ipsec overview

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alright let's go ahead and get an overview of IPSec so in this presentation you're going to see how we can use Internet Protocol security or IPSec to secure traffic in the network infrastructure at the end of the presentation you will be able to explain what IPSec is describe how IPSec works and also described how IPSec policies work you can secure network traffic by using IPSec so that unauthorized users or applications cannot access private data as it's being transmitted over received within the tcp/ip networks after the introduction of IPSec we will look into an overview of IPSec the details of how IPSec works and IPSec policies IPSec is a suite of protocols that allow secure encrypted communications between two computers over an unsecured Network IPSec has two goals to protect IP packets and to provide a defense against Network attacks now let's look at an overview of IPSec when computers on the network communicate by using IP they send data to each other across the network if the data that's being sent is unsecured then unauthorized users or applications can access or intercept the data that is transmitted also if users connect to a corporate network by using the Internet the network traffic is accessible to a large number of unauthorized users allowing this type of network access can make the data more vulnerable to attacks and theft however configuring IPSec on the sending and receiving computers enables the two computers to send secure data to each other IPSec secures network traffic by using encryption decryption and data signing encrypting data by using IPSec means that the data being sent is secured before it's sent to the receiving computer the cripton data that use IPSec means that the secure data can only be accessed by authorized computers as receiving the data sign data means that the data was sent from a trusted source now let's take a look at hi IPSec works I know user launches an application that requires the computer to transmit data to or from another computer that sending computer identifies that you use IPSec to encrypt this data if IPSec will be used to encrypt the data a security negotiation must take place to determine how the data will be encrypted and decrypted by both the sending and receiving computers IPSec uses the results of the security negotiation to create a session secret key that is required to encrypt and decrypt the data IPSec then encrypts the data and the data is sent to the receiving computer the receiving computer uses the negotiated session secret key to decrypt the data any response from the receiving computer follows the same process IPSec encrypts the data and then sends it to the sending computer now let's take a look at IPSec policies you use IPSec policies to configure IPSec a configuration policy defines the type of traffic that IPSec examines how that traffic is secured and encrypted and how IPSec peers are authenticated you can apply an IPSec policy to a computer locally or by using the Active Directory directory services the computer is not part of a domain you can only configure the IPSec policies locally there are default IPSec policies that you can use or you can create a custom policy however you can configure only one IPSec policy at a time for a single computer there are three default IPSec policies the first default IPSec policy is the server request security policy this policy means that the computer will always request security for all IP traffic because the policy is requests both secure communications and unsecured communication with clients that do not respond to a security requests are allowed the second default policy is the client respond only policy with this policy the computer will communicate normally as an unsecured and the computer will only secure communications with computers that request a security if a computer does not request security secure communication the responding computer will not secure the data automatically the third default IPSec secure policy is required security this policy means that the computer will always require security for all IP traffic this policy does not allow unsecured communication with untrusted clients in this animation you have seen what IPSec is how IPSec works and what IPSec policies are and how they will help you secure send and receive IP data on a network across the Internet
Channel: Mile2 - Cyber Security Certifications
Views: 131,373
Rating: 4.6456141 out of 5
Id: doSW8d2iLFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 20sec (320 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2015
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