Is America in Bible Prophecy? | Tipping Point

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on today's program i'm talking about is america in bible prophecy and if not why are we not in bible prophecy i'm also talking about a new bombshell report from the u.s state department about iran's nuclear capacity plus i'm answering your questions hey this is the tipping point show and i'm jimmy evans [Music] well i'm so glad that you joined me for today and i want you to know that this podcast is a part of the xo podcast network but many other podcasts that you look those up i think you'll be blessed by them but let me also say that we have an excel marriage conference that's coming up in houston on february the 12th and 13th to be myself dave and ashley willis dan leanne tim ross bianca olhoff garrett and andrea booth and more in person so if you'd like to be a part of this in person uh you can go on forward slash conferences you can also watch it at home if you would rather just if you're not going to be able to attend live you can watch it there at home or your church can watch it on a simulcast we would love to have you be a part of our exo conferences really bless you if you know someone who needs help in their marriage or they just you know would like to come and get blessed i guarantee it's going to be a great conference so let me talk in this message today about is america and bible prophecy now this is one of the main things that i get asked uh is if you look in the bible if you look at end times prophecy is america there okay so i'm going to answer that question and and i believe that i'll be very specific in answering that question if you have that question and the other question is if we're not okay then why are we not in bible prophecy some people say as well because we've been destroyed or something like that let me answer that question also so the thing about bible prophecy is it geopolitically predicts where nations will be and how they will behave with absolute remarkable accuracy okay now next week i'm going to be talking about china and china is obviously a massive player on the world scene right now they're also a player in bible prophecy and i'm going to show you that next week but i'm going to talk about america this week uh in just different countries over the next several weeks talking about just different countries where they are how they behave and exactly that they're doing that right now so how about america is america in bible prophecy and so let me give you a couple of scriptures here one that i believe is very specific in that we are in bible prophecy this is ezekiel 38 and this is talking about the gog and magog war many nations here that are involved russia iran syria turkey many nations like that along with i believe the united states and this is ezekiel 38 in the latter years now the old testament talks about the end times as latter years in the latter years you will come into the land of those brought back from the sword and gathered from many people on the mountains of israel which had long been desolate now this is talking about today he's talking russia iran gog and magog you're going to come and you're going to attack israel when they come back after many years of being scattered among the nations you're going to attack them they were brought out of the nations and now all of them dwell safely you will ascend coming like a storm covering the land like a cloud you and all your troops and many people with you thus says the lord god on that day it shall come to pass that thoughts will arise in your mind and you will make an evil plan you will say i will go against a land of unwalled villages i will go to a peaceful people who dwell safely all of them dwelling without walls and having neither bars nor gates to take plunder to take booty to stretch out your hand against the waste places that are again inhabited and against a people gathered from the nations who have acquired livestock and goods who dwell in the midst of the land so here it is sheba de dan the merchants of tarshish and their young lions will say to you have you come to take plunder have you gathered your army to take booty to carry away silver and gold to take away livestock and goods to take great plunder now let me just talk because i'm going to keep reading here in just a second because i want to tell you when this is going to happen because there's there's a clue here in ezekiel as to when this is going to happen the gog and magog work so it says that russia which is gog and magog uh it says persia which is iran uh gomer which is turkey all these different nations you're gonna get it in your minds that you're gonna attack israel and by the way we have russian and iranian forces on israel's northern border right now and russia and israel russia and iran are in a pact they're on the northern border of israel right now along with syrian troops turkey is very much involved in this as are others so this is this is happening so the bible you know 2500 years ago says let me just tell you where the countries are going to be and what they're going to be acting like russia is going to be a thorn in israel's side along with iran along with turkey along with syria all these kind of nations however when this gog and magog war happens there's going to be a number of nations that challenge the gog and magog coalition and it is sheba and da dam that's the arabian peninsula that's saudi arabia that's yemen that's the uae that's qatar those are the gulf states this is the arabian peninsula and isn't it interesting these are the states right now coming into the abraham accords with israel okay saudi arabia hadn't done it yet but they're talking and saudi arabia is very pro-us as we know and so the the arabian peninsula in other words and by the way saudi arabia and iran hate each other iran is saying right now they will not go back to the table to discuss their nuclear deal because now this coalition of nations is wanting to bring saudi arabia in in the in saudi arabia and iran absolutely despise each other okay so they're not friendly so this this is happening okay it says sheba de dan the merchants of tarshish and their young lions tarshish is england and their young lions are the united states this is the greatest colony of england previously they're young lions this is a biblical way of joining us together with england and saying the u.s england and the arabian peninsula will challenge the gog and magog conspiracy isn't it interesting that many of our closest trading partners are in the arabian peninsula the united states has a very close relationship with saudi arabia the uae many of those nations those gulf states there we're very close to them so is britain britain is pro-israel united states is pro-israel all these nations now are in alignment i'm saying this this is the remarkable thing about bible prophecy is it is so absolutely specific so is the u.s in bible prophecy yes i believe so right here let me keep reading because i'm going to tell you when this is going to happen therefore son of man prophesied say to gog thus says the lord god on the day when my people israel dwell safely okay that's very important will you not know it then you will come from your place out of the far north you and many peoples with you by the way go on a map look at jerusalem directly north far north as moscow is russia okay then you will come from your place out of the far north you and many peoples with you all of them riding on horses a great company in a mighty army you will come up against my people israel like a cloud to cover the land it will be in the latter days that i will bring you against my land so that the nations may know me when i am hallowed in you oh god before their eyes remember now god god destroys these nations when they come down to israel israel does not destroy the gog and magog nations god does to glorify himself but notice here it says when they dwell safely okay this is not in the tribulation okay here's listen listen this is ezekiel 39 and god's going to give us a major major hint here or major major really revelation of when this is going to happen and it will come to pass at the same time when god comes against the land of israel says the lord that my fury will show in my face for in my jealousy and in the fire of my wrath i have spoken surely in that day in that day there shall be a great earthquake in the land of israel so that the fish of the sea the birds of the heaven the beast of the field all the creeping things that creep on the earth and all men who are on the face of the earth shall shake at my presence the mountains shall be thrown down the steep places shall fall and every wall shall fall the ground i will call for a sword against gog throughout all my mountains says lord god every man's sword will be against his brother and i will bring him to judgment with pestilence and bloodshed i will rain down on him and on his troops and on the many peoples who are with him flooding rain great hailstones fire and brimstone and all that could be talking about some kind of a nuclear exchange thus i will magnify myself and sanctify myself and i will be known in the eyes of many nations then they shall know that i am the lord well so there are all these nations right now uh that that are against israel and and that are in a coalition you know this gog and magog coalition okay now and and plus you have jihadist islam well this is god's answer and god's answer this is an end times answer god has put up with it he's put up with it six million jews were killed israel finally gets their nation back after six million jews are killed they're persecuted all over the world persecution is increasing in the church i'm going to be talking about that in a future program the anti-semitism is rising in the church today okay in america especially in europe and around the world we see hatred of the jews which as i said on our last program is an end time sign okay but god says here in that day when all of them are dwelling safely well i've been to israel i'm sure some of you have been to israel there is a wall in israel just like there's a wall on the mexican border between us and mexico for hundreds of miles there is a border wall there in israel but the but the cities are not walled there isn't it's a and they're all dwelling safely israel is very very prosperous by the way if you haven't been there it is it is gorgeous and they have done a remarkable job with it they're they're a major exporter of agricultural produce so chemicals of all different kinds of things all over the world they found natural gas a massive massive reserve of natural gas off the mediterranean coast which they're now building a pipeline so they can supply that to europe and russia is the number one adversary of that so when it says here that you're going to come down to take spoil israel is a massively resourceful place when we were there the dead sea has over 1 billion tons of chemicals in it it is a chemical rich environment so israel is amazing if you've never been there so they're going to come down when they're at peace however god here says on that day when gog and magog come down the look on my face is going to change and no longer is it going to be peace i'm going to come in my wrath and in my fury so here's what i believe i believe this happens around the first the beginning of the tribulation period of time in fact let me just give you a timeline of what i believe is going to happen we're living in a time right now of relative peace okay it's not peace but it's relative peace compared to what's going to happen in the tribulation israel is a land of unwalled villages and they're they are dwelling in relative peace right now okay and so i believe that and i'm going to be talking now in the next segment about iran's nuclear capabilities the state department just made a remarkable announcement about this what's about to happen but i believe that there's going to be a provocation god says in ezekiel i'm going to put a hook in your jaw and draw you down to the mountains of israel god is going to provoke them i believe that is going to be a military confrontation between israel and iran i believe that's going to be the hook and the jaw that's my personal opinion when that happens there's going to be the gog and magog war at the end of the gog and magog war i believe the antichrist will show up on the scene around that period of time will be the rapture of the church i don't know if it's before then or during it or after it but around that time there's the rapture of the church the antichrist shows up on the heels of the gog and magog war and he becomes the man of peace and he brokers a seven-year peace deal or confirms a seven-year peace deal between israel and the u.n israel and himself whoever he represents and then that begins the tribulation period of time but there's no doubt about several things one is this is a coalition of nations that is on the scene right now they're all in relationship and they all hate israel okay they're all anti-semitic number one number two sheba and dan tarshish and her young alliance are all politically aligned with israel and not with those other nations and they exist right now so the geopolitical landscape is exactly what this says okay is exactly what this says and there's going to be relative peace and then all heaven breaks loose and we're going to see the beginning of the tribulation that's my opinion but this is the first reference to america in end time prophecy well are we mentioned again maybe okay we're not very prominent maybe okay this is revelation 12. now when the dragon saw that he had been cast to the earth he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male child but the woman was given two wings of a great eagle that she might fly into the wilderness to her place where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time from the presence of the serpent well this is israel okay israel this is mid-trib and satan is thrown out of heaven and uh and he's absolutely in a fury and he begins to persecute israel but israel is allowed to go into basically the the desert mountains in this would be jordan present-day jordan that they are fleeing to the mountains and it says they're helped by an eagle is that eagle of the united states it could be this is the second possible reference to america and the end times now the only problem i have with it is the lord said to israel concerning their exodus from egypt i bore you out on eagle's wings and we know that when the children of israel left egypt with moses there was no eagle there was no america that came and helped them but this is a possible reference to america okay so here's here's another question why why isn't america more prominent in end time prophecy because we're not prominent okay i think that we're there in ezekiel 38 i don't know about revelation but we're there in ezekiel 38 why are we not more prominent well america is decimated by the rapture let me just give you some numbers here in may of 2017 uh barna the major researcher did a study of how many born-again adults there were in america okay around 30 percent this is the in truly born again uh using the right criteria he used the right criteria of measuring whether a person perceives jesus their personal lord and savior believes in the bible so on and so forth around 30 percent there are 332 million americans today that would be around 100 million believers now remember i believe children under the age of accountability believers children not unbelievers children but believers children go with them in the rapture i don't believe that god leaves our children here and our grandchildren here behind i believe that if we're saved our children go with us so this would be born-again people with their children be around 100 million people imagine one-third of the nation disappearing in the twinkling of an eye it your army is gone your government's gone your your systems are gone and what would that do that would that would mean america just isn't really a factor in the end times that's that's really what it means and the other possibility there is that we've been defeated by china russia uh iran is threatening us nuclear with nuclear deal i'm going to talk about that here in the next section but i don't believe that's true i don't believe that we're going to be defeated by some other superpower because jesus said it would be like the days of noah on the days of lot i don't think there's going to be some massive nuclear exchange or massive war before the rapture but the rapture itself is a devastating event there will be nations of the world relatively unimpacted uh by the rapture but america will be definitely impacted and i think that will decimate us and make us uh not much of a player on the world stage at that point so that's my answer uh we are i think uh mentioned in ezekiel 38 i don't know about revelation chapter 12 possibly but i don't believe that we're a player in the end times because of the rapture that's my answer now we're going to go now if you're not a subscriber this next part of our program is for subscribers only go to and subscribe seven dollars a month 77 a year but if you're a subscriber stay tuned if not i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Jimmy Evans
Views: 209,579
Rating: 4.8695984 out of 5
Keywords: Jimmy Evans, Christian, marriage, Daystar, MarriageToday, Gateway church, preaching, christian, america, end times, prophecy, revelation, bible christian, bible, jesus, paul, china, iran, doomsday, end of world, tribulation, war, nations
Id: lElSDfDyyqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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