Irish Chocolate Adventure... Easter Egg Hunt | Let's Talk Chocolate Pt.1

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hey hey Mike are you looking forward to our chocolatey Adventure I am looking forward to the chocolatey Adventure yes even though you've organized it yes what happens when you usually organize things there go right what was the last one ofay that you went on how many natural disasters have you had three how many airlines you've gotone bust two how many bags have you lost two how many holidays have been cancelled four you'll be fine okay so let's talk chocolate here it sorted we love food yes you do shut up so when Tesco asked us how do you fancy learning more about where your food comes from we obviously said um yes so we asked you guys what do you want to learn about and you said chocolate so with a pocket full of euros and a load of your questions we're off to Island to learn all things chocolatey why Island because they eat more of it per person than anywhere else in the world and scener is not bad either this is going to be interesting like 892 so far island is exactly what I expected cloudy let going hit up [Music] [Music] Dublin we've just landed in Island we are aply at a pub drinking Stout as you do we need to phone our mate Donal skan who is all famous over here Legend he's a big deal we're going to FaceTime him right now the king of Island food is he going to pick up it's not how you doing I'm very well how are you how are you keeping we're absolutely fine and you haven't got your leprechaun souped on yet no we have I apologize about that if I offended you or anyone in your country and we're on an adventure for gra food and chocolate got any ideas of where we might need to go one of the great places if you go to the English Market in Cork the chocolate shop there that is a get well the chocolate there's count and actually there's a great chocolate benois chocolate around the West Coast so you'll get you'll get up there if you have the time but you have to go and visit H fing go why why why why Bard Ferguson who is he he well I can't tell you you just have to go and find out that's amazing um thank you mate we will keep in touch and let you know how we get on um but yeah have a point of stout on us see you later [Music] see get M from sorted up here he's the [Laughter] star I got my first [Music] real hey good morning hello that looks nice traditional breakfast you going to hang of this is you Mike vlogging thing how going yeah good today we're going to head up to uh naven to Lear chocolates it's a big chocolate factory um who make these amazing Easter eggs for Tesco and they're going to show us how to decorate it and things like that so that's going to be really cool it's going to be a good day it's going to be a really good day but first [Music] coffee so here's the deal Barry and Jamie are downstairs helping with production on the packaging line meanwhile Ben and I are here with Patricia who's going to show us how to decorate the Tesco finest half on half egg ready you're the pro show us how to do it yeah so are there any specific tips and tricks that you can offer us yeah have a really Steady Hand too many in your hand two at a time two at a time two at a time the concentration oh bsed it up already oh no I've noed it I've got it on me everywhere I'm missing one who's this I all the time stop that F you you know those eggs that get chucked away cuz they're not very good would these even make that box no what is that I'm yelling timber the you're doing an average job we' got a couple of suggestions on Twitter what you should draw so you need to draw on this an Easter chick an Easter chick or a sprig of mint I'm enjoying a sprig of mint I won't give you the pleasure cuz that's what it should look like oh is that that's the finished article that's what it should look like yeah that is gorgeous these a little bit more sketchy we tried our best I think we've done pretty well there well thank you for showing us yeah thank you so much for apologize for ruining a few eggs M yeah get in there uh we've been choked off the production L anything or anything productive no just nothing just no Alan just says but these eggs aside we here you've got some award-winning eggs Tes Bley egg which W The Good Housekeeping award for Easter for 2014 you have your 500 G egg here mhm more chocolate not it's set the next egg you build it up each one's a different so what flavor is this coconut yeah you have plain dark chocolate 64% you have roasted hazelnuts white chocolate and raspberries that one's gorgeous and then then you have a 50 g with a bit of butterscotch then you got a gorgeous gold egg your golden egg well I think that Barry is ready to take this Challenge on so um go that help I promise you helps with finesse come on next one yeah think so and go there we go make it even make it even make it even Ben spirit level ready hey so if you uh if you got one of these eggs uh Easter so I little bit messy I'm scared how do I how do I in with the rolls freak seriously get rid of it are we good bit more is that okay that's enough how much chocolate in total is this egg if you buy the whole egg what is it 1.25 kilos Kil i' like to see you eating it in W I don't I don't think my entire family can eat this in one game last egg all right enough that's it just a little bit see him on the side yes seriously me be lay yeah cool what the hell is that got just and you broken the end you got a puddle of chocolate that do you know what that's what we should have been aiming for versus that that's and which is your favorite layer Ellen the Butterscotch the butterscotch one of the smallest smallest sorted is all about giving it a go and we certainly you broke it no we didn't you did you broke it I did nothing of the store Alan would you employ marry didn't finish the sentence can we it now yeah you walk away get the toy out it's really good oh reck I could do this free stri raspber yeah delicious that's my favorite one there we go Alan thank you you're welcome thank you you're a master I never a lie down I think that was okay next time in our chocolate Mission Jame and I visit a brewery to try chocolate truffled beer and the four of us travel down to CK to follow up on donor's advice oh and all this other stuff [Music] happens
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 473,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sortedfood, sorted food, sorted recipes, how to, how to make, Chocolate (Industry), how to make easter eggs, making chocolate, how to make chocolate, Easter (Holiday Period), Easter Egg (Food), Egg Hunt (Game), how to temper chocolate, discovering chocolate, lets talk chocolate
Id: 2tJZPZOUlbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 15 2014
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