a little cleaned up like it got rid of some of the varnish I don't know while it was running we were checking to make sure that you know it wasn't much hotter than the red armor one and it wasn't both of these were running at about I forgot what it was 330. degrees Fahrenheit looking in this way I don't know what is on this camera but it is not pick it up as good as it was earlier there we go it looks exactly the same it didn't do anything to this saw it ran really good on it and never died the plug looks great so I don't know guys is there a conspiracy about this are they getting more money out of us by buying single little bottles to mix with one gallon instead of buying a gallon of marine oil that you can get for like I think this was 20 something dollars when a gallon of two cycle premium brand like the steel Echo something like that it's going to be at least 60 bucks I'm sort of at a loss here I really expected this saw to burn up or at least show signs that it was getting hot the whole time we were checking the temperature and it stayed consistent with the other saw that was running on the red armor the spark plug looks perfect the inside of the cylinder looks perfect I really don't understand I can tell you from all my other experiments doing stuff with like the true Fuel and things like that you can tell within a couple minutes of running something from the plug and from the inside what it's doing to the machine that it's getting too hot that it's burning up this just doesn't look like it to me at all I don't know I can say this experiment is not over because I am definitely going to dig deeper into this um I of you out there are oil gurus and know something that I don't please leave a comment below and let me know um because to me it seems like this saw ran great on it and it shows no signs of wear no signs of getting hot I am not going to tell you to use marine oil in your air-cooled engines because um I'm not a scientist I can't tell you exactly what it's doing and I'd hate for you to burn up your expensive equipment if you have a warranty definitely use the oil that kind of you know is specific for your brand of equipment until your warranty runs out at least because they can tell when it comes to those kinds of things but guys I don't know I'm I'm left um still wondering here so what do you think you think there's a conspiracy hopefully this video will save you some time money and frustration in the future if you haven't found me on Facebook find me at facebook.comic or find me at where you get your own t-shirts hoodies and long sleeve shirts thanks guys and have a great day [Music]
Channel: Chickanic
Views: 371,544
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Id: ulDwgie5qMs
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Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2023
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