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a lot of guys were asking for our opinions on andrew tate so we're going to react to a few of his clips and stay tuned to the end for our opinions on him what's your thought on uh islam and everything because i know in the quran and stuff like you could have up to four wives and stuff so i've seen you talk about it a little bit but i would like to know like what you think about it i think it's the last religion on the planet you know that's the right religion i think it's the last religion so if it's the last true religion on the planet then it has to be the correct one because i don't think is it the last one it's the last position because no other religion has boundaries which they enforce if you stand if you will tolerate everything then you stand for nothing if your book says x but you refuse to say the book says this i'm sick to what the book says doesn't matter what the subject is right i don't want to gusband i think if you're a christian 99 christians are ignoring every single rule inside the bible okay everyone should interpret the bible you're saying like they like pick and choose what they want to oh yeah they'll go and say i interpret it differently i believe in god but you know i don't believe in that part that's not what the book says doesn't seem it doesn't say ignore half of me it says follow me only muslims follow their book no true no true so they're the last religion yeah who gives a [ __ ] christians come and say i'm a christian you know give a [ __ ] you ignore the bible well isn't there a lot of muslims that don't follow the quran too i'm sure there's i'm sure there's a lot muslims who don't completely follow the quran but i'm saying that if you were to go out there and try and find muslims who live true to the quran completely you can find them yeah you ain't going to find this i think you can find christians no you won't yeah i mean no different any religion but like dude you're not going to find a muslim that's right a woman that's a muslim that's put me in any church give me the hot church there's muslims out there i'm sure there are but i'm saying he's the point he's making is you can find a bunch of women who adhere to islam who are still virgin to the age of 25 waiting for them umbrage marriage oh yeah you will not find that under christianity yeah you can find a couple but you're right there's probably more muslims that follow christians christians there's more devout muslims than devout christians christianity has no power left it's it's a power even the pope is up here talking about and i i want to make this very very clear i'm not i'm not an auntie anything i'm a homophobic i'm talking about what the book says if the book says man and women lay together and then the pope is going to stand up now and saying that you can be a gay preacher the book doesn't mean anything now so the whole religion doesn't mean anything so the rules don't mean anything if you're tolerant of everything you stand for nothing the problem is with religion is that naturally needs to be intolerant for a religion to be a religion which is respected it needs to be intolerant of certain things you can't say we're a religion which tolerates everything now you have no belief systems when was that book written you know completely but the world evolves completely so christianity has evolved into nothing islam hasn't this is the point i'm making the point i'm making is if you're going to throw your own rules away you can't stand up and say this is a religion these are our doctrines but we tolerate everything and we don't punish anyone for anything and none of it really matters are you a christian well the [ __ ] is it oh the world's a christian lord stars are christians who give it doesn't mean anything it's different with islam with islam you can't get away with it even if you're saying that there's some [ __ ] etc etc fine that's cool but people don't stand up and openly disrespect islam oh hell no because they're afraid so once again if you don't have rule systems and doctrines and beliefs and prophets which people are afraid to mock are you even a religion people won't disrespect islam nobody will disrespect it because they're scared even in a christian country what do you want what do you mean by disrespect i mean disrespect it say something disrespect it you could walk around if you could wear a t-shirt saying jesus is gay right here in croatia christian country and you will make it out the country alive i dare you to do the same thing with the islamic prophet dare you to do the same thing you would make out of a christian country alive an islamic country alive even in christian countries you are not safe to do that you do not disrespect their beliefs yeah disrespecting our lives no you don't do that you don't nobody doesn't so what i'm saying if they're the last religion on earth that people are afraid to disrespect if their god is the last god on earth that people are afraid to disrespect and he's the only god that matters if every other god can be mocked laughed at put in video games [ __ ] shot at [ __ ] dressed up gay on tv shows [ __ ] what kind of religion is that it's a joke don't take that lightly what we don't do we are not advocating or promoting harassment or violence or anything like that we will intellectually academically refute them but we don't take that lightly bro yeah 100 my uh my question for andrew tate is okay why aren't you muslim then you say it's the last religion on earth it must be the truth must be correct follow it follow it you know what the book says the book says that if you believe and do good deeds and so on and so forth you'll be rewarded with heaven but if you reject then where are you gonna go and if you truly believe what you're saying in this video why aren't you a muslim because if you understand the full implications of what everything you're saying actually means and you're not just doing it for sure or whatever then you should understand that you as an individual right now who's claiming islam is the truth but won't practice it people like that are doomed for help so just accept islam be a muslim implement it into your life you'll be happy insha'allah you will genuinely be happy and content in your life i um i i think it's i think the guy's not boyfriend i don't know his name but the boy has pushed back on kind of what was being said i think that was fair for sure but like you were saying fired we don't tolerate disrespect we might deal with it in a in a kind and you know genuine manner but we will still deal with it right not everyone's gonna go at you with the pit some people will um not that less we're supposed to do we're not actually we're actually not supposed to do that stuff the state is supposed to deal with these people um it's for muslims like us you know we go we approach these people we talk to them and we just humiliate them intellectually then this will be it but andrew himself has said a lot of things that are actually on islamic or maybe even islamophobic some people might say this was probably a while ago but he said that the nakab the face covering for the women is dehumanizing what the hell is that right maybe he changed his mind on it he's also supported tommy robinson who's a clearer in broad daylight islamophobic person right he's uh he's misunderstood islam above versus where it says you know to um unalive the unbelievers and so on and so forth i think that i shall allah he should get on a muslim podcast with another muslim talk about islam and this is an invitation for andrew to come to islam if you truly believe what you said in that video just become a muslim and i i generally want to ask them this too like why are you speaking so much about islam and muslims and one true religion and if it's clear to you then why are you not accepting it and this this kind of leads into another segway we want to save to the end of this stream about a lot of influencers and youtubers and celebrities talking really well about islam but they use it maybe perhaps and allah knows their intention best but to gain a following rather than sincerity because if it was sincere you would have done it already how many people do you think except islam every single day and they don't even make a video about it bro so many of course we see mashallah so many brothers and sisters doing revert stories and all this type of stuff but how many do you think don't even make a video because they don't even care about making a video about it and yeah i was gonna say when he was talking about that if you go through like let's say one of these like countries that are muslim dominated could wear a shirt that says anything about any of the prophets peace and blessings be upon all of them you probably won't make it out of it you know like it's not just the prophet muhammad peace and blessings be upon him it's also jesus it's also moses it's also isaac it's also abraham it's all of the prophets peace and blessings be upon all of them and that's like that's what we hold very dearly you know we respect them very dearly to where it's like if anyone disrespects as a yo yo how are you gonna respect someone who brought down direct revelation who was a guide for humanity like who are you who are you who are you to disrespect someone of this nature of this um i want to say this level but we can't even can't even idolize the prophets peace and listen to people on all of them so i just want to put let me point that out all right let's go right back in islam fixes a lot of the problems that men are currently facing the problems we're discussing on this show islam fixes all of them right that's the first thing about islam and i'm not a muslim right if i had to choose a religion i would because i live in an orthodox christian country i go to the orthodox christian church i donate twenty thousand dollars a month to the church in the country the church the church in romania is very powerful and i like having church friends so i give them a lot of money right so i guess i'm an orthodox christian but if i had to bet on one religion as if i were betting on the stock market for the future you have to bet on islam because muslims are intolerant and i'm not saying that disrespectfully because if you're tolerant of everything then you stand for nothing but christians are so tolerant now you don't believe it they have gay pastors that i'm not even anti-gay but if the book says don't have like what yeah what do you believe in if you're tall if you're tolerant of everything you stand for nothing i can walk through london with a t-shirt saying jesus is gay and nothing will happen to me if i did the same thing with the islamic prophet i'd be dead before i got to the industry boom that's how much they believe and respect and i respect people who stick up for what they believe in yeah it's not about me believing in it i respect them because they they believe and they will defend muslims the only people who will defend their religion they will defend their beliefs they refuse to be mocked they refuse to be insulted and i respect that about them i respect that that's an amazing thing about them right and the third point is and i've been all around the world some of the best countries in the world today are the first world muslim nations yeah qatar you can go to qatar you can fall asleep with a million dollars on your lap in the middle of the street nothing's gonna happen saudi arabia you don't go to saudi nothing will happen you can go dubai uae nothing so they leave their cars parked with the keys inside it's so safe wow it's it's so safe women everyone's married every woman obeys her husband every single woman has four five six kids big families all the things we're talking about all the problems we have here right they've got none of that none of it because of islam islam keeps society in the role where women obey their men women have children women have big families women are exceptionally happy to do so yes before before some western girl comes in here and runs their mouth the islamic women are happier than any you're going to see in the club tonight they're very true they're happy society is functioning their population is growing because in most western countries the population is declining yeah talking about it today i'm sorry one kid doesn't work it doesn't work right do you two people need to have 3.1 kids because people die right people die prematurely blah blah blah so we have population problems in the west have none of the population problems society is functioning and that's that's what society is society is society starts at the smallest possible group you have families and families make a street and that street makes a village and that village makes a town that town makes a city and that city makes a country so if it's broken at the very fundamental level this family level's broken that is broken the whole way up yep yep and that's what's happened in the west and the first world islamic countries have none of those problems all right all right so just to give a little bit of a context this video was taken about a year ago maybe even more than that before the first video that we played so this is kind of an example of what we're talking about when nami was saying why aren't you muslim already like he's been saying these same things the same jesus is whatever allah t-shirt the same argument it's almost like a prepared or canned answer he's like he said the same thing in the first one he's saying the same thing now i get it maybe you want to repeat your things to make a point but it's bro actions speak loud in the words you're here using a cam girl business and there's a lot of allegations that i don't really want to get into because it's there's nothing been like proven yet um in the court of law um but again bro action speak loud in the words if you want to be muslim you're talking so good about islam why are you not muslim yeah and this is not about you know questioning him as a person his intention all that stuff allah adam right because you're going to get people that are like well you don't know what's in his heart i don't i don't but as um we judged by what was apparent when the prophet was alive we judged by the revelation that was being sent down and by the process of what he said after he passed away al-islam was we judge based on what is apparent what we see from the people and we compare it to what allah and his messenger have said so what i see from andrew tate right now is he's saying a lot of things he's getting on muslims good side and that stuff now maybe what he's saying he truly believes in but why is he not a muslim yet that that's that's i think the biggest question that he has to face right now he said if he were to bet on a religion like betting on the stock market he would use islam but what he i think he fails to understand is that he does have to choose you are betting right now you are a betting man and if you're orthodox christian or whatever you said you were because you donate money to the church you're then according to your own belief you are making a bad bet a bad investment and if you truly believe that islam is the best bet well you do have to choose you have to choose you have to bet because you're going to die one day just like everybody else and we're all going to wake up some people made the will have made the right decision some people won't and we just want to be from the people who make the right decision inshallah indeed so all this is a reminder man where you at why are you not a muslim yet that's it bro there's no hate you know he got on brother brother eddie's uh the dean show you know just like you and eddie got brother numan ali khan and they were going in and you know they were talking about islam and eddie asked a very genuine question i thought it was kind of a rhetorical question bro to be honest because i was like why are you asking andrew tate if he's read the quran because he's here talking so much about islam why would you even ask that like of course he has you know what he had he answered he said no i haven't yet it's been on my list and again no no disrespect no nothing but this was about a year of him saying these things about if i had to bet on one religion okay bro how are you going to bet on something you haven't even read the book but you're talking about the book so maybe maybe just you know before you make any decision maybe before you make any stance on it read the quran understand the quran and you know to me that's going to speak more volumes than you talking about this and anti this and pro this and again guys we as muslims do not support woke women's movements i'm not going to mention it now because you can say anything get canceled today um by the algorithm by the way not by the people we don't care what people say but these woke women's movements we don't support it either so we agree with andrew tate in that regard but using that as an argument of islam no the main argument and premise for islam being true is the the understanding about islam theologically has nothing to do okay yeah you can say things like okay we support this cool this is this is correct we're pro family cool these are things that that are our benefits of islam of course but to prove that islam is true you don't need to say these things theologically fundamentally it's already true there's other things that we have discussed on this channel and you can find in other youtube videos to prove that it's true um and if you're sincere about it bro if you could do it then do it convert the whole take speech channel islamic i'm serious make a new banner islamic text we are now a muslim channel pro-islam this is haram haram send her to saudi let her repeat this we need the will of god we need allah listen i'm ready for the asteroid i've had enough same no i am so ready there are look there's 72 virgins awaiting me just bring it on this is all done i've had enough i mean it's it's these same arguments bro like it's the same or like you you see people like sidemen and ksi saying haram in kind of like a meme way like everyone knows these terms they sell stuff for allah cool but bro to be to be riding the wave this much without even actually being on islam i don't know it's different yeah and and really watching because we used to have that this is haram thing as like a sound bite for a time because it was funny um looking back at it it just seems like pure mockery if i'm being completely honest like everyone he's sitting there saying things we actually believe in right we believe in not about an asteroid that was in the past with lu to allah and his people things we actually believe in 70 verses and allah said he's mocking and people are laughing this is a joke is it sam a joke to you not all of a sudden right right if you actually believe the things you're preaching before if you joke with that manner why didn't muslims come and you know do the things that you said they would do to you if you disrespected islam i think this is the message to the muslims now all right this is not on andrew tate i don't know what his intentions are what's in his heart that doesn't matter to me i we invite him to islam right as muslims about the end of the day we can't be fools honestly let's not be fools the the the new prince of the uk quoted the quran and people are like oh my god amazing joe biden quoted he said insha allah and it was like oh my gosh donald trump said that oh women want to wear the burka the no club they want to wear it why are we getting involved people like oh my god you know these people care about you none of these people care about your religion unless people care about your beliefs they don't give a damn about it they really don't the only people that care about your beliefs are people with the same belief muslims right just have a strong allegiance with your muslim brothers and sisters let's unite upon the deen allah he says and hold on to the rope of allah altogether and do not become divided this is why because when we're divided you have people like oh look at this non-muslim oh look at that muslim they're praising islam you're falling for a trap habibi you're falling for a trap he's got you on his side now because he said a few good words of islam he will do nothing for islam he will do nothing for you or for your life a few words of encouragement motivation about masculinity things you can get from the prophet saw himself if you go read the hadith of the prophet and you're you've contributed nothing and you've had nothing contributed to your life at the end of the day so please don't be a fool and look at anyone who preaches about islam who's not a muslim and like idolize them muslims have a problem the last thing i'm going to say i'll let you guys go inshaallah muslims have a problem with idolizing non-muslims who preaches them why why is that so significant they're not a muslim but they're talking about how great it is why is that significant i don't understand that i almost find it as cringe as when people say oh look science has proved this and and it was already written in the quran you know it's not synonymous exactly what you're saying but it is it is one to one in the sense that we shouldn't need reinforcement by modern science which philosophically is something that is you know inductive not deductive right we shouldn't need that to prove islam or the quran or anything like that so yes is it is it a dub sure but science can be wrong and sciences has corrected and changed a lot of things bro so using these things to say something which is timeless and then objectively true like the quran it's not the same bro yeah and angel before i let you go brother i do want to mention i said this a few times i want to say it again even someone like andrew tate is even if in his articulation of why islam is the truth i think he's he's failing he's committing a fallacy still and that fallacy is he's still making himself the measuring stick for what is true because what did he say he didn't say that oh there's prophecies in islam that's undeniable that he gave this logical argument that logical argument that islam's understanding of god theologically is the only one that's philosophically compatible and that's the only you know uh way we can deduce which religion is right he said what what did he say he said that if i were to disrespect islam muslims would hold their values to their hearts and and attack you um there was a time when christians did that the time when christians ruled did that mean that at that time they were right at that time christianity was right there was a time when christians were like that does that mean that at that point christianity was right no so he's making himself still the measuring stick of truth that islam agrees with things i already believe in and they practice things i already believe in therefore it must be true you failed already you're making yourself a measuring stick of truth it doesn't work like that i think that's the biggest problem that he has i think and this is not an attack on him right everyone has their own problems i have my own struggles and stuff everyone does but i think his is arrogance honestly i i think sneko mentioned on podcast that andrew tate recently said i'm god's favorite he even him saying i'm waiting for 72 virgins bro have you taken a covenant with god have god came to you and revealed this and not to you i'm being honest if not then you're living a delusion and you think you're going to be what go go to heaven all that stuff and you're not obeying the laws that even you said this religion is from god must be true i think it's problematic for yourself and nobody else to be honest yeah no i agree i think we should leave it at that all right we good to end off yeah man alhamdulillah i agree with uh rami come on man like bro we're muslims at the end of the day are we really that foolish that anyone just just you know hypes up a little bit much you know talks a little bit good about islam and all of a sudden they're like our new muslim king or role model what no bro no we have role models we have those that we look up to and we try to model their actions their behavior their conduct their integrity their morale it's not these these i don't want to say bro but it's not these disbelievers bro you know and allah knows best you know because at the end of the day is it possible that andrew tate is a muslim yes it's possible bro no none of us are out here you know trying to make duck feet or anything we're not calling him a uh kofad or anything like that what we're saying is we judge by actions and if you haven't become muslim you haven't even read the quran yet bro like come on and you you're still doing a lot of these things i don't know bro i don't know um again this is not us reacting to the ban of andrew tate from a lot of different platforms this is not what this stream was about um maybe we'll make a video on that maybe we won't i don't really see a need of um but he's been canceled on a lot of things not much that we have to say about that because i do know people are going to ask us about that i don't want to do a whole stream on that but regarding this this whole cancer culture and being you know off different platforms this is something that i hope you guys are ready for you know we have we have a youtuber that we got on a stream with a few days ago or like two weeks ago i'm not gonna mention the name because bro that's how hot this this whole youtube thing is right now like i don't even think it's safe for us to mention the name but he's been getting off left right and center bro and i think this is just the direction that you know things are heading um we got to be vigilant this is a message to the creators and and especially if you have a muslim channel islamic channel be very careful bro um i'm gonna have a one-to-one nasiha with uh anustad that we got on the podcast lately he's been going a little bit too too into a lot of things overtly um this is something that me rami and angel have talked about lately too um you know it's not worth getting completely off the platform for and it's a disclaimer too if you guys ever watch this and you notice why are you guys not talking about this why are you guys not talking about that are you guys not unapologetically muslim enough to talk about this are you guys not unfiltered enough to talk no it's not about that bro believe me we agree with a lot of the things that most muslims agree with that have their head screwed on tight we're not pro any of this modernity but at the end of the day can we be the ones fighting every single battle and and having it highlighted all over our face and and saying everything and risk getting de-platform if that's the case no it's not worth it so at the end of the understand that we come from a place of sincerity and love we're not modern woke left muslims none of that definitely not um but there is a way you got to play this game if you want to continue spreading the message well all right and with that being said assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi
Channel: The3Muslims
Views: 29,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew tate, andrew tate islam, andrew tate muslim, andrew tate on islam, andrew tate religion, andrew tate reaction, andrew tate christianity, andrew tate on christianity, andrew tate fight, andrew tate podcast, andrew tate haram, andrew tate haram compilation, the3muslims, the 3 muslims, 3 muslims, 3muslims, the three Muslims, andrew tate full send, andrew tate full send podcast, full send andrew, full send podcast andrew, mohammed hijab andrew, sneako, sneako islam
Id: EnrczASs0EY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 15 2022
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