Irish Special Forces Storm Cargo Ship | September 2023

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on the 17th of July 2023 a Panamanian owned bolt carrier called the MV honman set out from Fort Alisa in Northern Brazil and headed west for the Caribbean arriving off the island of curau on the 24th of July the Bol carrier spent the next 3 and 1 half weeks in this region sailing through the territorial Waters of CAU Aruba Venezuela and Colombia before it started a return Voyage to Brazil on the 19th of August on that same day the vessel was renamed as the MV Matthew leaving the Caribbean the MV Matthew soon caught the attention of international intelligence Services when it began to expain strange Behavior off the coast of Guana on the 22nd of August such Behavior included the ship's speed suddenly dropping to less than 5 knots and the vessel being set on an indefinite circular path approximately 100 km from the guanes capital of Georgetown however although this was the location being transmitted from The Vessel it wasn't in fact its actual position as the crew were using a location manipulator to hide the true location of the MV Matthew an article published by the Winwood Maritime AI website explains that while sailing in Iguana's exclusive economic zone on August 22nd the Matthew appeared to again loiter but it was actually engaged in location manipulation location manipulation is the use of machine generated location SL paath to disguise the true location of a vessel multiple methods have been identified to carry out this deception including false transmission on board a vessel and third party on Shore accomplices satellite images from planet Labs show that the Matthew is not where it claimed to be the circular path the the Matthew was set on would be impossible for a vessel of Matthew's size for 16 days the crew of the MV Matthew used a location manipulator to hide the exact whereabouts of their vessel and during that period the Bol carrier continued to transmit a false position that claimed it was off the coast of Georgetown following a circular path eventually on the 7th of September 2023 the crew resume transmitting their actual location which now showed the Matthew heading out into the Atlantic Ocean with a new DES ation of gangs Poland at this stage and based off the MV Matthews recent activities a number of countries began suspecting that the Bol carrier was transporting an illegal cargo from South America to Europe and as such The Vessel became the subject of a significant intelligence effort and was now being closely monitored as it crossed the Atlantic by the 23rd of September the MV Matthew had transited the Atlantic and reached the mouth for the English Channel at which point it made a sharp turn north and changed its destiny ation to the city of Belfast in Northern Ireland the next day on the 24th of September the Bol carrier began to experience engine trouble off the east coast of Ireland and so instead of continuing on to Belfast the ship's crew decided to turn around and make their way to Cork in the south of Island to undergo repairs as they did so the MV Matthew was intercepted by Irish Navy Patrol boats the William Butler Yates on the morning of the 26th of September the commander of which ordered the bolt carrier to follow his instructions and allow for a boarding party to come aboard to inspect the contents of the merchant vessel however instead of complying with these orders the crew of the Mathew abandoned their attempt to reach Cork and instead tried to break away and reach international waters which prompted the William Butler Yates to fire a couple of warning shots across the bow of the Bol carrier in the hopes of intimidating her crew into complying with the military orders when this failed to have an impact though Irish Fleet operations officer Commander Tony gerti who oversaw the Irish operations to intercept the MV Matthew gave the authorization for a hel born operation to be mounted to forcibly seize the vessel from an undisclosed location in the south of Ireland a team of Irish Rangers from the Army Ranger Wing boarded an Irish aircore aw139 helicopter and flew out over the Celtic Sea towards the MV Matthew at the same time A pc12 and A CAA Marian Patrol aircraft were launched from Bal donnal Airbase to provide aerial surveillance throughout the operation according to a press release published by the Irish Defense Force a second aw139 helicopter was also involved although it his act role in the operation isn't clear nevertheless shortly after 1300 on the 26th of September 2023 the aw139 carrying the assault team of Irish Rangers approached the bow of the Target and opened one of its side doors to enable the Rangers to fast throw down and onto the deck below the following footage was captured by one of the supporting surveillance aircraft and shows the insertion by the Army Ranger Wing onto the MV Matthew within minutes of inserting onto the MV Matthew the Irish Rangers has swiftly Moved Through The Vessel and gained control over the bridge detaining in the process its 24-man unarmed crew some of whom acted aggressive towards the Rangers but were quickly overwhelmed a message of the successful operation was then sent out to the nearby William Butler Yates which deployed a team of Naval personnel and police officers to relieve the Rangers and take control of the Matthew later that afternoon on the 26th of September the bolt carrier was led into into cork to be thoroughly checked over and to have its cargo inspected sure enough the Irish investigation teams uncovered over 2,250 kg of cocaine on board worth over 157 million e thus making it the largest drugs bust in Irish [Music] history [Music] thank you for watching this video If you enjoyed it please be sure to leave a like And subscribe so that you never miss one of my future videos
Channel: Liveth For Evermore
Views: 336,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: British, Military, History, Education, Army, Air Force, Navy, Soldier, Sailor, Airmen, Liveth For Evermore, LFE, Special Forces, Irish, Irish SF, Army Ranger Wing, Irish Special Forces Storm Cargo Ship | September 2023, MV Matthew, Irish Army, Irish Navy, William Butler Yeats, MV Honmon, Brazil, Commander Tony Geraghty, Irish SF board tanker, Irish Rangers, Irish Military, Ireland, Cork, Belfast, Dublin, Poland, Irish Special Forces
Id: 1uxH6O81JgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 15sec (435 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2023
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