IRIX on x86? A Look at Lirix! (feat. MaXXdesktop)

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what the heck what day is it oh my god project whoa what i now know what i must do oh well you know what they say cliche never strikes twice what about somebody else's so let's have a look at the list that one will get me terminated that one will most likely get me to monetize not that i'm monetized anyway but you know working on that one wait why is that on the list oh gosh all right this is useless wait there's one other thing i can do [Music] i have been at the border between life and death itself oh the screaming and i also found this lyrics it's actually a super cool alarm system with a super cool website a little archaic but i can't complain look it was perfectly on my ipad oh and look a b-pick cute so this operating system is meant to well we don't actually know but i do have a pretty good idea and that is to emulate the look and feel of irix i see what you did there by shipping with max desktop or max interactive desktop depending on what part of the website you look at just meant to be sort of a spiritual successor to irex interactive desktop which shipped on those funny minifridge looking computers just like the one you're seeing right now but as far as i know this is where the similarities end because at the end of the day lyrics isn't irex it's actually just an arch-based linux distribution with mac's desktop but of course i could be wrong because i don't have any documentation on this operating system so it's pretty much just all speculation especially since i haven't even tried it out yet so let's just install it and find out so as per the usual we're going to be installing onto this the lenovo thinkpad t420 oh no it appears we do not have the power adapter oh no it appears the power adapter is not plugged in oh whatever shall we do [Music] you know it's fine and dandy and all but it's not at all how i do it nowadays probably do something a little bit more like [Music] yeah that makes a little bit more sense you find it funny how these 420 videos have basically just been a parody of the one video i made in 2017. i basically haven't done anything creative since and now with the computer thoroughly powered we're going to install the operating system using this a usb thumb drive because it wouldn't fit on a cd okay before the entire plot falls apart just don't ask questions i like the yellow one and you can't even tell it's there nice so now it's got to turn it on which i think i remember how to do this yeah i got it hey so it is working nice all we should have to do is come over here to this and press enter and nice so now i just gotta with speech kind of worried what that would entail so let's just go with the regular one for now wait for that okay nice so boots blue very blue okay interesting oh oh okay i didn't even touch anything i was trying to read it so here we are installing lyrics melafira at least i think that's how you pronounce it so our english us he's installed the installer for lyrics nice would you like to install lyrics at this moment yes select your keymap you got that right select which installation disk i like how it has the option here i could just totally install onto my thumb drive but since we're installing off of that i don't think it would exactly like it too much uefi detected we'll use gpt that's fine specify swap size in megabyte um yes so since we have six gigabytes ish i'm going to give it four so 4096 that should do well enough selecting yes will erase the drive i already erased it so it should be fine and the hard drive light is on that's probably good ease auto partitioning complete nice whoa xfs okay that's cool but our effect okay well we have to go with this one create an xfs file system well i hope you don't have to do any data recovery because that's fine like work on anything starting installation of lyrics setup will continue shortly hereafter nice so i was just going to begin installing things wow uh how how painless nice unsquashifest using four processors so this i3 is two core four thread so that's why it's using four processors are all installers multi-threaded i actually have no idea bruh i walked away for like two minutes all right that was fast enter hostname versus default is apo form hive okay um let's go with uh gosh okay not used to this keyword there i cannot type there we go enter username for main user let's just go with the root now that's a bad idea enter a password for this user so let's just go with ah okay into descript oh description for the user okay that's interesting and do you wish to add an additional user no select time zone let's go with new york where is new york well i guess indianapolis works too and selling for x86 underscore 64-efi platform this might actually be the first time a uefi os has actually been on this computer i not in a great habit of actually installing a new efi mode when i can so all right except complete nice so now i should just be able to remove the thumb drive well okay once it's done i learned my lesson last time i don't think you'll like that it didn't like that it most certainly and it's up [Laughter] nice so now this is going to go through xfs file system is that like i i didn't know irix had like its own file partitioning scheme or file system sorry that linux could access i had no idea i thought that would be proprietary i guess not main user oh is that the password oh okay yeah whoa sound works look at that oh my gosh first time using the max internet desktop is now properly configured for your user account gosh i can't talk whoa and here we have it max interactive desktop this was astonishingly fast got this five-minute install going here what a nice-looking operating system you know your folders i've been thinking though that you know the window decorations actually very much remind me of what was it again so it will be no not bo that's what oh gosh os 2 that's right oh my gosh so i guess we just got to find something to do with it now that it's on here that was very fast and very painless and look at the look of it though man this is nice my eyes are telling me that it's like not it's it's not linux but it is linux right so if i do what the what huh console oh winter maybe that's it ah that that's more like it yep that looks better so now if we do um ls this should give us everything that's in here it took a little while hmm nice so now if we do make sure internet is oops i did not mean to do that oh gosh this keyword i'm in okay so yeah okay so ethernet should be working and it is so now if we just okay what's the what how do you use pac-man again well i think i figured it out all we should have to do is do sudo uh pac-man pac-man dash s neo fetch so i should get us neo fetch strange part is i would expect to have to update the package manager but i guess not nice so if we now run neofetch we are running lyrics 64 bits on a thinkpad t420 so it does actually have its own identifier i was curious if they went that far this is modern firefox what does it look like i want to see xiaomi oh gosh you can see it scale across cores in real time the fact this is this responsive is so cool this doesn't feel like it oh my gosh so let's try out some new modern linux things i guess okay wait but before we do that [Music] a little late on that huh anyways so i was gonna see if we can change the desktop colors to see if maybe we can make them something else now this i'm kind of excited about assuming i could find my bloody mouse cursor select sgi theme dark bliss gotham oh what does gotham look like oh i see so it makes everything gray and darker i like that huh nice if i were to run this on my main computer this is probably the color scheme i would use which i would totally be down for running this on my main computer i don't know if this has any sort of high dpi support or how that would play out because i i would need like a bloody microscope to see anything on my 4k mod but okay well let's see about installing some more modern linux applications obvious choice always got to try this one out even though their website is an actual pain it is more than a pain it is actually a tremendous pain if it makes me log into the website develop the bloody launcher i swear i'm going to commit a felony oh well does that mean i can kind of just install it or if so this is gonna be cool okay so no [Music] so now if i do get clone and because copy pasting doesn't appear to work for some reason we're going to type this in manually how pleasant oh my goodness it worked do ls cdn2 there ls again so now we've got this stuff now i should what does it make pkg java run run time um okay well maybe we can pac-man that maybe that's in pac-man whatever pac-man does i don't know what pac-man does but i'm gonna hope it has java dash run time in it i think oh my gosh okay that was fast errors occurred no packages were updated all right uh well i think i figured it out the answer is pacman-capital s-y-u which updates everything who knew whoa this is taking kind of a long time oh dear and this version was released like a couple of days ago i'm i'm i'm surprised admittedly this is just so satisfying to watch oh my gosh oh my my my my mic nice so with any luck now with all the packages updated like i kind of thought i had to do in the first place kill me all right well can we at least get at least good job now yes we can get java okay so all right that's better okay cool so now i can make pkg and now it's going to start compiling i think that looks like a compiler to me so that means it should only oh wait it's done nice all right now what do i do with these files alright i need this so if i click on that and if i click okay then we should be able to so here's the information on it so that's like dependencies and stuff so if i click install and put in my password proceed with installation yes all right i think it worked so if that did it they should now have minecraft wherever it is nice we got it nice okay cool all right we got minecraft installed this looks this looks cursed so okay i can't use motioning anymore so i'm gonna use my dumb microsoft account i'll be right back so wrong oh my oh so wrong explore the tower and a whole new light become the avatar once more and earn a radiant awards in a luminous night you can take your pawns and you could shove them right somewhere where i would get demonetized if i said where it was so here we go can we run minecraft 1.18.2 on this operating system which looks like it's from the 90s okay where's my os view thingy by the way i need that back ah there we go all the cores are doing core things and the network is doing network things this is straight out of a movie this is amazing i love this so much if i could install this on debian i would just i would i would use this oh and also i've worked with high dpi so yeah it's working oh this is terrifying okay this isn't going to run well on here but no whole creative creator you know ui is pretty responsive maybe i'll be wrong so that's the cpu usage and very close to real time telling me how much on each core is using to render the world or not render but generate the world oh so you've used to follow the basically all the ram how pleasant cool that's nice they said sarcastically it's working it's working it's working it's working minecraft no this isn't oh this definitely could be worse this definitely could be worse i swear i'm gonna put this operating system on my macbook of course we're using up all of the cpu i'm not surprised yeah we're using all of the cpu it's a little bit smaller again you get those smaller bar graphs there we go it looks so satisfying it's not exactly satisfying to know that running minecraft just moving around we're using all of the cpu let's try turning down the graphics settings a little bit and see if maybe yeah 12 chunks that's a little that's a little steep it doesn't make cpu load any better actually it might oh a little bit yeah there we go as you might expect all the cpu is due to moving around into generating chunks and we can see that especially using these real-time graphs it's incredible look see i stay in one place for a while it loads all the chunks and it's the cpu usage goes down but if i move again it goes right back up generating more land wow we're getting around 40 fps in minecraft 1.18 and yeah that's crazy so if it isn't a copy of lyrics what is on this lcd so before we end this off i feel like we should have a look at one more program something that i feel like we're basically legally required to do since this is meant to emulate irex after all which luckily won't be hard at all with help of the aur or arch user repository which essentially allows people to upload their own packages and maintain them and download them and stuff it's basically github that explanation is going to get me murdered but in order to effectively use the aur we're going to need another program called yay which will essentially allow us to download packages from the aur but without that whole thing we did last time so let's uh so let's install it all right let's see are we going to be doing this the either way or the hard way okay all right well i guess we're going to be doing this the hard way so luckily the hard way isn't really that hard it's just a little bit more steps so essentially what we need to do is download yay from the aur and then like sort of like the way that we did the minecraft launcher so luckily that won't be that hard so if i just get clone https slash yay.get oops okay so that should hopefully oh okay yeah that would cause problems and now we should be able to cd into yay and then make pkg running pkg make pkg as root is not allowed as it can cause permanent damage to your system uh okay how though i mean isn't it like root either either way okay all right sure yep go what do we need go for goodness i guess didn't take too long so now if we run yay oops it's going to update um but just running it required okay sure but there's gonna be no hard drive space left okay so flagged out of date aor packages wait a minute whoa okay so that means this is working so if i do yay fsv so file system viewer some of you might know what that is what we're going to see right now um oh you already did you already did it um fsv so it's giving me a list so i believe the package we're looking for is three so if i put in three remove make dependencies after install that would probably be better huh is it gonna have me build it is it gonna move definitely after it's all done [Music] to show um all i guess uh what what's this um can i press escape what does it want me to do what do you want me to do i don't know what to do is ctrl c okay let's try that again i don't know what this is asking me i'll just say none oh okay so there we go i guess i answered correctly and now it's installing fsv so yeah now it's preparing to build i thought they would be pre-compiled binaries i guess i'm wrong i mean this does mean it's like you can use this on other architectures then like easily out of the box but oh is it done so if i run fsv2 there it is nice look at that so yeah some of you might have rea oh gosh where did it go hey segmentation fault okay oops uh are you gonna just do that or no no okay you're cool with that now ah seriously unable to locate theme engine and mod seems to be a lot of that going on um would that cause it to crash like that though so let's run it and look in the background as they keep spinning this out i believe that it is so the cover to pkg okay all right there we go that's more like it nice so this is fsv a port of irix's i forget what it was called it was either fsv or something like that fusion i think it was but yeah this is very close to being the file viewer used in jurassic park well being very close it doesn't look quite the same but what about if we switch over to that yes that's it look at that oh but okay it does crash sometimes so if you click on if you click on the graphical window just hang around on it for too long i guess it just doesn't like it over to tree view and there we go look at that let's expand to this directory oh well i can't move it around then oh no okay that's annoying i'm guessing there's just like some there's a bug i guess i should be able to hover my mouse over it i'm guessing what does prove to be a problem no if i click it in the wrong place it it just it stops working well i guess it does sort of work ah dang it so what have we learned today well the world runs on bsd and hell runs on lyrics so now if you'll excuse me i have some unfinished business to attend to [Music] and despite numerous setbacks the video is actually released within the month of april critical acclaim with probably about two people so with psa a male succubus is not a man gave us this in fact an incubus entirely different don't ask how i know that [Music] and remember to tune into next week's episode uh
Channel: WindowsG Electronics
Views: 18,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: awesome, windowsg, lirix, lirix linux, maxxdesktop, sgi irix, maxx interactive desktop, irix interactive desktop, fsv2, file system viewer, irix on x86, thinkpad t420, irix thinkpad t420, arch linux, maxx desktop distro, arch distro, arch maxx desktop, sgi indigo, silicon graphics, irix on intel cpu, maxx desktop overview, maxx desktop on arch linux, archy arch arch, apioform lirix
Id: LxZoKSV5nOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 31sec (1411 seconds)
Published: Sun May 01 2022
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