Medicare Scam Call AGAIN! This is how I handle them.

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all right i cannot deal with this i just got a call and hello hello this is medicare and we want to send you a new card and if you cooperate with us we you will have the new card in the mail right away i said start up let's let's all be full of here oh that would be very good as long as you do not need any information from me is that okay boom go silent another guy comes on the phone hello this is dan i'm the manager i was like hello governor what is the problem with uh a new medicare what's wrong with my old medicare card click they hung up it's like cut this grow up get a job people scammers whatever
Channel: Michael Quigley
Views: 10,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 2sec (62 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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