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poppy playtime chapter 2 is one of the scariest games online right now but is it scary to beat in real life what is going on he just got huggy wuggy all right this is the first room in the game we built it as a life-size replica so somehow we have to get through the red door there's two keyholes there's this one oh and there's that one oh oh oh wow look at this so in the game you have to collect three of these codes to escape this is one of the codes to the train now how do we get through the big door i don't know maybe with this massive key i'm just hoping you can notice it oh ah this is my little brother josh he's been working out as you can tell dude wanted flowers oh yeah why didn't i use that yeah i think you killed it your keys ever get stuck in the door okay we can bare push it ah okay there we go i'll go first oh so we have to find the wires in the game you have to actually activate the power grids using wires oh i got the green wires nice red wires yellow wires open oh got it you get the blue wire and the yellow wire and i'm gonna get the red and green like this and then like this i'm not good at this what do you mean it's not so hard it's just you wrap wires around things all right i'm done with this one yellow's good enough once we have this powered up we can finally open the vent on the floor we're only missing the green wire now dude this is terrible you're like in third grade right now okay we're good right out in my ankle i think you hit the vent yeah i know scoot oh my god through the side oh my gosh wow you did some handy work there my guy use your feet use your feet look at all these items you look at this rejected sir poops a lot extremely negative reception from various focus groups dude this is the best one mommy longlegs concept v1 too freaky for target demographic i told you she was attractive oh wait what oh it's a game you take the green and red walls let me get yellow and blue red okay blue so there's this thing in the game that's probably the most terrifying thing you've ever seen they combine the two ugliest things in the planet pug in the caterpillar oh i was going to say you in your future focus up oh josh i think i found it what it's a giant battery shoot here take this take this let me plug it up you just got to be careful because they go oh jesus bro stop please like this video if you want me to scare joshua oh oh good this is the green glove in the game it's not what no i'm putting on my green glove oh it's going oh i don't know if it's gonna pick this up oh oh my god dude this is like hundreds of pounds of toys oh wait what the heck what i didn't even notice this behind the box wait what did we destroy it with we use the barrel always when in doubt barrel out okay it's a little bit stronger than anticipated oh wait wait pressing that is the wrong game where'd you find a pickaxe intuition i would be honest it's a pretty hard wall i mean push this oh you know it's wedged can we let me smack this a little bit more oh come on nice maybe we have to get the corner we have to get the other corner it's about to fall all right one last push do the honor if you played the game you know exactly of a room we're going into this is whack-a-wookie this is cool so in this room you have to whack every wuggy that comes through hey careful careful there could be wonkys anywhere and you know a wookie when you see a woogie but this is how i believe you get the second train code whack it you got it you did they're so fast oh i feel like i got that short i'm sorry get down get that one wait let's get the train what is this so that's two out of three now we break through that all right watch oh yeah now he's going to show off his strength [Music] that is much harder than i thought it was going to be does it pick up like a garage you know sometimes the answer isn't always smashed in things i guess this is proof there we go oh yeah there we go i got this side you get this side good job josh yes easy that's right mommy we're coming for you this part in the game is incredibly infuriating you have to figure out how to activate powered things yeah in the game you use the power from this one that's shocking and then you activate that all right so what you got to do is touch it real just touch it quick fast grab it okay now bring it to the green boom okay so now all we have to do is we have to uh oh wow you knew it was conducting electricity you could take the bars out this is where the cart comes in all right you know josh a lot of people have been wait oh that was a total accident i was about to throw the wagon what are these i don't think those are gonna be good okay well maybe all right okay he's good with the poles who would have thought i'm a genius this is why you need me on your team relax i can't relax shot what if we can't bend ah okay now we can fix all right so josh doesn't know this but in the game this is the room where tj the pocket teller comes in who oh what is that i promise he's a lot creepier in the game so with the light screen we can move but if it's red pogba pillar's coming for you all right go go go all right here try to use this try to use this oh dude look at the train i can see the train figure that okay you can still talk you can't move oh that was so cool i'm gonna go in like this a little bit like this all right watch the all notarinos oh my gatos all right josh uh i took the train codes so i'm gonna leave without you no you're not no oh my gosh well i don't know how to use this well i don't either i'm a little kid a little kid with a big ball in there we die yeah so just pretend this is the void from minecraft can we get some video effects this is the worst part this is when like mommy's chasing you and it's frantic so stop talking and go uh you should go get it it's actually in my pocket well well josh doesn't know won't hurt him i guess but i did take the train coach from the boy if you fall you're literally going to shred your butthole what are you doing what this is a terrible idea oh oh we got it josh all right here's the sequence the dog is there wait what yeah yeah look at this yes yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah there we go boom two four three one okay four i got you i got you got you four goes in i literally memorized it by heart from the game it's red yellow red blue okay now here's what you do now you have to press the buttons in the order though okay boom boom boom boom oh my gosh our new saying is it's damage time ah ah okay doc okay go go go preston all right i'm turning this off this is a really cool prop but uh starting to get high yo oh my gosh this is so sharp are we going in there whoa whoa whoa hey yo dude watch out josh i knew this hammer would come in handy dude yo i just joined that out baby oh my god go ah all right all right climb through can we climb through yes i will help you i'm gonna fall through this oh wait it's already cutting to the end hey i didn't get the train yet and oh my god
Channel: Preston
Views: 5,752,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny, challenge, family, comedy, preston, brianna
Id: uT5X0Hvjl1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 16 2022
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