Go Mecha Ball Demo Impressions

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[Music] does anyone like twin stick shooters or how about Rog likee Dungeon Crawlers if any of these things peque your interest then you might want to check out whale PE games go meca ball demo there isn't much of a story to go by yet as there isn't much to talk about on that front but there is the gameplay which is insanely fun and addicting as you shoot roll and slam your way across futuristic levels and face gigantic bosses but here is the steam store synopsis on go mechab ball go mecab ball is an acrobatic action r like where you shoot roll and boost your way through a futuristic waterline in pursuit of an Ever more glitched out Rogue AI augment your bomb X using an increasing ludicrous arsenal of weapons abilities and upgrades to shut the glitch [Music] portals the game play is pretty fun but not everything is available during steam nextfest demo your Mech has many options to dispatch the enemy guns abilities and upgrades but first the mech itself as it has some mobile options like L stick to move r stick to point in a direction while shooting L Bumper To Roll in a ball mode and here is where it gets really fun besides the weapons and upgrades the mech while in ball mode has a boosting function that can act defensively like a dash to get out of the way or offensively where you can Ram into things to cause damage or send them flying off platforms or into environmental hazards for extra damage or confirmed kill while you hold the L bumper press the r bumper to use the Boost and be careful as it has a cool cool down of around 5 seconds but there are abilities to cut the cool down time that isn't the only way to gain speed as there are speed pads all over the field that you can use to keep the speed up the faster you are the more damage and distance the enemy will go which is good if you can think ahead like launching them off a platform with a boost rim or into a lower floor or onto a booster launching them into something or back down to the ground going up get creative to rack up points and stay alive next let's talk about the armor you'll have access to in go Mecha ball the guns and go meca ball are pretty cool from the basic starting weapon in the demo the meower to the spread shotguns like the quack 2 or spreader they even have a sniper called long teeth for distance but my favorite guns on the demo were disc Auto where energy discs were fired continuously and have a Ricochet effect that can bounce off multiple enemies in a single volley then there's the chain gun 400 rounds to melt basic enemies to taking chunks out of bosses definitely my favorite pair so far I mentioned 400 rounds earlier and that's right you can run out of ammo but you can refill your guns by defeating enemies so you don't really have to worry about running out unless you're a terrible shot guns drop after killing the enemies so you'll never know what gun you'll get each round though to get the guns you want to drop you'll have to unlock them each after one successful or failed run you return to the start where there is a ging machines to spend currency to have a random gun unlock available as a spawn in the field by the by you can only carry two weapons at a time you'll have to choose which are the best for this situation you can pick them up with the a button and swap them with the x button onto abilities and [Music] upgrades abilities in go Mecha ball are actions you can do with a cool down like ground slam where you can jump into the air then slam down on the ground damaging and stunning anybody nearby or net link which sucks enemies to the middle of an area once used so you you can pick them off a fun one is Rocket Jump which damages any enemy nearby when used that allows you to escape when you jump you can activate these with the L and R buttons respectively there is even a disc ability that launches two blades from your Mech in a circular motion forward then comes break back to you that was pretty fun you can also unlock more with a gotta machine that takes currency as well after that it's upgrades which if you could take a guess augment your Mech with new or better stats like spiky Hall which increases collision damage for from a boost or speed increase when in ball mode boost power that increases the power of your Boost to gain speed even all arounder which increases every stat of your Mech a little bit to get these upgrades you have a chance of a choice of either an ability or an upgrade after each level cleared and before a boss encounter at the shop where you can buy weapons abilities upgrades and even refills for ammo and health in exchange for money of course the only catch is is you have to unlock more abilities and upgrades from Thea after each run I did also see that you can and switch Mech at the item shop but it wasn't available in the current demo builds at the time let's wrap this up in the final summary shall we go meca ball is insanely fun as I found myself completing run after run to lock more gear to use and after a bit I found myself using ball mode with Boost was like second nature to me I was launching myself into enemies or off roofs or into boost pads or using boost pads to launch myself into the air and come crashing down into an enemy when you have the right combo of weapons abilities and upgrades you feel so Unstoppable when you're in the groove of run so if you like action packed High paced Rog likee gameplay then check it out the one thing I do want to know is about the extra suits that aren't in the game currently they're four total but we don't get to play as the other three so I wonder what their perks have go Mecha Ball's demo is currently live try it out because it's insanely fun unfortunately there's no concrete release date on Steam just yet that should do it for this little dive into go Mecha ball on to the next video see you guys next [Music] [Music] time
Channel: ComicBookCast2
Views: 442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming shorts, shorts, cbc shorts, cbc gaming news, ggaming news, next gen gaming, next gen, playstation 5, playstation 6, ps6, series x, gaming news, game review, review, fun cacts, things you didnt know, easter eggs, easter egg, switch, nintendo, pc gaming, pc games, ports, framerate, gaming, ps5, expansion, dlc, pay to win, battle royale, Go Mecha Ball Demo Impressions, Go Mecha Ball Demo, Go Mecha Ball review, Go Mecha Ball gameplay, Go Mecha Ball
Id: OyVQ_oAyK1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 48sec (348 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2023
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