Irresistible Force aka Power Cop

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I knew right away just from the title and thumbnail that it was gonna be Cynthia Rothrock

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Peter_Cox-Johnson 📅︎︎ Sep 02 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] and I was made for this game racking up the points think stole it like who God maybe he's gonna whisper in the cashiers ear or something I don't think so I [Music] don't know nothing who cares no one would even come if he did you know that's exactly what my dad says look what it's gotten him hello whoa [Music] Jesse management sent us they want the game cartridge back we'll just take you know Frank you really should have answered my phone calls why are you doing this to me I don't owe you any more favors doesn't matter Frank once you're my friend you're always my friend I want something done that only you can do so if you ever want to see yourself alive again stay here and wait for my call no wait you know I'll do it whatever it is just don't take him please please [Music] Jesse the centerpiece of the city's first free enterprise zone both the mayor and the governor will share the honors get up daddy Oh what I call asleep in here again these two got some rest all right what's the big occasion I know it can't be my birthday otherwise they'd be retired 21 days 21 days it's time to pull your stitches you really think the kids should see this oh absolutely I'll be very educational for them it'll teach them to never become cops Oh take it easy ARLA I wanna be a nurse like mommy daddy no darling you're gonna become a plumber that is if your brother gets in the law school otherwise you can move up Oh gross you're really gonna let her do it oh hush Christopher don't make me break my concentration you have to sound so hopeful Matthew what's the big deal you ought to be used to this by now I'm never going to get used to this I know I know I finally decide to do something about that I got a plan no like what gonna ask criminals to knife you instead of shoot you very funny just so happens they got a new classic a debts graduating tomorrow you'll get this done up with plan a and emotion Oh in that case Oh told you he'd you up daddy can I take the bullet to show-and-tell ask you mother sure thanks all right hey cuz everybody's suited up for that graduation ceremonies would a mom have AMA going to the convention and the rest of them they're going to the mall opening where's commander Julie Jim I gotta talk to you hey do you know where son took my kid last night not to attack to parlor well I hope Chris didn't talk him into something permanent oh no they said they were just window-shopping but that's also what he said just before Chris talked him into having his ear pierced talk to you man I'm not gonna leave town for a week I don't want to come back to a son looking like a piece of wallpaper okay okay I'll talk listen Danny I need a favor hey what kind of favor well I really know how to say this but I'm thinking about retiring oh no you're not you're a cop you'll always be a cop yeah until I'm dead I don't want to die just yeah and I'd like to take my grandson fishing see Harry I didn't know you had a grandson I don't but I mind if I live long enough I want by knowing you now what twenty-three years okay see you go golfing a couple of weeks you go fishing two Sundays in a row and then bang you will go stark stir-crazy I don't know you okay all right you're right but I want a new partner hey that's easy and I got just a guy for you he's fresh out of the Academy no no no I don't want a guy I want a woman you are out of your mind I'm serious Danny I've researched it women draw their weapons 37% less at the time and then they can involved in forty nine percent fewer shootings they like to negotiate instead of attack and that's what I want Danny I'm tired of having my partner's getting me shot at all the time you know as I recall it you pose as a pizza man to get through the door first I had to otherwise smiley would have gone in ahead of me and that's exactly my point you compete with every rookie that's assigned to you you're still trying to prove and you got what it takes good lord man can I give you some sweet fresh young girls straight out of the Academy you divert and tears are dead within 24 hours I've changed really I swear I have and I promise Darla what that you pick some bimbo for your next partner know that I would live long enough to collect my retirement are you serious about this dead serious and guarantee me that you'll stop Chris absolutely he's grounded until he's 40 well there is a young recruit that miss graduating by one unit but the city says we're short on our skirt count so well you talk to her and if you're willing to work with her I'll give her a pass thanks and when'd you start working out oh this morning I'm gonna wear my dress uniform and I can't get my breeches button hah dad hello Charlotte I'm sorry Charlotte yeah I'm Harry stone hop in I'll give you a ride know what this is all about they said they needed a new partner and if you felt that qualified they'd give me my badge that's the idea Thanks listen we didn't get your file from personnel I guess it's still over the Academy what happened I'll just grow up I flunked my field test and assault and hostage tactics two coffees black make that one tea please well that's not so bad I mean it's a tough course especially for a woman oh you really think so yeah absolutely you see men have this instinct for combat goes all the way back to the dinosaurs and the saber-tooth Tigers a woman a woman is more the gatherer Gleaner Titan if you know what I'm saying yeah I think I do hey don't worry about it I mean there's plenty of room for women police work believe me especially when it comes to things like searching a crime scene they're wonderful of that how'd you do in forensics first in the class really wasn't fair though the guys didn't have time to study it was deer season but you flunked assault and hostage tactics that's perfect then it's just perfect how totally five-foot-three what I'm not hunched over gathering Touche you know something I got a feeling we are gonna get along just great matter of fact you're gonna get your bed I'll see to it later courage right detective swinging right on our way can that hold up call yeah they got them all looping over on the west side all the patrol units must be busy you packing a piece yeah I never should be a sidearm that's okay I can loan you one of mine it's not loaded 88 two minutes [Music] now what the cheese now now [Music] [Music] all right here take this I cover up my back and keep an eye out for lookouts this is of course your failed isn't it yeah I'm afraid so I need this okay Charlene Charlotte sure just lay low if anything goes down we'll call for SWAT let's go you can't find anything can you [Music] dr. 20 we got a 512 in progress over Roger 20 position they're gonna kill him anyway I think we're sure we can't get it that without getting killed no you can't because you look like a cop and I can't what are you crazy you think I'm gonna back you up somebody please show me a car no no don't worry you came to the right place honey I'll show you a car why don't we stop the backseat first okay but gentlemen first [Music] let's do it in handcuffs I know I'll enjoy it more okay yes how in the world that you flunk assault tactics they said I was a little aggressive is a great start to your career Ms Heller in fact it's going to be positively meteoric a big flash and then over in five seconds don't you want to hear my side of the story first you mean you had a reason to demolish that showroom well I thought so yeah they were gonna kill the salesman and that was a reason you entered and put all of those hostages lives at risk what should I have done said halt police a duck for cover yes and wait for the SWAT team to arrive you see they're trained to handle situations like that then we'd really have dead hostages and I wasn't gonna let that happen great you've also got attitude you want to make the rest of us look like fools while you come off like Wonder Woman well terrific you're on suspension pending approval to fire you hey Danny come on don't you think you're overreacting a little bit you're not trying to back her up are you I mean is she really your idea of a partner oh I didn't say I wanted to ride with her again but she did nail those guys that isn't the real question here why white Cobras are suddenly hijacking cars oh no we're not back on your white Cobra obsession again are we everybody and that crew was a white Cobra one guy even had a tattoo give me a break you're jerking me around Harry I mean what's this being like Chris talk Kevin Utley having his nose pierced I doubt that he could do it Kevin would fade at the sight of a needle all right that's it you think she did such a great job well you're suspended too no badge no gun and no chance to ruin my life now get out of here I've got a plane to catch first day back on the job I'm already on suspension what's the matter with you somebody killed your dog or something when you were a kid why you think I was crazy for going into that showroom I think you're crazy for taking on Tooley going into that showroom was suicidal I know what I was doing I had some training yeah I noticed where'd you get that kind of training the Navy I beg your pardon I'm the only woman they ever let in to the seal program well that's impossible the Navy doesn't let women into commando units no kidding I just wanted to prove a woman couldn't do it oh I get it well you shouldn't feel so bad most the men look out - well thanks a lot I passed the course and then you join the police great 7,000 cops on the floors I got to pick the only broad with a death wish okay Oh scary as hell born into that showroom but I didn't think I had any other choice oh and by the way don't think I didn't notice you're tackling that car fury of a crazier than I am you really are a pistol aren't you yeah and I got a big mouth and a bad attitude I guess I totally screwed things up this time you know all I ever really wanted to be as a cop it's the only thing I'm good at listen um you got someplace to go anybody to talk to not really you want to come over to my house for dinner yeah and how's your wife gonna take that she's better with a gun than I am sure probably just shoot me come on but you better buy her a great present it's your only hope you're right oh you got to pick it out teres could we beat this I don't know I've been on the force for 23 years I'm not totally a long time we could probably reinstate me but you [Music] good chance you're gonna lose [Music] [Applause] as everyone's inside we'll begin the ceremony [Applause] hey Carrie what's going on when you gonna open up when the politicians stop talking I just want to do a little shopping buy a piece office with my wife all right all right look around we'll let the shop clerks in when they finish cutting the ribbon but none of our efforts would have borne fruit without the will the foresight the leadership and yes the guts to see it through and so first of all I would like to introduce to you the man our great man Tom Webster will make this project a reality jiminy I've never seen so many politicians vomit solve the problem of term limitations certainly we could not have made these great strides without a great deal more help wait a minute what's the matter I know that guy that security guy I busted him about five years ago he's in love one of those white Cobras boy these guys power freaks started out as a bunch of white supremacists and survivalists remember the leader disappeared a few years ago everybody thought they were finished I got a very strange feeling they're coming back and he's working security tell you what and follow him I'll take the other guy [Music] [Applause] [Music] what the hell are you doing here hello mash listen we got a problem no you're the one with the problem first you jump the gun on my SWAT team today and now you just stiff arm the mayor's wife the chief wants you out of here wait a minute wait a minute I've got white coders working security here as they have been active years that's funny I just saw the guy in a security officers uniform no that's impossible we checked out the security company ourselves oh yeah well you better [ __ ] to contact about because somebody screwed up no you're the one who screwed up Paris you're just having flashbacks about when you actually belonged on the force now let's go [Music] when we first started this project we vowed to ourselves that urban lawlessness would never again deprive the city of its safety and its Commerce [Applause] I would like to introduce a representative from magic text eternity band rule was javi manga he has bad headache don't worry greet me very thoroughly before he departed thank you you don't know how gratifying it is to see you here today because I know of no better way to demonstrate how a terrific security systems than to try it out on you this is a trigger for those systems meant to be carried by the security director at all times the first sign of trouble inside or outside this magnificent fortress you can summon the police and pending their arrival utterly seal off the mall simply by pressing this truck [Music] [Applause] [Music] we own it telling you - it's a setup I'll bet my pension on it just cool down to the command ban Harris everything's gonna turn out fine if your career you know governor a little birdie told us it was your birthday today so we planned a surprise [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] god [Music] I think you're gonna get a gas out of this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] get down get down now do you believe me after carding this a lot of probably mine fall back fall back regroup the command post went away and they're running up shut up the m-19 first the bench gets his gas out of here the boy's father on the phone hello Frank where's my son in here with us yeah listen these creeps I'm okay you free that is very good advice Frank if you ever want to see your son alive again don't worry I'll do the job good I'll take the packages I sent you to work get started I remember Frank [Music] don't let us down [Applause] [Music] while our commanders are trapped inside the chief Kelley Hernandez wears Cooley he's already on the plane to Denver we can't get him back until at least tonight dependent that's definitely tear gas coming out of those vents I don't see how anyone could have escaped no my partner might have she wasn't in the main gallery when the attack went down I think she had a chance well she armed she wasn't did she have a radio no you think she has a chance forget it so she runs into those guys she's lunch nothing I don't see her it's a problem she armed did she look like a cop more like somebody's sister you're spending this much time on a girl security census on Naylor start securing the rear south tones clear activate the sensors hey Terry yeah the mall manager that guy you were standing with when I first arrived where can I find him sorry I don't have a clue man for all I know he's trapped inside [Music] Northgate [Music] yes we got a tripod go [Music] check it you've gotta be ready [Music] Mayday Mayday can anybody read me [Music] [Applause] lieutenant better see this I got a video feed from inside the ball good after and greetings from the newest jewel in our great cities crowd as you undoubtedly realized by now what our civic father is meant to be a fortress against the rampaging mob and become their prison instead I've got the governor three of his aides the mayor are clearly unlucky 13 members of the best city council money can buy one senator two congressmen five police commanders a dream team of business people so powerful they could actually build this monstrosity last far too noisy to be leased most of the film this is a list of 32 of my closest friends I want them released from prison and brought here with a hundred million dollars in cash and enough armored cars to take us all to the airport I'll begin holding recall elections one bullet at a time send on my detail demands in a minute call me when you're ready to talk who is he James baron founder of the white cobras he's supposed to be date yeah and Elvis is supposed to be alive in shopping at Kmart look 32 of ferren's polymers are either on death row they're serving life sentences we let them go we'll have a small army capable of terrorizing this entire state how do you know so much about him when Baron first started back in 1981 I tried to set my partner up to go undercover and join one of his gangs Baron figured it out during an initiation ceremony he blew him away oh great just what we need an unbiased experts I know baron we don't get in there before he wears that place shut he will start killing hostages we've got to hit him hard we've got to hit him now no no way I have to talk to higher authority first didn't you see the pictures the higher authorities in there your red pal me lieutenant so what are we supposed to do lieutenant stand here well he starts killing people hey hey you [Music] maybe made a this was the scene only moments ago as the terrorist leader released the badly wounded security guards to deliver his demands experts have identified that leader as James Barron founder of the white Cobra movement responsible for a rash of bank robberies and terrorist attacks in the early 1980s police believed he died in a 1984 shootout and fire other reports however placed him in South America and Europe training with neo-nazi terrorist movements and all off the south and the Maine those are the only entrances except for the truck tunnel but that's sealed by the gate system - what about this how are you doing trying to figure out a way to get in there well that's funny I thought I was in command here so did I everybody makes mistakes huh excuse me Victor stone yeah I've got a foul mouth lady here breaking in the traffic control frequencies and she says she knows you hello hello Charlotte are you there I'll tell you a family secret Harris my dad always called me Charlie that's why I grew up so weird I knew there was a reason you know what we're up against here no tell me Oh Baron has at least 20 gunmen and they're armed to the teeth they're even planting a grenade cannon to cover the south entrance what about the other entrances chief harris want you hold on I'll go take a look you have any plans to get us out of here Charlie look I got to find a way to get in there first the security gates are nailed down shut can't you crash them no way not even a tank what if someone was able to cut a control cable for you can you do that maybe wouldn't work the gates are failsafe the only way to raise it is from the security center no Charlie no way yeah I heard I'm gonna try it anyway try what getting into the security center I don't know how much support I can give you I'm not getting any help with these SWAT guys Aradia from the Security Center Charlie Charlie no backup right [ __ ] mode nobody moves until I order girl she's headed this way Hey I just want to surrender I don't want to get hurt it's okay we'll take care of you I'm in with every mom here as soon as I left the gate you have to move quick squad five we capture the security center now all other units coming against city waiting for we still don't have a plan you don't need one not usually to do it just drive with lickety-split past all those exploding cars right into the lobby barons men are scattered all over the place you can nail them before they know what Adam Rick the vehicles you know what kind of authorization that requires send me the bill stop [Music] how are you doing setting an example for you you better move your butt if you don't want to look like a bush what are you guys waiting for the foyer man we wouldn't stand a chance what are you doing [Music] [Music] they're all dead or running what's in that your second ugly driver was Harris Stone the only cop who ever got close to nailing me I must be imagining things I hope you're making progress Kurt [Music] who are you Charlie what are you doing here kidnap rescue me yeah a professional special warrant you mean you're a thief [Music] go rescue me a plea bargain later okay [Music] my bad with you I got this thing about Heights get over it [Music] [Music] [Applause] no radio no bullets I guess when you blow it you can't do it style so what everybody tells me maybe they were right charlie Johnny face it Harris she blew it her frequencies dead and she probably is too there's nothing we can do [Music] what the hell are you doing just give me the night manager can you take this yes hello well yes it's a trash chute does it lead inside the mall well into the utility law yes I thought you said there wasn't any other way in well it isn't a regular way over let me ask you something pal there's anything about this situation seem regular to you you tell me that because if there is I'd like to know what over and out climbing the chute I'm terrific just perfect Paris you listen to me you stay in position you understand me what do you want me to do lieutenant wait for the morning trash no thanks my positions with my partner you're getting too worried for this Harrison so my back is telling me hey I need the exercise yeah and what do I tell your wife when we bring you out in a body bag huh tell her I don't want any fancy shoes just bury me in the backyard next to the dog [Music] Kurt what's a situation in there laughs Samantha control panel most of the internal sensors been injured and she got the kid how's that possible well she's rather attractive I'd say she took him by surprise let's make sure that doesn't happen again warn everybody and get back boy I [Music] think this time we gave our hostages the chest [Music] why you doing walking off motorcycle first do all these entry blanks got oh man are you out of your mind they're gonna find us any minute so you got a plan B right you do have a plan B don't you another token restart and play again exactly on me I can't believe this the one time in my life I'm kidnapped and I'm rescued by an amateur listen you think I could stop complaining long enough to tell me something what are you okay yeah sure what's your name Jesse tell me Jesse why were they holding you oh no it's just skulking around the mall this morning they picked me up yes I thought I saw something did they hurt you anywhere hey no I'm cool I can fight I don't want you getting anywhere near the line of fire you understand me hey don't blame me just cuz you're blowing things no I screw up every day but I don't let it get me down look how well do you know this place like incredibly I've snuck through every mall on this whole city must got kicked out of this place at least ten times by the cops when they were building it yeah but is there any place they didn't find you sure top the utility chef just be in the kitchen store it's the highest point in the whole building well then that's where we're headed but first a little breaking and entering whoa you sure you're a cop you know you don't look like one well that's the idea now would you like to come over here and help me with this don't worry I wouldn't miss it [Music] [Music] I know anyone that's yo the young lady who trashed my control room I had to admit I'm in the moment to give you a spanking after what you tried to do but since you failed I'm willing to give you a kiss and safe passage out of here instead provided reach agreement on a couple of points just dial five six eight three on any phone but I'll be here do it fast cuz I'm gonna kill a compliment until you do your first minutes almost up [Music] Tracy just go so I know you're safe oh [Music] [Music] good this Bay it's a shame you're so ignorant you are kind of cute seems to me I still have the keys to this place and your friends I wish I were a cop then I wouldn't have to fight your guys I could have just drilled them full a nine-millimeter did you have a gun not until she captured one so if you're not a cop what are you who else would be sneaking around here while the police play meet the politician so you mean you're a thief I know that's smoother one than you are I was almost out of here with a nice haul until your bozos started shooting at any of the stores been broken into someone looted the jewelry store on to South and you didn't tell me you know I think I owe you an apology why don't you bring me the boy oh no he's my ticket out of here when the police start roasting you alive they haven't got a clue I'm getting out of here are you really that smart prove it oh sorry that would be telling but believe me it's gonna be a gas in your dreams kitchens drawn to self check her [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I think you need to get up here so you have to stay [Music] come on what are you doing here I rigged the elevator to go down to the basement come on quick [Music] be quick two more men in able to fight makes five I really like to meet this girl no you wouldn't oh yes I would should we shoot the hostages waste them on her she's not a cop they can't fight this well scan the building from the bottom up we'll find her so where'd you learn to fight like that with helping me to karate class 113 you thought it would teach me self-confidence trust me worked glad you think so [Music] better hurry up TV says lieutenant governor's riding to start negotiations know where we'll be ready Charlie you got a plan yet oh I don't know I've been hurt pretty bad bruise most of my ribs and I seem to be having a bad hair day we could just hide here til the police arrive and fire me how's that sound works for me good we have here water ammunition candy bars no radio just as well every time you talk to someone they try to kill you I think it's like your karma or something no it's just bad phone etiquette my mom warned me about that when I was growing up is your mom still alive well sure I just saw her on Sunday had to tell her and dad not to bother coming to my graduation what about yours died five years ago truck driving accident she was a drunk [Music] I'm sorry hey no problem happens to a lot of people progestin what's this I don't know let me see what's the matter this is an antidote kit for VX guess what nerve gas canister can kill half the city the malls grooming consultant we've had a complaint about your hair now where's the girl huh I don't know we haven't found her yet why the expensive toys I'm not gonna tell you that promise one thing you're Baltic yeah that's an interesting idea why don't you sleep on it [Music] [Music] until the governor's inbound standby with that video link do you think the gas the building not while they're stuck inside with us no antidotes that good they'd have to have gas warfare suits and a great way out of here something that would trick the police are you sure you didn't see anything me Wow I was just sneaking around I mean it's too dark to see anything too dark well yeah I mean you know no I don't know a half hour ago you told me that they found you this morning yeah but it was pretty early no kid like you doesn't get up that early what's your connection to this Jesse oh no don't lie to me too many lives depend on it look we're you telling me the truth when you said your mother was dead yes so what's your father that's involved in this dad model citizen way listen to me Jesse if they're willing to kill half the city with this nerve gas what do you think they're gonna do to your father when they're finished with them forget it you never helped them he what if he knew you're in danger you got to tell me maybe we can help them it's gonna happen to him if he is involved I don't know it can't be as bad as what's gonna happen to him if this goes all the way please Jesse what's his name still Beck you it's Frank Dobek yeah used to know Baron a long time ago he sets what Baron said he said my dad was gonna do a job for him and I was his insurance policy do you know what kind of job just got a job working for the police he's a helicopter mechanic okay look I have to go find a radio you stay here no way Jose I'm going with you no you might get hurt who's gonna cover your back then huh I mean there's still like a million guys out there I'll come back for you I promise just stay here I'm lieutenant Nash they'll kill you in on the situation we have here they briefed me on the way over these two policemen inside do you think they're still alive it's possible you can still be effective I doubt it Jesus the hot-dogging Harris is way past his prime it's a video link ready you are okay you know the rules you can tape this but no public airing until we clear it then you get the exclusive okay what do you want mr. Barron I'm lieutenant governor barbour Danner as I know I voted for you at the last election oh sorry if the media listening you know look mr. Barron you're obviously an intelligent man I'm sure we can reason together I'm glad you feel that way because it's really very simple I want the people on my list the money and the trucks to get us out of here and you'll get half the hostages back when we escape you'll get the other half I'm not sure I can do that oh yes you can now I know you're not used to caving in like this at least not publicly so why don't you take some advice from someone who is mr. governor Barbara are you to reaching an agreement here but that depends I'm not sure I make sure just do it what he's offering makes perfect sense are you ordering me to give in yes of course just give him what he wants and do it now if we give in what happens we'll be up on points they'll have fewer hostages and we can track them from the sky now if they split up we nail them if they stay together and go to the airport it becomes a federal problem you sure there's no downside to this just tell the media that we're not really giving in that we're just tricking them mr. Baron I'm happy to tell you the consensus is that we make the deal your friends and the money will be here within the hour when you bring them in the first hostages will come out then I'll be talking to you soon I want our camera crew to follow this maybe we can use it for the campaign you better get those persons here real fast before those two cops foul things up [Music] don't you near the tanks the bill would be ex jest [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] don't [Music] you know I had to do my laundry [Music] all right what are you waiting for [Music] lieutenant Nash inspector stone Harris what's going on why are you using a traffic frequency reason tell me is because Baron probably isn't monitoring that frequency look we found something up here that might be important up on the top floor they've got nerve gas munitions don't panic it's only tear gas they used it to take over the mall those were VX canisters hold on Nash yeah but can you explain that to him without him going ballistic of course I could do the girl thing I have miss Heller on the line hi lieutenant there seems to be a little confusion here what we saw were VX munitions I know because I capturing an antidote kit with Russian and Arabic markings on it holder can you read Russian and Arabic no but I know an atropine kit when I see it and where the cylinders marked in Russian and Arabic too of course then how do you know what they are Hey do yourself a favor there's a guy named Frank Delvecchio working for the department and find him and tell him that charlie is freitas find out what he's been up to okay we'll get on it as soon as we can now you listen to me we've got a deal with Barron to bring out the hostages do you is the Pope polish over and out they're gonna walk right into it aren't they hey it's what they do best thank you better call your kid what this could last all night you better warning it's okay somebody's watching okay then get these birds turn around [Music] [Music] you absolutely sure about this 100% if we let them to get out of here they're gonna kill all the cops the hostages and probably half the city what are you doing trying to figure out how much ammo we need are you sure you want to do this why not you think I'm gonna try an over-the-hill no thinking about how you promised your wife you were gonna live long enough to retire I'm still here aren't I besides Allah understands she grew up with a cop family she may not like it you may not think it's fair but hey that's the way it is you know why I became a cop because I figured out life isn't fair and that really ticked me off so let's go honey do you have any idea how to stop said they were taking the Zeus at the North gallery we think I do have an idea [Music] eta 15 minutes on the armored cars police helicopters have launched start arming the gas dispensers tell nation to launch nightshade watch a chopper just [Music] awesome bear hey buck throughout the end of the parking lot buy out the contain let's shoot someone everyone sweet it up the minute they arrive [Music] hurry it up let's move it [Applause] they're burning the soup but stop them you idiot turn the can towards hostages you'll come with me Harris what the hell is going on cease fire a little difficult right now neck we torch the containment suit you bring us some backup containment suits did he say containment suits are the nerve gas munitions in there it's just a theory I'm glad you're such an expert lieutenant the hell are you captain Swenson US National Guard your Bartis disarmed those cars mean finding type 12 plastique in them all day so same type of explosive was stolen from the Alcazar armory at the end of the Gulf War and whoever did it also took a ton of VX if they've got nerve agents in there you let them escape we're toast better turn off the camera [Music] [Music] you just got a call to detain you right you want to tell us why me I haven't got a clue they said you're involved in the mess at New Harmony mall but we should tell you that your son's okay what did they say that he's been rescued from back but he's still trapped inside it mean something to you Frank listen to me you've got to land those choppers now they're all gonna blow excuse me ma'am just got a call on the radio the kid's father says Barron has a chopper inbound won't stop it we can't not until we get our own helos back in the air no we can't wait we got to attack we can't hold out much longer Charlie we have been asked for a piece of what you think ups you're one of the best partners I ever had too bad it only lasted 24 hours you may live long enough to regret you said that I think I have an idea what's that let's get [Music] two hostages [Music] [Music] about the north down elevator okay follow me we're the health fair first the boss pound oh I see you take the pulp while he gets away right I don't even like the bastard said for the roofs of gallery that's why I left Jessie [Music] Aaron's mine these days throw down your weapon give me the boy why should I you're not gonna risk shooting at me my partner's gonna be here any second when your helicopter isn't gonna land if I'm shooting at it this is interesting we really do have a standoff don't we yeah we'll have a solution surrender while you can I got a better idea fight me you know you want to Liping dying to get my hands on you so put down your gun and do it you think I'm crazy you'll just shoot me just one bullet left in the chamber enough to blow this tank apart but not enough to stop someone as fast as you so it's your choice give me the chance to fight you so I can escape I'll huddle there will I kill us all you better choose fast [Music] let the boy go you really think you could take me you're just a tricky little girl I know I can [Music] [Music] you know I got a real kick out of you pity it's over any last words yeah I lied you're not so cute [Music] you know charlie I really am a bad loser [Music] finally goodbye mr. stone [Applause] I'm a bad loser too pal you okay let's get out of here you know I've been thinking maybe I am too aggressive [Music] judge your jabs yeah what's gonna happen to me now I don't know Jessie he's still in a lot of trouble but I think you'll make it at least nobody got hurt because it Thanks come here so we gonna keep in touch count on it maybe to train you but the reason you lost the fight to Baron because you're holding your left too high to compensate for his size where did you learn that I've been watching kickboxing videos for years give me [ __ ] give me pointers [Music] they breathe me on what happens so I guess you better take this back Harry and you too thank you [Music] congratulations you're a cop you can wear that in the press conference yeah you guys time to make a call sure Harris cause you're on ellipse right up so that's your new partner ARLA lead she became my partner I have no idea but she looked like I had no idea what this whole thing was going uh-huh so tell me they strike a nerve in there I don't feel a thing I think all the nerves are dead look Carrie I know I can't get you to quit I just wish to God you learn how to duck [Music] like that have you been watching the news better turn it on I think you're gonna see me graduate after all Thanks I love you too bye [Music] so Chucky how's the family they're fine Henry for its crown for the carriage [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Richard Rayner
Views: 1,987,455
Rating: 4.4131823 out of 5
Keywords: Stacey Keach, Cynthia Rothrock, Irresistible Force, Power Cop, Martial Arts, Full Movie
Id: V1PkagO7C1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 21sec (4641 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2017
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