Is Australia No Longer Welcoming Students in 2024 ? 🤯 Find Out Why!

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Namaste YouTu fam welcome to the new video so important Australia students I mean AAL stud Vis from past months information minimum information and also let's get into this [Music] [Applause] video also slow Visa process vising and also first High Visa rejection rate I mean student visa to be precise so basically from past 3 months or six mons Rees even though the application or else the applicant or profile is genuine I me offic unlike us Australia Vis IM offic or off we think that you are not genuine you have no intentions to go back to your country or no genuine intentions to study Bas Australian immigration is the toughest immigration world one of the toughest I mean UK Canada US aough so high Visa rejection rate 2022 and 2023 Financial year almost half a million people Australia more than half a million I mean around 6 lakhs people Australia immig [Music] $21.3 1.5 L is the highest $1.5 per lit is the highest rate 2 L so next [Music] docents austral IM agents or and also Lo months Australia right starting from six months time frame and also and third reason I mean obviously rejection applicants I mean students performance and also students pass austr so imig for suppose for example so actually to be honest actually as a influencer or as a content creator so rejection r% rection 20% people accept and also one in a five students from Nepal India Pakistan one in a five students is facing let's say private andr Maxx Visa processing universities withdrawal approval and according to the data 8 years back the end of2 26 million or so main reason migration and also Australia needs only skilled people only genuine people from past years Australia doesn't need people like that anymore so while realiz only genuine students genuine students docu like academic transcripts genu loan docu Savings genu bank statements and also every document genuine student no one can guarante and also third [Music] two I would love to hear your comments so I would love to hear your comments subscribe see you in the next video bye
Channel: The Australian Teja
Views: 20,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Australia student visa changes, student visa policy Australia, study in Australia 2024, international students Australia, higher education Australia, Australian universities admission, visa application tips, education migration Australia, Australian visa rejection reasons, Australian education system, student visa updates, Australian student visa advice, education sector Australia, visa appeal Australia, university enrollment Australia, Australian visa refusal
Id: 1CHqzv0bEak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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