Irish Slang and Phrases

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hi welcome to my channel I thought I'd go through some Irish slang with you guys some of these words and phrases might mean totally different things outside of Ireland but they're all pretty commonly used in Ireland today and some of them might be more popular in certain areas but and they're all pretty well known so let's get started the first one is crack and this means fun or gossip or good times so if you said to someone what's the craic you're asking them what's going on with you is there any gossip but you could also use it about someone so you could say was he any crack no he was no crack that means he was boring or oh yeah he was great craic you had a lot of fun with it a common phrase with this is any crack and that means you know if your friends are out at a party and you're kind of thinking of going out but you want to know is it any good are you having fun you'd say any crack and they could say no there's no crack stay home don't bother coming out or all yeah there's great craic Oh mate and so and I know any crack if you use it in other places I'm side of Ireland it's asking for something totally differently but in Ireland it just means any fun the next one is your Mon and that basically means that guy and it's usually used in the context when you don't know someone's name so and if there's a new person around you'd kind of ask someone who's your mom who's that guy over there who's your mom or and if you're trying to describe someone you know your mind your mind that comes in and he wears this or whatever I know my sister really struggled with this when she moved to the United States a few years ago and she was saying your mom and a lot of people were so confused they were like my man who's man but and yeah it basically just means your mom means that guy the next one is story and that basically means what's up so you could say what's the story with your mon over there means what's going on with that guy over there or if you're greeting a friend you'd say what's the story and that means anything going on anything happening and also people have shortened it to just story and people can say no no story or I I did this or whatever so story basically means what's up the next one is sound and that means all right and we're cool so if you're talking about someone and you say oh he's the same guy that means he's a cool guy or if you did something to someone but they were sound about it they were cool about it like they were they were all right about it so and st. the next one is grunt and that means fine so if you asked someone how are you and they say Grande that means they're fine they're good and you say the weather is Grande that means it's fine that it's not raining it's it's Grande next one is stop the lights and it means don't be dramatic or I can't handle this so stop the lights if someone is overdramatizing a story you can say stop the lights you were not nearly killed you crazed your elbow and or stop the lights I never said that stop going on dramatizing something and you can also use it as a mine oh it's the other day one of my friends used it as someone sent a baby photo to her group and she said stop the lights that is the cutest thing I've ever seen so stop the lights can also mean this is too much for me I can't handle this the next one is leave a date and that just means stop so and like stop the lights would be kind of a more uh stop the lights leave it out is a little bit more serious like and if two people are fighting you'd say leave it I stopped fighting sir at your issues stop in a more strong or aggressive way so and yeah you'd say leave it out if you're not happy with something here leave it out next one is cop on and that means stop acting stupid so a common phrase would be would you ever cup on to yourself and that means basically whichever stop acting stupid and start being yourself again you'd also just say someone cop on and that just means basically what you said is just stupid cop on cop on - life is another one and that basically means and get your senses and start living your normal life because directing stupid the next one is Egypt and it means idiots so you could say and he's an awful it just means he's a real idiot or I'm sorry I said that I was being an EE just means and I'm sorry that I was being an idiot so basically it's just word for word II just and for idiot and if someone said beckon aegis it means real like serious idiot and so I'll move on to Beck so feck is the pc words of the f-word so you I like I wouldn't use the f-word in front of my parents but I'd use BEC because FAC is kind of it's not really a swear word or if it is it'd be a very small like not important swear word and when you put back in front of something it basically exaggerated s-- the words that comes after it so if you say he was affecting Egypt he wasn't just an idiot he was a serious idiot you could say would you ever off and it's not as bad as f off like if you say F off to someone you're being aggressive but whichever feck off its kind of more lighthearted and and not as offensive as F off can also mean like throw so em all he was too drunk so we've got effect out of the club or and the guards were coming so she threw guards sorry guards are police they're the Irish police that's police in Ireland discards the guards were coming so she facts about cons over the wall means she threw the bag of cons over the wall so and that can yeah in fact it can mean those things the next one is gargle and that means drink like an alcoholic drink so I think outside of Ireland gargle would mean you know you gargle with mouthwash em down your throat but I'm in Ireland it would usually mean drink so if you're asking your friends you're gonna go ahead for some drinks you could just say whew gargles and that basically means you wanna go out for some drinks I wouldn't use that phrase and it's not really that common where I am in Ireland but my husband is from Dublin and he'd use that all the time he just saved his friends pew gargles and so it's very common I guess in Dublin and gargled can also mean drunk so if you say oh he was garbled last night means he was drunk last night the next one is bleedin and this also exaggerated sand the word that follows it so it's kind of similar to feckin except as I said there might be a little bit of a swear word with second whereas bleedin is not a swear word at all bleedin is just very bleedin so if you said someone was bleedin gargles they weren't just drunk they were bleedin gargles they were hammers or if you're talking to someone and you're serious and you want them to know you're serious you can say I'm bleedin serious means I'm not just serious I'm really very serious so bleedin kind of yeah and exaggerated the word that follows it's like very the next word is Jesus and it means Jesus so and basically you wouldn't use it as like if you're talking about baby Jesus or God and Jesus that's always Jesus you'd never use jaysus for that it's more kind of like the slang when Jesus is used as a slang word in Ireland it's jaysus so J's as I was gargled last night or chases are you serious did you say that so Jays just Jesus next up is dope which means dopey or acting stupid so someone can either be a dope or act like a dope so you could say he's a dope don't listen to him don't ever pay attention to what he says cuz he's just a dope or you could say and she was acting like such a dope last night so and dope it's kind of an insult to someone so you don't want to be called a dope because that means you're really stupid the next one is out of his head and that usually means drunk or droped up in a bad way so and if you get so drunk that you're out of your head that means that you're not acting like yourself and you've lost your senses so you could say she's out of her head don't listen to her because that's not her or you could say you know the next morning after a crazy night you can say oh I was out of my head last night how did we get home next up is locked and that means drunk I'm realizing as I'm saying these I mean I think a lot of them are very related to alcohol and drinking I think that's just the Irish nature that's just our culture a lot of a lot of drink happens think so locked knees drunk the next one is acting the maggot and it means acting childish or messing around and not in a good way in a bad way so and if someone is acting the maggot you're annoying people so you say why was he thrown out of the bar oh he was acting the market or you could say to someone stop acting the market you're really annoying people here yeah you don't want to be acting the market that's not cool the next one is fair play and that means well done see you'd save someone wow you made that fair play that's really good or all the team win the match fair play that was a good game so Fair Play means well done the next one is Gus and that means hilarious so if you said he's a gossip on that means he is a hilarious man and I think Gossman means something different in other places and you're the guy who becomes checks the gas boiler or whatever and that's not how it's used in art the gas man is a funny man and if you say about someone that he's bleeding gas that basically means he is the funniest guy you know next one is Jax and it means toilet so if someone says where's the jocks they're asking where's the toilet next up is thick and it means stupid so a common phrase is he's as thick as a plank and that means he's really stupid and you could say to someone are you thick it says no parking why are you leaving your car here next up is Goff and it means house so and drunk member dgoff means try come over to my house usually if someone says freak off that means party in mine and yeah Goff house next up is Kip and it can either mean nap or a dirty place so if you said I'm going for a Kip that means I'm going for a nap if you said his gaff is a Kip you're saying his house is a dirty place so it can either mean one of those two things Kip the next one is wrecked on similar to Kip it can mean one of two things so it can either mean tired or exhausted or it can mean messed up so you can say a wrecked I need a Kip that means I'm exhausted I need enough or you could say his gaffe was wrecked and that means his house was messed up and a person can also be and you could say someone is wrecking your head and that means they are annoying you or you could call someone I wrecked the head don't invite that person ed he is a wreck the head he always ruins tonight so Rex yeah all those things Rex the next one is slacking and it is basically a form of good-natured abuse or teasing someone or insulting them but not a nasty way like in a fun way because you're friends so basically in Ireland and it's so funny my friend sy were talking about this the other day like if someone starts slugging you that means you've crossed into a real friendship that's like your friend because you wouldn't slug someone that you're not friends with or you don't know that well because that would be just an insult but it's usually only good-natured it was to your face so slugging so much their face is a good thing slugging someone behind their back is a bad thing the next one is in it's and it basically means not together so and if you're hungover you'd say my head is in bits and that means my head's all over the place it could also mean and if you're talking about someone and you say oh they were in bits that means they were really upset about something very emotional about something usually crying you also use it as a place like oh my gosh isn't bits today means and my house is all over the place and you just tidy it up so and in bits could mean those different things the next one is sure look and it's basically a way of responding without actually responding so and I feel like in the past maybe it started with a sure look and then some kind of phrase or proverb to make someone feel better and but nowadays you just say sure look and hopefully just means like the conversation is dropped so if someone's going on about something and you're kind of finished hearing about it you just say sure look I'm hoping they get the message that's it that's the end of the conversation you know it can mean it is what it is sure look the next one is I will yeah and that means I won't not ever so everyone in Ireland knows I don't know where this even came from but everyone knows if someone says I will yeah that means absolutely not if you said to someone you give me enough to the airport in the morning if they say I will yeah that means no you know when you make me a cup of tea I will yeah means no that can confuse a lot of people outside of Ireland but and Irish people know I will yeah means absolutely not no not ever no I will yeah next one is giving age and that basically means complaining or lecturing someone so and you could be giving average about how late the busses your boss could give out you for messing up a report so giving out yeah I mean lecturing or complaining and then the next one is eat the head off or ate the head off and that's one step above giving it so if someone ate the head off someone it basically means they humiliated them yelled at them screamed at them so you don't want anyone to eat the head off you that would be a very bad thing next one is donkeys ears and it means a long time so you could say I haven't seen this person in donkey's years but it's only for the past tense you can't say and oh I don't plan on going out in donkey's years it's only for the past next one is class and that means good so and all that shows class means and that was a really good show I think this might come from classic like oh there was a classic moment and that's a class moment because it would make sense I don't know if it does but it would make sense if it did come from there because that's kind of like classic class I think kind of mean the same thing next one is up to 90 and that means really busy or chaotic if you said I've been up to 90 all day that means I haven't sat down I've been so busy and it can also mean if you said the crack was 90 that means that was the best fun good time was amazing it was up here so and you definitely want to go to a party where the crack is 19 so that's it they are my top Irish slang words if you liked this video please give it a thumbs up if you want to see more please subscribe and thanks for watching bye [Music]
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Keywords: irish slang and phrases, irish slang, irish phrases, irish slang words, irish slang phrases, ireland slang, ireland slang words, ireland phrases, slang words in ireland, phrases in ireland, irish slang explained, irish slang meaning, irish sayings, irish sayings and slang, irish sayings and meanings, slang in ireland, irish phrases and how to pronounce them, irish words, irish words and meanings, irish words pronunciation, irish words and phrases, irish sayings funny
Id: JPs_V8e8m1o
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Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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