The Entire Granolah Arc | Dragon Ball Super Manga

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the granola Arc starts right after the moro Arc the head of the Android 7 3 survived the death of Moreau and is taken from Earth by the original owners of the Android the data in OG 73 is copied to the other OG units meaning they've gained all the capabilities of the one Our Heroes fought on Earth bad news because this guy wants to rule the universe even worse an intruder is trying to steal 7-3 again this is granola he has an AI companion named oatmeal and they're trying to take OG 73 they make their way through all of the soldiers and even other OG models until they find 7-3 being regenerated in a tank they've got him a quick flashback to the Past it's frieza's forces specifically Saiyans their frightening Silhouettes as ozaru conquering a world of people that look just like granola before we can learn more granola wakes up this nightmare is a recurring one for him granola and oatmeal discuss his hatred of Frieza and his Lust For Revenge granola despises frieza's Army even though he thinks Frieza is dead for ordering the attack on his people clearly news of frieza's second Revival after the tournament of power is not widely known throughout the Universe yet possibly even more than Frieza he hates the Saiyans but they were wiped out over 40 years ago granola has no way to seek his revenge no matter how much he desires it meanwhile over on beerus's planet Goku is helping whis give the Oracle fish her medicine apparently the Oracle fish has been having insomnia and that could be a bad Omen for the future but it could also be nothing with the Oracle fish settled Goku and we start training after fully grasping Ultra Instinct in his fight with Moreau Goku can enter the silver-haired form at will but whis reminds him that isn't the true end goal whis has a better command of ultra Instinct than Maris and the grand priest is even above whis's Ultra Instinct Goku must refine his Ultra Instinct but he can't do it by simply copying whis's fighting style beerus asks Vegeta if he'll try to master Ultra Instinct as well but Vegeta says it doesn't suit him beerus lets Vegeta know that Ultra Instinct isn't the only technique of the god odds and that the gods of Destruction wouldn't run around with their hearts and Minds all tranquil anyway here's a panel of beerus using Ultra Instinct in the manga against the other gods of Destruction seems pretty useful to me at least Vegeta asks to be taught the technique but beer says he doesn't train people he is about to exercise to wake himself up though so if Vegeta wants to watch and steal some things for himself he's free to do so I'm very happy that Vegeta is still doing his own thing by the way the various Paths of power in the series especially after Dragon Ball super superhero have been really refreshing actually back to granola he's bringing OG 73 to a group called The Heaters another Bounty Hunter so shuru tries to get in on granola's Hall but granola tells him to keep his hands to himself granola gets a large bag of credits the same currency we saw in Dragon Ball super Broly and he asks Alec the leader of the heaters what he plans to do with 7-3 Alec has no interest in making an army of OG units he sees more value in money and Intel you could always hire combatants and information is what truly controls the universe and anyway militaristic organizations like the Frieza Forest are a thing of the past to him but the past has a way of repeating itself he tells granola that the state of the universe has been shifting Frieza has been revived granola actually has a chance to avenge his people he demands frieza's location from Alec but he refuses granola wouldn't be able to handle Frieza even if he did find him granola approaches Alec and demands it again but gas knocks granola down Alec tells granola to calm down for now he'll take down Frieza together when the time is right but for now he has to be patient and wait granola agrees and leaves oil asks Alec why you mentioned Frieza and Alex says granola has gotten very strong it pose a problem for them if he got stronger than gas none of them think it's possible but elek is hedging his bets and setting up a very likely situation where Frieza kills granola for them for now that can wait though Alec wants the info in 7-3 and with it the location of zuno the man with the most Intel in Universe 7. granola is flying the planet cereal but on his way he's attacked by some goons and sochiro who's demanding the Bounty granola received granola easily handles them all with his sniping abilities thanks to his Cerulean right eye he missed one target however and that was a painful reminder that Alec is probably right he can't beat Frieza yet and back on beerus's planet the sleeping Oracle fish mumbles that the strongest warrior in the universe will soon rise up granola returns to his Homeworld Planet cereal a race called tregarians inhabit the planet since the ceruleans were killed off it was actually the heaters Who Sold Planet cereal to the shigerians that lost their own Planet granola doesn't stay in the city with the shagarians because the civilization was made for them and on the mountain his house is on he can see the ruins of his hometown making sure he never forgets what the Saiyans did to his people back on beerus's planet the God of destruction asks Vegeta about the Saiyan's destructive past Vegeta seized the Saiyans as having carved their own fate something Goku actually says in Dragon Ball Z beerus says it's a ridiculous ocean but Vegeta asks what to say in history even has to do with the technique beerus is showing him beerus says plenty as he destroys one of his decorative planets but the explosion is larger than from a normal key blast Vegeta asks what that technique was and beerus says it's a small glimpse of what he can do before Vegeta can even ask how to do it beerus slams of Vegeta into the ground he tells Vegeta that if doubt continues to weigh him down this power will never be his Vegeta's own crimes aside it's self-centered for him to carry guilt for the sins of all Saiyans beerus throws Vegeta to the side and finally tells him the truth he was the one that suggested Frieza destroy Planet Vegeta and the Saiyan race as beerus continues to taunt Vegeta the same Prince transforms into blue Evolution and begins to fight beerus but it's just as one-sided as ever he tells Vegeta that the things the Saiyans did in the past have nothing to do with Vegeta now he will never be able to grow Beyond this point so long as he's trapped by the past then beerus grabs Vegeta's arm and use is destruction also known as hakai on Vegeta's armor Goku even points out that he tried and failed to do this in the past referring to the manga's version of the Future Trunks Arc beerus says his mind is always on destruction and nothing else that's why there's no limit to his power not literally no limit by the way he means his potential to grow is Limitless because of his mindset while Vegeta's potential to grow is limited by his own guilt-ridden mindset beerus further elaborates and tells Vegeta to destroy any stray thoughts and recreate himself from scratch before creation comes destruction back at the heater's base they finally gotten zuno's location out of 7-3 but they also see the prisoners being released from the galactic Patrol prison ellick asks how it happened and he learns about Moro and more importantly the dragon balls now Alec knows how to get any wish granted and even worse he knows the namekians created the dragon balls but gas says something even more surprising namekians used to live on planet cereal with the ceruleans it turns out granola actually lives with an elderly namekian named monito granola tells monaito about frieza's Revival and how he wants to be the one to take him down but monito says granola doesn't have the power to beat Frieza granola says he may have to resort to that looking to a dragon ball in their home monido says the Dragon Balls aren't for Revenge but it doesn't matter anyway since they need the other one to make a wish and it's been lost for nearly 40 years if you haven't noticed monito's dragon balls are a set of two instead of the standard seven then we jump to Planet Namek where we learn a bit of namekian History this is more lore than story but the important points are the size and quantity of Dragon Balls depends on who made them they were originally ritualistic something brave warriors would seek out to collect in times of great suffering and we even learn it's possible namekians live on other planets in the universe outside of just Earth moonamic and maybe even Beyond Planet cereal as well since this is a huge lore drop so brace yourself the namekians appear apparently moved to this universe from another realm altogether what that will mean for the future I don't know means nothing now back on planet cereal monaito says since he's the last namekian on the planet his Dragon Balls will die with him he tells granola that wishing things back the way they were would only punish the shigerians unjustly and revenge would only give rise to new enemies granola agrees and monaito goes to sleep unfortunately granola is watching his space TV and sees that shagarian found the missing Dragon Ball so he steals it he goes into the Wilderness and summons the Eternal dragon torobo and granola wishes to be made the strongest warrior in the universe corombo clarifies granola's wish as being the strongest mortal in the universe and granola says yes corumbo says he can make granola stronger but only to the limit of his latent potential which makes becoming the strongest in the universe beyond his reach however thrombo can make granola the strongest in the universe if he agrees to a certain condition without hesitation granola agrees back on beerus's world Vegeta is trying to learn destruction but he's doing it wrong Vera says you need to erase the target from existence turn something into nothing this destruction of matter is what creates the large release of energy we see Goku continues to train with whis and is excited to see if he or Vegeta will end up the strongest in the universe wee says it may not be either of them and that surprises Goku since he can't think of anyone stronger than them and neither can we funny enough this should mean Goku and Vegeta are stronger than Broly at this point whis elaborates that the next powerful entity can appear at any time given the scope of the universe the Oracle fish repeats her prophecy once more and Vegeta finally manages to use destruction correctly on a pebble back on planet cereal the Dragon Balls disperse and granola's hair has grown long he lifts a large Boulder with pee and destroys it while not explicitly stated this is heavily implied to be something similar to destruction monaito hears the blast and runs to him he once again warns granola that new enemies will rise up but granola says he can defeat any enemy now that he's the strongest in the Universe when I know snaps back and says that he's the strongest today but there's no knowing what tomorrow will bring granola ignores him and begins to search nearby worlds for frieza's presence this is seemingly yard rat's Spirit control in action as shown in the moro Arc monaito tries to stop granola but he leaves to go get frieza's location from Ellen granola arrives at the heater's base and demands frieza's location saying that he's now the strongest in the universe but oil and Maki just aren't enough gas is about to jump in but Alex says they've seen enough he can tell granola has gotten stronger but he needs to know how granola tells him it was the Dragon Balls this confirms Alex suspicions of Dragon Balls being on planet cereal probably not the smartest thing for granola to do Alec tells granola he doesn't know frieza's exact location yet but he'll get it soon granola says to make it quick he doesn't have long to live we find out that in exchange for this power he gave up 150 years of his lifespan leaving him with only three years left to live after that granola leaves and elec explains his plans to the others they want to take control of frieza's army not wipe it out to protect their interests granola has to die and to do that he'll use Goku and Vegeta back on beerus's planet whiz explains to Goku that angels are able to use ultra Instinct at all times while Goku needs to transform to do so the ultimate goal is to use ultra Instinct naturally in base form and save the silver-haired form's power as a last resort for when he needs to surpass his limits meanwhile granola returns to Planet cereal and the heaters make their way to zuno but elec and gas stay back gas wishes he could have fought granola but Alex says his moment to fight has yet to come gas is the only heater with the potential to surpass Frieza on zuno's planet Maki and oil get answers to 10 questions I'm sure we'll find out what they were right on beerus's planet Goku and Vegeta refine their techniques Luis receives a call from Bulma Maki and oil are on earth in search of Goku and Vegeta they want to have the two of them fight a villain for them an obvious ploy to us but it Works especially when they mention this villain is the strongest in the universe Goku and Vegeta want to claim the title of strongest in the universe for themselves and even whis and beerus get involved in their rivalry beerus gives Vegeta an earring that's the symbol of those who can use destruction and whis gives gokuzuki the symbol he gave it in Resurrection F on Earth Maki and oil steal the dragon radar then 30 minutes later Goku and Vegeta arrive Maki and oil then take them to Planet cereal before they land Maki lies to granola telling him that Goku and Vegeta are Frieza Force assassins he thinks this works better for him because he can extract info from them but then she tells him they're Saiyans granola flies up and looks at the ruins of his hometown knowing that the moment of his revenge is soon at hand 18 days later Goku and Vegeta arrive on planet serial Maki and oil stay behind after telling them where to find granola but Goku and Vegeta are getting suspicious before they can figure out the heater's Ploy they get attacked granola is sniping them from a distance they manage to avoid the attacks but they can track down their origin a blast even manages to hit a vital spot on the back of Goku's neck forcing them to use a senzu already Vegeta tells Goku to stop relying on Ultra Instinct if it isn't mastered yet so Goku turns Super Saiyan then he finally finds granola and sends a key blast at him but for Nola manages to dodge it Goku says granola is even faster than Instant Transmission granola introduces himself as the last Cerulean and that means nothing to Goku and Vegeta Vegeta questions granola's motives further but he doesn't answer and uses destruction Goku and Vegeta managed to dodge it then Vegeta tells Goku to get payback for being struck down earlier so Goku vs granola begins Goku transforms into Super Saiyan God and he starts to use ultra Instinct again Vegeta notes that Ultra Instinct seems to be more accurate in conjunction with Transformations basically the stronger the form the better it is at using Ultra instinct which makes some sense since the limit breaking silver-haired form is the only way for him to use it perfected Goku Dodges every attack but it was all a distraction and he gets hit once the attack was light but it hit Goku's vitals toppling him in a single blow granola has figured out how Ultra Instinct works but notes that no one is perfect and even that technique can't hide his vitals because of granola's right eye granola also knows that Goku is holding back so he tells him to hurry and use his full power he doesn't have time to waste here revenge on Frieza is his ultimate goal Goku is confused though since he thought granola was the villain but before they could talk about it granola Powers up and tells Goku he'll pay for the crimes of the Saiyans Goku uses Super Saiyan blue with ultra Instinct however granola still manages to strike Goku's vitals again stronger attacks and faster evasion won't ever help because granola's right eye can lock onto his vitals every time but Goku disagrees and says he just lacks training to use ultra instinct to its full abilities granola tells Goku not to make excuses and says he's ending the Saiyan line here then he uses an attack just like morose Goku barely manages to teleport away in time to Vegeta in the Cerulean City Vegeta has figured out that granola is the Survivor of a race he'd heard about long ago that was wiped out by the Saiyans this explains the grudgy hold and that Maki and oil were using them all along Goku asked if they should try to convince granola but Vegeta said it won't help since he wants to wipe out the Saiyans so Goku has to beat him first then convince him so he uses Ultra Instinct the form and faces granola once again this time granola can't perceive any vitals and the battle is extremely one-sided granola can't touch Goku and every attack from Goku is far stronger than before Goku tries to talk to granola now that it's over but granola never said he lost but granola he's been fighting was a clone sent to fight Goku and Vegeta but he underestimated them this had the unintentional benefit of wearing down Goku's Ultra Instinct until its accuracy and stamina dropped giving granola the opening to deliver the finishing blow with Goku down Vegeta steps up he tries to reason with granola a little bit but granola doesn't believe a word he says so Vegeta transforms into Super Saiyan blue Evolution and tells granola to prepare to pair Irish Vegeta and granola began to fight but canola is clearly stronger even his version of Destruction is more powerful than vegetas granola is impressed by their power but he tells Vegeta this struggle is pointless no matter how powerful he is granola Remains the strongest in the universe Vegeta admits that granola is stronger right now but he's sure he'll win Vegeta tells granola that rankings are well and good but they only reflect a moment Vegeta has even gotten stronger during this fight and with nothing on the line he can truly enjoy it even after taking a blow to a vital point he's still happy to be fighting then Vegeta's Aura begins to flare a rich purple and Vegeta Reveals His new transformation based off the teachings of beerus according to Vegeta his power is unbounded this new form has closed the gap between him and granola granola is starting to get flustered this power is well beyond anything he expected from the Saiyans in contrast the ultra Instinct that protects from damage this form turns damage into Power Vegeta tells granola that Goku's body may have a mind of its own but he's all ego so go ahead and call this form Ultra ego listen the form is cool all right but the name is a little goofy granola can't believe a grunt under Frieza is this powerful but Vegeta tells granola that the Saiyans were also a victim of frieza's tyranny but granola refuses to believe him so Vegeta continues to fight granola oatmeal tries to talk reason to granola as well but he doesn't want to hear it he rips off his headpiece that holds oatmeal and throws it to the side he thinks as the strongest he doesn't need support from anyone granola tells Vegeta he isn't the only one who grows stronger while he fights even worse the damage Vegeta has taken is starting to accumulate he even needs to dodge some attacks now because he's starting to lose Consciousness mid-combat as the dust of the battle clears there is something hidden oh that's for you consider subscribing if you haven't yet but over here granola is charging an attack while concealed once Vegeta sees it he also charges an attack that'll destroy anything it touches as Vegeta's attack makes its way to granola his left eye turns red as well with this new power he easily destroys Vegeta's attack Vegeta Drew out power from granola in the same way granola did for him now granola is winning again and eventually even Alter Ego Fades just as it looks like Vegeta is about to die Goku flies in and knocks granola away Goku says to Vegeta he'll take over for now but Vegeta kicks Goku away Vegeta says that with nothing to protect he won't agree to fight side by side with him Goku asks Vegeta about protecting his own life but he says death is better than teaming up with Goku granola tries to strike Vegeta dead while he's off guard but Goku manages to knock Vegeta out of the way in time Grinnell asks how Goku reacted in time and Goku says he has a read on the way granola targets vitals so it won't work on him anymore granola tries to hit Goku's vitals again but it just doesn't work like it did before Goku explains that by shifting his body slightly he doesn't avoid the whole attack but he can move his vitals out of Harm's Way granola says that a defensive strategy will never surpass him and Goku agrees after a short fight Goku gets knocked to base form and Vegeta approaches Goku saying he's tagging in he politely asks Goku to let him do this alone Goku agrees and tells Vegeta to try not to die with a concerned look Vegeta asks ranola if his life has no meaning Beyond Revenge to which granola doesn't answer that was enough for Vegeta he transforms into Ultra ego again and the two begins at Battle the fight takes the two into a shigerian city and granola begs they don't do this here but Vegeta doesn't listen and uses it to his Advantage granola knocks Vegeta down and blasts him at Point Blank grain granola drops down exhausted but then a wall breaks and he sees a terrified mother and child reminding him of his own past Vegeta tells granola he thinks granola's grudges are well deserved and he can't object that granola destroying him but he warns granola that's just history repeating itself the ceruleans were never like the Saiyans granola says the Saiyans took everything from them and he'll never move past that in a final Gambit granola uses his remaining Life Force to charge in a path that'll kill both him and Vegeta apologizes to beerus the powers of the Gods of Destruction were Beyond him he accepts this fate for the Saiyans Goku runs to stop them and at the same time monaito flies in Granola ship with oatmeal monaito gets granola's attention and Goku is able to knock him down stopping the death of both granola and Vegeta monaito steps out of the ship and both Goku and Vegeta are surprised to see a namekia granola is furious his revenge has been interrupted but monito says he had lied to granola there was one Saiyan that didn't earn his Vengeance the one that saved them 40 years ago Bardock now I have my own thoughts about Bardock being important to the story in this way but I'll save those for a different video comment your thoughts about this narrative Choice below anyway we finally learned what happened 40 years ago the Saiyans invaded Planet cereal wiping out the ceruleans and the namekians on the planet Bardock is the one that finds granola and his mother they remind him of Guinea and Kakarot the other Saiyans leave and Bardock stays behind to look for survivors he finds monaito as well and brings granola and his mother to him he leaves the two remaining ceruleans and tells them to keep off frieza's radar before he goes monaito asks his name and he says Bardock monaito says Goku is the spitting image of Bardock and Vegeta reveals to him that Bardock is his father it's actually smart having Vegeta do this since he was teamed with rabbits in the past and it's likely he knew about Bardock something doesn't add up to granola though why didn't his mother survive it turns out Bardock ended up staying longer to get healed by monito and because of it he's there to see the heaters arrive to broker off the planet they overhear elec talking about selling the planet to the shigerians and how they aren't destined to serve under Frieza forever as they're listening granola wakes up and screams because he sees Bardock monito quickly knocks granola out but it's too late the heaters heard him Bardock quickly sets up a situation that looks like he's about to kill the remaining survivors of the planet and Elk tells him to get on with it Bardock tries to explain that the namekian strange ability might be worth checking out but before he could finish Alex shoots granola's gun they're dead Alec tells Bardock to kill the other two but he quickly turns and attacks the heaters instead giving them a chance to escape Alec knows they might have overheard their conversation so the three of them have to die gas says he'll handle it and Alex leaves it to him back in the present gas is thinking about the past and how he'll never suffer such a dignity again because he's grown strong Alec agrees but tells him it never hurts to have insurance Maki gets gas from Alex since granola Goku and Vegeta have stopped fighting so Alec will search for the final Dragon Ball on his own back on the battlefield granola can't handle the revelations Not only was he saved by a Saiyan but his mother was killed by Ellen the man he's been working for for decades he's angry at monaito for lying but it was the only way for them to survive Vegeta asks if Bardock beat gas and monaito says he did Vegeta is surprised because Bardock was a low-class warrior before monito can explain what happened though the sky goes dark quickly and goes away just as fast elec has made his wish then a massive power appears on the planet Maki and oil present the true strongest in the universe and out walks a much older looking gas gas quickly handles everyone creating objects out of key to use as Weapons or obstacles as he fights gas is happy he's finally allowed to kill granola then he realizes Goku is bardock's son gas is about to kill Goku but monaito frees granola who manages to shoot gas in the back and draw his attention then monito frees Goku and begins healing him monaito asks him one favor please save granola to which Goku says he'll do what he can as granola fights he asks why they let him live gas said they didn't know granola and Minato had survived till several years later we see in the past that granola has made a name for himself as a bounty hunter and Alec took advantage of the fact that monaito never told granola about what Alec did and recruited him for the heaters monaito regrets that choice and says he doesn't even live up to being a namekian because he can't even restore Goku's energy then Goku remembers they had one senzu left he asks Vegeta about it but it's in his armor that he threw away punola gets knocked out by gas and Goku's healed enough to jump back in for a bit he tells Vegeta to find the senzu and eat it immediately Vegeta tells Goku not to die similar to what Goku said earlier but with a less somber context Goku turns Super Saiyan blue and he's holding his own against gas but clearly gas is stronger Vegeta finds the senzu but instead of eating it he offers it to granola telling him to settle this Grudge with his own strength granola eats the senzu and rejoins the fight he puts on oatmeal again apologizing to his support unit and saying he'll always wanted to back him up granola and gas start battling but granola actually has the upper hand because gas is only using powers he had before the wish as Maki puts it it isn't that he can't wield his new power he just doesn't want to granola taunts gas for holding back so gasp begrudgingly starts using his new techniques and Powers Instant Transmission destruction and everything else granola can do but stronger gas vs granola turns into a battle of teleporting despite gas being stronger Vegeta notes his use of instant transmission is sloppy so granola will stand a chance but as they continue to trade blows gas slowly gets more and more accurate and so he can track every one of granola's moves granola's final Gambit is using his clone technique to distract ass while his main body charges an attack of queen-blank range but the cost is his main body feels all the damage the Clones took monaito goes to heal him but granola tells him it isn't over yet Alec removes gas's head decoration which liberates his inner nature and his true power Maki says they lose all sense of self when their instincts are liberated but Alex says gas can handle it I guess there's a kinda like their version of the Saiyans or zaru form gas begins to bulk up and returns to the battlefield acting like a Mindless brute he's far stronger now and he's easily beating granola then he attacks everyone he sees Vegeta is next but Goku jumps in to help him when Gass sees Goku he goes flying back traumatized from fighting Barda this is what Alec needed as gas remembers the pain of that loss he returns to his senses now with full control over his instincts gases is the true strongest in the universe gas uses his new power to immobilize Goku and Vegeta granola tries to kill ellick but gas teleports him to safety granola is furious and charges a blast but before he can fire it gas breaks granola's forearms shoots out both his eyes and it ends with Alex shooting granola through the Torso the same way he killed his mother Goku is mad but he just can't do anything then Vegeta gives him the last of his energy to go and fight so Goku turns Super Saiyan blue again he attacks gas but before he loses his cool Goku calms down he tells gas they have no reason to fight so he asks gas to leave gas is surprised that Goku isn't angry at granola's death but Goku says he has to remain calm for his special move to work Alex says he can't let them live so gas attacks Goku he's messing with Goku using things that won't actually kill him hoping to see the same fire he saw in Bardock but it just isn't there gas asks if Goku is really bardock's son and Goku says he lost his memories when he was little gas understands now and says he cannot fall to someone that can't comprehend who he really is for now Goku is getting beaten gas and Goku are momentarily separated and they both see monito healing granola he's still barely alive gas is about to kill monito but Goku grabs gas and teleports to another planet then Goku taunts gas to see if he can follow him by teleporting eventually they end up in the galactic Patrol prison where the prisoners remember gas as the kid who once pissed himself which is hysterical they continue to teleport after each other and Goku asks if gas should really be following Ella Goku's own brother tried to kill him a while ago so gas might want to watch his back gas continues to follow Goku as he teleports from place to place until eventually Goku finds whis then Goku teleports back to each World they went to in reverse order until he's back on planet cereal leaving gas no way to teleport back since he can't sense Goku from this distance gas-ass squeeze Which Way Planet cereal is and he tells him then gasp flies through space to get back most surprisingly the Oracle fish doesn't recognize he's clearly not the prophesied strongest in the universe back on planet cereal the remaining heaters know they can't beat Goku so they back off for now he's planted a communicator on Goku and he calls him to tell him that gas will be there in 20 Earth minutes whis then reminds Goku he has to discover his own version of ultra Instinct he must listen to The Voice Within himself and find out what he really is that's when monaito gives Goku bardock's scouter there's saved audio on it and With a Little Help from oatmeal they get it to work again in hopes of finding out how Bardock beat gas a voice Echoes from the scouter it's Bardock telling monito and granola they have to stay alive and this triggers Goku to regain his memories in the past we see the battle between gas and Bardock Bardock is stronger than gas expected but gas isn't taking any damage from bardock's attacks monito tells Bardock to run and let them accept their fate but gas says that wouldn't matter because the Saiyans aren't fated to last much longer anyway this actually solves an issue with modern Dragon Ball how did Bardock figure out frieza's plan so easily with this extra piece of information it all makes a lot more sense now the two continue to fight and gas unleashes a bit of his true nature at the same time monito collects the dragon balls he tries to teleport Bardock back to Planet Vegeta but Bardock refuses just like Goku did after the Frieza Saga whenaito asks what Bardock wants and he asks that his sons grow up well we don't see what monaito specifically says to torombo so take that as you will I don't like this wish very much if it was actually made gas slams Bardock around by his tail until eventually it snaps off gas is about to finish him off but monaito blocks the final attack this enrages gas and leads to him fully unleashing his true nature monaito is knocked away and Bardock continues to fight but it seems like he's doing better now gas asks if atonement or Revenge motivate him but Bardock says only an idiot would think about anything else besides winning in a battle of life or death then Bardock pushes past his limits and eats gas Alec is disappointed at gas and tries to finish off Bardock but he misses and he has to leave because Frieza has arrived then monito finds Bardock and tells him he won the battle back in the present Goku remembers everything up to being sent to Earth then he says to Vegeta he finally understands what Saiyan pride is about or he remembers it along with bardock's face do babies have pride I don't know it seems weird anyway Vegeta says he also lost sight of his pride by being caught up in his guilt this pride is described by Goku as having total faith in your own power monito says a people's Pride isn't about atoning for sins or getting revenge it's all about accepting your nature and sticking to your convictions monaito offers to heal up Goku and Vegeta he even makes them new clothes but they're bardock's clothes they both ask for their normal outfits instead gas arrives back on planet cereal Goku and Vegeta step out to face him the two Saiyans power up agreeing to fight together this time Vegeta activates Ultra ego and Goku activates Ultra Instinct so the fight begins but this time what drives Goku and Vegeta is a pure desire to win at all costs they fight together in one of the coolest fights in the manga and eventually both push a hakai towards gas with all their might gas manage just to push it back though and Vegeta leaves Goku to handle it while he fights gas Goku manages to deflect the attack then returns to help Vegeta but Vegeta is doing better now that he's taken damage gas and Vegeta continue to exchange blows but gassed Downs Vegeta the way to beat Ultra ego is obvious kill him in one blow and be done with it Goku is about to jump in but then Vegeta delivers a devastating punch while he thanks gas for the prime fuel Vegeta tells Goku to stay back his Ultra ego continues to evolve but Goku's Ultra instinct is no different than before Fujita tells Goku to figure it out fast and until he does gas is his so Goku begins to meditate and contemplates his own Ultra instincts while Vegeta continues to struggle against gas it seems like Vegeta is finally down for good and gets up and rushes gas again screaming that he is no longer bound by limits gas is terrified but just before the attack lands Vegeta stands unconscious mid-attack before falling to the ground gas caused the technique stupid and readies to give Vegeta an equally stupid death but Goku puts a barrier around Vegeta and moves him out of Harm's Way Then gas targets Goku a Goku's barrier is too strong for gas to break somehow luckily Goku has figured it out he uses Ultra Instinct sign since he can utilize his emotions and Ultra Instinct together rather than separating the two but look on Goku's face reminds gas of Bardock and that terrifies him gas and Goku began their battle but it's clear that Goku is winning Goku says he's just barely stronger than gas now but he doesn't have long so he needs to finish this quickly the fighting style Goku uses is far less like whis and far more like Goku and even a bit Saiyan in some cases gas desperately uses his weapons but they're no use Goku even uses a wrecking ball gas made against him but only as a distraction before landing a powerful kick ellick makes his way to gas and yells at him that they need his power for Frieza the Saiyans were only a stepping stone Goku tells Alec not to force gas to fight and they can fight again in the future but Alex says there won't be a next time for gas then gas arises in a blinding Aura but he seems far more old and frail than before says his new power is burning away every cell in his body to fuel it keeping him the strongest in the universe Goku doesn't stack up to this power at all as Goku and gas clash it's clear Goku will lose but he continues to try until a blast separates the two it's granola he's back up again he tells Goku to wager everything on his strength to which Goku agrees Goku will keep gas busy until granola can charge up the winning attack Goku is quickly knocked down again but he manages to put a barrier around granola gas knocks Goku out but then Vegeta knocks gas away and tells granola to hurry up Maki and oil try to help gas but monaito just knocks them out with hypnosis now granola is finally ready but he can't fire a blast that powerful this close to the ground without destroying the planet that's when Goku awakens and activates Ultra Instinct then using the giant key version of himself he throws gas into the atmosphere the issue is granola's eyes are still blurry but oatmeal helps him aim and he fires off the final attack gas falls to the ground defeated but granola says he didn't kill him because he isn't out for Revenge anymore gas will be unconscious for a few days though then granola apologizes to Goku and Vegeta before falling to the ground he sacrificed more of his remaining life to fuel that final attack monito runs over to heal him but now he's able to bring granola back to full strength with no issue his healing powers have grown stronger from their constant use this Arc so he heals everyone back to normal Alec tries to leave the planet but as he does a blast goes through monito gas has gotten up again and this time he's looking even more decrepit than ever he mocks granola's Mercy then Goku and Vegeta charge in but gas tosses them around like they're nothing and even broken bones don't slow gas down Alec is excited gas will be the strongest in the universe until the moment he dies he sacrificed that much of gas's life to the surprise of Maki oil and even gas himself elec tells gas to stop wasting time but it's too late Frieza lands on planet cereal to the shock of everyone present and even more surprising he kills gas in one attack after transforming for just a moment then gas turns to a pile of bones and Frieza crushes his skull Frieza demands Alex reason for summoning him but Alec lies and says their wires got crossed however Frieza knows the truth ellek hoped to have gas kill him and he even knew about Alex Ambitions for the last 40 years Frieza just chose to keep the heaters around for his own benefit he tells elec there's nothing he doesn't know like the fact that Ella is the weakest of the heaters then Frieza kills him Goku and Vegeta ask how Frieza is so strong when gas wish to be the strongest in the universe but Frieza says he must not have counted since he was in a different dimension he found a room of spirit and time on a world he conquered and used it to get 10 years of training that training culminated as black Frieza the form he momentarily changed into to kill gas Goku turns into Ultra Instinct sign or what fans call true Ultra Instinct and Vegeta uses Ultra ego the Frieza charges in and beats them both with one punch before leaving them to wallow he chooses not to kill them just because so Frieza leaves and with no other option Maki and oil join him as weight staff Goku and Vegeta head to monito and granola to see if the old namekian will make it but as they do he's fully healed by whis who just appeared on the planet he did it as a special favor for a friend of Goku whis tells Goku and Vegeta they need to return quickly to help beerus make instant noodles they ask if granola wants to join them but he says he needs to fix Planet cereal with the Dragon Balls then monito will seal them away for good so Vegeta gives him the radar that the heater stole and monito gives Goku bardock's scouter so whis Goku and Vegeta leave Goku asks if Frieza was the strongest Warrior mentioned by the Oracle fish but whis gives a vague answer it may be Frieza or perhaps the strongest Warrior emerged elsewhere which makes Goku even more excited to return to his training so that's it it's definitely a muddier story than the moro Arc to me but overall it's a fine enough Arc make sure to like And subscribe if you haven't yet and thank you so very much for watching
Channel: Carthu's Dojo
Views: 2,662,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dragon Ball Super, Goku, carthus dojo, dragon ball z, dragon ball what if, dragon ball z what if, dragon ball super what if, anime, manga, The Entire Granolah Arc | Dragon Ball Super Manga, The Entire Granolah Arc, granolah arc, gas vs goku full fight, granolah arc summary, the entire granolah the survivor saga, granolah saga explained, granolah saga full movie, granolah saga, the entire granolah saga, ultra ego vegeta, ultra ego, true ultra instinct, true ultra instinct goku
Id: -TVMrQR2luk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 50sec (2210 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2022
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