3 Days In Dublin Ireland | The Best Things To See And Do

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[Music] we're Emily and Matt and if you're new to our Channel we do a lot of camping throughout the US and occasionally hop on a plane to explore new countries we're so excited to be in Ireland and in this video we'll share the mustsee sites here in Dublin after Dublin we're renting a car and hitting the road to the southwest of Ireland be sure to subscribe so you don't miss that [Music] Adventure we flew direct from Seattle to Dublin on a red eyee which made for a long travel day but we didn't want to waste a moment the Dublin Airport is about 10 km north of the city center and transportation to and from the airport is pretty easy although there isn't a train service to the airport there are plenty of taxis and buses to get you where you need to go we stayed at the temple bar inn which as the name suggests is in the temple bar our neighborhood there are many hotels in this Lively area and if you plan to stay here just know it can get a little loud at night definitely keep your windows closed let see uh first night we just got in today we've been up over 24 hours we're going to try to make it happen we just feel like we can't waste a moment right now we are exhausted trying to get like a fourth wind right now we laid down for a moment and uh iner up with a a h shoe might might a sore in there and that woke me up and now we're up so we're going to go have 5:30 we can't go to bed right now and sleep for 12 hours like just no hour 27 let's do it and we're here let's [Music] go after a long day of travel we set off to do some exploring and stopped for our first of many [Music] guinnesses Dublin is a very walkable City and the river liy runs through the center of town with many connecting Bridges we made our way to happeny bridge perhaps the most iconic bridge in Dublin this pedestrian bridge was built in 1816 and is officially named the liy bridge happeny or half penny refers to the toll amount that was originally charged to cross the [Music] bridge we continued exploring and found Dublin Castle we decided to to come back another day to do a full tour which we'll share later in the [Music] video the Brazen Head with the claim is Ireland's oldest pub was recommended To Us by a local so of course we had to check it out watch out for low doorways [Music] that was a pretty neat bar oldest in uh all of Ireland like 1198 something like that on to the [Music] next [Music] what do you do with [Music] [Music] that it's good [Laughter] on our list of food to try was of course a traditional Irish Breakfast although I have to admit I do prefer the blood sausage in [Music] Scotland [Music] [Applause] [Music] the largest cathedral in Ireland St Patrick's Cathedral with St Patrick's Park right next to it is worth a visit there has probably been a church on this site since the 11th century and the present Cathedral dates from 1220 to 1259 unfortunately no original stained glass windows survive the oldest date from the middle of the 19th [Music] century [Applause] not far away in the Heart of the City Center is Christ Church Cathedral another of Ireland's historic churches while we didn't go inside it's also worth a visit if you're enjoying the video please consider subscribing we'd really appreciate it and that way you won't miss any of our upcoming videos in this series [Music] a trip to Dublin wouldn't be complete without visiting the Guinness Storehouse the Guinness Storehouse experience is a self-guided tour and includes a tasting fresh from the source and a free pint at their gravity bar with amazing views of the city each floor throughout the tour features something new you can also add on Extras like learning to pour a perfect pint of Guinness or the stouty experience it starts with everything you'd want to know about how Guinness is made then you move up to the tasting room here we go freshest in town nutty so the specific flavors we're looking for here are a very subtle sweetness on the tip then up again for the stouty experience or learning to pour the perfect pint we chose to include the stouty which is a Guinness with your picture on it definitely book your tickets online in advance and be prepared for crowds oh you ready to drink your face off yep oh I don't want to ruin [Music] it up another floor to explore Guinness advertising through the years and then finally you end up at the gravity [Music] bar [Music] and up we go again it's kind of like a Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory type of vibe in here we got very lucky with the weather and were able to enjoy 360° views of Dublin from the gravity bar at the end of the tour this might be the best view in the [Music] [Music] city well been a fun day first full day here in Dublin we uh just got done with the Guinness Storehouse tour it's super fun it's you know like an hour and a half you can kind of Choose Your Own Adventure in there uh ended up at the gravity bar which is basically the best view of Dublin we got so lucky it's just a sunny beautiful day so we could see everything it was amazing yeah we got really lucky with the weather so far but man there's a lot of people in there prepared for crowds and we're kind of here in the off season so yeah but hey get get us from the source we're making our way to dinner and uh then we'll just see where the night takes us we'll probably probably end up at Temple Bar we haven't been there yet we've walked by it about 5,000 times but we must go in at some point finally going to Temple Bar yeah let's do it let's see if we can get in oh my gosh probably going to have to squeeze in a crack somewhere but we've done it before here we come we finished the night with a stop at the famous Temple Bar it's definitely a pretty crowded tourist trap especially in the evenings with expensive drinks but it's something you just just have to experience one in Dublin all of the pubs in this area have live music so you really can't go wrong wherever you end up they do all serve food however the restaurants are usually on the second floor so go up if you're looking for a [Music] meal a top tourist destination in the heart of Dublin is Trinity College but more specifically specifically the book of Kel's and the old library or long room within the college entering the college is free but we strongly recommend booking your tickets to see the book of Kel's in advance online tours run every 30 minutes if you're interested in learning more about Trinity College they do also offer guided campus tours the book of Kels is a masterpiece of medieval art it's a superbly decorated handwritten copy of the story of the life of Jesus Christ set out in the gospels of Matthew Mark Luke and John it was written in Latin on Vellum or ckin close to the year 800 ad the book was sent to Dublin around 1653 from the monastery in Kell's County me before you actually see the book there is an extensive exhibition where you learn about its history symbolism and Artistry moving through the exhibition you enter the room where the book is on display and cameras are not allowed the book is open to a page in the Gospel of Luke the page on display can be seen on the Trinity College website if you're curious after leaving the book of Kels you enter the long room which is the main chamber of the old library at nearly 65 m in length it's normally filled with 200,000 of the library's oldest books and is one of the most impressive libraries in the world it was constructed between 1712 and 1732 with the barrel vaated ceiling and upper Gallery bookcases added in 1801 [Music] while we were there in October of 2023 the old library Redevelopment project was going on and almost all of the books had been removed for restoration books were left on a few bookcases and we can only imagine what the room would look like full of books however this was probably a once-in-a-lifetime site to see as [Music] well [Music] a couple blocks away from Trinity College is the Molly Malone statue Molly Malone was a semi-historical semi-legendary figure who was commemorated in the song cockal and muscles a Dublin anthem so I think you're supposed to touch your boob or something like that for luck you're okay with that I'm okay with that [Music] okay it's our last full day here in Dublin we uh went and saw The Book of Kells at Trinity College had some breakfast and now we're making our way back to the castle the tour we wanted yesterday wasn't being offered so we're back yeah the uh guided tour you're going to see like three additional items so we just decided that was better than the self-guided audio tour so you actually can't book that online the guided tour that is so sounds like it's really busy today since they weren't operating yesterday so uh yeah let's find this Castle all right see at the castle so we have about an hour to kill until our tour in the castle and we've been walking forever and our dogs are workking so we are at a PO and we're going to have a f so one [Music] and Dublin Castle was originally developed as a medieval Fortress and constructed on elevated ground once occupied by an earlier Viking settlement from 1204 until 1922 Dublin Castle was the seat of British rule in Ireland during that time it served principally as a residence for the British Monarch's Irish representative the vicroy of Ireland and as a ceremonial and administrative Center following a fire in 1684 which caused severe damage the castle was transformed into a Georgian Palace the new building included a suite of grand reception rooms known as the state apartments in 1922 following Ireland's Independence Dublin Castle was handed over to Michael Collins and the new Irish government today it still functions as a government complex you can buy tickets for a self-guided visit to just the state apartments or go with a guided tour which includes the state Apartments as well as the medieval section and the chapel Royale which is what we did video isn't allowed so we're sharing some of our photos below the castle excavations have uncovered parts of the medieval castle structure alongside the remains of some of Viking Dublin's original defenses which take the form of a stone covered embankment a section of which has been preserved within the massive circular walls of the 13th century powder Tower you can see a section of the Castle's medieval curtain wall with the postern gate and a set of steps that led down to the original moat the river pole which still flows under the castle grounds today would have been diver Ed in order to create a moat that surrounded the [Music] castle there has been a chapel at Dublin castle since at least 1242 the present Gothic Revival Chapel was opened on Christmas Day 184 it became known as the chapel Royale after King George IV attended service in 1821 the Galleries and stained glass windows are ornated with Coats of Arms representing many of Ireland's Viceroy [Music] the platial state Apartments accommodated the vicroy and were the focus of great state [Music] occasions today the apartments are the venue for Ireland's presidential inaugurations and prestigious functions [Music] to end our final day in Dublin we visited the church which as the name implies is a restaurant that was once a church the atmosphere is great with live music and traditional Irish dancing we recommend you stop for a drink but you can probably pass on the food we opted to go to a local pub for [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] dinner on the feather and the Fe On The chck and the chck and the Egg and the Egg and the and the on the leaf and the Lea on theck and theck on the BS and the the tree the tree the SE [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the good morning guys we are going to end this video here we're out front of our hotel bright and early waiting for a taxi that's going to go take us to the place where we can pick up our rental car and the next leg of our trip is road trip road trip yeah going to drive uh on the other on the other side of the road again here we go I think I'm ready stay tuned for the next video and we'll take you to Cork we hope you enjoyed this video subscribe if you're not already see you soon here we go got to [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] go good
Channel: Where's Wiseman
Views: 15,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ireland, Ireland road trip, Dublin, Dublin Ireland, Dublin vlog, Ireland Vlog, Temple bar Dublin, things to do in Dublin, Guiness, Guiness factory tour, Trip to Ireland, Ireland trip, Visit Ireland, Dublin castle, trinity college, trinity college Dublin, book of kells, the book of kells, Dublin tour, Dublin walking tour, where’s wiseman, wheres wiseman, the Brazen Head, St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Molly Malone, ha’penny, ireland travel, ireland travel vlog, travel ireland
Id: x9CaFUca5gc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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