Is Beast Gohan REALLY that Strong?

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Beast Gohan and Cell Max are presented as the new ceilings of power in Dragon Ball super superhero but are they actually that strong do they really dominate Ultra Instinct Goku Ultra ego Vegeta and even black Frieza without a second thought well I think there's two arguments that could be made let's start with the fun one cell Max beats almost everyone in Universe 7 and Beast Gohan is the Untouchable mortal God so Dragon Ball super superhero focuses on two things in the beginning the Revival of the Red Ribbon Army and Piccolo getting a power up these on their own mean nothing but take into consideration that the Army uses data on Goku and Vegeta to base their new Androids off of and Piccolo isn't certain that Goku and Vegeta could even make much of a difference in this fight see a pattern the power scaling of the whole movie is built off the idea that the Gammas are near the power of Goku and Vegeta it's vital to the tension that makes the entire movie work Piccolo requires a double power up to be able to win his fight the second one being a power-up Beyond his own latent potential and that power up is very important because Toriyama himself says that the orange form gives Piccolo power to rival Goku so if we follow the through line it's pretty simple to say that the gamma's orange Piccolo and ultimate Gohan all rival or even surpass Goku and Vegeta toriyama's statement may even imply that Goku and Vegeta are actually slightly stronger than the Gammas and around equal to ultimate Gohan and orange Piccolo then Cell Max absolutely crushes them all so he should be a tier Beyond Goku and Vegeta's power according to the movie Beast Gohan then defeats Cell Max with no difficulty literally using his Aura alone to block attacks this disparity in power is so great it makes Super Saiyan 2 Gohan vs perfect cell look like a close fight after winning the battle Gohan reiterates that Goku and Vegeta may not have been enough to win this fight to which Piccolo doesn't disagree this potentially implies that Goku and Vegeta fusing into Gogeta blue wouldn't be enough to help them beat Cell Max though Gohan saying Goku or Vegeta rather than Goku and Vegeta puts that idea up in the air that leaves us with a pretty clear tier list in terms of power Beast Gohan is above Cell Max and black Frieza then we should have Goku probably followed by Vegeta and Piccolo I find those are all fairly interchangeable though and probably jiren behind all of them at this point but wait where does Broly go well this is where the issues lie where does Broly fit in let me give you the other interpretation of the power scaling based more heavily on the manga like I said before the Red Ribbon Army and Piccolo reference Goku and Vegeta when trying to compare Powers they must overcome though for different reasons but the big thing here is when the movie takes place the DBS manga is currently doing a prequel Arc to the movie finally proving to even the most determined doubters that it takes place after the moro and granola arcs this means that the last time Goku and Vegeta were on Earth was the moro Arc or very briefly during the granola Arc though they weren't fighting then so it doesn't really matter for this argument just assume the moro are Piccolo and Gohan at the least would be basing Goku and Vegeta's power off of what they saw and could sense in the moro are I'll be generous and say they could fully comprehend Goku and Vegeta's battle power God key and all like I said before the Red Ribbon Army is also using data collected about Goku and Vegeta so let's assume it's from their most recent fight on Earth the fight with Moro despite there being no direct proof of it so every statement in the movie about Goku and Vegeta has the caveat of being about them in the moro art this also makes things like ultimate Gohan rivaling Goku and Vegeta due to the Gammas apparently being on their level make a bit more sense because they've all gotten stronger since Moreau but potentially not as strong as Goku and Vegeta are right this second we know in the granola Arc that both Goku and Vegeta train extensively before the fight with granola and gas that on its own means nothing but the granola Arc was entirely focused on who is the strongest in the universe when the Oracle fish has an ominous prophecy about the strongest being born soon Goku and Vegeta are quick to assume it's referring to them whis isn't certain it will definitely be them to which Goku says a very important line do you know anyone in the universe stronger than us referring to him and Vegeta course to which whis replies no please encountered Broly and witnessed him at his full power but now Goku and him agree that Broly is weaker toyotaro in an interview also didn't use Broly's name when listing the people that Goku and Vegeta have yet to surpass so this is consistent for him at least some of you may point to Goku being scared of Broly and superhero but that's because Broly loses control he never says he's afraid he can't beat him he just wants him to calm down so that just puts Broly towards the bottom of our power rankings from earlier but that doesn't work either this is a statement about Cell Max from Toriyama himself in it Toriyama directly Compares Cell Max to Broly and says if Cell Max was in control of his power he'd be able to beat Broly but Cell Max is a Mindless brute so he's not stronger than Broly this is actually similar to when gas let his instincts loose he was strong for sure but he got way stronger when he controlled that power so Cell Max is directly stated to be below Broly and with the information from the granola Arc that means Goku and Vegeta are above Cell match with Piccolo trailing behind all three as for Piccolo rival and Goku we've had many characters be called rivals in terms of power despite one being clearly stronger putting Piccolo in the same tier of power as Goku is still rivaling even if he'd lose a fight against him what about bees Gohan then well for this argument it entirely comes down to interpretation and your own opinions if we go by just Feats alone Beast Gohan easily beats Cell Max someone who's weaker than Broly that seems more comparable to Gogeta blue Feats rather than granola art characters you see the things that Gogeta blue does in Dragon Ball super Broly should be more than feasible for Goku and Vegeta after the granola Arc now I have a whole video on my Channel about the events of the granola Arc if you need a refresher but in terms of the power scaling here's a very rough summary Goku can use ultra Instinct that will end in any form after the battle with Moro and a bit of training Vegeta doubles down on not learning Ultra Instinct so beerus is teaching him destruction instead the two are racing to see who will be the strongest in the universe as prophesized by the Oracle film this guy named granola Wants Revenge on Frieza and the Saiyans so he wishes to become the strongest in the universe Goku and Vegeta are then tricked into fighting him Goku loses to him first because he doesn't have full Mastery over Ultra Instinct yet Vegeta goes next and unlocks a new form based off of Destruction called Ultra ego this form grows stronger as it takes damage eventually leading to a draw with granola so Vegeta and granola are roughly equal at this point then this guy named Gas also wishes to be the strongest in the universe so he's stronger than all three of them he keeps getting stronger as the fight goes on retaining the title of strongest in the universe no matter what granola Goku and Vegeta are seemingly no match for him at all then Goku figures out he could be even stronger if he uses Ultra Instinct Omen in tandem with his emotions so now he's slightly stronger than gas then gas gets even stronger than that Goku granola and Vegeta work together to beat gas he survives gets even stronger than that black Frieza shows up one shots everyone including the strongest version of gas ever and leaves now remember remember this Arc starts with the idea that Goku and Vegeta have already surpassed Broly so to have them surpass the strongest person in the universe or be near that level multiple times throughout the ark just puts them Beyond Broly multiple times and I'd say Beyond Gogeta blue movie Feats at the least not necessarily full power Goji to Blue them nothing for Beast Gohan's maximum is confirmed much like Gogeta blue so if you want to believe he's still stronger that's absolutely fine but it would just be an assumption since his Feats and statements don't really back any of it up yet most of the statements made about Gohan happen before Beast happens and all the statements about beasts don't really say much about his Power Cell Max on the other hand just has to be weaker due to the Broly comparison by Toriyama even if you think whis and Goku just forgot about Broly granola and gas wish to be the strongest in the universe a universe with Broly in it so the moment they get to granola and gas is level which does happen in the arc they've already surpassed Broly guaranteed so if I were to give it a ranking based on this argument I'd say it's black Frieza Ultra Instinct Goku Ultra ego Vegeta Beast Gohan if I go solely off of Feats full power Super Saiyan Broly Cell Max orange Piccolo and The now Nerf jiren to briefly touch on jiren they retroactively make jiren weaker by having the guy who was all about strength be actually just good at making only necessary movements this is actually a statement from the DBS Manga version of the tournament of power so if anything it further solidifies that the Manga and Anime are slowly merging in some capacity jiren being stronger than Broly was always an anime argument not a manga one due to the different Power scaling in both so there you go Gohan is either stronger or weaker than you may have thought I don't think any interpretation is 100 wrong but with all of that information given I want to present you with the likely answer step out of the fictional world and look at it from the real one Dragon Ball super superhero was in production alongside the granola Arc and was probably done being written before the ark really even got going in an attempt not to have spoilers like Alter Ego Vegeta out Goku's mastering of ultra Instinct and even Moreau himself they aren't touched on in the movie at all this leads to extremely vague comparisons being made characters like Broly and jiren still being talked about extremely highly and creating the chance for me to make a believable case for Beast Gohan and especially so max being weaker than they probably were intended to be if this movie showed anything it's that the Manga and Anime continuities will probably become more similar over time with a future anime more than likely following the events of the Dragon Ball super manga as opposed to making their own version like they did with the original Dragon Ball super anime I think this argument is fun to make but if you want the true intention of the movie it's more than likely that Gohan and selmax are the new ceilings of power in the series with characters like Goku Vegeta and Piccolo being just a step behind as for Broly I don't think Toriyama actually knows where Broly fits into all of this he may be in the Gohan Cell Max tier or he may be below Goku and Vegeta maybe Goku has even been training with him since the end of DBS Broly Broly's name getting thrown around seems to to be entirely marketing and it doesn't really fit in very well with the manga continuity that Toriyama supervises to double down on Gohan being the strongest now in Dragon Ball super we're constantly reminded that Gohan could be the strongest if he wanted to but he doesn't want to focus solely on fighting and training Toriyama reiterates this in a statement before the movie was released and Piccolo himself even confirms a similar statement made by Master Karen to be true so I think Beast Gohan being the manifestation of this lingering potential is very reasonably the intention of the movie a final note on Gohan the Oracle fish might just confirm that Gohan is the new strongest in the universe in the Dragon Ball super manga we never got a concrete answer in the granola Arc after all but what do you think make sure to like And subscribe if you haven't yet and thank you so very much for watching
Channel: Carthu's Dojo
Views: 883,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dragon Ball Super, Dragon Ball, Goku, Carthu, DBS, Ultra Instinct, carthus dojo, dragon ball z, dragon ball what if, dragon ball z what if, dragon ball super what if, anime, manga, Is Beast Gohan REALLY that Strong?, Is Beast Gohan REALLY that Strong, how strong is beast gohan, beast gohan power level, beast gohan power scale, beast gohan vs black frieza, beast gohan vs mui goku, beast gohan vs ultra ego vegeta
Id: sIuK-UgYLYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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