Ireland: 5 Things You Will Love & Hate about Visiting Ireland

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hello travelers mark here with walters world and we're back in ireland for the five things you're gonna love and maybe not like so much about visiting ireland i know we did this video about 10 years ago but it's time to update it because ireland is always changing but one thing that never changes about coming to ireland and the first thing you're gonna love the most about coming here are the people look the irish are the most fun most outgoing most bring you in as a tourist to let you know about their country make sure you have a good time people you can find i mean they are awesome and and what's funny is they'll teach you some new words you might not known before you got here and they're not always nice words sometimes the best way of insulting people ever but dang it are the irish awesome and that's what's going to make you love coming here because whether you're staying at a castle or a bed and breakfast or you're going to a site where you're hitting at the pub look you're going to have a crack you're going to have a great time with the locals when you are here so take the time to meet some locals when you're there and don't worry they'll come up and talk to you and ask you hey where are you from hey what are you doing and seeing in ireland they will be awesome so that's the first thing you love when you're going to be here okay now the first thing you're going to hate when you come here is really going to be your first hour driving for the first time on the left side of the road yes they drive on the left side of the road here not like the ride in the u.s and that can be a bit disconcerting especially when you first start off now after the first hour or two you get fined you get used to it you know with the with the semi trucks looking like they're about to crash into you on these small little roads and you're like small little row road and a hedgerow on the side and there's a truck coming oh my god there's somebody laurie what am i gonna do and it it can be a bit much but that scares people off for driving when they're in ireland but don't let it stop you from driving here it is fantastic but that first hour and when you hit your first roundabout and you've got to take a right at a roundabout uh what do i do what do i do remember if you're gonna take a right at a roundabout you're gonna go in on the right side if you're gonna take the first exit or the second exit go straight through you're gonna enter on the left side all right so just just be ready and of course you're going to run this way when you go so so just be ready you know it happens um also uh remembering how to drive stick shift can be a bit complicated as well but uh just know that first hour it's gonna be a little bit of so definitely don't drive in dublin like can you get your car in dublin or shannon and then drive out and explore first to get a feel for it all right now the second thing you're gonna love about coming here to ireland are the three c's the coast the countryside and the castles oh my god when you drive around ireland and honestly i'll talk about it later but you don't have to drive there's other ways to get around but when you go and you have the countryside and you have the lanes you drive down but the castles you can go and visit yes you can go and kiss the blarney stone and yes it's super touristy but it's super worth it uh fyi watch our video on tourist traps for ireland and northern ireland they're all tourist traps that you still want to do but going around and seeing the castles around the country heck you can stay in castles when you're here we're actually at kennedy uh castle hotel right now spending the night it's fantastic but going to see the coast driving the ring of kerry oh my god it's gorgeous but going through the countryside going through cows and seeing this is where they found the book of kells this is where it's from this is so cool but going through the countryside going through the small towns going to bigger towns you know going to waterford and you're going through kill kenny i mean it's just just awesome but honestly the coast the the countryside and the castles you're gonna love it when you see them when you're here now the second thing you're definitely not going to love when you come to ireland and you're most likely going to stay there at least part of your time that is the prices in dublin look ireland is not an expensive vacation except if you're staying in double the whole time so get out of dublin because my goodness whether you're going out to eat or accommodation or entertainment dublin is not cheap all right so that's going to be your most expensive part of your vacation is your double in time but for me as a traveler i love exploring the whole island versus just staying in dublin okay but just know you're gonna hate those prices in dublin and the locals will tell you too man we we really spend a lot being in dublin all right now let's move back to some of the happier parts of coming to ireland and you're going to love the fact that ireland has some of the best tourism infrastructure anywhere in the world i mean when people ask us mark what's a good first international destination for us to go to i tell them look ireland ireland is fantastic one you can speak the language yes there's an accent there but you get over it but honestly it's the tours of infrastructure if you don't want to drive they've got trains they've got buses that will take you everywhere and they've got tours that will take you you under the ring of carry but you don't want to drive boom there's a tour for that you want to hit some distilleries there's a tour for that i mean it's so awesome as a tourist to come here and the economy really there's a lot of the economy is driven by tourism so they treat the tourists well when they're here and it's really nice knowing that infrastructure is there for you depending if you want to stay at a castle you want to stay at a b b or a hotel you want to rent a car you want to take a bus it's one of those things that's really nice and the background information that's here you can find so much information out on coming to ireland that it just makes it an easy destination and that's what you're going to love because that infrastructure makes it so easy for you to come here and that's just it you're going to be so happy you come here that you're going to be upset with the next thing you're not gonna like and that is when you don't get the cheap flights to ireland look ireland is famous for cheap flights with ryanair coming in from all over europe you can get here super cheap coming from the us whether you're going with delta or lingus or other airlines you can get super cheap tickets to come to ireland and this could be a place you come to and then go explore more of europe and save money but you're going to be really upset if you don't get those cheap tickets we come here in the fall and notice it's not raining right now it doesn't rain all the time but i'll talk about that later but we're coming here 450 for a ticket from chicago okay like not bad at all but if you come in peak season like you want to come during st patrick's day you want to come in this summer then you're paying like a grand or something from the us sometimes you're like wait but everyone else got those great prices to ireland and it really does upset you because you can get great deals so make sure you look at different times the year to save you some cash and different days of the week to come in because that can really save you some money about flying to ireland but yeah the couple times i did not get the cheap deal i was a little upset now to help me get through that sadness of pain a little bit too much for my flights to come here this one time there was one thing that helped me get through and that is the next thing you're gonna love the food and the fun and the pubs and the drinks when you come here look there's been jokes for years about irish food and like oh an irish steak is just a potato on the grill look ireland years ago went through the foodie revolution before a foodie revolution was a thing and they have fantastic food throughout the country whether you want traditional irish fair or international fair ireland has fantastic food i mean think about it all over the world there's an irish pub and what does everyone like to do there drink and eat well guess what all over ireland there's irish pubs where you could drink and eat and have a great time and the food here oh my gosh the seafood when you come here the mussels the oysters the salmon i mean you just get fish and chips i mean the food is amazing when you're here lamb oh my god the soda bread i'll get a get an uh a full irish breakfast oh my god you'll eat so well when you're here but also drink so well as well because the pub culture yeah you'll have a crack you'll have a good time when you're here because you're going to go and have you'll have your guinness you have their smiths you have some of the local brews and you have the whiskies that are here but i gotta tell you what you're gonna love the most about the guinness and the smithichs the other irish beers you've had around the world is when you have it here in ireland it tastes like a completely different beer it tastes like it was brewed in heaven and then given straight to you not brewed in heaven and then shipped over on a boat and sat in a store for 10 days or 10 weeks and then you get to have it and then you put it in your fridge and then it re no no no no it is so fresh and so wonderful you will love it that's why look even if you don't drink have it get us when you're in ireland it'll change you and speaking of the drink i think there's another dislike or i don't say hey but really a dislike you might have when you do come to ireland because a lot of us do come and we do visit dublin and i think i hate you want to know is late night in the temple bar district in the bar districts you do need to be a little careful because sometimes people have a little too much to drink and i'm not saying there's fisticuffs all the time and stuff like that but you do need to be careful with the drinks and people around and tourists that are around because sometimes people have a bit too much when you're here i know i've been here in ireland multiple times i've had a train delayed i've had a bus delayed i've had you know people trying to pick fights with us in bars and pubs and most of us actually been in dublin around there so you're not really having this problem so much outside of dublin and honestly a lot of times it was other tourists but that's one thing you might not like is the dublin late night issues that do come up now another thing i really love about coming to ireland is that you get to control your vacation because so many tourists come here you think it's going to get overrun everywhere i go no it really doesn't yes the ring of carry gets busy with the with the tour buses and the and blarney castle you got to go up there'll be a tourist lines to go up it and dublin can get full of tourists but honestly if you have your own car if you don't have your own car you can control your destination you can go to all these off the beaten track places i mean there's castles all over the country there's beautiful you know countryside to see like i talked about before but you can control it and that's what's so great you want to have a socially distanced vacation you can do that here you want to be with a ton of tourists you can have that here and ireland gives you that opportunity and i know it's an island but that island has a lot to offer so if you're in the north you know you can have a very much chillaxed very few tourist vacation versus the hubbub and and packness of going to places like cork or dublin but honestly i just love the fact that whenever i come here to ireland i get to control my vacation have a family vacation if i want to have a family vacation if i don't have a buddies trip i can have a buddy's trip vacation if i want to have a brother's sister's trip i can do that as well ireland lets you be you with the tourism and that's so great about it all right but i always have to finish off at least with our fifth thing you might not like about coming to ireland and that is when it doesn't rain oh wait it does rain a lot but it doesn't rain all the time and i think that the dislike you might not like about the weather here in ireland yes it does rain that's how you get all this greenery and all this beauty but honestly it's when the fog rolls in and it's cloudy and you can't see things like the cliffs or more you pay to see the cliffs oh but the weather is bad and you can't see it try to drive the ring of carry when there's a storm going that can be a bit troublesome but you can get around that because honestly we've been here for five days now and we've had the sprinkles you see behind me if you watch our tourist traps of ireland you'll see the rain going there but honestly we've had great weather when we've been here the rain doesn't rain all the time but just know be prepared for it have multiple layers and it's going to seem like you're stripping off when you go into the restaurants when you go eat in the pubs because you're going to have your t-shirt and your quarter zip and your jacket and your hat and your scarf and then you're like oh the rain stopped i gotta do all kinds of stuff so that that can be a bit uh annoying but honestly i mean expect some rain when you're here but don't think it's gonna rain all the time but do know you might not like it when those clouds roll in and you can't see that famous site all right so i hope this helps you know some things you might love and might not like so much about visiting ireland but i'll be honest if you're looking for a country to visit you will love coming to ireland it is on the top of my list for great places to go i hope you have a great time when you're here if you want to learn more we have some more serious stuff like the don'ts of visiting ireland or else we have some fun things like culture shocks you might have when you're here on our website at anyway i wish y'all the best and have a great time here in ireland don't worry you will whether you love guinness or not bye
Channel: Wolters World
Views: 309,896
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Keywords: travel, europe, wolters world, travel advice, tourist attractions, travel vlogger, honest travel, Walters World
Id: _4PeM50LwNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 12 2022
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